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Command column editing in React Grid component
21 Dec 202324 minutes to read
The command column editing feature allows you to add CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) action buttons in a column for performing operations on individual rows.This feature is commonly used when you need to enable inline editing, deletion, or saving of row changes directly within the grid.
To enable command column editing, you can utilize the commands property. By defining this property, you can specify the command buttons to be displayed in the command column, such as Edit, Delete, Save, and Cancel.
To utilize CRUD operations, you need to inject the CommandColumn module in the grid. This service provides the necessary functionalities for handling the command column actions.
The available built-in command buttons are:
Command Button | Actions |
Edit | Edit the current row. |
Delete | Delete the current row. |
Save | Update the edited row. |
Cancel | Cancel the edited state. |
Here’s an example that demonstrates how to add CRUD action buttons in a column using the command
column property :
import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, CommandColumn, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { Edit, Inject } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { data } from './datasource';
function App() {
const editOptions = { allowEditing: true, allowDeleting: true };
const commands = [
{ type: 'Edit', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-edit e-icons' } },
{ type: 'Delete', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-delete e-icons' } },
{ type: 'Save', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-update e-icons' } },
{ type: 'Cancel', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-cancel-icon e-icons' } }
return <GridComponent dataSource={data} editSettings={editOptions} height={265}>
<ColumnDirective field='OrderID' headerText='Order ID' width='100' textAlign="Right" isPrimaryKey={true}/>
<ColumnDirective field='CustomerID' headerText='Customer ID' width='120'/>
<ColumnDirective field='Freight' headerText='Freight' width='120' format="C2" editType='numericedit' textAlign="Right"/>
<ColumnDirective field='ShipCountry' headerText='Ship Country' editType='dropdownedit' width='150'/>
<ColumnDirective headerText='Commands' width='120' commands={commands}/>
<Inject services={[Edit, CommandColumn]}/>
export default App;
import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, CommandColumn, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { CommandModel, Edit, EditSettingsModel, Inject } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { data } from './datasource';
function App() {
const editOptions: EditSettingsModel = { allowEditing: true, allowDeleting: true };
const commands: CommandModel[] = [
{ type: 'Edit', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-edit e-icons' } },
{ type: 'Delete', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-delete e-icons' } },
{ type: 'Save', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-update e-icons' } },
{ type: 'Cancel', buttonOption: { cssClass: 'e-flat', iconCss: 'e-cancel-icon e-icons' } }
return <GridComponent dataSource={data} editSettings={editOptions} height={265}>
<ColumnDirective field='OrderID' headerText='Order ID' width='100' textAlign="Right" isPrimaryKey={true} />
<ColumnDirective field='CustomerID' headerText='Customer ID' width='120' />
<ColumnDirective field='Freight' headerText='Freight' width='120' format="C2" editType='numericedit' textAlign="Right" />
<ColumnDirective field='ShipCountry' headerText='Ship Country' editType='dropdownedit' width='150' />
<ColumnDirective headerText='Commands' width='120' commands={commands} />
<Inject services={[Edit, CommandColumn]} />
export default App;
export let data = [
OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5),
ShipName: 'Vins et alcools Chevalier', ShipCity: 'Reims', ShipAddress: '59 rue de l Abbaye',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '1111', ShipPostalCode: '51100', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 6, OrderDate: new Date(836505e6),
ShipName: 'Toms Spezialitäten', ShipCity: 'Münster', ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2222', ShipPostalCode: '44087', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 11.61, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '3333', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 65.83, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10251, CustomerID: 'VICTE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Victuailles en stock', ShipCity: 'Lyon', ShipAddress: '2, rue du Commerce',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4444', ShipPostalCode: '69004', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 41.34, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10252, CustomerID: 'SUPRD', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8368506e5),
ShipName: 'Suprêmes délices', ShipCity: 'Charleroi', ShipAddress: 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '5555', ShipPostalCode: 'B-6000', ShipCountry: 'Belgium', Freight: 51.3, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10253, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(836937e6),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '6666', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 58.17, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10254, CustomerID: 'CHOPS', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8370234e5),
ShipName: 'Chop-suey Chinese', ShipCity: 'Bern', ShipAddress: 'Hauptstr. 31',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '7777', ShipPostalCode: '3012', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 22.98, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10255, CustomerID: 'RICSU', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 9, OrderDate: new Date(8371098e5),
ShipName: 'Richter Supermarkt', ShipCity: 'Genève', ShipAddress: 'Starenweg 5',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '8888', ShipPostalCode: '1204', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 148.33, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10256, CustomerID: 'WELLI', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(837369e6),
ShipName: 'Wellington Importadora', ShipCity: 'Resende', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
ShipRegion: 'SP', Mask: '9999', ShipPostalCode: '08737-363', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 13.97, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10257, CustomerID: 'HILAA', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8374554e5),
ShipName: 'HILARION-Abastos', ShipCity: 'San Cristóbal', ShipAddress: 'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35',
ShipRegion: 'Táchira', Mask: '1234', ShipPostalCode: '5022', ShipCountry: 'Venezuela', Freight: 81.91, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10258, CustomerID: 'ERNSH', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 1, OrderDate: new Date(8375418e5),
ShipName: 'Ernst Handel', ShipCity: 'Graz', ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2345', ShipPostalCode: '8010', ShipCountry: 'Austria', Freight: 140.51, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10259, CustomerID: 'CENTC', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8376282e5),
ShipName: 'Centro comercial Moctezuma', ShipCity: 'México D.F.', ShipAddress: 'Sierras de Granada 9993',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '3456', ShipPostalCode: '05022', ShipCountry: 'Mexico', Freight: 3.25, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10260, CustomerID: 'OTTIK', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Ottilies Käseladen', ShipCity: 'Köln', ShipAddress: 'Mehrheimerstr. 369',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4567', ShipPostalCode: '50739', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 55.09, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10261, CustomerID: 'QUEDE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Que Delícia', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '5678', ShipPostalCode: '02389-673', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 3.05, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10262, CustomerID: 'RATTC', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 8, OrderDate: new Date(8379738e5),
ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', ShipCity: 'Albuquerque', ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
ShipRegion: 'NM', Mask: '6789', ShipPostalCode: '87110', ShipCountry: 'USA', Freight: 48.29, Verified: !0
export let data: Object[] = [
OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5),
ShipName: 'Vins et alcools Chevalier', ShipCity: 'Reims', ShipAddress: '59 rue de l Abbaye',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '1111', ShipPostalCode: '51100', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 6, OrderDate: new Date(836505e6),
ShipName: 'Toms Spezialitäten', ShipCity: 'Münster', ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2222', ShipPostalCode: '44087', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 11.61, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '3333', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 65.83, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10251, CustomerID: 'VICTE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Victuailles en stock', ShipCity: 'Lyon', ShipAddress: '2, rue du Commerce',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4444', ShipPostalCode: '69004', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 41.34, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10252, CustomerID: 'SUPRD', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8368506e5),
ShipName: 'Suprêmes délices', ShipCity: 'Charleroi', ShipAddress: 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '5555', ShipPostalCode: 'B-6000', ShipCountry: 'Belgium', Freight: 51.3, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10253, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(836937e6),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '6666', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 58.17, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10254, CustomerID: 'CHOPS', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8370234e5),
ShipName: 'Chop-suey Chinese', ShipCity: 'Bern', ShipAddress: 'Hauptstr. 31',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '7777', ShipPostalCode: '3012', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 22.98, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10255, CustomerID: 'RICSU', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 9, OrderDate: new Date(8371098e5),
ShipName: 'Richter Supermarkt', ShipCity: 'Genève', ShipAddress: 'Starenweg 5',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '8888', ShipPostalCode: '1204', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 148.33, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10256, CustomerID: 'WELLI', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(837369e6),
ShipName: 'Wellington Importadora', ShipCity: 'Resende', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
ShipRegion: 'SP', Mask: '9999', ShipPostalCode: '08737-363', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 13.97, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10257, CustomerID: 'HILAA', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8374554e5),
ShipName: 'HILARION-Abastos', ShipCity: 'San Cristóbal', ShipAddress: 'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35',
ShipRegion: 'Táchira', Mask: '1234', ShipPostalCode: '5022', ShipCountry: 'Venezuela', Freight: 81.91, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10258, CustomerID: 'ERNSH', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 1, OrderDate: new Date(8375418e5),
ShipName: 'Ernst Handel', ShipCity: 'Graz', ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2345', ShipPostalCode: '8010', ShipCountry: 'Austria', Freight: 140.51, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10259, CustomerID: 'CENTC', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8376282e5),
ShipName: 'Centro comercial Moctezuma', ShipCity: 'México D.F.', ShipAddress: 'Sierras de Granada 9993',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '3456', ShipPostalCode: '05022', ShipCountry: 'Mexico', Freight: 3.25, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10260, CustomerID: 'OTTIK', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Ottilies Käseladen', ShipCity: 'Köln', ShipAddress: 'Mehrheimerstr. 369',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4567', ShipPostalCode: '50739', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 55.09, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10261, CustomerID: 'QUEDE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Que Delícia', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '5678', ShipPostalCode: '02389-673', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 3.05, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10262, CustomerID: 'RATTC', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 8, OrderDate: new Date(8379738e5),
ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', ShipCity: 'Albuquerque', ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
ShipRegion: 'NM', Mask: '6789', ShipPostalCode: '87110', ShipCountry: 'USA', Freight: 48.29, Verified: !0
Custom command column
The custom command column feature in the Grid component allows you to add custom command buttons in a column to perform specific actions on individual rows. This feature is particularly useful when you need to provide customized functionality for editing, deleting, or performing any other operation on a row.
To add custom command buttons in a column, you can utilize the commands property. Furthermore, you can define the actions associated with these custom buttons using the commandClick event.
Here’s an example that demonstrates how to add custom command buttons using the commands
property and customize the button click behavior to display grid details in a dialog using the commandClick
import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, CommandColumn, GridComponent, Edit, Inject } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { DialogComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-popups';
import { data } from './datasource';
import { useState } from 'react';
function App() {
let grid;
const editOptions = { allowEditing: true, allowDeleting: true };
let rowData;
const [dialogVisible, setDialogVisible] = useState(false);
const [dialogContent, setDialogContent] = useState('');
const commands = [
buttonOption: {
content: 'Details', cssClass: 'e-flat'
const commandClick = (args) => {
if (grid) {
rowData = args.rowData;
if (rowData) {
setDialogContent(`<p><b>ShipName:</b> ${rowData.ShipName}</p>
<p><b>ShipPostalCode:</b> ${rowData.ShipPostalCode}</p>
<p><b>ShipAddress:</b> ${rowData.ShipAddress}</p>`)
const dialogClose = () => {
return (<div><div>
<GridComponent dataSource={data} editSettings={editOptions} commandClick={commandClick} height={265} ref={g => grid = g}>
<ColumnDirective field='OrderID' headerText='Order ID' width='100' textAlign="Right" isPrimaryKey={true} />
<ColumnDirective field='CustomerID' headerText='Customer ID' width='120' />
<ColumnDirective field='Freight' headerText='Freight' width='120' format="C2" editType='numericedit' textAlign="Right" />
<ColumnDirective field='ShipCountry' headerText='Ship Country' editType='dropdownedit' width='150' />
<ColumnDirective headerText='Commands' width='120' commands={commands} />
<Inject services={[Edit, CommandColumn]} />
<DialogComponent header='Row information' width={400} close={dialogClose} visible={dialogVisible} content={dialogContent} showCloseIcon={true} ></DialogComponent>
export default App;
import { ColumnDirective, ColumnsDirective, CommandColumn, GridComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import { CommandModel, CommandClickEventArgs, Edit, EditSettingsModel, Inject } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids';
import * as React from 'react';
import { DialogComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-popups';
import { data } from './datasource';
import { useState } from 'react';
function App() {
let grid: GridComponent | null;
const editOptions: EditSettingsModel = { allowEditing: true, allowDeleting: true };
let rowData;
const [dialogVisible, setDialogVisible] = useState(false);
const [dialogContent, setDialogContent] = useState('');
const commands: CommandModel[] = [
buttonOption: {
content: 'Details', cssClass: 'e-flat'
const commandClick = (args: CommandClickEventArgs): void => {
if (grid) {
rowData = args.rowData;
if (rowData) {
setDialogContent(`<p><b>ShipName:</b> ${rowData.ShipName}</p>
<p><b>ShipPostalCode:</b> ${rowData.ShipPostalCode}</p>
<p><b>ShipAddress:</b> ${rowData.ShipAddress}</p>`)
const dialogClose = () => {
return (<div><div>
<GridComponent dataSource={data} editSettings={editOptions} commandClick={commandClick} height={265} ref={g => grid = g}>
<ColumnDirective field='OrderID' headerText='Order ID' width='100' textAlign="Right" isPrimaryKey={true} />
<ColumnDirective field='CustomerID' headerText='Customer ID' width='120' />
<ColumnDirective field='Freight' headerText='Freight' width='120' format="C2" editType='numericedit' textAlign="Right" />
<ColumnDirective field='ShipCountry' headerText='Ship Country' editType='dropdownedit' width='150' />
<ColumnDirective headerText='Commands' width='120' commands={commands} />
<Inject services={[Edit, CommandColumn]} />
<DialogComponent header='Row information' width={400} close={dialogClose} visible={dialogVisible} content={dialogContent} showCloseIcon={true} ></DialogComponent>
export default App;
export let data = [
OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5),
ShipName: 'Vins et alcools Chevalier', ShipCity: 'Reims', ShipAddress: '59 rue de l Abbaye',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '1111', ShipPostalCode: '51100', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 6, OrderDate: new Date(836505e6),
