Globalization in React Daterangepicker component

17 Mar 202524 minutes to read

Globalization is the combination of internalization and localization. You can adapt the component to various languages by parsing and formatting the date or number Internationalization and also add culture specific customization and translation to the text localization.

By default, DateRangePicker date format and meridian names are specific to the American English culture. It utilizes the Essential® JavaScript 2 Internationalization package to parse and format the date object based on the culture by using the official UNICODE CLDR JSON data. It provides the loadCldr method to load the culture specific CLDR JSON data. To go with the different culture other than English, follow the below steps.

  • Install the CLDR-Data package by using the below command (it installs all the CLDR JSON data). To known about CLDR-Data refer the CLDR-Data link.

        npm install cldr-data --save

Once the package installed, you can find the culture specific JSON data under the location \node_modules\cldr-data.

  • Now, import the installed CLDR JSON data into the app.ts file. To import JSON data we need to install the JSON plugin loader. Here we have used the systemJS JSON plugin loader.

         npm install systemjs-plugin-json --save-dev
  • Once the package installed, you can find the culture specific JSON data under the location \node_modules\cldr-data.

  • Now import the installed CLDR JSON data into the app.ts file.

  • Now use the loadCldr
    method to load the culture specific CLDR JSON data from the installed location to app.ts file.

  • DateRangePicker displayed Sunday as the first day of week based on default culture (“en-US”). If you want to display the DateRangePicker with loaded culture’s first day of week, you need to import weekdata.json file from the cldr-data/suppemental as given in the code example.

import { loadCldr } from "@syncfusion/ej2-base";

import * as gregorian from 'cldr-data/main/de/ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from 'cldr-data/main/de/numbers.json';
import * as timeZoneNames from 'cldr-data/main/de/timeZoneNames.json';
import * as numberingSystems from 'cldr-data/supplemental/numberingSystems.json';
import * as weekData from 'cldr-data/supplemental/weekData.json';// To load the culture based first day of week

loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, timeZoneNames, weekData);

if you are facing the error /node_modules/cldr-data/main/de/*.json (1,1): unused expression, expected an assignment or function call when you are adding the json files to render the culture sample, then add the below configuration in your tslint.json file

"linterOptions": {
    "exclude": [

The Localization library allows you to localize default text content of the DateRangePicker. The DateRangePicker component has static text for today feature that can be changed to other cultures (Arabic, Deutsch, French, etc.) by defining the locale value and translation object.

Locale keywords Text
placeholder Hint to describe expected value in input element.
startLabel Label to represent the start date.
endLabel Label to represent the end date.
applyText Text present in the apply button.
cancelText Text present in the cancel button.
selectedDays Text to represent selected days.
days Text represents days.
customRange Text present in the custom range button in presets container.
  • Before changing to a culture other than English, ensure that locale text for the concerned culture is loaded through load method of L10n class.

         //Load the L10n from ej2-base
         import { L10n } from "@syncfusion/ej2-base";
         //load the locale object to set the localized placeholder value
          'de': {
             'daterangepicker': {
              placeholder: 'Wählen Sie einen Bereich aus',
              startLabel: 'Wählen Sie Startdatum',
              endLabel: 'Wählen Sie Enddatum',
              applyText: 'Sich bewerben',
              cancelText: 'Stornieren',
              selectedDays: 'Ausgewählte Tage',
              days: 'Tage',
              customRange: 'benutzerdefinierten Bereich'
  • Set the culture by using the locale property.

The following example demonstrates the DateRangePicker in German culture.


