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State persistence in React Pivotview component
27 Jun 202424 minutes to read
State persistence allows user to maintain the current state of the component along with its report bounded in the browser local storage (cookie). Even if the browser is refreshed or if you move to the next page within the browser, components state will be persisted. State persistence stores the Pivot Table object in the local storage when enablePersistence
property is set to true.
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
enableSorting: true,
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France', 'Germany'] }],
columns: [{ name: 'Year' }, { name: 'Order_Source', caption: 'Order Source' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'In_Stock', caption: 'In Stock' },
{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }],
filters: [{ name: 'Product_Categories', caption: 'Product Categories' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} enablePersistence={true} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings}></PivotViewComponent>);
export default App;
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
enableSorting: true,
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France', 'Germany'] }],
columns: [{ name: 'Year' }, { name: 'Order_Source', caption: 'Order Source' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'In_Stock', caption: 'In Stock' },
{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }],
filters: [{ name: 'Product_Categories', caption: 'Product Categories' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} enablePersistence={true} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings}></PivotViewComponent>);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Save and Load Pivot Layout
27 Jun 202424 minutes to read
You can save the current layout of the pivot table by using getPersistData
in string format. The saved layout can be loaded to pivot table any time by passing the saved data as a parameter to loadPersistData
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
enableSorting: true,
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France', 'Germany'] }],
columns: [{ name: 'Year' }, { name: 'Order_Source', caption: 'Order Source' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'In_Stock', caption: 'In Stock' },
{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }],
filters: [{ name: 'Product_Categories', caption: 'Product Categories' }]
let pivotObj;
let report;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings}></PivotViewComponent></div><div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><div><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={save.bind(this)}>Save</ButtonComponent></div><br /><div><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={load.bind(this)}>Load</ButtonComponent></div></div>
function save() {
report = pivotObj.getPersistData();
function load() {
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, Inject, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
enableSorting: true,
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France', 'Germany'] }],
columns: [{ name: 'Year' }, { name: 'Order_Source', caption: 'Order Source' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'In_Stock', caption: 'In Stock' },
{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }],
filters: [{ name: 'Product_Categories', caption: 'Product Categories' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
let report: string;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings}></PivotViewComponent></div><div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><div><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={save.bind(this)}>Save</ButtonComponent></div><br/><div><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={load.bind(this)}>Load</ButtonComponent></div></div>
function save(): void {
report = pivotObj.getPersistData();
function load(): void {
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },