- Multiple pivot table exporting
- Export table and chart into the same document
- Customization during PDF export
- To add header and footer while exporting
- Changing the file name while exporting
- Changing page orientation while exporting
- Changing page size while exporting
- Changing document width and height while exporting
- Customize the table column count while exporting
- Changing the table’s column width and row height while exporting
- Changing the pivot table style while exporting
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Pdf export in React Pivotview component
28 Jun 202424 minutes to read
PDF export allows exporting pivot table data as PDF document. To enable PDF export in the pivot table, set the allowPdfExport
as true. You need to use the pdfExport
method for PDF exporting.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Multiple pivot table exporting
PDF export provides an option for exporting multiple pivot tables to same file. In this exported document, each pivot table will be exported to new page of document in same file.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
let dataSourceSettings1 = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: true,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj1;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj1 = d} id='PivotView1' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings1} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let firstGridPdfExport = pivotObj.grid.pdfExport({}, true);
firstGridPdfExport.then((pdfData) => {
pivotObj1.pdfExport({}, false, pdfData);
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
let dataSourceSettings1: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: true,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj1: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={(d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj1 = d} id='PivotView1' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings1} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let firstGridPdfExport: Promise<Object> = pivotObj.grid.pdfExport({}, true);
firstGridPdfExport.then((pdfData: Object) => {
pivotObj1.pdfExport({}, false, pdfData);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Export table and chart into the same document
When the displayOption is set to Both, you can export both the table and the chart into the same PDF document. To achieve this, use the pdfExport method and set the exportBothTableAndChart
parameter to true.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport, PivotChart } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let chartSettings = {
chartSeries: { type: 'Column' }
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} displayOption= chartSettings={chartSettings}>
<Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PivotChart, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport, PivotChart } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { ChartSettings } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview/src/pivotview/model/chartSettings';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let chartSettings: ChartSettings = {
chartSeries: { type: 'Column' }
} as ChartSettings;
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} displayOption= chartSettings={chartSettings}>
<Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PivotChart, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Customization during PDF export
PDF export provides option to customize mapping of pivot table to the exported PDF document.
To add header and footer while exporting
You can customize text, page number, line, page size and changing orientation in header and footer of the exported document.
To add a text in header/footer
You can add text either in header or footer of the exported PDF document like in the below code example.
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Text',
value: "Northwind Traders",
position: { x: 0, y: 50 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#000000', fontSize: 13 }
let pdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Text',
value: "Northwind Traders",
position: { x: 0, y: 50 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#000000', fontSize: 13 }
To draw a line in header/footer
You can add line either in header or footer of the exported PDF document like in the below code example.
Supported line styles:
- dash
- dot
- dashdot
- dashdotdot
- solid
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Line',
style: { penColor: '#000080', penSize: 2, dashStyle: 'Solid' },
points: { x1: 0, y1: 4, x2: 685, y2: 4 }
let pdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Line',
style: { penColor: '#000080', penSize: 2, dashStyle: 'Solid' },
points: { x1: 0, y1: 4, x2: 685, y2: 4 }
Add page number in header/footer
You can add page number either in header or footer of exported PDF document like in the below code example.
Supported page number types:
- LowerLatin - a, b, c,
- UpperLatin - A, B, C,
- LowerRoman - i, ii, iii,
- UpperRoman - I, II, III,
- Number - 1,2,3.
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'PageNumber',
pageNumberType: 'Arabic',
format: 'Page {$current} of {$total}', //optional
position: { x: 0, y: 25 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#ffff80', fontSize: 15, hAlign: 'Center' }
let pdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'PageNumber',
pageNumberType: 'Arabic',
format: 'Page {$current} of {$total}',
position: { x: 0, y: 25 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#ffff80', fontSize: 15, hAlign: 'Center' }
The below code illustrates the PDF export customization options.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Text',
value: "Pivot Table",
position: { x: 0, y: 50 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#000000', fontSize: 13, dashStyle: 'Solid', hAlign: 'Center' }
footer: {
fromBottom: 160,
height: 150,
contents: [
type: 'PageNumber',
pageNumberType: 'Arabic',
format: 'Page {$current} of {$total}',
position: { x: 0, y: 25 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#02007a', fontSize: 15 }
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Text',
value: "Pivot Table",
position: { x: 0, y: 50 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#000000', fontSize: 13, dashStyle:'Solid',hAlign:'Center' }
footer: {
fromBottom: 160,
height: 150,
contents: [
type: 'PageNumber',
pageNumberType: 'Arabic',
format: 'Page {$current} of {$total}',
position: { x: 0, y: 25 },
style: { textBrushColor: '#02007a', fontSize: 15 }
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Add an image in header/footer
You can add image (Base64 string) either in header or footer of the exported PDF document like in the below code example.
let pdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Image',
src: image,
position: { x: 20, y: 10 },
size: { height: 100, width: 100 },
The below code illustrates the PDF export customization options.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Image',
src: image,
position: { x: 20, y: 10 },
size: { height: 100, width: 100 },
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { image } from './image';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (
<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
header: {
fromTop: 0,
height: 130,
contents: [
type: 'Image',
src: image,
position: { x: 20, y: 10 },
size: { height: 100, width: 100 },
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Changing the file name while exporting
The PDF export provides an option to change file name of the document before exporting. In-order to change the file name, define fileName property in pdfExportProperties object and pass it as a parameter to the pdfExport
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'sample.pdf'
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'sample.pdf'
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Changing page orientation while exporting
The PDF export provides an option to change page orientation of the document before exporting. In-order to change the page orientation, define pageOrientation property in pdfExportProperties object and pass it as a parameter to the pdfExport
method. By default, the page orientation will be in Portrait and it can be changed to Landscape based on user requirement.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
pageOrientation: 'Landscape'
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
pageOrientation: 'Landscape'
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Changing page size while exporting
The PDF export provides an option to change page size of the document before exporting. In-order to change the page size, define pageSize property in pdfExportProperties object and pass it as a parameter to the pdfExport
Supported page sizes are: Letter, Note, Legal, A0, A1, A2, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, Archa, Archb, Archc, Archd, Arche, Flsa, HalfLetter, Letter11x17, Ledger.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
pageSize: 'Letter'
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
pageSize: 'Letter'
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Changing document width and height while exporting
Before exporting, you can change the height and width of the PDF document. To achieve this, use the height and width properties in the beforeExport event.
This option is only available if enableVirtualization is set to true. In addition, the
modules must be injected into the pivot table.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} beforeExport={beforeExport.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function beforeExport(args) {
args.width = pivotObj.element.offsetWidth;
args.height = pivotObj.element.offsetHeight;
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, BeforeExportEventArgs, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} beforeExport={beforeExport.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]} /></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function beforeExport(args: BeforeExportEventArgs): void {
args.width = pivotObj.element.offsetWidth;
args.height = pivotObj.element.offsetHeight;
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Customize the table column count while exporting
Before exporting, you can split and export the pivot table columns on each page of the PDF document by using the columnSize property in the beforeExport event.
This option is only available if enableVirtualization is set to true. In addition, the
modules must be injected into the pivot table.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} beforeExport={beforeExport.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function beforeExport(args) {
args.columnSize = 6;
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, BeforeExportEventArgs, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} beforeExport={beforeExport.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]} /></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function beforeExport(args: BeforeExportEventArgs): void {
args.columnSize = 6;
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Changing the table’s column width and row height while exporting
You can change the column width and row height in the PDF document during the pivot table export by using the onPdfCellRender event. Within this event, the args.column.width
property allows you to change the width of specific columns.
As shown in the code example below, the “Unit Sold” column under “FY 2015” is changed to a width of 60 pixels.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} onPdfCellRender={onPdfCellRender.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function onPdfCellRender(args) {
if (args.pivotCell && args.pivotCell.valueSort && args.pivotCell.valueSort.levelName === 'FY 2015.Units Sold') {
args.column.width = 60
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PdfCellRenderArgs, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} onPdfCellRender={onPdfCellRender.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function onPdfCellRender(args: PdfCellRenderArgs): void {
if (args.pivotCell && args.pivotCell.valueSort && args.pivotCell.valueSort.levelName === 'FY 2015.Units Sold') {
args.column.width = 60
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Similarly, you can change the height of specific rows in the PDF document by using the args.cell.height
property in the onPdfCellRender event.
As shown in the code example below, the “Mountain Bikes” row under “France” is changed to a height of 30 pixels.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} onPdfCellRender={onPdfCellRender.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function onPdfCellRender(args) {
if (args.pivotCell && args.pivotCell.valueSort && args.pivotCell.valueSort.levelName === 'France.Mountain Bikes') {
args.cell.height = 30
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PdfCellRenderArgs, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true}
dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} onPdfCellRender={onPdfCellRender.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]} /></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function onPdfCellRender(args: PdfCellRenderArgs): void {
if (args.pivotCell && args.pivotCell.valueSort && args.pivotCell.valueSort.levelName === 'France.Mountain Bikes') {
args.cell.height = 30
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, false, true);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
This option is only available if enableVirtualization is set to true. In addition, the
modules must be injected into the pivot table.
Changing the pivot table style while exporting
The PDF export provides an option to change colors for headers, caption and records in pivot table before exporting. In-order to apply colors, define theme settings in pdfExportProperties object and pass it as a parameter to the pdfExport
By default, material theme will be applied to the pivot table during PDF exporting.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
theme: {
header: {
fontColor: '#64FA50', fontName: 'Calibri', fontSize: 17, bold: true, borders: { color: '#64FA50', lineStyle: 'Thin' }
record: {
fontColor: '#64FA50', fontName: 'Calibri', fontSize: 17, bold: true
caption: {
fontColor: '#64FA50', fontName: 'Calibri', fontSize: 17, bold: true
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
theme: {
header: {
fontColor: '#64FA50', fontName: 'Calibri', fontSize: 17, bold: true, borders: { color: '#64FA50', lineStyle: 'Thin' }
record: {
fontColor: '#64FA50', fontName: 'Calibri', fontSize: 17, bold: true
caption: {
fontColor: '#64FA50', fontName: 'Calibri', fontSize: 17, bold: true
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Changing default font while exporting
By default, the pivot table uses “Helvetica” font in the exported document. But it can be changed using the theme
property in pdfExportProperties
The available built-in fonts are,
- Helvetica
- TimesRoman
- Courier
- Symbol
- ZapfDingbats
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData, base64AlgeriaFont } from './datasource';
import { PdfTrueTypeFont } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pdf-export';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
theme: {
header: { font: new PdfTrueTypeFont(base64AlgeriaFont, 11) },
caption: { font: new PdfTrueTypeFont(base64AlgeriaFont, 9) },
record: { font: new PdfTrueTypeFont(base64AlgeriaFont, 10) }
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData, base64AlgeriaFont } from './datasource';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import { PdfTrueTypeFont } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pdf-export';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
theme: {
header: {font: new PdfTrueTypeFont(base64AlgeriaFont, 11) },
caption: { font: new PdfTrueTypeFont(base64AlgeriaFont, 9) },
record: { font: new PdfTrueTypeFont(base64AlgeriaFont, 10) }
export default App;
Virtual Scroll Data
You can export the pivot table virtual scroll data as PDF document by using PivotEngine export without any performance degradation. To enable PivotEngine export in the pivot table, set the allowPdfExport
as true. You need to use the exportToPDF
method for PivotEngine export.
To use PivotEngine export, You need to inject the
module in pivot table.
PivotEngine export will be performed while enabling virtual scrolling by default
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}><Inject services={[PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}><Inject services={[PDFExport]} /></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Repeat row headers
Repeat row headers on each page can be achieved using PivotEngine export option. To disable repeat row headers, you need to set allowRepeatHeader
to false in beforeExport event. You need to use the exportToPDF
method for PivotEngine export.
To use PivotEngine export, You need to inject the
module in pivot table.
By default, repeat row headers is enabled in the PivotEngine export.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}><Inject services={[PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={280} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}><Inject services={[PDFExport]} /></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
Export all pages
The pivot engine exports the entire virtual data of the pivot table (i.e. the data that contains all of the records used to render the complete pivot table) as a PDF document. To export just the current viewport of the pivot table, set the exportAllPages
property to false. To use the pivot engine export, add the PDFExport
module into the pivot table.
By default, the pivot engine export will be performed while virtual scrolling is enabled.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: true,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
values: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} exportAllPages='false' allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll,PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: true,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
values: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} exportAllPages='false' allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll,PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
The event pdfQueryCellInfo
triggers on framing each row and value cell during PDF export. It allows the user to customize the cell value, style etc. of the current cell. It has the following parameters:
- It holds the cell value. -
- It holds column information for the current cell. -
- It holds the entire row data across the current cell. -
- It holds the style properties for the cell.
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let gridSettings = {
columnWidth: 140,
pdfQueryCellInfo: pdfQueryCellInfo.bind(this)
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
function pdfQueryCellInfo(args) {
//triggers every time for header cell while rendering
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} gridSettings={gridSettings} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
export default App;
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { GridSettings } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview/src/pivotview/model/gridsettings';
function App() {
let gridSettings: GridSettings = {
columnWidth: 140,
pdfQueryCellInfo: pdfQueryCellInfo.bind(this)
} as GridSettings;
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
function pdfQueryCellInfo(args: PdfQueryCellInfoEventArgs): void {
//triggers every time for header cell while rendering
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} gridSettings={gridSettings} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
The event pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo
triggers on framing each column header cell during PDF export. It allows the user to customize the cell value, style etc. of the current cell. It has the following parameters:
- It holds the current rendering cell information. -
- It holds the style properties for the cell.
import { PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let gridSettings = {
columnWidth: 140,
pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo: pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo.bind(this)
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
function pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo(args) {
//triggers every time for header cell while rendering
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} gridSettings={gridSettings} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick() {
export default App;
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
import { GridSettings } from '@syncfusion/ej2-pivotview/src/pivotview/model/gridsettings';
function App() {
let gridSettings: GridSettings = {
columnWidth: 140,
pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo: pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo.bind(this)
} as GridSettings;
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: false,
filters: [],
drilledMembers: [{ name: 'Country', items: ['France'] }],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
values: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
function pdfHeaderQueryCellInfo(args: PdfHeaderQueryCellInfoEventArgs): void {
//triggers every time for header cell while rendering
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} gridSettings={gridSettings} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} allowPdfExport={true}></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function btnClick(): void {
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
The event exportComplete
is triggered after the pivot table data has been exported to a PDF document. You can use this event to acquire blob stream data for further customization and processing at your end by passing the isBlob
parameter as true when using the pdfExport
method. It has the following parameters:
- It holds the current export type such as PDF, Excel, and CSV. -
- It holds the promise object for blob data.
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData,
expandAll: true,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
values: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={d => pivotObj = d} id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} exportComplete={exportComplete.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function exportComplete(args) {
args.promise.then((e) => {
function btnClick() {
let pdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport.pdf'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, true);
export default App;
import { ButtonComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-buttons';
import { IDataOptions, IDataSet, PivotViewComponent, VirtualScroll, Inject, ExportCompleteEventArgs, PDFExport } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-pivotview';
import { PdfExportProperties } from '@syncfusion/ej2-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { pivotData } from './datasource';
function App() {
let dataSourceSettings: IDataOptions = {
columns: [{ name: 'Year', caption: 'Production Year' }, { name: 'Quarter' }],
dataSource: pivotData as IDataSet[],
expandAll: true,
filters: [],
formatSettings: [{ name: 'Amount', format: 'C0' }],
values: [{ name: 'Country' }, { name: 'Products' }],
rows: [{ name: 'Sold', caption: 'Units Sold' }, { name: 'Amount', caption: 'Sold Amount' }]
let pivotObj: PivotViewComponent;
return (<div><div className="col-md-9"> <PivotViewComponent ref={ (d: PivotViewComponent) => pivotObj = d } id='PivotView' height={350} allowPdfExport={true} enableVirtualization={true} dataSourceSettings={dataSourceSettings} exportComplete={exportComplete.bind(this)}><Inject services={[VirtualScroll, PDFExport]}/></PivotViewComponent></div>
<div className='col-lg-3 property-section'><ButtonComponent cssClass='e-primary' onClick={btnClick.bind(this)}>Export</ButtonComponent></div></div>);
function exportComplete(args: ExportCompleteEventArgs): void {
args.promise.then((e: { blobData: Blob }) => {
function btnClick(): void {
let pdfExportProperties: PdfExportProperties = {
fileName: 'pdfexport.pdf'
pivotObj.pdfExport(pdfExportProperties, false, null, true);
export default App;
export let pivotData = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
export let pivotData: object[] = [
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 51, 'Amount': 383, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 4, 'Sold': 423, 'Amount': 3595.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Cleaners', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 11, 'Sold': 19, 'Amount': 85.5, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 10, 'Sold': 64, 'Amount': 320, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 2, 'Sold': 141, 'Amount': 1692, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 30, 'Sold': 332, 'Amount': 3735, 'Country': 'France', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 9, 'Sold': 353, 'Amount': 3000.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 32, 'Sold': 269, 'Amount': 1345, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 73, 'Amount': 1387, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Tires and Tubes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 19, 'Sold': 279, 'Amount': 205363, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Road Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 41, 'Sold': 82, 'Amount': 922.5, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 15, 'Sold': 188, 'Amount': 1457, 'Country': 'Germany', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 31, 'Sold': 78, 'Amount': 1677, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 46, 'Sold': 393, 'Amount': 6681, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 35, 'Sold': 61, 'Amount': 991.25, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 34, 'Sold': 271, 'Amount': 4336, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 48, 'Sold': 361, 'Amount': 10469, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Shorts', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 20, 'Sold': 464, 'Amount': 13108, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Jerseys', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 45, 'Sold': 257, 'Amount': 28784, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Vests', 'Order_Source': 'Sales Person', 'Year': 'FY 2015', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 5, 'Sold': 333, 'Amount': 2081.25, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Clothing', 'Products': 'Gloves', 'Order_Source': 'Teleshopping', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 252, 'Amount': 401940, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Helmets', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q1' },
{ 'In_Stock': 38, 'Sold': 287, 'Amount': 457765, 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Fenders', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2016', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 29, 'Sold': 92, 'Amount': 146786, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Touring Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'Retail Outlets', 'Year': 'FY 2018', 'Quarter': 'Q3' },
{ 'In_Stock': 14, 'Sold': 535, 'Amount': 10165, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Bikes', 'Products': 'Mountain Bikes', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },
{ 'In_Stock': 47, 'Sold': 405, 'Amount': 3037.5, 'Country': 'United States', 'Product_Categories': 'Accessories', 'Products': 'Bottles and Cages', 'Order_Source': 'App Store', 'Year': 'FY 2017', 'Quarter': 'Q4' },