  "main": {
    "de": {
      "identity": {
        "version": {
          "_number": "$Revision: 12879 $",
          "_cldrVersion": "30.0.3"
        "language": "de"
      "dates": {
        "calendars": {
          "gregorian": {
            "months": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Jan.",
                  "2": "Feb.",
                  "3": "März",
                  "4": "Apr.",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Juni",
                  "7": "Juli",
                  "8": "Aug.",
                  "9": "Sep.",
                  "10": "Okt.",
                  "11": "Nov.",
                  "12": "Dez."
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "J",
                  "2": "F",
                  "3": "M",
                  "4": "A",
                  "5": "M",
                  "6": "J",
                  "7": "J",
                  "8": "A",
                  "9": "S",
                  "10": "O",
                  "11": "N",
                  "12": "D"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "Januar",
                  "2": "Februar",
                  "3": "März",
                  "4": "April",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Juni",
                  "7": "Juli",
                  "8": "August",
                  "9": "September",
                  "10": "Oktober",
                  "11": "November",
                  "12": "Dezember"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Jan",
                  "2": "Feb",
                  "3": "Mär",
                  "4": "Apr",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Jun",
                  "7": "Jul",
                  "8": "Aug",
                  "9": "Sep",
                  "10": "Okt",
                  "11": "Nov",
                  "12": "Dez"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "J",
                  "2": "F",
                  "3": "M",
                  "4": "A",
                  "5": "M",
                  "6": "J",
                  "7": "J",
                  "8": "A",
                  "9": "S",
                  "10": "O",
                  "11": "N",
                  "12": "D"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "Januar",
                  "2": "Februar",
                  "3": "März",
                  "4": "April",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Juni",
                  "7": "Juli",
                  "8": "August",
                  "9": "September",
                  "10": "Oktober",
                  "11": "November",
                  "12": "Dezember"
            "days": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "sun": "So.",
                  "mon": "Mo.",
                  "tue": "Di.",
                  "wed": "Mi.",
                  "thu": "Do.",
                  "fri": "Fr.",
                  "sat": "Sa."
                "narrow": {
                  "sun": "S",
                  "mon": "M",
                  "tue": "D",
                  "wed": "M",
                  "thu": "D",
                  "fri": "F",
                  "sat": "S"
                "short": {
                  "sun": "So.",
                  "mon": "Mo.",
                  "tue": "Di.",
                  "wed": "Mi.",
                  "thu": "Do.",
                  "fri": "Fr.",
                  "sat": "Sa."
                "wide": {
                  "sun": "Sonntag",
                  "mon": "Montag",
                  "tue": "Dienstag",
                  "wed": "Mittwoch",
                  "thu": "Donnerstag",
                  "fri": "Freitag",
                  "sat": "Samstag"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "sun": "So",
                  "mon": "Mo",
                  "tue": "Di",
                  "wed": "Mi",
                  "thu": "Do",
                  "fri": "Fr",
                  "sat": "Sa"
                "narrow": {
                  "sun": "S",
                  "mon": "M",
                  "tue": "D",
                  "wed": "M",
                  "thu": "D",
                  "fri": "F",
                  "sat": "S"
                "short": {
                  "sun": "So.",
                  "mon": "Mo.",
                  "tue": "Di.",
                  "wed": "Mi.",
                  "thu": "Do.",
                  "fri": "Fr.",
                  "sat": "Sa."
                "wide": {
                  "sun": "Sonntag",
                  "mon": "Montag",
                  "tue": "Dienstag",
                  "wed": "Mittwoch",
                  "thu": "Donnerstag",
                  "fri": "Freitag",
                  "sat": "Samstag"
            "quarters": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Q1",
                  "2": "Q2",
                  "3": "Q3",
                  "4": "Q4"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
                  "2": "2",
                  "3": "3",
                  "4": "4"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "1. Quartal",
                  "2": "2. Quartal",
                  "3": "3. Quartal",
                  "4": "4. Quartal"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Q1",
                  "2": "Q2",
                  "3": "Q3",
                  "4": "Q4"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
                  "2": "2",
                  "3": "3",
                  "4": "4"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "1. Quartal",
                  "2": "2. Quartal",
                  "3": "3. Quartal",
                  "4": "4. Quartal"
            "dayPeriods": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "morgens",
                  "morning2": "vormittags",
                  "afternoon1": "mittags",
                  "afternoon2": "nachmittags",
                  "evening1": "abends",
                  "night1": "nachts"
                "narrow": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vm.",
                  "pm": "nm.",
                  "morning1": "morgens",
                  "morning2": "vormittags",
                  "afternoon1": "mittags",
                  "afternoon2": "nachmittags",
                  "evening1": "abends",
                  "night1": "nachts"
                "wide": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "morgens",
                  "morning2": "vormittags",
                  "afternoon1": "mittags",
                  "afternoon2": "nachmittags",
                  "evening1": "abends",
                  "night1": "nachts"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "Morgen",
                  "morning2": "Vormittag",
                  "afternoon1": "Mittag",
                  "afternoon2": "Nachmittag",
                  "evening1": "Abend",
                  "night1": "Nacht"
                "narrow": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "Morgen",
                  "morning2": "Vormittag",
                  "afternoon1": "Mittag",
                  "afternoon2": "Nachmittag",
                  "evening1": "Abend",
                  "night1": "Nacht"
                "wide": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "Morgen",
                  "morning2": "Vormittag",
                  "afternoon1": "Mittag",
                  "afternoon2": "Nachmittag",
                  "evening1": "Abend",
                  "night1": "Nacht"
            "eras": {
              "eraNames": {
                "0": "v. Chr.",
                "0-alt-variant": "vor unserer Zeitrechnung",
                "1": "n. Chr.",
                "1-alt-variant": "unserer Zeitrechnung"
              "eraAbbr": {
                "0": "v. Chr.",
                "0-alt-variant": "v. u. Z.",
                "1": "n. Chr.",
                "1-alt-variant": "u. Z."
              "eraNarrow": {
                "0": "v. Chr.",
                "0-alt-variant": "v. u. Z.",
                "1": "n. Chr.",
                "1-alt-variant": "u. Z."
            "dateFormats": {
              "full": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
              "long": "d. MMMM y",
              "medium": "dd.MM.y",
              "short": "dd.MM.yy"
            "timeFormats": {
              "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
              "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
              "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
              "short": "HH:mm"
            "dateTimeFormats": {
              "full": "{1} 'um' {0}",
              "long": "{1} 'um' {0}",
              "medium": "{1}, {0}",
              "short": "{1}, {0}",
              "availableFormats": {
                "d": "d",
                "E": "ccc",
                "Ed": "E, d.",
                "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                "EHm": "E, HH:mm",
                "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                "EHms": "E, HH:mm:ss",
                "Gy": "y G",
                "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                "GyMMMd": "d. MMM y G",
                "GyMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y G",
                "h": "h 'Uhr' a",
                "H": "HH 'Uhr'",
                "hm": "h:mm a",
                "Hm": "HH:mm",
                "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                "hmsv": "h:mm:ss a v",
                "Hmsv": "HH:mm:ss v",
                "hmv": "h:mm a v",
                "Hmv": "HH:mm v",
                "M": "L",
                "Md": "d.M.",
                "MEd": "E, d.M.",
                "MMd": "d.MM.",
                "MMdd": "dd.MM.",
                "MMM": "LLL",
                "MMMd": "d. MMM",
                "MMMEd": "E, d. MMM",
                "MMMMd": "d. MMMM",
                "MMMMEd": "E, d. MMMM",
                "MMMMW": "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                "MMMMW": "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                "ms": "mm:ss",
                "y": "y",
                "yM": "M.y",
                "yMd": "d.M.y",
                "yMEd": "E, d.M.y",
                "yMM": "MM.y",
                "yMMdd": "dd.MM.y",
                "yMMM": "MMM y",
                "yMMMd": "d. MMM y",
                "yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y",
                "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y",
                "yw": "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y",
                "yw": "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y"
              "appendItems": {
                "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                "Era": "{1} {0}",
                "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Year": "{1} {0}"
              "intervalFormats": {
                "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                "d": {
                  "d": "d.–d."
                "h": {
                  "a": "h 'Uhr' a – h 'Uhr' a",
                  "h": "h – h 'Uhr' a"
                "H": {
                  "H": "HH–HH 'Uhr'"
                "hm": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                "Hm": {
                  "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'",
                  "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'"
                "hmv": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                "Hmv": {
                  "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v",
                  "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v"
                "hv": {
                  "a": "h a – h a v",
                  "h": "h–h a v"
                "Hv": {
                  "H": "HH–HH 'Uhr' v"
                "M": {
                  "M": "M.–M."
                "Md": {
                  "d": "dd.MM. – dd.MM.",
                  "M": "dd.MM. – dd.MM."
                "MEd": {
                  "d": "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM.",
                  "M": "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM."
                "MMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM"
                "MMMd": {
                  "d": "d.–d. MMM",
                  "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM"
                "MMMEd": {
                  "d": "E, d. – E, d. MMM",
                  "M": "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM"
                "MMMM": {
                  "M": "LLLL–LLLL"
                "y": {
                  "y": "y–y"
                "yM": {
                  "M": "MM.y – MM.y",
                  "y": "MM.y – MM.y"
                "yMd": {
                  "d": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                  "M": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                  "y": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y"
                "yMEd": {
                  "d": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                  "M": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                  "y": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y"
                "yMMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                  "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                "yMMMd": {
                  "d": "d.–d. MMM y",
                  "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
                  "y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y"
                "yMMMEd": {
                  "d": "E, d. – E, d. MMM y",
                  "M": "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y",
                  "y": "E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y"
                "yMMMM": {
                  "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                  "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "$Revision: 12879 $",
                                    "1. Quartal",
                                    "2. Quartal",
                                    "3. Quartal",
                                    "4. Quartal";
                                    "1. Quartal",
                                    "2. Quartal",
                                    "3. Quartal",
                                    "4. Quartal";
                                "v. Chr.",
                                "vor unserer Zeitrechnung",
                                "n. Chr.",
                                "unserer Zeitrechnung";
                                "v. Chr.",
                                "v. u. Z.",
                                "n. Chr.",
                                "u. Z.";
                                "v. Chr.",
                                "v. u. Z.",
                                "n. Chr.",
                                "u. Z.";
                            "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
                            "d. MMMM y",
                            "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                            "HH:mm:ss z",
                            "{1} 'um' {0}",
                            "{1} 'um' {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                                "E, d.",
                                "E h:mm a",
                                "E, HH:mm",
                                "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                "E, HH:mm:ss",
                                "y G",
                                "MMM y G",
                                "d. MMM y G",
                                "E, d. MMM y G",
                                "h 'Uhr' a",
                                "HH 'Uhr'",
                                "h:mm a",
                                "h:mm:ss a",
                                "h:mm:ss a v",
                                "HH:mm:ss v",
                                "h:mm a v",
                                "HH:mm v",
                                "E, d.M.",
                                "d. MMM",
                                "E, d. MMM",
                                "d. MMMM",
                                "E, d. MMMM",
                                "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                                "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                                "E, d.M.y",
                                "MMM y",
                                "d. MMM y",
                                "E, d. MMM y",
                                "MMMM y",
                                "QQQ y",
                                "QQQQ y",
                                "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y",
                                "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y";
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{1} {0}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{1} {0}";
                                "{0} – {1}",
                                    "h 'Uhr' a – h 'Uhr' a",
                                    "h – h 'Uhr' a";
                                    "HH–HH 'Uhr'";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a";
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'",
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v";
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v",
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v";
                                    "h a – h a v",
                                    "h–h a v";
                                    "HH–HH 'Uhr' v";
                                    "dd.MM. – dd.MM.",
                                    "dd.MM. – dd.MM.";
                                    "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM.",
                                    "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM.";
                                    "d.–d. MMM",
                                    "d. MMM – d. MMM";
                                    "E, d. – E, d. MMM",
                                    "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM";
                                    "MM.y – MM.y",
                                    "MM.y – MM.y";
                                    "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                    "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                    "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y";
                                    "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                                    "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                                    "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y";
                                    "MMM–MMM y",
                                    "MMM y – MMM y";
                                    "d.–d. MMM y",
                                    "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
                                    "d. MMM y – d. MMM y";
                                    "E, d. – E, d. MMM y",
                                    "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y",
                                    "E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y";
                                    "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                    "MMMM y – MMMM y";
  "main": {
    "de": {
      "identity": {
        "version": {
          "_number": "$Revision: 13259 $",
          "_cldrVersion": "31"
        "language": "de"
      "numbers": {
        "currencies": {
          "ADP": {
            "displayName": "Andorranische Pesete",
            "displayName-count-one": "Andorranische Pesete",
            "displayName-count-other": "Andorranische Peseten",
            "symbol": "ADP"
          "AED": {
            "displayName": "VAE-Dirham",
            "displayName-count-one": "VAE-Dirham",
            "displayName-count-other": "VAE-Dirham",
            "symbol": "AED"
          "AFA": {
            "displayName": "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
            "displayName-count-one": "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
            "displayName-count-other": "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
            "symbol": "AFA"
          "AFN": {
            "displayName": "Afghanischer Afghani",
            "displayName-count-one": "Afghanischer Afghani",
            "displayName-count-other": "Afghanische Afghani",
            "symbol": "AFN"
          "ALK": {
            "displayName": "Albanischer Lek (1946–1965)",
            "displayName-count-one": "Albanischer Lek (1946–1965)",
            "displayName-count-other": "Albanische Lek (1946–1965)"
          "ALL": {
            "displayName": "Albanischer Lek",
            "displayName-count-one": "Albanischer Lek",
            "displayName-count-other": "Albanische Lek",
            "symbol": "ALL"
          "AMD": {
            "displayName": "Armenischer Dram",
            "displayName-count-one": "Armenischer Dram",
            "displayName-count-other": "Armenische Dram",
            "symbol": "AMD"
          "ANG": {
            "displayName": "Niederländische-Antillen-Gulden",
            "displayName-count-one": "Niederländische-Antillen-Gulden",
            "displayName-count-other": "Niederländische-Antillen-Gulden",
            "symbol": "ANG"
          "AOA": {
            "displayName": "Angolanischer Kwanza",
            "displayName-count-one": "Angolanischer Kwanza",
            "displayName-count-other": "Angolanische Kwanza",
            "symbol": "AOA",
            "symbol-alt-narrow": "Kz"
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                    "$Revision: 13259 $",
                        "Andorranische Pesete",
                        "Andorranische Pesete",
                        "Andorranische Peseten",
                        "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
                        "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
                        "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
                        "Afghanischer Afghani",
                        "Afghanischer Afghani",
                        "Afghanische Afghani",
                        "Albanischer Lek (1946–1965)",
                        "Albanischer Lek (1946–1965)",
                        "Albanische Lek (1946–1965)";
                        "Albanischer Lek",
                        "Albanischer Lek",
                        "Albanische Lek",
                        "Armenischer Dram",
                        "Armenischer Dram",
                        "Armenische Dram",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza",
                        "Angolanische Kwanza",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza (1977–1990)",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza (1977–1990)",
                        "Angolanische Kwanza (1977–1990)",
                        "Angolanischer Neuer Kwanza (1990–2000)",
                        "Angolanischer Neuer Kwanza (1990–2000)",
                        "Angolanische Neue Kwanza (1990–2000)",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza Reajustado (1995–1999)",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza Reajustado (1995–1999)",
                        "Angolanische Kwanza Reajustado (1995–1999)",
                        "Argentinischer Austral",
                        "Argentinischer Austral",
                        "Argentinische Austral",
                        "Argentinischer Peso Ley (1970–1983)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso Ley (1970–1983)",
                        "Argentinische Pesos Ley (1970–1983)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1881–1970)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1881–1970)",
                        "Argentinische Pesos (1881–1970)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1983–1985)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1983–1985)",
                        "Argentinische Peso (1983–1985)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso",
                        "Argentinischer Peso",
                        "Argentinische Pesos",
                        "Österreichischer Schilling",
                        "Österreichischer Schilling",
                        "Österreichische Schilling",
                        "Australischer Dollar",
                        "Australischer Dollar",
                        "Australische Dollar",
                        "Aserbaidschan-Manat (1993–2006)",
                        "Aserbaidschan-Manat (1993–2006)",
                        "Aserbaidschan-Manat (1993–2006)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Dinar (1992–1994)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Dinar (1992–1994)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Dinar (1992–1994)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Konvertierbare Mark",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Konvertierbare Mark",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Konvertierbare Mark",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Neuer Dinar (1994–1997)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Neuer Dinar (1994–1997)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Neue Dinar (1994–1997)",
                        "Belgischer Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Belgischer Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Belgische Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Belgischer Franc",
                        "Belgischer Franc",
                        "Belgische Franc",
                        "Belgischer Finanz-Franc",
                        "Belgischer Finanz-Franc",
                        "Belgische Finanz-Franc",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1962–1999)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1962–1999)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1962–1999)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1952–1962)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1952–1962)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1952–1962)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew",
                        "Bulgarische Lew",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1879–1952)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1879–1952)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1879–1952)",
                        "Bolivanischer Boliviano",
                        "Bolivanischer Boliviano",
                        "Bolivianische Bolivianos",
                        "Bolivianischer Boliviano (1863–1963)",
                        "Bolivianischer Boliviano (1863–1963)",
                        "Bolivianische Bolivianos (1863–1963)",
                        "Bolivianischer Peso",
                        "Bolivianischer Peso",
                        "Bolivianische Peso",
                        "Boliviansiche Mvdol",
                        "Boliviansiche Mvdol",
                        "Bolivianische Mvdol",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro Novo (1967–1986)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro Novo (1967–1986)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzeiro Novo (1967–1986)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado (1986–1989)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado (1986–1989)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzado (1986–1989)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1990–1993)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1990–1993)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzeiro (1990–1993)",
                        "Brasilianischer Real",
                        "Brasilianischer Real",
