Style in React Diagram component

6 Dec 20245 minutes to read

Customizing the connector end point handle

Use the following CSS to customize the connector end point handle.

.e-diagram-endpoint-handle {
    fill: red;
    stroke: green;
    stroke-width: 3px;

Connector End point

Customizing the connector end point handle when connected

Use the following CSS to customize the connector end point handle when connected.

.e-diagram-endpoint-handle.e-connected {
    fill: red;
    stroke: green;
    stroke-width: 3px;

Connector End point connected

Customizing the connector end point handle when disabled

Use the following CSS to customize the connector end point handle when disabled.

 .e-diagram-endpoint-handle.e-disabled {
      fill: lightgrey;
      opacity: 1;
      stroke: black;

Connector End point disabled

Customizing the bezier segment thumb

Use the following CSS to customize the bezier segment thumb.


Bezier segment thumb

Customizing the bezier control points

Use the following CSS to customize the bezier control points.

   .e-diagram-bezier-control-handle {

Bezier Control points

Customizing the orthogonal segment thumb

Use the following CSS to customize the orthogonal segment thumb.

   .e-diagram-ortho-segment-handle {

Orthogonal segment thumb

Customizing the straight segment thumb

Use the following CSS to customize the straight segment thumb.

    .e-diagram-straight-segment-handle {

Straight segment thumb

Customizing the resize handle

Use the following CSS to customize the resize handle.

.e-diagram-resize-handle {
    fill: yellow;
    opacity: 1;
    stroke: orange;

Resize handle

Customizing the selector

Use the following CSS to customize the selector.



Customizing the selector pivot line

Use the following CSS to customize the line between the selector and rotate handle.

 .e-diagram-pivot-line {
    stroke: black;

Pivot line

Customizing the selector border

Use the following CSS to customize the selector border.

.e-diagram-border {
    stroke: red;

Customizing the rotate handle

Use the following CSS to customize the rotate handle properties.

.e-diagram-rotate-handle {
    fill: yellow;
    stroke: orange;

Rotate handle

Customizing the symbolpalette while hovering

Use the following CSS to customize the symbolpalette while hovering.

.e-symbolpalette .e-symbol-hover:hover {
    background: red;

Symbol palette hover

Customizing the symbolpalette when selected

Use the following CSS to customize the symbolpalette when selected.

.e-symbolpalette .e-symbol-selected {
    background: yellow;

Symbol palette selected

Customizing the ruler

Use the following CSS to customize the ruler properties.

.e-diagram .e-ruler {
    background-color: blue;
    font-size: 13px;


Customizing the ruler overlap

Use the following CSS to ruler overlap properties.

.e-diagram .e-ruler-overlap {
    background-color: red;

Ruler overlap

Customizing the ruler marker color

Use the following CSS to customize the marker color

.e-diagram .e-d-ruler-marker {
        stroke: yellow;

Ruler Marker

Customizing the text edit

Use the following CSS to customize the text edit properties.

 .e-diagram .e-diagram-text-edit {
     background: white;
      border-color: blue;
      border-style: dashed;
      border-width: 3px;
      box-sizing: content-box;
      color: black;
      min-width: 50px;

Text edit box Text edit box clicked

Customizing the text edit on selection

Use the following CSS to customize the text edit on selection properties.

 .e-diagram-text-edit::selection {
    background: yellow;
    color: green;

Text edit box selected

Customizing the page breaks

Use the following CSS to customize the page breaks line color

.e-diagram-page-break {
      stroke: red;
      stroke-width: 2px;

Text edit box selected