Drag and drop from another in React Gantt component
2 Feb 202313 minutes to read
In Gantt, it is possible to drag a record from another component and drop it in Gantt chart with updating the Gantt record. Here, dragging an item from TreeView
component to Gantt and that item is updated as a resource for the Gantt record, we can achieve this, by using nodeDragStop
event of TreeView
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GanttComponent, Inject, Edit, Selection, ToolbarItem }from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt';
import { DragAndDropEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { TreeViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-navigations';
import { closest,addClass } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { editingData, editingResources } from './datasource';
function App (){
let ganttInstance;
const taskFields = {
id: 'TaskID',
name: 'TaskName',
startDate: 'StartDate',
duration: 'Duration',
progress: 'Progress',
dependency: 'Predecessor',
resourceInfo: 'resources',
child: 'subtasks'
const resourceFields = {
id: 'resourceId',
name: 'resourceName'
const editSettings = {
allowEditing: true
const labelSettings = {
rightLabel: 'resources'
const fields = { dataSource: editingResources, id: 'resourceId', text: 'resourceName' };
const allowDragAndDrop = true;
function nodeDragStop(args) {
args.cancel = true;
let chartEle = closest(args.target, '.e-chart-row');
let gridEle = closest(args.target, '.e-row');
var index = ganttInstance.treeGrid.getRows().indexOf(gridEle);
if (chartEle) {
var index = chartEle.rowIndex;
let record = args.draggedNodeData;
let selectedData = ganttInstance.flatData[ganttInstance.selectedRowIndex];
let selectedDataResource = selectedData.taskData.resources;
let resources = [];
if (selectedDataResource) {
for (var i = 0; i < selectedDataResource.length; i++) {
if (chartEle || gridEle) {
var data = {
TaskID: selectedData.taskData.TaskID,
resources: resources
return <div><GanttComponent dataSource={editingData} taskFields={taskFields} resources={editingResources} editSettings={editSettings}
height='450px' resourceFields={resourceFields} labelSettings={labelSettings} ref={gantt => ganttInstance = gantt}>
<Inject services={[ Edit, Selection]} />
<TreeViewComponent fields={fields} allowDragAndDrop={allowDragAndDrop} nodeDragStop={nodeDragStop}/>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GanttComponent, Inject, Edit, Selection, ToolbarItem }from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt';
import { DragAndDropEventArgs } from '@syncfusion/ej2-navigations';
import { TreeViewComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-navigations';
import { closest,addClass } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { editingData, editingResources } from './datasource';
function App (){
let ganttInstance: any;
const taskFields: any = {
id: 'TaskID',
name: 'TaskName',
startDate: 'StartDate',
duration: 'Duration',
progress: 'Progress',
dependency: 'Predecessor',
resourceInfo: 'resources',
child: 'subtasks'
const resourceFields = {
id: 'resourceId',
name: 'resourceName'
const editSettings = {
allowEditing: true
const labelSettings = {
rightLabel: 'resources'
const fields = { dataSource: editingResources, id: 'resourceId', text: 'resourceName' };
const allowDragAndDrop = true;
function nodeDragStop(args: DragAndDropEventArgs): void {
args.cancel = true;
let chartEle: any = closest(args.target, '.e-chart-row');
let gridEle: any = closest(args.target, '.e-row');
var index = ganttInstance.treeGrid.getRows().indexOf(gridEle);
var index = chartEle.rowIndex;
let record: any = args.draggedNodeData;
let selectedData = ganttInstance.flatData[ganttInstance.selectedRowIndex];
let selectedDataResource = selectedData.taskData.resources;
let resources = [];
if (selectedDataResource) {
for (var i = 0; i < selectedDataResource.length; i++) {
if (chartEle || gridEle) {
var data = {
TaskID: selectedData.taskData.TaskID,
resources: resources
return <div><GanttComponent dataSource={editingData} taskFields={taskFields} resources={editingResources} editSettings={editSettings}
height='450px' resourceFields={resourceFields} labelSettings={labelSettings} ref={gantt => ganttInstance = gantt}>
<Inject services={[ Edit, Selection]} />
<TreeViewComponent fields={fields} allowDragAndDrop={allowDragAndDrop} nodeDragStop={nodeDragStop}/>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
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The following screenshot shows dropping record from another component in to Gantt, and Rose Fuller is added as resource for the task Develop floor plan estimation.