                        "Brasilianische Real",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado Novo (1989–1990)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado Novo (1989–1990)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzado Novo (1989–1990)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1993–1994)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1993–1994)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzeiro (1993–1994)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1942–1967)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1942–1967)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1942–1967)",
                        "Birmanischer Kyat",
                        "Birmanischer Kyat",
                        "Birmanische Kyat",
                        "Botswanischer Pula",
                        "Botswanischer Pula",
                        "Botswanische Pula",
                        "Belarus-Rubel (1994–1999)",
                        "Belarus-Rubel (1994–1999)",
                        "Belarus-Rubel (1994–1999)",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel",
                        "Weißrussische Rubel",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel (2000–2016)",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel (2000–2016)",
                        "Weißrussische Rubel (2000–2016)",
                        "Kanadischer Dollar",
                        "Kanadischer Dollar",
                        "Kanadische Dollar",
                        "Schweizer Franken",
                        "Schweizer Franken",
                        "Schweizer Franken",
                        "WIR Franken",
                        "WIR Franken",
                        "WIR Franken",
                        "Chilenischer Escudo",
                        "Chilenischer Escudo",
                        "Chilenische Escudo",
                        "Chilenische Unidades de Fomento",
                        "Chilenische Unidades de Fomento",
                        "Chilenische Unidades de Fomento",
                        "Chilenischer Peso",
                        "Chilenischer Peso",
                        "Chilenische Pesos",
                        "Dollar der Chinesischen Volksbank",
                        "Dollar der Chinesischen Volksbank",
                        "Dollar der Chinesischen Volksbank",
                        "Renminbi Yuan",
                        "Chinesischer Yuan",
                        "Renminbi Yuan",
                        "Kolumbianischer Peso",
                        "Kolumbianischer Peso",
                        "Kolumbianische Pesos",
                        "Kolumbianische Unidades de valor real",
                        "Kolumbianische Unidad de valor real",
                        "Kolumbianische Unidades de valor real",
                        "Serbischer Dinar (2002–2006)",
                        "Serbischer Dinar (2002–2006)",
                        "Serbische Dinar (2002–2006)",
                        "Tschechoslowakische Krone",
                        "Tschechoslowakische Kronen",
                        "Tschechoslowakische Kronen",
                        "Kubanischer Peso (konvertibel)",
                        "Kubanischer Peso (konvertibel)",
                        "Kubanische Pesos (konvertibel)",
                        "Kubanischer Peso",
                        "Kubanischer Peso",
                        "Kubanische Pesos",
                        "Zypern Pfund",
                        "Zypern Pfund",
                        "Tschechische Krone",
                        "Tschechische Krone",
                        "Tschechische Kronen",
                        "Mark der DDR",
                        "Mark der DDR",
                        "Mark der DDR",
                        "Deutsche Mark",
                        "Deutsche Mark",
                        "Deutsche Mark",
                        "Dänische Krone",
                        "Dänische Krone",
                        "Dänische Kronen",
                        "Dominikanischer Peso",
                        "Dominikanischer Peso",
                        "Dominikanische Pesos",
                        "Algerischer Dinar",
                        "Algerischer Dinar",
                        "Algerische Dinar",
                        "Ecuadorianischer Sucre",
                        "Ecuadorianischer Sucre",
                        "Ecuadorianische Sucre",
                        "Verrechnungseinheit für Ecuador",
                        "Verrechnungseinheiten für Ecuador",
                        "Verrechnungseinheiten für Ecuador",
                        "Estnische Krone",
                        "Estnische Krone",
                        "Estnische Kronen",
                        "Ägyptisches Pfund",
                        "Ägyptisches Pfund",
                        "Ägyptische Pfund",
                        "Eritreischer Nakfa",
                        "Eritreischer Nakfa",
                        "Eritreische Nakfa",
                        "Spanische Peseta (A–Konten)",
                        "Spanische Peseta (A–Konten)",
                        "Spanische Peseten (A–Konten)",
                        "Spanische Peseta (konvertibel)",
                        "Spanische Peseta (konvertibel)",
                        "Spanische Peseten (konvertibel)",
                        "Spanische Peseta",
                        "Spanische Peseta",
                        "Spanische Peseten",
                        "Äthiopischer Birr",
                        "Äthiopischer Birr",
                        "Äthiopische Birr",
                        "Finnische Mark",
                        "Finnische Mark",
                        "Finnische Mark",
                        "Französischer Franc",
                        "Französischer Franc",
                        "Französische Franc",
                        "Britisches Pfund",
                        "Britisches Pfund",
                        "Britische Pfund",
                        "Georgischer Kupon Larit",
                        "Georgischer Kupon Larit",
                        "Georgische Kupon Larit",
                        "Georgischer Lari",
                        "Georgischer Lari",
                        "Georgische Lari",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi (1979–2007)",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi (1979–2007)",
                        "Ghanaische Cedi (1979–2007)",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi",
                        "Ghanaische Cedi",
                        "Gibraltar Pfund",
                        "Guineischer Syli",
                        "Guineischer Syli",
                        "Guineische Syli",
                        "Griechische Drachme",
                        "Griechische Drachme",
                        "Griechische Drachmen",
                        "Guatemaltekischer Quetzal",
                        "Guatemaltekischer Quetzal",
                        "Guatemaltekische Quetzales",
                        "Portugiesisch Guinea Escudo",
                        "Portugiesisch Guinea Escudo",
                        "Portugiesisch Guinea Escudo",
                        "Guinea-Bissau Peso",
                        "Guinea-Bissau Peso",
                        "Guinea-Bissau Pesos",
                        "Kroatischer Dinar",
                        "Kroatischer Dinar",
                        "Kroatische Dinar",
                        "Kroatischer Kuna",
                        "Kroatischer Kuna",
                        "Kroatische Kuna",
                        "Haitianische Gourde",
                        "Haitianische Gourde",
                        "Haitianische Gourdes",
                        "Ungarischer Forint",
                        "Ungarischer Forint",
                        "Ungarische Forint",
                        "Indonesische Rupiah",
                        "Indonesische Rupiah",
                        "Indonesische Rupiah",
                        "Irisches Pfund",
                        "Irisches Pfund",
                        "Irische Pfund",
                        "Israelisches Pfund",
                        "Israelisches Pfund",
                        "Israelische Pfund",
                        "Israelischer Schekel (1980–1985)",
                        "Israelischer Schekel (1980–1985)",
                        "Israelische Schekel (1980–1985)";
                        "Israelischer Neuer Schekel",
                        "Israelischer Neuer Schekel",
                        "Israelische Neue Schekel",
                        "Indische Rupie",
                        "Indische Rupie",
                        "Indische Rupien",
                        "Irakischer Dinar",
                        "Irakischer Dinar",
                        "Irakische Dinar",
                        "Iranischer Rial",
                        "Iranischer Rial",
                        "Iranische Rial",
                        "Isländische Krone (1918–1981)",
                        "Isländische Krone (1918–1981)",
                        "Isländische Kronen (1918–1981)";
                        "Isländische Krone",
                        "Isländische Krone",
                        "Isländische Kronen",
                        "Italienische Lira",
                        "Italienische Lira",
                        "Italienische Lire",
                        "Jordanischer Dinar",
                        "Jordanischer Dinar",
                        "Jordanische Dinar",
                        "Japanischer Yen",
                        "Japanischer Yen",
                        "Japanische Yen",
                        "Kirgisischer Som",
                        "Kirgisischer Som",
                        "Kirgisische Som",
                        "Kambodschanischer Riel",
                        "Kambodschanischer Riel",
                        "Kambodschanische Riel",
                        "Nordkoreanischer Won",
                        "Nordkoreanischer Won",
                        "Nordkoreanische Won",
                        "Südkoreanischer Hwan (1953–1962)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Hwan (1953–1962)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Hwan (1953–1962)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won (1945–1953)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won (1945–1953)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won (1945–1953)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won",
                        "Südkoreanische Won",
                        "Kasachischer Tenge",
                        "Kasachischer Tenge",
                        "Kasachische Tenge",
                        "Laotischer Kip",
                        "Laotischer Kip",
                        "Laotische Kip",
                        "Libanesisches Pfund",
                        "Libanesisches Pfund",
                        "Libanesische Pfund",
                        "Liberianischer Dollar",
                        "Liberianischer Dollar",
                        "Liberianische Dollar",
                        "Litauischer Litas",
                        "Litauischer Litas",
                        "Litauische Litas",
                        "Litauischer Talonas",
                        "Litauische Talonas",
                        "Litauische Talonas",
                        "Luxemburgischer Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Luxemburgischer Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc",
                        "Luxemburgischer Finanz-Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Finanz-Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Finanz-Franc",
                        "Lettischer Lats",
                        "Lettischer Lats",
                        "Lettische Lats",
                        "Lettischer Rubel",
                        "Lettische Rubel",
                        "Lettische Rubel",
                        "Libyscher Dinar",
                        "Libyscher Dinar",
                        "Libysche Dinar",
                        "Marokkanischer Dirham",
                        "Marokkanischer Dirham",
                        "Marokkanische Dirham",
                        "Marokkanischer Franc",
                        "Marokkanische Franc",
                        "Marokkanische Franc",
                        "Monegassischer Franc",
                        "Monegassischer Franc",
                        "Monegassische Franc",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar",
                        "Mazedonische Denari",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar (1992–1993)",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar (1992–1993)",
                        "Mazedonische Denar (1992–1993)",
                        "Malischer Franc",
                        "Malische Franc",
                        "Malische Franc",
                        "Myanmarischer Kyat",
                        "Myanmarischer Kyat",
                        "Myanmarische Kyat",
                        "Mongolischer Tögrög",
                        "Mongolischer Tögrög",
                        "Mongolische Tögrög",
                        "Mauretanischer Ouguiya",
                        "Mauretanischer Ouguiya",
                        "Mauretanische Ouguiya",
                        "Maltesische Lira",
                        "Maltesische Lira",
                        "Maltesische Lira",
                        "Maltesisches Pfund",
                        "Maltesische Pfund",
                        "Maltesische Pfund",
                        "Malediven-Rupie (alt)",
                        "Malediven-Rupie (alt)",
                        "Malediven-Rupien (alt)";
                        "Mexikanischer Peso",
                        "Mexikanischer Peso",
                        "Mexikanische Pesos",
                        "Mexikanischer Silber-Peso (1861–1992)",
                        "Mexikanische Silber-Peso (1861–1992)",
                        "Mexikanische Silber-Pesos (1861–1992)",
                        "Mexicanischer Unidad de Inversion (UDI)",
                        "Mexicanischer Unidad de Inversion (UDI)",
                        "Mexikanische Unidad de Inversion (UDI)",
                        "Malaysischer Ringgit",
                        "Malaysischer Ringgit",
                        "Malaysische Ringgit",
                        "Mosambikanischer Escudo",
                        "Mozambikanische Escudo",
                        "Mozambikanische Escudo",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical (1980–2006)",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical (1980–2006)",
                        "Mosambikanische Meticais (1980–2006)",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical",
                        "Mosambikanische Meticais",
                        "Nigerianischer Naira",
                        "Nigerianischer Naira",
                        "Nigerianische Naira",
                        "Nicaraguanischer Córdoba (1988–1991)",
                        "Nicaraguanischer Córdoba (1988–1991)",
                        "Nicaraguanische Córdoba (1988–1991)",
                        "Niederländischer Gulden",
                        "Niederländischer Gulden",
                        "Niederländische Gulden",
                        "Norwegische Krone",
                        "Norwegische Krone",
                        "Norwegische Kronen",
                        "Nepalesische Rupie",
                        "Nepalesische Rupie",
                        "Nepalesische Rupien",
                        "Omanischer Rial",
                        "Omanischer Rial",
                        "Omanische Rials",
                        "Panamaischer Balboa",
                        "Panamaischer Balboa",
                        "Panamaische Balboas",
                        "Peruanischer Inti",
                        "Peruanische Inti",
                        "Peruanische Inti",
                        "Peruanischer Sol",
                        "Peruanischer Sol",
                        "Peruanische Sol",
                        "Peruanischer Sol (1863–1965)",
                        "Peruanischer Sol (1863–1965)",
                        "Peruanische Sol (1863–1965)",
                        "Papua-Neuguineischer Kina",
                        "Papua-Neuguineischer Kina",
                        "Papua-Neuguineische Kina",
                        "Philippinischer Peso",
                        "Philippinischer Peso",
                        "Philippinische Pesos",
                        "Pakistanische Rupie",
                        "Pakistanische Rupie",
                        "Pakistanische Rupien",
                        "Polnischer Złoty",
                        "Polnischer Złoty",
                        "Polnische Złoty",
                        "Polnischer Zloty (1950–1995)",
                        "Polnischer Zloty (1950–1995)",
                        "Polnische Zloty (1950–1995)",
                        "Portugiesischer Escudo",
                        "Portugiesische Escudo",
                        "Portugiesische Escudo",
                        "Paraguayischer Guaraní",
                        "Paraguayischer Guaraní",
                        "Paraguayische Guaraníes",
                        "Rhodesischer Dollar",
                        "Rhodesische Dollar",
                        "Rhodesische Dollar",
                        "Rumänischer Leu (1952–2006)",
                        "Rumänischer Leu (1952–2006)",
                        "Rumänische Leu (1952–2006)",
                        "Rumänischer Leu",
                        "Rumänischer Leu",
                        "Rumänische Leu",
                        "Serbischer Dinar",
                        "Serbischer Dinar",
                        "Serbische Dinaren",
                        "Russischer Rubel",
                        "Russischer Rubel",
                        "Russische Rubel",
                        "Russischer Rubel (1991–1998)",
                        "Russischer Rubel (1991–1998)",
                        "Russische Rubel (1991–1998)",
                        "Sudanesischer Dinar (1992–2007)",
                        "Sudanesischer Dinar (1992–2007)",
                        "Sudanesische Dinar (1992–2007)",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Sudanesische Pfund",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund (1957–1998)",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund (1957–1998)",
                        "Sudanesische Pfund (1957–1998)",
                        "Schwedische Krone",
                        "Schwedische Krone",
                        "Schwedische Kronen",
                        "St. Helena-Pfund",
                        "St. Helena-Pfund",
                        "St. Helena-Pfund",
                        "Slowenischer Tolar",
                        "Slowenischer Tolar",
                        "Slowenische Tolar",
                        "Slowakische Krone",
                        "Slowakische Kronen",
                        "Slowakische Kronen",
                        "Sierra-leonischer Leone",
                        "Sierra-leonischer Leone",
                        "Sierra-leonische Leones",
                        "Suriname Gulden",
                        "Südsudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Südsudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Südsudanesische Pfund",
                        "São-toméischer Dobra",
                        "São-toméischer Dobra",
                        "São-toméische Dobra",
                        "Sowjetischer Rubel",
                        "Sowjetische Rubel",
                        "Sowjetische Rubel",
                        "El Salvador Colon",
                        "El Salvador-Colon",
                        "El Salvador-Colon",
                        "Syrisches Pfund",
                        "Syrisches Pfund",
                        "Syrische Pfund",
                        "Swasiländischer Lilangeni",
                        "Swasiländischer Lilangeni",
                        "Swasiländische Emalangeni",
                        "Thailändischer Baht",
                        "Thailändischer Baht",
                        "Thailändische Baht",
                        "Tadschikistan Rubel",
                        "Turkmenistan-Manat (1993–2009)",
                        "Turkmenistan-Manat (1993–2009)",
                        "Turkmenistan-Manat (1993–2009)",
                        "Tunesischer Dinar",
                        "Tunesischer Dinar",
                        "Tunesische Dinar",
                        "Tongaischer Paʻanga",
                        "Tongaischer Paʻanga",
                        "Tongaische Paʻanga",
                        "Türkische Lira (1922–2005)",
                        "Türkische Lira (1922–2005)",
                        "Türkische Lira (1922–2005)",
                        "Türkische Lira",
                        "Türkische Lira",
                        "Türkische Lira",
                        "Trinidad und Tobago-Dollar",
                        "Trinidad und Tobago-Dollar",
                        "Trinidad und Tobago-Dollar",
                        "Neuer Taiwan-Dollar",
                        "Neuer Taiwan-Dollar",
                        "Neue Taiwan-Dollar",
                        "Ukrainische Hrywnja",
                        "Ukrainische Hrywnja",
                        "Ukrainische Hrywen",
                        "Ukrainischer Karbovanetz",
                        "Ukrainische Karbovanetz",
                        "Ukrainische Karbovanetz",
                        "Uganda-Schilling (1966–1987)",
                        "Uganda-Schilling (1966–1987)",
                        "Uganda-Schilling (1966–1987)",
                        "US Dollar (Nächster Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Nächster Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Nächster Tag)",
                        "US Dollar (Gleicher Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Gleicher Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Gleicher Tag)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (Indexierte Rechnungseinheiten)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (Indexierte Rechnungseinheiten)",
                        "Uruguayische Pesos (Indexierte Rechnungseinheiten)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (1975–1993)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (1975–1993)",
                        "Uruguayische Pesos (1975–1993)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso",
                        "Uruguayische Pesos",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar (1871–2008)",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar (1871–2008)",
                        "Venezolanische Bolívares (1871–2008)",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar",
                        "Venezolanische Bolívares",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong",
                        "Vietnamesische Dong",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong(1978–1985)",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong(1978–1985)",
                        "Vietnamesische Dong(1978–1985)",
                        "Samoanischer Tala",
                        "Samoanischer Tala",
                        "Samoanische Tala",
                        "CFA-Franc (BEAC)",
                        "CFA-Franc (BEAC)",
                        "CFA-Franc (BEAC)",
                        "Unze Silber",
                        "Unze Silber",
                        "Unzen Silber",
                        "Unze Gold",
                        "Unze Gold",
                        "Unzen Gold",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheit",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheit (XBB)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XBB)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XBB)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheit (XBC)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBC)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBC)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheit (XBD)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBD)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBD)",
                        "Ostkaribischer Dollar",
                        "Ostkaribischer Dollar",
                        "Ostkaribische Dollar",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheit (XEU)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XEU)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XEU)",
                        "Französischer Gold-Franc",
                        "Französische Gold-Franc",
                        "Französische Gold-Franc",
                        "Französischer UIC-Franc",
                        "Französische UIC-Franc",
                        "Französische UIC-Franc",
                        "CFA-Franc (BCEAO)",
                        "CFA-Franc (BCEAO)",
                        "CFA-Francs (BCEAO)",
                        "Unze Palladium",
                        "Unze Palladium",
                        "Unzen Palladium",
                        "Unze Platin",
                        "Unze Platin",
                        "Unzen Platin",
                        "RINET Funds",
                        "RINET Funds",
                        "RINET Funds",
                        "Rechnungseinheit der AfEB",
                        "Rechnungseinheit der AfEB",
                        "Rechnungseinheiten der AfEB",
                        "Unbekannte Währung",
                        "(unbekannte Währung)",
                        "(unbekannte Währung)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Dinar (1966–1990)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Dinar (1966–1990)",
                        "Jugoslawische Dinar (1966–1990)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Neuer Dinar (1994–2002)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Neuer Dinar (1994–2002)",
                        "Jugoslawische Neue Dinar (1994–2002)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Dinar (konvertibel)",
                        "Jugoslawische Dinar (konvertibel)",
                        "Jugoslawische Dinar (konvertibel)",
                        "Jugoslawischer reformierter Dinar (1992–1993)",
                        "Jugoslawischer reformierter Dinar (1992–1993)",
                        "Jugoslawische reformierte Dinar (1992–1993)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand (Finanz)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand (Finanz)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand (Finanz)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand",
                        "Südafrikanische Rand",
                        "Kwacha (1968–2012)",
                        "Kwacha (1968–2012)",
                        "Kwacha (1968–2012)",
                        "Zaire-Neuer Zaïre (1993–1998)",
                        "Zaire-Neuer Zaïre (1993–1998)",
                        "Zaire-Neue Zaïre (1993–1998)",
                        "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
                        "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
                        "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as deTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';
loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, deTimeZoneNames);
    'de': {
        'daterangepicker': {
            applyText: 'Sich bewerben',
            cancelText: 'Stornieren',
            customRange: 'benutzerdefinierten Bereich',
            days: 'Tage',
            endLabel: 'Wählen Sie Enddatum',
            placeholder: 'Wählen Sie einen Bereich aus',
            selectedDays: 'Ausgewählte Tage',
            startLabel: 'Wählen Sie Startdatum'
//import the daterangepicker component
class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='de'/>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';