ShipName: 'Toms Spezialitäten', ShipCity: 'Münster', ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2222', ShipPostalCode: '44087', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 11.61, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '3333', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 65.83, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10251, CustomerID: 'VICTE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Victuailles en stock', ShipCity: 'Lyon', ShipAddress: '2, rue du Commerce',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4444', ShipPostalCode: '69004', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 41.34, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10252, CustomerID: 'SUPRD', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8368506e5),
ShipName: 'Suprêmes délices', ShipCity: 'Charleroi', ShipAddress: 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '5555', ShipPostalCode: 'B-6000', ShipCountry: 'Belgium', Freight: 51.3, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10253, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(836937e6),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '6666', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 58.17, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10254, CustomerID: 'CHOPS', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8370234e5),
ShipName: 'Chop-suey Chinese', ShipCity: 'Bern', ShipAddress: 'Hauptstr. 31',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '7777', ShipPostalCode: '3012', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 22.98, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10255, CustomerID: 'RICSU', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 9, OrderDate: new Date(8371098e5),
ShipName: 'Richter Supermarkt', ShipCity: 'Genève', ShipAddress: 'Starenweg 5',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '8888', ShipPostalCode: '1204', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 148.33, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10256, CustomerID: 'WELLI', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(837369e6),
ShipName: 'Wellington Importadora', ShipCity: 'Resende', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
ShipRegion: 'SP', Mask: '9999', ShipPostalCode: '08737-363', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 13.97, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10257, CustomerID: 'HILAA', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8374554e5),
ShipName: 'HILARION-Abastos', ShipCity: 'San Cristóbal', ShipAddress: 'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35',
ShipRegion: 'Táchira', Mask: '1234', ShipPostalCode: '5022', ShipCountry: 'Venezuela', Freight: 81.91, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10258, CustomerID: 'ERNSH', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 1, OrderDate: new Date(8375418e5),
ShipName: 'Ernst Handel', ShipCity: 'Graz', ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2345', ShipPostalCode: '8010', ShipCountry: 'Austria', Freight: 140.51, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10259, CustomerID: 'CENTC', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8376282e5),
ShipName: 'Centro comercial Moctezuma', ShipCity: 'México D.F.', ShipAddress: 'Sierras de Granada 9993',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '3456', ShipPostalCode: '05022', ShipCountry: 'Mexico', Freight: 3.25, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10260, CustomerID: 'OTTIK', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Ottilies Käseladen', ShipCity: 'Köln', ShipAddress: 'Mehrheimerstr. 369',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4567', ShipPostalCode: '50739', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 55.09, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10261, CustomerID: 'QUEDE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Que Delícia', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '5678', ShipPostalCode: '02389-673', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 3.05, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10262, CustomerID: 'RATTC', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 8, OrderDate: new Date(8379738e5),
ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', ShipCity: 'Albuquerque', ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
ShipRegion: 'NM', Mask: '6789', ShipPostalCode: '87110', ShipCountry: 'USA', Freight: 48.29, Verified: !0
export let data: Object[] = [
OrderID: 10248, CustomerID: 'VINET', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8364186e5),
ShipName: 'Vins et alcools Chevalier', ShipCity: 'Reims', ShipAddress: '59 rue de l Abbaye',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '1111', ShipPostalCode: '51100', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 32.38, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10249, CustomerID: 'TOMSP', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 6, OrderDate: new Date(836505e6),
