Context menu in React Gantt component

13 Dec 202320 minutes to read

The Gantt control allows you to perform quick actions by using context menu. When right-clicking the context menu, the context menu options are shown. To enable this feature, set the enableContextMenu to true. The default context menu options are enabled using the editSettings property. The context menu options can be customized using the contextMenuItems property.

To use the context menu, inject the ContextMenu module into the Gantt component.

The default items are listed in the following table.

Items Description
AutoFit Auto-fits the current column.
AutoFitAll Auto-fits all columns.
SortAscending Sorts the current column in ascending order.
SortDescending Sorts the current column in descending order.
TaskInformation Edits the current task.
Add Adds a new row to the Gantt.
Indent Indent the selected record to one level.
Outdent Outdent the selected record to one level.
DeleteTask Deletes the current task.
Save Saves the edited task.
Cancel Cancels the edited task.
DeleteDependency Deletes the current dependency task link.
Convert Converts current task to milestone or vice-versa.
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GanttComponent, Inject, Edit, Selection, ContextMenu, Sort, Resize } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt';
import { data } from './datasource';
function App(){
    const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    dependency: 'Predecessor',
    child: 'subtasks'
  const editSettings = {
      allowAdding: true,
      allowEditing: true,
      allowDeleting: true
     return <GanttComponent dataSource={data} taskFields={taskFields} editSettings={editSettings} allowSorting={true} allowResizing={true} enableContextMenu={true} height = '450px'>
            <Inject services={[Edit, ContextMenu, Selection, Sort, Resize]} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GanttComponent, Inject, Edit, Selection, ContextMenu, Sort, Resize, EditSettingsModel } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt';
import { data } from './datasource';
function App(){
    const taskFields: any = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    dependency: 'Predecessor',
    child: 'subtasks'
  const editSettings: EditSettingsModel = {
      allowAdding: true,
      allowEditing: true,
      allowDeleting: true
     return <GanttComponent dataSource={data} taskFields={taskFields} editSettings={editSettings} allowSorting={true} allowResizing={true} enableContextMenu={true} height = '450px'>
            <Inject services={[Edit, ContextMenu, Selection, Sort, Resize]} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
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    <meta name="description" content="Essential JS 2 for React Components" />
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Custom context menu items

The custom context menu items can be added by defining the contextMenuItems as a collection of contextMenuItemModel. Actions for the customized items can be defined in the contextMenuClick event and the visibility of customized items can be defined in the contextMenuOpen event.

To create custom context menu items for header area, define the target property as .e-gridheader.

The following sample shows context menu item for parent rows to expand or collapse child rows in the content area and a context menu item to hide columns in the header area.

import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GanttComponent, Inject, Edit, Selection, ContextMenu, Sort, Resize, EditSettingsModel, IGanttData } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt';
import { data } from './datasource';
function App(){
    let ganttInstance;
    const taskFields = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    dependency: 'Predecessor',
    child: 'subtasks'
  const editSettings = {
      allowAdding: true,
      allowEditing: true,
      allowDeleting: true
  const contextMenuItems = ['AutoFitAll', 'AutoFit', 'TaskInformation', 'DeleteTask', 'Save', 'Cancel', 'SortAscending', 'SortDescending', 'Add', 'DeleteDependency', 'Convert',
        { text: 'Collapse the Row', target: '.e-content', id: 'collapserow' },
        { text: 'Expand the Row', target: '.e-content', id: 'expandrow' },
        { text: 'Hide Column', target: '.e-gridheader', id: 'hidecols' }
   function contextMenuClick (args) {
        let record = args.rowData;
        if ( === 'collapserow') {
        if ( === 'expandrow') {
        if ( === 'hidecols') {
    function contextMenuOpen (args) {
        let record = args.rowData;
            if (args.type !== 'Header') {
                if (!record.hasChildRecords) {
                    args.hideItems.push('Collapse the Row');
                    args.hideItems.push('Expand the Row');
                } else {
                    args.hideItems.push("Expand the Row");
                    } else {
                    args.hideItems.push("Collapse the Row");
        return <GanttComponent dataSource={data} taskFields={taskFields} editSettings={editSettings} allowSorting={true} allowResizing={true} enableContextMenu={true} contextMenuItems={contextMenuItems} contextMenuClick={contextMenuClick} contextMenuOpen={contextMenuOpen} ref={gantt => ganttInstance = gantt} height = '450px'>
            <Inject services={[Edit, ContextMenu, Selection, Sort, Resize]} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { GanttComponent, Inject, Edit, Selection, ContextMenu, Sort, Resize, EditSettingsModel, IGanttData } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-gantt';
import { data } from './datasource';
function App(){
    let ganttInstance: any;
    const taskFields: any = {
    id: 'TaskID',
    name: 'TaskName',
    startDate: 'StartDate',
    duration: 'Duration',
    progress: 'Progress',
    dependency: 'Predecessor',
    child: 'subtasks'
  const editSettings: EditSettingsModel = {
      allowAdding: true,
      allowEditing: true,
      allowDeleting: true
  const contextMenuItems: any = ['AutoFitAll', 'AutoFit', 'TaskInformation', 'DeleteTask', 'Save', 'Cancel', 'SortAscending', 'SortDescending', 'Add', 'DeleteDependency', 'Convert',
        { text: 'Collapse the Row', target: '.e-content', id: 'collapserow' },
        { text: 'Expand the Row', target: '.e-content', id: 'expandrow' },
        { text: 'Hide Column', target: '.e-gridheader', id: 'hidecols' }
   function contextMenuClick (args: any) {
        let record: IGanttData = args.rowData;
        if ( === 'collapserow') {
        if ( === 'expandrow') {
        if ( === 'hidecols') {
    function contextMenuOpen (args: any) {
        let record: IGanttData = args.rowData;
            if (args.type !== 'Header') {
                if (!record.hasChildRecords) {
                    args.hideItems.push('Collapse the Row');
                    args.hideItems.push('Expand the Row');
                } else {
                    args.hideItems.push("Expand the Row");
                    } else {
                    args.hideItems.push("Collapse the Row");
        return <GanttComponent dataSource={data} taskFields={taskFields} editSettings={editSettings} allowSorting={true} allowResizing={true} enableContextMenu={true} contextMenuItems={contextMenuItems} contextMenuClick={contextMenuClick} contextMenuOpen={contextMenuOpen} ref={gantt => ganttInstance = gantt} height = '450px'>
            <Inject services={[Edit, ContextMenu, Selection, Sort, Resize]} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <title>Syncfusion React Gantt</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <meta name="description" content="Essential JS 2 for React Components" />
    <meta name="author" content="Syncfusion" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="systemjs.config.js"></script>
        #loader {
            color: #008cff;
            height: 40px;
            left: 45%;
            position: absolute;
            top: 45%;
            width: 30%;
<script src="" type ="text/javascript"></script>

        <div id='root'>
            <div id='loader'>Loading....</div>


You can show an specific item in context menu for header/content area in the Gantt control by defining the target property.

Touch interaction

To perform long press action on a row, context menu is opened, and then tap a menu item to trigger its action.