//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as deTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';

loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, deTimeZoneNames);

  'de': {
    'daterangepicker': {
      applyText: 'Sich bewerben',
      cancelText: 'Stornieren',
      customRange: 'benutzerdefinierten Bereich',
      days: 'Tage',
      endLabel: 'Wählen Sie Enddatum',
      placeholder: 'Wählen Sie einen Bereich aus',
      selectedDays: 'Ausgewählte Tage',
      startLabel: 'Wählen Sie Startdatum'
//import the daterangepicker component
class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
    render() {
        return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='de'/>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
  "supplemental": {
    "version": {
      "_number": "$Revision: 12732 $",
      "_unicodeVersion": "9.0.0",
      "_cldrVersion": "31"
    "numberingSystems": {
      "adlm": {
        "_digits": "𞥐𞥑𞥒𞥓𞥔𞥕𞥖𞥗𞥘𞥙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "ahom": {
        "_digits": "𑜰𑜱𑜲𑜳𑜴𑜵𑜶𑜷𑜸𑜹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "arab": {
        "_digits": "٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "arabext": {
        "_digits": "۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "armn": {
        "_rules": "armenian-upper",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "armnlow": {
        "_rules": "armenian-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "bali": {
        "_digits": "᭐᭑᭒᭓᭔᭕᭖᭗᭘᭙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "beng": {
        "_digits": "০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "bhks": {
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              "Indiana": {
                "Vincennes": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Vincennes, Indiana"
                "Petersburg": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Petersburg, Indiana"
                "Tell_City": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Tell City, Indiana"
                "Knox": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Knox, Indiana"
                "Winamac": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Winamac, Indiana"
                "Marengo": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Marengo, Indiana"
                "Vevay": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Vevay, Indiana"
              "Indianapolis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Indianapolis"
              "Inuvik": {
                "exemplarCity": "Inuvik"
              "Iqaluit": {
                "exemplarCity": "Iqaluit"
              "Jamaica": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jamaika"
              "Jujuy": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jujuy"
              "Juneau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Juneau"
              "Kentucky": {
                "Monticello": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Monticello, Kentucky"
              "Kralendijk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kralendijk"
              "La_Paz": {
                "exemplarCity": "La Paz"
              "Lima": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lima"
              "Los_Angeles": {
                "exemplarCity": "Los Angeles"
              "Louisville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Louisville"
              "Lower_Princes": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lower Prince’s Quarter"
              "Maceio": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maceio"
              "Managua": {
                "exemplarCity": "Managua"
              "Manaus": {
                "exemplarCity": "Manaus"
              "Marigot": {
                "exemplarCity": "Marigot"
              "Martinique": {
                "exemplarCity": "Martinique"
              "Matamoros": {
                "exemplarCity": "Matamoros"
              "Mazatlan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mazatlan"
              "Mendoza": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mendoza"
              "Menominee": {
                "exemplarCity": "Menominee"
              "Merida": {
                "exemplarCity": "Merida"
              "Metlakatla": {
                "exemplarCity": "Metlakatla"
              "Mexico_City": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mexiko-Stadt"
              "Miquelon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Miquelon"
              "Moncton": {
                "exemplarCity": "Moncton"
              "Monterrey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Monterrey"
              "Montevideo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Montevideo"
              "Montserrat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Montserrat"
              "Nassau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nassau"
              "New_York": {
                "exemplarCity": "New York"
              "Nipigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nipigon"
              "Nome": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nome"
              "Noronha": {
                "exemplarCity": "Noronha"
              "North_Dakota": {
                "Beulah": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Beulah, North Dakota"
                "New_Salem": {
                  "exemplarCity": "New Salem, North Dakota"
                "Center": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Center, North Dakota"
              "Ojinaga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ojinaga"
              "Panama": {
                "exemplarCity": "Panama"
              "Pangnirtung": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pangnirtung"
              "Paramaribo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Paramaribo"
              "Phoenix": {
                "exemplarCity": "Phoenix"
              "Port-au-Prince": {
                "exemplarCity": "Port-au-Prince"
              "Port_of_Spain": {
                "exemplarCity": "Port of Spain"
              "Porto_Velho": {
                "exemplarCity": "Porto Velho"
              "Puerto_Rico": {
                "exemplarCity": "Puerto Rico"
              "Rainy_River": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rainy River"
              "Rankin_Inlet": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rankin Inlet"
              "Recife": {
                "exemplarCity": "Recife"
              "Regina": {
                "exemplarCity": "Regina"
              "Resolute": {
                "exemplarCity": "Resolute"
              "Rio_Branco": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rio Branco"
              "Santa_Isabel": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santa Isabel"
              "Santarem": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santarem"
              "Santiago": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santiago"
              "Santo_Domingo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santo Domingo"
              "Sao_Paulo": {
                "exemplarCity": "São Paulo"
              "Scoresbysund": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ittoqqortoormiit"
              "Sitka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sitka"
              "St_Barthelemy": {
                "exemplarCity": "Saint-Barthélemy"
              "St_Johns": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. John’s"
              "St_Kitts": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Kitts"
              "St_Lucia": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Lucia"
              "St_Thomas": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Thomas"
              "St_Vincent": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Vincent"
              "Swift_Current": {
                "exemplarCity": "Swift Current"
              "Tegucigalpa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tegucigalpa"
              "Thule": {
                "exemplarCity": "Thule"
              "Thunder_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "Thunder Bay"
              "Tijuana": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tijuana"
              "Toronto": {
                "exemplarCity": "Toronto"
              "Tortola": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tortola"
              "Vancouver": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vancouver"
              "Whitehorse": {
                "exemplarCity": "Whitehorse"
              "Winnipeg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Winnipeg"
              "Yakutat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Yakutat"
              "Yellowknife": {
                "exemplarCity": "Yellowknife"
            "Atlantic": {
              "Azores": {
                "exemplarCity": "Azoren"
              "Bermuda": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bermudas"
              "Canary": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kanaren"
              "Cape_Verde": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cabo Verde"
              "Faeroe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Färöer"
              "Madeira": {
                "exemplarCity": "Madeira"
              "Reykjavik": {
                "exemplarCity": "Reyk­ja­vík"
              "South_Georgia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Südgeorgien"
              "St_Helena": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Helena"
              "Stanley": {
                "exemplarCity": "Stanley"
            "Europe": {
              "Amsterdam": {
                "exemplarCity": "Amsterdam"
              "Andorra": {
                "exemplarCity": "Andorra"
              "Astrakhan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Astrachan"
              "Athens": {
                "exemplarCity": "Athen"
              "Belgrade": {
                "exemplarCity": "Belgrad"
              "Berlin": {
                "exemplarCity": "Berlin"
              "Bratislava": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bratislava"
              "Brussels": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brüssel"
              "Bucharest": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bukarest"
              "Budapest": {
                "exemplarCity": "Budapest"
              "Busingen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Büsingen"
              "Chisinau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kischinau"
              "Copenhagen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kopenhagen"
              "Dublin": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "Irische Sommerzeit"
                "exemplarCity": "Dublin"
              "Gibraltar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gibraltar"
              "Guernsey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guernsey"
              "Helsinki": {
                "exemplarCity": "Helsinki"
              "Isle_of_Man": {
                "exemplarCity": "Isle of Man"
              "Istanbul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Istanbul"
              "Jersey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jersey"
              "Kaliningrad": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kaliningrad"
              "Kiev": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kiew"
              "Kirov": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kirow"
              "Lisbon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lissabon"
              "Ljubljana": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ljubljana"
              "London": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "Britische Sommerzeit"
                "exemplarCity": "London"
              "Luxembourg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Luxemburg"
              "Madrid": {
                "exemplarCity": "Madrid"
              "Malta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Malta"
              "Mariehamn": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mariehamn"
              "Minsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Minsk"
              "Monaco": {
                "exemplarCity": "Monaco"
              "Moscow": {
                "exemplarCity": "Moskau"
              "Oslo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Oslo"
              "Paris": {
                "exemplarCity": "Paris"
              "Podgorica": {
                "exemplarCity": "Podgorica"
              "Prague": {
                "exemplarCity": "Prag"
              "Riga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Riga"
              "Rome": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rom"
              "Samara": {
                "exemplarCity": "Samara"
              "San_Marino": {
                "exemplarCity": "San Marino"
              "Sarajevo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sarajevo"
              "Simferopol": {
                "exemplarCity": "Simferopol"
              "Skopje": {
                "exemplarCity": "Skopje"
              "Sofia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sofia"
              "Stockholm": {
                "exemplarCity": "Stockholm"
              "Tallinn": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tallinn"
              "Tirane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tirana"
              "Ulyanovsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Uljanowsk"
              "Uzhgorod": {
                "exemplarCity": "Uschgorod"
              "Vaduz": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vaduz"
              "Vatican": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vatikan"
              "Vienna": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wien"
              "Vilnius": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vilnius"
              "Volgograd": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wolgograd"
              "Warsaw": {
                "exemplarCity": "Warschau"
              "Zagreb": {
                "exemplarCity": "Zagreb"
              "Zaporozhye": {
                "exemplarCity": "Saporischja"
              "Zurich": {
                "exemplarCity": "Zürich"
            "Africa": {
              "Abidjan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Abidjan"
              "Accra": {
                "exemplarCity": "Accra"
              "Addis_Ababa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Addis Abeba"
              "Algiers": {
                "exemplarCity": "Algier"
              "Asmera": {
                "exemplarCity": "Asmara"
              "Bamako": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bamako"
              "Bangui": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bangui"
              "Banjul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Banjul"
              "Bissau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bissau"
              "Blantyre": {
                "exemplarCity": "Blantyre"
              "Brazzaville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brazzaville"
              "Bujumbura": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bujumbura"
              "Cairo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kairo"
              "Casablanca": {
                "exemplarCity": "Casablanca"
              "Ceuta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ceuta"
              "Conakry": {
                "exemplarCity": "Conakry"
              "Dakar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dakar"
              "Dar_es_Salaam": {
                "exemplarCity": "Daressalam"
              "Djibouti": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dschibuti"
              "Douala": {
                "exemplarCity": "Douala"
              "El_Aaiun": {
                "exemplarCity": "El Aaiún"
              "Freetown": {
                "exemplarCity": "Freetown"
              "Gaborone": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gaborone"
              "Harare": {
                "exemplarCity": "Harare"
              "Johannesburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Johannesburg"
              "Juba": {
                "exemplarCity": "Juba"
              "Kampala": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kampala"
              "Khartoum": {
                "exemplarCity": "Khartum"
              "Kigali": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kigali"
              "Kinshasa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kinshasa"
              "Lagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lagos"
              "Libreville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Libreville"
              "Lome": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lomé"
              "Luanda": {
                "exemplarCity": "Luanda"
              "Lubumbashi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lubumbashi"
              "Lusaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lusaka"
              "Malabo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Malabo"
              "Maputo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maputo"
              "Maseru": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maseru"
              "Mbabane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mbabane"
              "Mogadishu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mogadischu"
              "Monrovia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Monrovia"
              "Nairobi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nairobi"
              "Ndjamena": {
                "exemplarCity": "N’Djamena"
              "Niamey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Niamey"
              "Nouakchott": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nouakchott"
              "Ouagadougou": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ouagadougou"
              "Porto-Novo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Porto Novo"
              "Sao_Tome": {
                "exemplarCity": "São Tomé"
              "Tripoli": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tripolis"
              "Tunis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tunis"
              "Windhoek": {
                "exemplarCity": "Windhoek"
            "Asia": {
              "Aden": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aden"
              "Almaty": {
                "exemplarCity": "Almaty"
              "Amman": {
                "exemplarCity": "Amman"
              "Anadyr": {
                "exemplarCity": "Anadyr"
              "Aqtau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aqtau"
              "Aqtobe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aktobe"
              "Ashgabat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aşgabat"
              "Baghdad": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bagdad"
              "Bahrain": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bahrain"
              "Baku": {
                "exemplarCity": "Baku"
              "Bangkok": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bangkok"
              "Barnaul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Barnaul"
              "Beirut": {
                "exemplarCity": "Beirut"
              "Bishkek": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bischkek"
              "Brunei": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brunei"
              "Calcutta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kalkutta"
              "Chita": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tschita"
              "Choibalsan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tschoibalsan"
              "Colombo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Colombo"
              "Damascus": {
                "exemplarCity": "Damaskus"
              "Dhaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dhaka"
              "Dili": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dili"
              "Dubai": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dubai"
              "Dushanbe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Duschanbe"
              "Gaza": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gaza"
              "Hebron": {
                "exemplarCity": "Hebron"
              "Hong_Kong": {
                "exemplarCity": "Hongkong"
              "Hovd": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chowd"
              "Irkutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Irkutsk"
              "Jakarta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jakarta"
              "Jayapura": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jayapura"
              "Jerusalem": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jerusalem"
              "Kabul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kabul"
              "Kamchatka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kamtschatka"
              "Karachi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Karatschi"
              "Katmandu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kathmandu"
              "Khandyga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chandyga"
              "Krasnoyarsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Krasnojarsk"
              "Kuala_Lumpur": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kuala Lumpur"
              "Kuching": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kuching"
              "Kuwait": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kuwait"
              "Macau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Macao"
              "Magadan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Magadan"
              "Makassar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Makassar"
              "Manila": {
                "exemplarCity": "Manila"
              "Muscat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maskat"
              "Nicosia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nikosia"
              "Novokuznetsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nowokuznetsk"
              "Novosibirsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nowosibirsk"
              "Omsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Omsk"
              "Oral": {
                "exemplarCity": "Oral"
              "Phnom_Penh": {
                "exemplarCity": "Phnom Penh"
              "Pontianak": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pontianak"
              "Pyongyang": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pjöngjang"
              "Qatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Katar"
              "Qyzylorda": {
                "exemplarCity": "Qysylorda"
              "Rangoon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rangun"
              "Riyadh": {
                "exemplarCity": "Riad"
              "Saigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt"
              "Sakhalin": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sachalin"
              "Samarkand": {
                "exemplarCity": "Samarkand"
              "Seoul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Seoul"
              "Shanghai": {
                "exemplarCity": "Shanghai"
              "Singapore": {
                "exemplarCity": "Singapur"
              "Srednekolymsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Srednekolymsk"
              "Taipei": {
                "exemplarCity": "Taipeh"
              "Tashkent": {
                "exemplarCity": "Taschkent"
              "Tbilisi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tiflis"
              "Tehran": {
                "exemplarCity": "Teheran"
              "Thimphu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Thimphu"
              "Tokyo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tokio"
              "Tomsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tomsk"
              "Ulaanbaatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ulaanbaatar"
              "Urumqi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ürümqi"
              "Ust-Nera": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ust-Nera"
              "Vientiane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vientiane"
              "Vladivostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wladiwostok"
              "Yakutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jakutsk"
              "Yekaterinburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jekaterinburg"
              "Yerevan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Eriwan"
            "Indian": {
              "Antananarivo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Antananarivo"
              "Chagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chagos"
              "Christmas": {
                "exemplarCity": "Weihnachtsinsel"
              "Cocos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cocos"
              "Comoro": {
                "exemplarCity": "Komoren"
              "Kerguelen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kerguelen"
              "Mahe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mahe"
              "Maldives": {
                "exemplarCity": "Malediven"
              "Mauritius": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mauritius"
              "Mayotte": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mayotte"
              "Reunion": {
                "exemplarCity": "Réunion"
            "Australia": {
              "Adelaide": {
                "exemplarCity": "Adelaide"
              "Brisbane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brisbane"
              "Broken_Hill": {
                "exemplarCity": "Broken Hill"
              "Currie": {
                "exemplarCity": "Currie"
              "Darwin": {
                "exemplarCity": "Darwin"
              "Eucla": {
                "exemplarCity": "Eucla"
              "Hobart": {
                "exemplarCity": "Hobart"
              "Lindeman": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lindeman"
              "Lord_Howe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lord Howe"
              "Melbourne": {
                "exemplarCity": "Melbourne"
              "Perth": {
                "exemplarCity": "Perth"
              "Sydney": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sydney"
            "Pacific": {
              "Apia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Apia"
              "Auckland": {
                "exemplarCity": "Auckland"
              "Bougainville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bougainville"
              "Chatham": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chatham"
              "Easter": {
                "exemplarCity": "Osterinsel"
              "Efate": {
                "exemplarCity": "Efate"
              "Enderbury": {
                "exemplarCity": "Enderbury"
              "Fakaofo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Fakaofo"
              "Fiji": {
                "exemplarCity": "Fidschi"
              "Funafuti": {
                "exemplarCity": "Funafuti"
              "Galapagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Galapagos"
              "Gambier": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gambier"
              "Guadalcanal": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guadalcanal"
              "Guam": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guam"
              "Honolulu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Honolulu"
              "Johnston": {
                "exemplarCity": "Johnston"
              "Kiritimati": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kiritimati"
              "Kosrae": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kosrae"
              "Kwajalein": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kwajalein"
              "Majuro": {
                "exemplarCity": "Majuro"
              "Marquesas": {
                "exemplarCity": "Marquesas"
              "Midway": {
                "exemplarCity": "Midway"
              "Nauru": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nauru"
              "Niue": {
                "exemplarCity": "Niue"
              "Norfolk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Norfolk"
              "Noumea": {
                "exemplarCity": "Noumea"
              "Pago_Pago": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pago Pago"
              "Palau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Palau"
              "Pitcairn": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pitcairn"
              "Ponape": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pohnpei"
              "Port_Moresby": {
                "exemplarCity": "Port Moresby"
              "Rarotonga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rarotonga"
              "Saipan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Saipan"
              "Tahiti": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tahiti"
              "Tarawa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tarawa"
              "Tongatapu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tongatapu"
              "Truk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chuuk"
              "Wake": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wake"
              "Wallis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wallis"
            "Arctic": {
              "Longyearbyen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Longyearbyen"
            "Antarctica": {
              "Casey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Casey"
              "Davis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Davis"
              "DumontDUrville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dumont d’Urville"
              "Macquarie": {
                "exemplarCity": "Macquarie"
              "Mawson": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mawson"
              "McMurdo": {
                "exemplarCity": "McMurdo"
              "Palmer": {
                "exemplarCity": "Palmer"
              "Rothera": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rothera"
              "Syowa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Syowa"
              "Troll": {
                "exemplarCity": "Troll"
              "Vostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wostok"
            "Etc": {
              "GMT": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT"
              "GMT1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+1"
              "GMT10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+10"
              "GMT11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+11"
              "GMT12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+12"
              "GMT2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+2"
              "GMT3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+3"
              "GMT4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+4"
              "GMT5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+5"
              "GMT6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+6"
              "GMT7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+7"
              "GMT8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+8"
              "GMT9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+9"
              "GMT-1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-1"
              "GMT-10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-10"
              "GMT-11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-11"
              "GMT-12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-12"
              "GMT-13": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-13"
              "GMT-14": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-14"
              "GMT-2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-2"
              "GMT-3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-3"
              "GMT-4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-4"
              "GMT-5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-5"
              "GMT-6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-6"
              "GMT-7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-7"
              "GMT-8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-8"
              "GMT-9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-9"
              "Unknown": {
                "exemplarCity": "Unbekannt"
          "metazone": {
            "Acre": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Acre-Zeit",
                "standard": "Acre-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Acre-Sommerzeit"
            "Afghanistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Afghanistan-Zeit"
            "Africa_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Zentralafrikanische Zeit"
            "Africa_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ostafrikanische Zeit"
            "Africa_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Südafrikanische Zeit"
            "Africa_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westafrikanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westafrikanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westafrikanische Sommerzeit"
            "Alaska": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Alaska-Zeit",
                "standard": "Alaska-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Alaska-Sommerzeit"
            "Almaty": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Almaty-Zeit",
                "standard": "Almaty-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Almaty-Sommerzeit"
            "Amazon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Amazonas-Zeit",