ShipName: 'Toms Spezialitäten', ShipCity: 'Münster', ShipAddress: 'Luisenstr. 48',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2222', ShipPostalCode: '44087', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 11.61, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10250, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '3333', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 65.83, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10251, CustomerID: 'VICTE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(8367642e5),
ShipName: 'Victuailles en stock', ShipCity: 'Lyon', ShipAddress: '2, rue du Commerce',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4444', ShipPostalCode: '69004', ShipCountry: 'France', Freight: 41.34, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10252, CustomerID: 'SUPRD', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8368506e5),
ShipName: 'Suprêmes délices', ShipCity: 'Charleroi', ShipAddress: 'Boulevard Tirou, 255',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '5555', ShipPostalCode: 'B-6000', ShipCountry: 'Belgium', Freight: 51.3, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10253, CustomerID: 'HANAR', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(836937e6),
ShipName: 'Hanari Carnes', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Paço, 67',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '6666', ShipPostalCode: '05454-876', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 58.17, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10254, CustomerID: 'CHOPS', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 5, OrderDate: new Date(8370234e5),
ShipName: 'Chop-suey Chinese', ShipCity: 'Bern', ShipAddress: 'Hauptstr. 31',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '7777', ShipPostalCode: '3012', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 22.98, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10255, CustomerID: 'RICSU', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 9, OrderDate: new Date(8371098e5),
ShipName: 'Richter Supermarkt', ShipCity: 'Genève', ShipAddress: 'Starenweg 5',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '8888', ShipPostalCode: '1204', ShipCountry: 'Switzerland', Freight: 148.33, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10256, CustomerID: 'WELLI', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 3, OrderDate: new Date(837369e6),
ShipName: 'Wellington Importadora', ShipCity: 'Resende', ShipAddress: 'Rua do Mercado, 12',
ShipRegion: 'SP', Mask: '9999', ShipPostalCode: '08737-363', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 13.97, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10257, CustomerID: 'HILAA', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8374554e5),
ShipName: 'HILARION-Abastos', ShipCity: 'San Cristóbal', ShipAddress: 'Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35',
ShipRegion: 'Táchira', Mask: '1234', ShipPostalCode: '5022', ShipCountry: 'Venezuela', Freight: 81.91, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10258, CustomerID: 'ERNSH', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 1, OrderDate: new Date(8375418e5),
ShipName: 'Ernst Handel', ShipCity: 'Graz', ShipAddress: 'Kirchgasse 6',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '2345', ShipPostalCode: '8010', ShipCountry: 'Austria', Freight: 140.51, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10259, CustomerID: 'CENTC', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8376282e5),
ShipName: 'Centro comercial Moctezuma', ShipCity: 'México D.F.', ShipAddress: 'Sierras de Granada 9993',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '3456', ShipPostalCode: '05022', ShipCountry: 'Mexico', Freight: 3.25, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10260, CustomerID: 'OTTIK', Role: 'Admin', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Ottilies Käseladen', ShipCity: 'Köln', ShipAddress: 'Mehrheimerstr. 369',
ShipRegion: 'CJ', Mask: '4567', ShipPostalCode: '50739', ShipCountry: 'Germany', Freight: 55.09, Verified: !0
OrderID: 10261, CustomerID: 'QUEDE', Role: 'Manager', EmployeeID: 4, OrderDate: new Date(8377146e5),
ShipName: 'Que Delícia', ShipCity: 'Rio de Janeiro', ShipAddress: 'Rua da Panificadora, 12',
ShipRegion: 'RJ', Mask: '5678', ShipPostalCode: '02389-673', ShipCountry: 'Brazil', Freight: 3.05, Verified: !1
OrderID: 10262, CustomerID: 'RATTC', Role: 'Employee', EmployeeID: 8, OrderDate: new Date(8379738e5),
ShipName: 'Rattlesnake Canyon Grocery', ShipCity: 'Albuquerque', ShipAddress: '2817 Milton Dr.',
ShipRegion: 'NM', Mask: '6789', ShipPostalCode: '87110', ShipCountry: 'USA', Freight: 48.29, Verified: !0