                "standard": "Amazonas-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Amazonas-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nordamerikanische Inlandzeit",
                "standard": "Nordamerikanische Inland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nordamerikanische Inland-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nordamerikanische Ostküstenzeit",
                "standard": "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Mountain": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Rocky-Mountain-Zeit",
                "standard": "Rocky Mountain-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Rocky-Mountain-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nordamerikanische Westküstenzeit",
                "standard": "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Sommerzeit"
            "Anadyr": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Anadyr Zeit",
                "standard": "Anadyr Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Anadyr Sommerzeit"
            "Apia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Apia-Zeit",
                "standard": "Apia-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Apia-Sommerzeit"
            "Aqtau": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Aqtau-Zeit",
                "standard": "Aqtau-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Aqtau-Sommerzeit"
            "Aqtobe": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Aqtöbe-Zeit",
                "standard": "Aqtöbe-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Aqtöbe-Sommerzeit"
            "Arabian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Arabische Zeit",
                "standard": "Arabische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Arabische Sommerzeit"
            "Argentina": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Argentinische Zeit",
                "standard": "Argentinische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Argentinische Sommerzeit"
            "Argentina_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westargentinische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westargentinische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westargentinische Sommerzeit"
            "Armenia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Armenische Zeit",
                "standard": "Armenische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Armenische Sommerzeit"
            "Atlantic": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Atlantik-Zeit",
                "standard": "Atlantik-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Atlantik-Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Zentralaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Zentralaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Zentralaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_CentralWestern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Zentral-/Westaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Zentral-/Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Zentral-/Westaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Ostaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Ostaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Ostaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Azerbaijan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Aserbaidschanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Aserbeidschanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Aserbaidschanische Sommerzeit"
            "Azores": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Azoren-Zeit",
                "standard": "Azoren-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Azoren-Sommerzeit"
            "Bangladesh": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Bangladesch-Zeit",
                "standard": "Bangladesch-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Bangladesch-Sommerzeit"
            "Bhutan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Bhutan-Zeit"
            "Bolivia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Bolivianische Zeit"
            "Brasilia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Brasília-Zeit",
                "standard": "Brasília-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Brasília-Sommerzeit"
            "Brunei": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Brunei-Zeit"
            "Cape_Verde": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Cabo-Verde-Zeit",
                "standard": "Cabo-Verde-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Cabo-Verde-Sommerzeit"
            "Casey": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Casey-Zeit"
            "Chamorro": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Chamorro-Zeit"
            "Chatham": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chatham-Zeit",
                "standard": "Chatham-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chatham-Sommerzeit"
            "Chile": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chilenische Zeit",
                "standard": "Chilenische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chilenische Sommerzeit"
            "China": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chinesische Zeit",
                "standard": "Chinesische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chinesische Sommerzeit"
            "Choibalsan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Tschoibalsan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Tschoibalsan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Tschoibalsan-Sommerzeit"
            "Christmas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Weihnachtsinsel-Zeit"
            "Cocos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kokosinseln-Zeit"
            "Colombia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Kolumbianische Zeit",
                "standard": "Kolumbianische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Kolumbianische Sommerzeit"
            "Cook": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Cookinseln-Zeit",
                "standard": "Cookinseln-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Cookinseln-Sommerzeit"
            "Cuba": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Kubanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Kubanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Kubanische Sommerzeit"
            "Davis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Davis-Zeit"
            "DumontDUrville": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Dumont-d’Urville-Zeit"
            "East_Timor": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Osttimor-Zeit"
            "Easter": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Osterinsel-Zeit",
                "standard": "Osterinsel-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Osterinsel-Sommerzeit"
            "Ecuador": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ecuadorianische Zeit"
            "Europe_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mitteleuropäische Zeit",
                "standard": "Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"
              "short": {
                "generic": "MEZ",
                "standard": "MEZ",
                "daylight": "MESZ"
            "Europe_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Osteuropäische Zeit",
                "standard": "Osteuropäische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Osteuropäische Sommerzeit"
              "short": {
                "generic": "OEZ",
                "standard": "OEZ",
                "daylight": "OESZ"
            "Europe_Further_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kaliningrader Zeit"
            "Europe_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westeuropäische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westeuropäische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westeuropäische Sommerzeit"
              "short": {
                "generic": "WEZ",
                "standard": "WEZ",
                "daylight": "WESZ"
            "Falkland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Falklandinseln-Zeit",
                "standard": "Falklandinseln-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Falklandinseln-Sommerzeit"
            "Fiji": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Fidschi-Zeit",
                "standard": "Fidschi-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Fidschi-Sommerzeit"
            "French_Guiana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Französisch-Guayana-Zeit"
            "French_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete-Zeit"
            "Galapagos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Galapagos-Zeit"
            "Gambier": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Gambier-Zeit"
            "Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Georgische Zeit",
                "standard": "Georgische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Georgische Sommerzeit"
            "Gilbert_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Gilbert-Inseln-Zeit"
            "GMT": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit"
            "Greenland_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Ostgrönland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Ostgrönland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Ostgrönland-Sommerzeit"
            "Greenland_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westgrönland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Westgrönland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westgrönland-Sommerzeit"
            "Guam": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Guam-Zeit"
            "Gulf": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Golf-Zeit"
            "Guyana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Guyana-Zeit"
            "Hawaii_Aleutian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Hawaii-Aleuten-Zeit",
                "standard": "Hawaii-Aleuten-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Hawaii-Aleuten-Sommerzeit"
            "Hong_Kong": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Hongkong-Zeit",
                "standard": "Hongkong-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Hongkong-Sommerzeit"
            "Hovd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chowd-Zeit",
                "standard": "Chowd-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chowd-Sommerzeit"
            "India": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Indische Zeit"
            "Indian_Ocean": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Indischer Ozean-Zeit"
            "Indochina": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Indochina-Zeit"
            "Indonesia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Zentralindonesische Zeit"
            "Indonesia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ostindonesische Zeit"
            "Indonesia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Westindonesische Zeit"
            "Iran": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Iranische Zeit",
                "standard": "Iranische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Iranische Sommerzeit"
            "Irkutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Irkutsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Irkutsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Irkutsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Israel": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Israelische Zeit",
                "standard": "Israelische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Israelische Sommerzeit"
            "Japan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Japanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Japanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Japanische Sommerzeit"
            "Kamchatka": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Kamtschatka-Zeit",
                "standard": "Kamtschatka-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Kamtschatka-Sommerzeit"
            "Kazakhstan_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ostkasachische Zeit"
            "Kazakhstan_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Westkasachische Zeit"
            "Korea": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Koreanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Koreanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Koreanische Sommerzeit"
            "Kosrae": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kosrae-Zeit"
            "Krasnoyarsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Krasnojarsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Krasnojarsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Krasnojarsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Kyrgystan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kirgisistan-Zeit"
            "Lanka": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Sri-Lanka-Zeit"
            "Line_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Linieninseln-Zeit"
            "Lord_Howe": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Lord-Howe-Zeit",
                "standard": "Lord-Howe-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Lord-Howe-Sommerzeit"
            "Macau": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Macau-Zeit",
                "standard": "Macau-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Macau-Sommerzeit"
            "Macquarie": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Macquarieinsel-Zeit"
            "Magadan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Magadan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Magadan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Magadan-Sommerzeit"
            "Malaysia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Malaysische Zeit"
            "Maldives": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Malediven-Zeit"
            "Marquesas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Marquesas-Zeit"
            "Marshall_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Marshallinseln-Zeit"
            "Mauritius": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mauritius-Zeit",
                "standard": "Mauritius-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mauritius-Sommerzeit"
            "Mawson": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Mawson-Zeit"
            "Mexico_Northwest": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Zeit",
                "standard": "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Sommerzeit"
            "Mexico_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Zeit",
                "standard": "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Sommerzeit"
            "Mongolia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Ulaanbaatar-Zeit",
                "standard": "Ulaanbaatar-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Ulaanbaatar-Sommerzeit"
            "Moscow": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Moskauer Zeit",
                "standard": "Moskauer Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Moskauer Sommerzeit"
            "Myanmar": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Myanmar-Zeit"
            "Nauru": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Nauru-Zeit"
            "Nepal": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Nepalesische Zeit"
            "New_Caledonia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Neukaledonische Zeit",
                "standard": "Neukaledonische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Neukaledonische Sommerzeit"
            "New_Zealand": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Neuseeland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Neuseeland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Neuseeland-Sommerzeit"
            "Newfoundland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Neufundland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Neufundland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Neufundland-Sommerzeit"
            "Niue": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Niue-Zeit"
            "Norfolk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Norfolkinsel-Zeit"
            "Noronha": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Fernando de Noronha-Zeit",
                "standard": "Fernando de Noronha-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Fernando de Noronha-Sommerzeit"
            "North_Mariana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Nördliche-Marianen-Zeit"
            "Novosibirsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nowosibirsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Nowosibirsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nowosibirsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Omsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Omsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Omsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Omsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Pakistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Pakistanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Pakistanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Pakistanische Sommerzeit"
            "Palau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Palau-Zeit"
            "Papua_New_Guinea": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Papua-Neuguinea-Zeit"
            "Paraguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Paraguayanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Paraguayanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Paraguayanische Sommerzeit"
            "Peru": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Peruanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Peruanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Peruanische Sommerzeit"
            "Philippines": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Philippinische Zeit",
                "standard": "Philippinische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Philippinische Sommerzeit"
            "Phoenix_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Phoenixinseln-Zeit"
            "Pierre_Miquelon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Saint-Pierre-und-Miquelon-Zeit",
                "standard": "Saint-Pierre-und-Miquelon-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Saint-Pierre-und-Miquelon-Sommerzeit"
            "Pitcairn": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Pitcairninseln-Zeit"
            "Ponape": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ponape-Zeit"
            "Pyongyang": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Pjöngjang-Zeit"
            "Qyzylorda": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Quysylorda-Zeit",
                "standard": "Quysylorda-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Qysylorda-Sommerzeit"
            "Reunion": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Réunion-Zeit"
            "Rothera": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Rothera-Zeit"
            "Sakhalin": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Sachalin-Zeit",
                "standard": "Sachalin-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Sachalin-Sommerzeit"
            "Samara": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Samara-Zeit",
                "standard": "Samara-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Samara-Sommerzeit"
            "Samoa": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Samoa-Zeit",
                "standard": "Samoa-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Samoa-Sommerzeit"
            "Seychelles": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Seychellen-Zeit"
            "Singapore": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Singapur-Zeit"
            "Solomon": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Salomoninseln-Zeit"
            "South_Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Südgeorgische Zeit"
            "Suriname": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Suriname-Zeit"
            "Syowa": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Syowa-Zeit"
            "Tahiti": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tahiti-Zeit"
            "Taipei": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Taipeh-Zeit",
                "standard": "Taipeh-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Taipeh-Sommerzeit"
            "Tajikistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tadschikistan-Zeit"
            "Tokelau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tokelau-Zeit"
            "Tonga": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Tonganische Zeit",
                "standard": "Tonganische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Tonganische Sommerzeit"
            "Truk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Chuuk-Zeit"
            "Turkmenistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Turkmenistan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Turkmenistan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Turkmenistan-Sommerzeit"
            "Tuvalu": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tuvalu-Zeit"
            "Uruguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Uruguayanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Uruguyanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Uruguayanische Sommerzeit"
            "Uzbekistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Usbekistan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Usbekistan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Usbekistan-Sommerzeit"
            "Vanuatu": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Vanuatu-Zeit",
                "standard": "Vanuatu-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Vanuatu-Sommerzeit"
            "Venezuela": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Venezuela-Zeit"
            "Vladivostok": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Wladiwostok-Zeit",
                "standard": "Wladiwostok-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Wladiwostok-Sommerzeit"
            "Volgograd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Wolgograd-Zeit",
                "standard": "Wolgograd-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Wolgograd-Sommerzeit"
            "Vostok": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Wostok-Zeit"
            "Wake": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Wake-Insel-Zeit"
            "Wallis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Wallis-und-Futuna-Zeit"
            "Yakutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Jakutsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Jakutsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Jakutsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Yekaterinburg": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Jekaterinburg-Zeit",
                "standard": "Jekaterinburg-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Jekaterinburg-Sommerzeit"
                    "$Revision: 12879 $",
                    "{0} Zeit",
                    "{0} Sommerzeit",
                    "{0} Normalzeit",
                    "{1} ({0})",
                                    "Rio Gallegos";
                                    "San Juan";
                                    "La Rioja";
                                    "San Luis";
                                "Bahia Banderas";
                                "Boa Vista";
                                "Buenos Aires";
                                "Cambridge Bay";
                                "Campo Grande";
                                "Costa Rica";
                                "Dawson Creek";
                                "El Salvador";
                                "Fort Nelson";
                                "Glace Bay";
                                "Goose Bay";
                                "Grand Turk";
                                    "Vincennes, Indiana";
                                    "Petersburg, Indiana";
                                    "Tell City, Indiana";
                                    "Knox, Indiana";
                                    "Winamac, Indiana";
                                    "Marengo, Indiana";
                                    "Vevay, Indiana";
                                    "Monticello, Kentucky";
                                "La Paz";
                                "Los Angeles";
                                "Lower Prince’s Quarter";
                                "New York";
                                    "Beulah, North Dakota";
                                    "New Salem, North Dakota";
                                    "Center, North Dakota";
                                "Port of Spain";
                                "Porto Velho";
                                "Puerto Rico";
                                "Rainy River";
                                "Rankin Inlet";
                                "Rio Branco";
                                "Santa Isabel";
                                "Santo Domingo";
                                "São Paulo";
                                "St. John’s";
                                "St. Kitts";
                                "St. Lucia";
                                "St. Thomas";
                                "St. Vincent";
                                "Swift Current";
                                "Thunder Bay";
                                "Cabo Verde";
                                "St. Helena";
                                    "Irische Sommerzeit";
                                "Isle of Man";
                                    "Britische Sommerzeit";
                                "San Marino";
                                "Addis Abeba";
                                "El Aaiún";
                                "Porto Novo";
                                "São Tomé";
                                "Kuala Lumpur";
                                "Phnom Penh";
                                "Broken Hill";
                                "Lord Howe";
                                "Pago Pago";
                                "Port Moresby";
                                "Dumont d’Urville";
                                "Zentralafrikanische Zeit";
                                "Ostafrikanische Zeit";
                                "Südafrikanische Zeit";
                                "Westafrikanische Zeit",
                                "Westafrikanische Normalzeit",
                                "Westafrikanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Nordamerikanische Inlandzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Inland-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Inland-Sommerzeit";
                                "Nordamerikanische Ostküstenzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Sommerzeit";
                                "Rocky Mountain-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Westküstenzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Sommerzeit";
                                "Anadyr Zeit",
                                "Anadyr Normalzeit",
                                "Anadyr Sommerzeit";
                                "Arabische Zeit",
                                "Arabische Normalzeit",
                                "Arabische Sommerzeit";
                                "Argentinische Zeit",
                                "Argentinische Normalzeit",
                                "Argentinische Sommerzeit";
                                "Westargentinische Zeit",
                                "Westargentinische Normalzeit",
                                "Westargentinische Sommerzeit";
                                "Armenische Zeit",
                                "Armenische Normalzeit",
                                "Armenische Sommerzeit";
                                "Zentralaustralische Zeit",
                                "Zentralaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Zentralaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Zentral-/Westaustralische Zeit",
                                "Zentral-/Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Zentral-/Westaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Ostaustralische Zeit",
                                "Ostaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Ostaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Westaustralische Zeit",
                                "Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Westaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Aserbaidschanische Zeit",
                                "Aserbeidschanische Normalzeit",
                                "Aserbaidschanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Bolivianische Zeit";
                                "Chilenische Zeit",
                                "Chilenische Normalzeit",
                                "Chilenische Sommerzeit";
                                "Chinesische Zeit",
                                "Chinesische Normalzeit",
                                "Chinesische Sommerzeit";
                                "Kolumbianische Zeit",
                                "Kolumbianische Normalzeit",
                                "Kolumbianische Sommerzeit";
                                "Kubanische Zeit",
                                "Kubanische Normalzeit",
                                "Kubanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Ecuadorianische Zeit";
                                "Mitteleuropäische Zeit",
                                "Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit",
                                "Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit";
                                "Osteuropäische Zeit",
                                "Osteuropäische Normalzeit",
                                "Osteuropäische Sommerzeit";
                                "Kaliningrader Zeit";
                                "Westeuropäische Zeit",
                                "Westeuropäische Normalzeit",
                                "Westeuropäische Sommerzeit";
                                "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete-Zeit";
                                "Georgische Zeit",
                                "Georgische Normalzeit",
                                "Georgische Sommerzeit";
                                "Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit";
                                "Indische Zeit";
                                "Indischer Ozean-Zeit";
                                "Zentralindonesische Zeit";
                                "Ostindonesische Zeit";
                                "Westindonesische Zeit";
                                "Iranische Zeit",
                                "Iranische Normalzeit",
                                "Iranische Sommerzeit";
                                "Israelische Zeit",
                                "Israelische Normalzeit",
                                "Israelische Sommerzeit";
                                "Japanische Zeit",
                                "Japanische Normalzeit",
                                "Japanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Ostkasachische Zeit";
                                "Westkasachische Zeit";
                                "Koreanische Zeit",
                                "Koreanische Normalzeit",
                                "Koreanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Malaysische Zeit";
                                "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Zeit",
                                "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Normalzeit",
                                "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Sommerzeit";
                                "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Zeit",
                                "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Normalzeit",
                                "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Sommerzeit";
                                "Moskauer Zeit",
                                "Moskauer Normalzeit",
                                "Moskauer Sommerzeit";
                                "Nepalesische Zeit";
                                "Neukaledonische Zeit",
                                "Neukaledonische Normalzeit",
                                "Neukaledonische Sommerzeit";
                                "Fernando de Noronha-Zeit",
                                "Fernando de Noronha-Normalzeit",
                                "Fernando de Noronha-Sommerzeit";
                                "Pakistanische Zeit",
                                "Pakistanische Normalzeit",
                                "Pakistanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Paraguayanische Zeit",
                                "Paraguayanische Normalzeit",
                                "Paraguayanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Peruanische Zeit",
                                "Peruanische Normalzeit",
                                "Peruanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Philippinische Zeit",
                                "Philippinische Normalzeit",
                                "Philippinische Sommerzeit";
                                "Südgeorgische Zeit";
                                "Tonganische Zeit",
                                "Tonganische Normalzeit",
                                "Tonganische Sommerzeit";
                                "Uruguayanische Zeit",
                                "Uruguyanische Normalzeit",
                                "Uruguayanische Sommerzeit";


  "main": {
    "de": {
      "identity": {
        "version": {
          "_number": "$Revision: 12879 $",
          "_cldrVersion": "30.0.3"
        "language": "de"
      "dates": {
        "calendars": {
          "gregorian": {
            "months": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Jan.",
                  "2": "Feb.",
                  "3": "März",
                  "4": "Apr.",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Juni",
                  "7": "Juli",
                  "8": "Aug.",
                  "9": "Sep.",
                  "10": "Okt.",
                  "11": "Nov.",
                  "12": "Dez."
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "J",
                  "2": "F",
                  "3": "M",
                  "4": "A",
                  "5": "M",
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                  "7": "J",
                  "8": "A",
                  "9": "S",
                  "10": "O",
                  "11": "N",
                  "12": "D"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "Januar",
                  "2": "Februar",
                  "3": "März",
                  "4": "April",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Juni",
                  "7": "Juli",
                  "8": "August",
                  "9": "September",
                  "10": "Oktober",
                  "11": "November",
                  "12": "Dezember"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Jan",
                  "2": "Feb",
                  "3": "Mär",
                  "4": "Apr",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Jun",
                  "7": "Jul",
                  "8": "Aug",
                  "9": "Sep",
                  "10": "Okt",
                  "11": "Nov",
                  "12": "Dez"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "J",
                  "2": "F",
                  "3": "M",
                  "4": "A",
                  "5": "M",
                  "6": "J",
                  "7": "J",
                  "8": "A",
                  "9": "S",
                  "10": "O",
                  "11": "N",
                  "12": "D"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "Januar",
                  "2": "Februar",
                  "3": "März",
                  "4": "April",
                  "5": "Mai",
                  "6": "Juni",
                  "7": "Juli",
                  "8": "August",
                  "9": "September",
                  "10": "Oktober",
                  "11": "November",
                  "12": "Dezember"
            "days": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "sun": "So.",
                  "mon": "Mo.",
                  "tue": "Di.",
                  "wed": "Mi.",
                  "thu": "Do.",
                  "fri": "Fr.",
                  "sat": "Sa."
                "narrow": {
                  "sun": "S",
                  "mon": "M",
                  "tue": "D",
                  "wed": "M",
                  "thu": "D",
                  "fri": "F",
                  "sat": "S"
                "short": {
                  "sun": "So.",
                  "mon": "Mo.",
                  "tue": "Di.",
                  "wed": "Mi.",
                  "thu": "Do.",
                  "fri": "Fr.",
                  "sat": "Sa."
                "wide": {
                  "sun": "Sonntag",
                  "mon": "Montag",
                  "tue": "Dienstag",
                  "wed": "Mittwoch",
                  "thu": "Donnerstag",
                  "fri": "Freitag",
                  "sat": "Samstag"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "sun": "So",
                  "mon": "Mo",
                  "tue": "Di",
                  "wed": "Mi",
                  "thu": "Do",
                  "fri": "Fr",
                  "sat": "Sa"
                "narrow": {
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                  "mon": "M",
                  "tue": "D",
                  "wed": "M",
                  "thu": "D",
                  "fri": "F",
                  "sat": "S"
                "short": {
                  "sun": "So.",
                  "mon": "Mo.",
                  "tue": "Di.",
                  "wed": "Mi.",
                  "thu": "Do.",
                  "fri": "Fr.",
                  "sat": "Sa."
                "wide": {
                  "sun": "Sonntag",
                  "mon": "Montag",
                  "tue": "Dienstag",
                  "wed": "Mittwoch",
                  "thu": "Donnerstag",
                  "fri": "Freitag",
                  "sat": "Samstag"
            "quarters": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Q1",
                  "2": "Q2",
                  "3": "Q3",
                  "4": "Q4"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
                  "2": "2",
                  "3": "3",
                  "4": "4"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "1. Quartal",
                  "2": "2. Quartal",
                  "3": "3. Quartal",
                  "4": "4. Quartal"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Q1",
                  "2": "Q2",
                  "3": "Q3",
                  "4": "Q4"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
                  "2": "2",
                  "3": "3",
                  "4": "4"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "1. Quartal",
                  "2": "2. Quartal",
                  "3": "3. Quartal",
                  "4": "4. Quartal"
            "dayPeriods": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "morgens",
                  "morning2": "vormittags",
                  "afternoon1": "mittags",
                  "afternoon2": "nachmittags",
                  "evening1": "abends",
                  "night1": "nachts"
                "narrow": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vm.",
                  "pm": "nm.",
                  "morning1": "morgens",
                  "morning2": "vormittags",
                  "afternoon1": "mittags",
                  "afternoon2": "nachmittags",
                  "evening1": "abends",
                  "night1": "nachts"
                "wide": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "morgens",
                  "morning2": "vormittags",
                  "afternoon1": "mittags",
                  "afternoon2": "nachmittags",
                  "evening1": "abends",
                  "night1": "nachts"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "Morgen",
                  "morning2": "Vormittag",
                  "afternoon1": "Mittag",
                  "afternoon2": "Nachmittag",
                  "evening1": "Abend",
                  "night1": "Nacht"
                "narrow": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "Morgen",
                  "morning2": "Vormittag",
                  "afternoon1": "Mittag",
                  "afternoon2": "Nachmittag",
                  "evening1": "Abend",
                  "night1": "Nacht"
                "wide": {
                  "midnight": "Mitternacht",
                  "am": "vorm.",
                  "pm": "nachm.",
                  "morning1": "Morgen",
                  "morning2": "Vormittag",
                  "afternoon1": "Mittag",
                  "afternoon2": "Nachmittag",
                  "evening1": "Abend",
                  "night1": "Nacht"
            "eras": {
              "eraNames": {
                "0": "v. Chr.",
                "0-alt-variant": "vor unserer Zeitrechnung",
                "1": "n. Chr.",
                "1-alt-variant": "unserer Zeitrechnung"
              "eraAbbr": {
                "0": "v. Chr.",
                "0-alt-variant": "v. u. Z.",
                "1": "n. Chr.",
                "1-alt-variant": "u. Z."
              "eraNarrow": {
                "0": "v. Chr.",
                "0-alt-variant": "v. u. Z.",
                "1": "n. Chr.",
                "1-alt-variant": "u. Z."
            "dateFormats": {
              "full": "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
              "long": "d. MMMM y",
              "medium": "dd.MM.y",
              "short": "dd.MM.yy"
            "timeFormats": {
              "full": "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
              "long": "HH:mm:ss z",
              "medium": "HH:mm:ss",
              "short": "HH:mm"
            "dateTimeFormats": {
              "full": "{1} 'um' {0}",
              "long": "{1} 'um' {0}",
              "medium": "{1}, {0}",
              "short": "{1}, {0}",
              "availableFormats": {
                "d": "d",
                "E": "ccc",
                "Ed": "E, d.",
                "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                "EHm": "E, HH:mm",
                "Ehms": "E, h:mm:ss a",
                "EHms": "E, HH:mm:ss",
                "Gy": "y G",
                "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                "GyMMMd": "d. MMM y G",
                "GyMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y G",
                "h": "h 'Uhr' a",
                "H": "HH 'Uhr'",
                "hm": "h:mm a",
                "Hm": "HH:mm",
                "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                "Hms": "HH:mm:ss",
                "hmsv": "h:mm:ss a v",
                "Hmsv": "HH:mm:ss v",
                "hmv": "h:mm a v",
                "Hmv": "HH:mm v",
                "M": "L",
                "Md": "d.M.",
                "MEd": "E, d.M.",
                "MMd": "d.MM.",
                "MMdd": "dd.MM.",
                "MMM": "LLL",
                "MMMd": "d. MMM",
                "MMMEd": "E, d. MMM",
                "MMMMd": "d. MMMM",
                "MMMMEd": "E, d. MMMM",
                "MMMMW": "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                "MMMMW": "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                "ms": "mm:ss",
                "y": "y",
                "yM": "M.y",
                "yMd": "d.M.y",
                "yMEd": "E, d.M.y",
                "yMM": "MM.y",
                "yMMdd": "dd.MM.y",
                "yMMM": "MMM y",
                "yMMMd": "d. MMM y",
                "yMMMEd": "E, d. MMM y",
                "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y",
                "yw": "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y",
                "yw": "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y"
              "appendItems": {
                "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                "Era": "{1} {0}",
                "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Year": "{1} {0}"
              "intervalFormats": {
                "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                "d": {
                  "d": "d.–d."
                "h": {
                  "a": "h 'Uhr' a – h 'Uhr' a",
                  "h": "h – h 'Uhr' a"
                "H": {
                  "H": "HH–HH 'Uhr'"
                "hm": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                "Hm": {
                  "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'",
                  "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'"
                "hmv": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                "Hmv": {
                  "H": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v",
                  "m": "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v"
                "hv": {
                  "a": "h a – h a v",
                  "h": "h–h a v"
                "Hv": {
                  "H": "HH–HH 'Uhr' v"
                "M": {
                  "M": "M.–M."
                "Md": {
                  "d": "dd.MM. – dd.MM.",
                  "M": "dd.MM. – dd.MM."
                "MEd": {
                  "d": "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM.",
                  "M": "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM."
                "MMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM"
                "MMMd": {
                  "d": "d.–d. MMM",
                  "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM"
                "MMMEd": {
                  "d": "E, d. – E, d. MMM",
                  "M": "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM"
                "MMMM": {
                  "M": "LLLL–LLLL"
                "y": {
                  "y": "y–y"
                "yM": {
                  "M": "MM.y – MM.y",
                  "y": "MM.y – MM.y"
                "yMd": {
                  "d": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                  "M": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                  "y": "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y"
                "yMEd": {
                  "d": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                  "M": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                  "y": "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y"
                "yMMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                  "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                "yMMMd": {
                  "d": "d.–d. MMM y",
                  "M": "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
                  "y": "d. MMM y – d. MMM y"
                "yMMMEd": {
                  "d": "E, d. – E, d. MMM y",
                  "M": "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y",
                  "y": "E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y"
                "yMMMM": {
                  "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                  "y": "MMMM y – MMMM y"
                    "$Revision: 12879 $",
                                    "1. Quartal",
                                    "2. Quartal",
                                    "3. Quartal",
                                    "4. Quartal";
                                    "1. Quartal",
                                    "2. Quartal",
                                    "3. Quartal",
                                    "4. Quartal";
                                "v. Chr.",
                                "vor unserer Zeitrechnung",
                                "n. Chr.",
                                "unserer Zeitrechnung";
                                "v. Chr.",
                                "v. u. Z.",
                                "n. Chr.",
                                "u. Z.";
                                "v. Chr.",
                                "v. u. Z.",
                                "n. Chr.",
                                "u. Z.";
                            "EEEE, d. MMMM y",
                            "d. MMMM y",
                            "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
                            "HH:mm:ss z",
                            "{1} 'um' {0}",
                            "{1} 'um' {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                                "E, d.",
                                "E h:mm a",
                                "E, HH:mm",
                                "E, h:mm:ss a",
                                "E, HH:mm:ss",
                                "y G",
                                "MMM y G",
                                "d. MMM y G",
                                "E, d. MMM y G",
                                "h 'Uhr' a",
                                "HH 'Uhr'",
                                "h:mm a",
                                "h:mm:ss a",
                                "h:mm:ss a v",
                                "HH:mm:ss v",
                                "h:mm a v",
                                "HH:mm v",
                                "E, d.M.",
                                "d. MMM",
                                "E, d. MMM",
                                "d. MMMM",
                                "E, d. MMMM",
                                "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                                "'Woche' W 'im' MMM",
                                "E, d.M.y",
                                "MMM y",
                                "d. MMM y",
                                "E, d. MMM y",
                                "MMMM y",
                                "QQQ y",
                                "QQQQ y",
                                "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y",
                                "'Woche' w 'des' 'Jahres' y";
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{1} {0}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{1} {0}";
                                "{0} – {1}",
                                    "h 'Uhr' a – h 'Uhr' a",
                                    "h – h 'Uhr' a";
                                    "HH–HH 'Uhr'";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a";
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'",
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr'";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v";
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v",
                                    "HH:mm–HH:mm 'Uhr' v";
                                    "h a – h a v",
                                    "h–h a v";
                                    "HH–HH 'Uhr' v";
                                    "dd.MM. – dd.MM.",
                                    "dd.MM. – dd.MM.";
                                    "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM.",
                                    "E, dd.MM. – E, dd.MM.";
                                    "d.–d. MMM",
                                    "d. MMM – d. MMM";
                                    "E, d. – E, d. MMM",
                                    "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM";
                                    "MM.y – MM.y",
                                    "MM.y – MM.y";
                                    "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                    "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y",
                                    "dd.MM.y – dd.MM.y";
                                    "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                                    "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y",
                                    "E, dd.MM.y – E, dd.MM.y";
                                    "MMM–MMM y",
                                    "MMM y – MMM y";
                                    "d.–d. MMM y",
                                    "d. MMM – d. MMM y",
                                    "d. MMM y – d. MMM y";
                                    "E, d. – E, d. MMM y",
                                    "E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y",
                                    "E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y";
                                    "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                    "MMMM y – MMMM y";
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            "symbol-alt-narrow": "kr"
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            "symbol": "ZRN"
          "ZRZ": {
            "displayName": "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
            "displayName-count-one": "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
            "displayName-count-other": "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
            "symbol": "ZRZ"
          "ZWD": {
            "displayName": "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
            "displayName-count-one": "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
            "displayName-count-other": "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
            "symbol": "ZWD"
          "ZWL": {
            "displayName": "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
            "displayName-count-one": "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
            "displayName-count-other": "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
            "symbol": "ZWL"
          "ZWR": {
            "displayName": "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
            "displayName-count-one": "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
            "displayName-count-other": "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
            "symbol": "ZWR"
                    "$Revision: 13259 $",
                        "Andorranische Pesete",
                        "Andorranische Pesete",
                        "Andorranische Peseten",
                        "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
                        "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
                        "Afghanische Afghani (1927–2002)",
                        "Afghanischer Afghani",
                        "Afghanischer Afghani",
                        "Afghanische Afghani",
                        "Albanischer Lek (1946–1965)",
                        "Albanischer Lek (1946–1965)",
                        "Albanische Lek (1946–1965)";
                        "Albanischer Lek",
                        "Albanischer Lek",
                        "Albanische Lek",
                        "Armenischer Dram",
                        "Armenischer Dram",
                        "Armenische Dram",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza",
                        "Angolanische Kwanza",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza (1977–1990)",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza (1977–1990)",
                        "Angolanische Kwanza (1977–1990)",
                        "Angolanischer Neuer Kwanza (1990–2000)",
                        "Angolanischer Neuer Kwanza (1990–2000)",
                        "Angolanische Neue Kwanza (1990–2000)",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza Reajustado (1995–1999)",
                        "Angolanischer Kwanza Reajustado (1995–1999)",
                        "Angolanische Kwanza Reajustado (1995–1999)",
                        "Argentinischer Austral",
                        "Argentinischer Austral",
                        "Argentinische Austral",
                        "Argentinischer Peso Ley (1970–1983)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso Ley (1970–1983)",
                        "Argentinische Pesos Ley (1970–1983)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1881–1970)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1881–1970)",
                        "Argentinische Pesos (1881–1970)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1983–1985)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso (1983–1985)",
                        "Argentinische Peso (1983–1985)",
                        "Argentinischer Peso",
                        "Argentinischer Peso",
                        "Argentinische Pesos",
                        "Österreichischer Schilling",
                        "Österreichischer Schilling",
                        "Österreichische Schilling",
                        "Australischer Dollar",
                        "Australischer Dollar",
                        "Australische Dollar",
                        "Aserbaidschan-Manat (1993–2006)",
                        "Aserbaidschan-Manat (1993–2006)",
                        "Aserbaidschan-Manat (1993–2006)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Dinar (1992–1994)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Dinar (1992–1994)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Dinar (1992–1994)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Konvertierbare Mark",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Konvertierbare Mark",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Konvertierbare Mark",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Neuer Dinar (1994–1997)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Neuer Dinar (1994–1997)",
                        "Bosnien und Herzegowina Neue Dinar (1994–1997)",
                        "Belgischer Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Belgischer Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Belgische Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Belgischer Franc",
                        "Belgischer Franc",
                        "Belgische Franc",
                        "Belgischer Finanz-Franc",
                        "Belgischer Finanz-Franc",
                        "Belgische Finanz-Franc",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1962–1999)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1962–1999)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1962–1999)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1952–1962)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1952–1962)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1952–1962)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew",
                        "Bulgarische Lew",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1879–1952)",
                        "Bulgarischer Lew (1879–1952)",
                        "Bulgarische Lew (1879–1952)",
                        "Bolivanischer Boliviano",
                        "Bolivanischer Boliviano",
                        "Bolivianische Bolivianos",
                        "Bolivianischer Boliviano (1863–1963)",
                        "Bolivianischer Boliviano (1863–1963)",
                        "Bolivianische Bolivianos (1863–1963)",
                        "Bolivianischer Peso",
                        "Bolivianischer Peso",
                        "Bolivianische Peso",
                        "Boliviansiche Mvdol",
                        "Boliviansiche Mvdol",
                        "Bolivianische Mvdol",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro Novo (1967–1986)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro Novo (1967–1986)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzeiro Novo (1967–1986)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado (1986–1989)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado (1986–1989)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzado (1986–1989)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1990–1993)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1990–1993)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzeiro (1990–1993)",
                        "Brasilianischer Real",
                        "Brasilianischer Real",
                        "Brasilianische Real",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado Novo (1989–1990)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzado Novo (1989–1990)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzado Novo (1989–1990)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1993–1994)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1993–1994)",
                        "Brasilianische Cruzeiro (1993–1994)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1942–1967)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1942–1967)",
                        "Brasilianischer Cruzeiro (1942–1967)",
                        "Birmanischer Kyat",
                        "Birmanischer Kyat",
                        "Birmanische Kyat",
                        "Botswanischer Pula",
                        "Botswanischer Pula",
                        "Botswanische Pula",
                        "Belarus-Rubel (1994–1999)",
                        "Belarus-Rubel (1994–1999)",
                        "Belarus-Rubel (1994–1999)",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel",
                        "Weißrussische Rubel",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel (2000–2016)",
                        "Weißrussischer Rubel (2000–2016)",
                        "Weißrussische Rubel (2000–2016)",
                        "Kanadischer Dollar",
                        "Kanadischer Dollar",
                        "Kanadische Dollar",
                        "Schweizer Franken",
                        "Schweizer Franken",
                        "Schweizer Franken",
                        "WIR Franken",
                        "WIR Franken",
                        "WIR Franken",
                        "Chilenischer Escudo",
                        "Chilenischer Escudo",
                        "Chilenische Escudo",
                        "Chilenische Unidades de Fomento",
                        "Chilenische Unidades de Fomento",
                        "Chilenische Unidades de Fomento",
                        "Chilenischer Peso",
                        "Chilenischer Peso",
                        "Chilenische Pesos",
                        "Dollar der Chinesischen Volksbank",
                        "Dollar der Chinesischen Volksbank",
                        "Dollar der Chinesischen Volksbank",
                        "Renminbi Yuan",
                        "Chinesischer Yuan",
                        "Renminbi Yuan",
                        "Kolumbianischer Peso",
                        "Kolumbianischer Peso",
                        "Kolumbianische Pesos",
                        "Kolumbianische Unidades de valor real",
                        "Kolumbianische Unidad de valor real",
                        "Kolumbianische Unidades de valor real",
                        "Serbischer Dinar (2002–2006)",
                        "Serbischer Dinar (2002–2006)",
                        "Serbische Dinar (2002–2006)",
                        "Tschechoslowakische Krone",
                        "Tschechoslowakische Kronen",
                        "Tschechoslowakische Kronen",
                        "Kubanischer Peso (konvertibel)",
                        "Kubanischer Peso (konvertibel)",
                        "Kubanische Pesos (konvertibel)",
                        "Kubanischer Peso",
                        "Kubanischer Peso",
                        "Kubanische Pesos",
                        "Zypern Pfund",
                        "Zypern Pfund",
                        "Tschechische Krone",
                        "Tschechische Krone",
                        "Tschechische Kronen",
                        "Mark der DDR",
                        "Mark der DDR",
                        "Mark der DDR",
                        "Deutsche Mark",
                        "Deutsche Mark",
                        "Deutsche Mark",
                        "Dänische Krone",
                        "Dänische Krone",
                        "Dänische Kronen",
                        "Dominikanischer Peso",
                        "Dominikanischer Peso",
                        "Dominikanische Pesos",
                        "Algerischer Dinar",
                        "Algerischer Dinar",
                        "Algerische Dinar",
                        "Ecuadorianischer Sucre",
                        "Ecuadorianischer Sucre",
                        "Ecuadorianische Sucre",
                        "Verrechnungseinheit für Ecuador",
                        "Verrechnungseinheiten für Ecuador",
                        "Verrechnungseinheiten für Ecuador",
                        "Estnische Krone",
                        "Estnische Krone",
                        "Estnische Kronen",
                        "Ägyptisches Pfund",
                        "Ägyptisches Pfund",
                        "Ägyptische Pfund",
                        "Eritreischer Nakfa",
                        "Eritreischer Nakfa",
                        "Eritreische Nakfa",
                        "Spanische Peseta (A–Konten)",
                        "Spanische Peseta (A–Konten)",
                        "Spanische Peseten (A–Konten)",
                        "Spanische Peseta (konvertibel)",
                        "Spanische Peseta (konvertibel)",
                        "Spanische Peseten (konvertibel)",
                        "Spanische Peseta",
                        "Spanische Peseta",
                        "Spanische Peseten",
                        "Äthiopischer Birr",
                        "Äthiopischer Birr",
                        "Äthiopische Birr",
                        "Finnische Mark",
                        "Finnische Mark",
                        "Finnische Mark",
                        "Französischer Franc",
                        "Französischer Franc",
                        "Französische Franc",
                        "Britisches Pfund",
                        "Britisches Pfund",
                        "Britische Pfund",
                        "Georgischer Kupon Larit",
                        "Georgischer Kupon Larit",
                        "Georgische Kupon Larit",
                        "Georgischer Lari",
                        "Georgischer Lari",
                        "Georgische Lari",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi (1979–2007)",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi (1979–2007)",
                        "Ghanaische Cedi (1979–2007)",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi",
                        "Ghanaischer Cedi",
                        "Ghanaische Cedi",
                        "Gibraltar Pfund",
                        "Guineischer Syli",
                        "Guineischer Syli",
                        "Guineische Syli",
                        "Griechische Drachme",
                        "Griechische Drachme",
                        "Griechische Drachmen",
                        "Guatemaltekischer Quetzal",
                        "Guatemaltekischer Quetzal",
                        "Guatemaltekische Quetzales",
                        "Portugiesisch Guinea Escudo",
                        "Portugiesisch Guinea Escudo",
                        "Portugiesisch Guinea Escudo",
                        "Guinea-Bissau Peso",
                        "Guinea-Bissau Peso",
                        "Guinea-Bissau Pesos",
                        "Kroatischer Dinar",
                        "Kroatischer Dinar",
                        "Kroatische Dinar",
                        "Kroatischer Kuna",
                        "Kroatischer Kuna",
                        "Kroatische Kuna",
                        "Haitianische Gourde",
                        "Haitianische Gourde",
                        "Haitianische Gourdes",
                        "Ungarischer Forint",
                        "Ungarischer Forint",
                        "Ungarische Forint",
                        "Indonesische Rupiah",
                        "Indonesische Rupiah",
                        "Indonesische Rupiah",
                        "Irisches Pfund",
                        "Irisches Pfund",
                        "Irische Pfund",
                        "Israelisches Pfund",
                        "Israelisches Pfund",
                        "Israelische Pfund",
                        "Israelischer Schekel (1980–1985)",
                        "Israelischer Schekel (1980–1985)",
                        "Israelische Schekel (1980–1985)";
                        "Israelischer Neuer Schekel",
                        "Israelischer Neuer Schekel",
                        "Israelische Neue Schekel",
                        "Indische Rupie",
                        "Indische Rupie",
                        "Indische Rupien",
                        "Irakischer Dinar",
                        "Irakischer Dinar",
                        "Irakische Dinar",
                        "Iranischer Rial",
                        "Iranischer Rial",
                        "Iranische Rial",
                        "Isländische Krone (1918–1981)",
                        "Isländische Krone (1918–1981)",
                        "Isländische Kronen (1918–1981)";
                        "Isländische Krone",
                        "Isländische Krone",
                        "Isländische Kronen",
                        "Italienische Lira",
                        "Italienische Lira",
                        "Italienische Lire",
                        "Jordanischer Dinar",
                        "Jordanischer Dinar",
                        "Jordanische Dinar",
                        "Japanischer Yen",
                        "Japanischer Yen",
                        "Japanische Yen",
                        "Kirgisischer Som",
                        "Kirgisischer Som",
                        "Kirgisische Som",
                        "Kambodschanischer Riel",
                        "Kambodschanischer Riel",
                        "Kambodschanische Riel",
                        "Nordkoreanischer Won",
                        "Nordkoreanischer Won",
                        "Nordkoreanische Won",
                        "Südkoreanischer Hwan (1953–1962)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Hwan (1953–1962)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Hwan (1953–1962)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won (1945–1953)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won (1945–1953)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won (1945–1953)",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won",
                        "Südkoreanischer Won",
                        "Südkoreanische Won",
                        "Kasachischer Tenge",
                        "Kasachischer Tenge",
                        "Kasachische Tenge",
                        "Laotischer Kip",
                        "Laotischer Kip",
                        "Laotische Kip",
                        "Libanesisches Pfund",
                        "Libanesisches Pfund",
                        "Libanesische Pfund",
                        "Liberianischer Dollar",
                        "Liberianischer Dollar",
                        "Liberianische Dollar",
                        "Litauischer Litas",
                        "Litauischer Litas",
                        "Litauische Litas",
                        "Litauischer Talonas",
                        "Litauische Talonas",
                        "Litauische Talonas",
                        "Luxemburgischer Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc (konvertibel)",
                        "Luxemburgischer Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Franc",
                        "Luxemburgischer Finanz-Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Finanz-Franc",
                        "Luxemburgische Finanz-Franc",
                        "Lettischer Lats",
                        "Lettischer Lats",
                        "Lettische Lats",
                        "Lettischer Rubel",
                        "Lettische Rubel",
                        "Lettische Rubel",
                        "Libyscher Dinar",
                        "Libyscher Dinar",
                        "Libysche Dinar",
                        "Marokkanischer Dirham",
                        "Marokkanischer Dirham",
                        "Marokkanische Dirham",
                        "Marokkanischer Franc",
                        "Marokkanische Franc",
                        "Marokkanische Franc",
                        "Monegassischer Franc",
                        "Monegassischer Franc",
                        "Monegassische Franc",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar",
                        "Mazedonische Denari",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar (1992–1993)",
                        "Mazedonischer Denar (1992–1993)",
                        "Mazedonische Denar (1992–1993)",
                        "Malischer Franc",
                        "Malische Franc",
                        "Malische Franc",
                        "Myanmarischer Kyat",
                        "Myanmarischer Kyat",
                        "Myanmarische Kyat",
                        "Mongolischer Tögrög",
                        "Mongolischer Tögrög",
                        "Mongolische Tögrög",
                        "Mauretanischer Ouguiya",
                        "Mauretanischer Ouguiya",
                        "Mauretanische Ouguiya",
                        "Maltesische Lira",
                        "Maltesische Lira",
                        "Maltesische Lira",
                        "Maltesisches Pfund",
                        "Maltesische Pfund",
                        "Maltesische Pfund",
                        "Malediven-Rupie (alt)",
                        "Malediven-Rupie (alt)",
                        "Malediven-Rupien (alt)";
                        "Mexikanischer Peso",
                        "Mexikanischer Peso",
                        "Mexikanische Pesos",
                        "Mexikanischer Silber-Peso (1861–1992)",
                        "Mexikanische Silber-Peso (1861–1992)",
                        "Mexikanische Silber-Pesos (1861–1992)",
                        "Mexicanischer Unidad de Inversion (UDI)",
                        "Mexicanischer Unidad de Inversion (UDI)",
                        "Mexikanische Unidad de Inversion (UDI)",
                        "Malaysischer Ringgit",
                        "Malaysischer Ringgit",
                        "Malaysische Ringgit",
                        "Mosambikanischer Escudo",
                        "Mozambikanische Escudo",
                        "Mozambikanische Escudo",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical (1980–2006)",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical (1980–2006)",
                        "Mosambikanische Meticais (1980–2006)",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical",
                        "Mosambikanischer Metical",
                        "Mosambikanische Meticais",
                        "Nigerianischer Naira",
                        "Nigerianischer Naira",
                        "Nigerianische Naira",
                        "Nicaraguanischer Córdoba (1988–1991)",
                        "Nicaraguanischer Córdoba (1988–1991)",
                        "Nicaraguanische Córdoba (1988–1991)",
                        "Niederländischer Gulden",
                        "Niederländischer Gulden",
                        "Niederländische Gulden",
                        "Norwegische Krone",
                        "Norwegische Krone",
                        "Norwegische Kronen",
                        "Nepalesische Rupie",
                        "Nepalesische Rupie",
                        "Nepalesische Rupien",
                        "Omanischer Rial",
                        "Omanischer Rial",
                        "Omanische Rials",
                        "Panamaischer Balboa",
                        "Panamaischer Balboa",
                        "Panamaische Balboas",
                        "Peruanischer Inti",
                        "Peruanische Inti",
                        "Peruanische Inti",
                        "Peruanischer Sol",
                        "Peruanischer Sol",
                        "Peruanische Sol",
                        "Peruanischer Sol (1863–1965)",
                        "Peruanischer Sol (1863–1965)",
                        "Peruanische Sol (1863–1965)",
                        "Papua-Neuguineischer Kina",
                        "Papua-Neuguineischer Kina",
                        "Papua-Neuguineische Kina",
                        "Philippinischer Peso",
                        "Philippinischer Peso",
                        "Philippinische Pesos",
                        "Pakistanische Rupie",
                        "Pakistanische Rupie",
                        "Pakistanische Rupien",
                        "Polnischer Złoty",
                        "Polnischer Złoty",
                        "Polnische Złoty",
                        "Polnischer Zloty (1950–1995)",
                        "Polnischer Zloty (1950–1995)",
                        "Polnische Zloty (1950–1995)",
                        "Portugiesischer Escudo",
                        "Portugiesische Escudo",
                        "Portugiesische Escudo",
                        "Paraguayischer Guaraní",
                        "Paraguayischer Guaraní",
                        "Paraguayische Guaraníes",
                        "Rhodesischer Dollar",
                        "Rhodesische Dollar",
                        "Rhodesische Dollar",
                        "Rumänischer Leu (1952–2006)",
                        "Rumänischer Leu (1952–2006)",
                        "Rumänische Leu (1952–2006)",
                        "Rumänischer Leu",
                        "Rumänischer Leu",
                        "Rumänische Leu",
                        "Serbischer Dinar",
                        "Serbischer Dinar",
                        "Serbische Dinaren",
                        "Russischer Rubel",
                        "Russischer Rubel",
                        "Russische Rubel",
                        "Russischer Rubel (1991–1998)",
                        "Russischer Rubel (1991–1998)",
                        "Russische Rubel (1991–1998)",
                        "Sudanesischer Dinar (1992–2007)",
                        "Sudanesischer Dinar (1992–2007)",
                        "Sudanesische Dinar (1992–2007)",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Sudanesische Pfund",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund (1957–1998)",
                        "Sudanesisches Pfund (1957–1998)",
                        "Sudanesische Pfund (1957–1998)",
                        "Schwedische Krone",
                        "Schwedische Krone",
                        "Schwedische Kronen",
                        "St. Helena-Pfund",
                        "St. Helena-Pfund",
                        "St. Helena-Pfund",
                        "Slowenischer Tolar",
                        "Slowenischer Tolar",
                        "Slowenische Tolar",
                        "Slowakische Krone",
                        "Slowakische Kronen",
                        "Slowakische Kronen",
                        "Sierra-leonischer Leone",
                        "Sierra-leonischer Leone",
                        "Sierra-leonische Leones",
                        "Suriname Gulden",
                        "Südsudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Südsudanesisches Pfund",
                        "Südsudanesische Pfund",
                        "São-toméischer Dobra",
                        "São-toméischer Dobra",
                        "São-toméische Dobra",
                        "Sowjetischer Rubel",
                        "Sowjetische Rubel",
                        "Sowjetische Rubel",
                        "El Salvador Colon",
                        "El Salvador-Colon",
                        "El Salvador-Colon",
                        "Syrisches Pfund",
                        "Syrisches Pfund",
                        "Syrische Pfund",
                        "Swasiländischer Lilangeni",
                        "Swasiländischer Lilangeni",
                        "Swasiländische Emalangeni",
                        "Thailändischer Baht",
                        "Thailändischer Baht",
                        "Thailändische Baht",
                        "Tadschikistan Rubel",
                        "Turkmenistan-Manat (1993–2009)",
                        "Turkmenistan-Manat (1993–2009)",
                        "Turkmenistan-Manat (1993–2009)",
                        "Tunesischer Dinar",
                        "Tunesischer Dinar",
                        "Tunesische Dinar",
                        "Tongaischer Paʻanga",
                        "Tongaischer Paʻanga",
                        "Tongaische Paʻanga",
                        "Türkische Lira (1922–2005)",
                        "Türkische Lira (1922–2005)",
                        "Türkische Lira (1922–2005)",
                        "Türkische Lira",
                        "Türkische Lira",
                        "Türkische Lira",
                        "Trinidad und Tobago-Dollar",
                        "Trinidad und Tobago-Dollar",
                        "Trinidad und Tobago-Dollar",
                        "Neuer Taiwan-Dollar",
                        "Neuer Taiwan-Dollar",
                        "Neue Taiwan-Dollar",
                        "Ukrainische Hrywnja",
                        "Ukrainische Hrywnja",
                        "Ukrainische Hrywen",
                        "Ukrainischer Karbovanetz",
                        "Ukrainische Karbovanetz",
                        "Ukrainische Karbovanetz",
                        "Uganda-Schilling (1966–1987)",
                        "Uganda-Schilling (1966–1987)",
                        "Uganda-Schilling (1966–1987)",
                        "US Dollar (Nächster Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Nächster Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Nächster Tag)",
                        "US Dollar (Gleicher Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Gleicher Tag)",
                        "US-Dollar (Gleicher Tag)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (Indexierte Rechnungseinheiten)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (Indexierte Rechnungseinheiten)",
                        "Uruguayische Pesos (Indexierte Rechnungseinheiten)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (1975–1993)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso (1975–1993)",
                        "Uruguayische Pesos (1975–1993)",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso",
                        "Uruguayischer Peso",
                        "Uruguayische Pesos",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar (1871–2008)",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar (1871–2008)",
                        "Venezolanische Bolívares (1871–2008)",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar",
                        "Venezolanischer Bolívar",
                        "Venezolanische Bolívares",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong",
                        "Vietnamesische Dong",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong(1978–1985)",
                        "Vietnamesischer Dong(1978–1985)",
                        "Vietnamesische Dong(1978–1985)",
                        "Samoanischer Tala",
                        "Samoanischer Tala",
                        "Samoanische Tala",
                        "CFA-Franc (BEAC)",
                        "CFA-Franc (BEAC)",
                        "CFA-Franc (BEAC)",
                        "Unze Silber",
                        "Unze Silber",
                        "Unzen Silber",
                        "Unze Gold",
                        "Unze Gold",
                        "Unzen Gold",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheit",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheit (XBB)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XBB)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XBB)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheit (XBC)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBC)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBC)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheit (XBD)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBD)",
                        "Europäische Rechnungseinheiten (XBD)",
                        "Ostkaribischer Dollar",
                        "Ostkaribischer Dollar",
                        "Ostkaribische Dollar",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheit (XEU)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XEU)",
                        "Europäische Währungseinheiten (XEU)",
                        "Französischer Gold-Franc",
                        "Französische Gold-Franc",
                        "Französische Gold-Franc",
                        "Französischer UIC-Franc",
                        "Französische UIC-Franc",
                        "Französische UIC-Franc",
                        "CFA-Franc (BCEAO)",
                        "CFA-Franc (BCEAO)",
                        "CFA-Francs (BCEAO)",
                        "Unze Palladium",
                        "Unze Palladium",
                        "Unzen Palladium",
                        "Unze Platin",
                        "Unze Platin",
                        "Unzen Platin",
                        "RINET Funds",
                        "RINET Funds",
                        "RINET Funds",
                        "Rechnungseinheit der AfEB",
                        "Rechnungseinheit der AfEB",
                        "Rechnungseinheiten der AfEB",
                        "Unbekannte Währung",
                        "(unbekannte Währung)",
                        "(unbekannte Währung)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Dinar (1966–1990)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Dinar (1966–1990)",
                        "Jugoslawische Dinar (1966–1990)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Neuer Dinar (1994–2002)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Neuer Dinar (1994–2002)",
                        "Jugoslawische Neue Dinar (1994–2002)",
                        "Jugoslawischer Dinar (konvertibel)",
                        "Jugoslawische Dinar (konvertibel)",
                        "Jugoslawische Dinar (konvertibel)",
                        "Jugoslawischer reformierter Dinar (1992–1993)",
                        "Jugoslawischer reformierter Dinar (1992–1993)",
                        "Jugoslawische reformierte Dinar (1992–1993)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand (Finanz)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand (Finanz)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand (Finanz)",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand",
                        "Südafrikanischer Rand",
                        "Südafrikanische Rand",
                        "Kwacha (1968–2012)",
                        "Kwacha (1968–2012)",
                        "Kwacha (1968–2012)",
                        "Zaire-Neuer Zaïre (1993–1998)",
                        "Zaire-Neuer Zaïre (1993–1998)",
                        "Zaire-Neue Zaïre (1993–1998)",
                        "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
                        "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
                        "Zaire-Zaïre (1971–1993)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (1980–2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2009)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
                        "Simbabwe-Dollar (2008)",
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as deTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';
loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, deTimeZoneNames);
    'de': {
        'daterangepicker': {
            applyText: 'Sich bewerben',
            cancelText: 'Stornieren',
            customRange: 'benutzerdefinierten Bereich',
            days: 'Tage',
            endLabel: 'Wählen Sie Enddatum',
            placeholder: 'Wählen Sie einen Bereich aus',
            selectedDays: 'Ausgewählte Tage',
            startLabel: 'Wählen Sie Startdatum'
//import the daterangepicker component
function App() {
    return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='de'/>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';

//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as deTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';

loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, deTimeZoneNames);

  'de': {
    'daterangepicker': {
      applyText: 'Sich bewerben',
      cancelText: 'Stornieren',
      customRange: 'benutzerdefinierten Bereich',
      days: 'Tage',
      endLabel: 'Wählen Sie Enddatum',
      placeholder: 'Wählen Sie einen Bereich aus',
      selectedDays: 'Ausgewählte Tage',
      startLabel: 'Wählen Sie Startdatum'
//import the daterangepicker component
function App() {
      return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='de'/>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
  "supplemental": {
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      "armnlow": {
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      "hansfin": {
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      "hantfin": {
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      "jpanfin": {
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            "$Revision: 12732 $",
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          "accounting": "#,##0.00 ¤",
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              "10000000000-count-other": "00 Mrd'.' ¤",
              "100000000000-count-one": "000 Mrd'.' ¤",
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              "10000000000000-count-one": "00 Bio'.' ¤",
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                            "000 Billionen";
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                            "00 Mrd'.'",
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                            "000 Mrd'.'",
                            "0 Bio'.'",
                            "0 Bio'.'",
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                            "0 Mrd'.' ¤",
                            "00 Mrd'.' ¤",
                            "00 Mrd'.' ¤",
                            "000 Mrd'.' ¤",
                            "000 Mrd'.' ¤",
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                            "0 Bio'.' ¤",
                            "00 Bio'.' ¤",
                            "00 Bio'.' ¤",
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                            "000 Bio'.' ¤";
                    "{0} {1}",
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      "identity": {
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      "dates": {
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          "regionFormat-type-standard": "{0} Normalzeit",
          "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})",
          "zone": {
            "America": {
              "Adak": {
                "exemplarCity": "Adak"
              "Anchorage": {
                "exemplarCity": "Anchorage"
              "Anguilla": {
                "exemplarCity": "Anguilla"
              "Antigua": {
                "exemplarCity": "Antigua"
              "Araguaina": {
                "exemplarCity": "Araguaina"
              "Argentina": {
                "Rio_Gallegos": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Rio Gallegos"
                "San_Juan": {
                  "exemplarCity": "San Juan"
                "Ushuaia": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Ushuaia"
                "La_Rioja": {
                  "exemplarCity": "La Rioja"
                "San_Luis": {
                  "exemplarCity": "San Luis"
                "Salta": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Salta"
                "Tucuman": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Tucuman"
              "Aruba": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aruba"
              "Asuncion": {
                "exemplarCity": "Asunción"
              "Bahia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bahia"
              "Bahia_Banderas": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bahia Banderas"
              "Barbados": {
                "exemplarCity": "Barbados"
              "Belem": {
                "exemplarCity": "Belem"
              "Belize": {
                "exemplarCity": "Belize"
              "Blanc-Sablon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Blanc-Sablon"
              "Boa_Vista": {
                "exemplarCity": "Boa Vista"
              "Bogota": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bogotá"
              "Boise": {
                "exemplarCity": "Boise"
              "Buenos_Aires": {
                "exemplarCity": "Buenos Aires"
              "Cambridge_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cambridge Bay"
              "Campo_Grande": {
                "exemplarCity": "Campo Grande"
              "Cancun": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cancún"
              "Caracas": {
                "exemplarCity": "Caracas"
              "Catamarca": {
                "exemplarCity": "Catamarca"
              "Cayenne": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cayenne"
              "Cayman": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kaimaninseln"
              "Chicago": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chicago"
              "Chihuahua": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chihuahua"
              "Coral_Harbour": {
                "exemplarCity": "Atikokan"
              "Cordoba": {
                "exemplarCity": "Córdoba"
              "Costa_Rica": {
                "exemplarCity": "Costa Rica"
              "Creston": {
                "exemplarCity": "Creston"
              "Cuiaba": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cuiaba"
              "Curacao": {
                "exemplarCity": "Curaçao"
              "Danmarkshavn": {
                "exemplarCity": "Danmarkshavn"
              "Dawson": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dawson"
              "Dawson_Creek": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dawson Creek"
              "Denver": {
                "exemplarCity": "Denver"
              "Detroit": {
                "exemplarCity": "Detroit"
              "Dominica": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dominica"
              "Edmonton": {
                "exemplarCity": "Edmonton"
              "Eirunepe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Eirunepe"
              "El_Salvador": {
                "exemplarCity": "El Salvador"
              "Fort_Nelson": {
                "exemplarCity": "Fort Nelson"
              "Fortaleza": {
                "exemplarCity": "Fortaleza"
              "Glace_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "Glace Bay"
              "Godthab": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nuuk"
              "Goose_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "Goose Bay"
              "Grand_Turk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Grand Turk"
              "Grenada": {
                "exemplarCity": "Grenada"
              "Guadeloupe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guadeloupe"
              "Guatemala": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guatemala"
              "Guayaquil": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guayaquil"
              "Guyana": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guyana"
              "Halifax": {
                "exemplarCity": "Halifax"
              "Havana": {
                "exemplarCity": "Havanna"
              "Hermosillo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Hermosillo"
              "Indiana": {
                "Vincennes": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Vincennes, Indiana"
                "Petersburg": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Petersburg, Indiana"
                "Tell_City": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Tell City, Indiana"
                "Knox": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Knox, Indiana"
                "Winamac": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Winamac, Indiana"
                "Marengo": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Marengo, Indiana"
                "Vevay": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Vevay, Indiana"
              "Indianapolis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Indianapolis"
              "Inuvik": {
                "exemplarCity": "Inuvik"
              "Iqaluit": {
                "exemplarCity": "Iqaluit"
              "Jamaica": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jamaika"
              "Jujuy": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jujuy"
              "Juneau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Juneau"
              "Kentucky": {
                "Monticello": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Monticello, Kentucky"
              "Kralendijk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kralendijk"
              "La_Paz": {
                "exemplarCity": "La Paz"
              "Lima": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lima"
              "Los_Angeles": {
                "exemplarCity": "Los Angeles"
              "Louisville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Louisville"
              "Lower_Princes": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lower Prince’s Quarter"
              "Maceio": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maceio"
              "Managua": {
                "exemplarCity": "Managua"
              "Manaus": {
                "exemplarCity": "Manaus"
              "Marigot": {
                "exemplarCity": "Marigot"
              "Martinique": {
                "exemplarCity": "Martinique"
              "Matamoros": {
                "exemplarCity": "Matamoros"
              "Mazatlan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mazatlan"
              "Mendoza": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mendoza"
              "Menominee": {
                "exemplarCity": "Menominee"
              "Merida": {
                "exemplarCity": "Merida"
              "Metlakatla": {
                "exemplarCity": "Metlakatla"
              "Mexico_City": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mexiko-Stadt"
              "Miquelon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Miquelon"
              "Moncton": {
                "exemplarCity": "Moncton"
              "Monterrey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Monterrey"
              "Montevideo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Montevideo"
              "Montserrat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Montserrat"
              "Nassau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nassau"
              "New_York": {
                "exemplarCity": "New York"
              "Nipigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nipigon"
              "Nome": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nome"
              "Noronha": {
                "exemplarCity": "Noronha"
              "North_Dakota": {
                "Beulah": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Beulah, North Dakota"
                "New_Salem": {
                  "exemplarCity": "New Salem, North Dakota"
                "Center": {
                  "exemplarCity": "Center, North Dakota"
              "Ojinaga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ojinaga"
              "Panama": {
                "exemplarCity": "Panama"
              "Pangnirtung": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pangnirtung"
              "Paramaribo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Paramaribo"
              "Phoenix": {
                "exemplarCity": "Phoenix"
              "Port-au-Prince": {
                "exemplarCity": "Port-au-Prince"
              "Port_of_Spain": {
                "exemplarCity": "Port of Spain"
              "Porto_Velho": {
                "exemplarCity": "Porto Velho"
              "Puerto_Rico": {
                "exemplarCity": "Puerto Rico"
              "Rainy_River": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rainy River"
              "Rankin_Inlet": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rankin Inlet"
              "Recife": {
                "exemplarCity": "Recife"
              "Regina": {
                "exemplarCity": "Regina"
              "Resolute": {
                "exemplarCity": "Resolute"
              "Rio_Branco": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rio Branco"
              "Santa_Isabel": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santa Isabel"
              "Santarem": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santarem"
              "Santiago": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santiago"
              "Santo_Domingo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Santo Domingo"
              "Sao_Paulo": {
                "exemplarCity": "São Paulo"
              "Scoresbysund": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ittoqqortoormiit"
              "Sitka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sitka"
              "St_Barthelemy": {
                "exemplarCity": "Saint-Barthélemy"
              "St_Johns": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. John’s"
              "St_Kitts": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Kitts"
              "St_Lucia": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Lucia"
              "St_Thomas": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Thomas"
              "St_Vincent": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Vincent"
              "Swift_Current": {
                "exemplarCity": "Swift Current"
              "Tegucigalpa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tegucigalpa"
              "Thule": {
                "exemplarCity": "Thule"
              "Thunder_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "Thunder Bay"
              "Tijuana": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tijuana"
              "Toronto": {
                "exemplarCity": "Toronto"
              "Tortola": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tortola"
              "Vancouver": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vancouver"
              "Whitehorse": {
                "exemplarCity": "Whitehorse"
              "Winnipeg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Winnipeg"
              "Yakutat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Yakutat"
              "Yellowknife": {
                "exemplarCity": "Yellowknife"
            "Atlantic": {
              "Azores": {
                "exemplarCity": "Azoren"
              "Bermuda": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bermudas"
              "Canary": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kanaren"
              "Cape_Verde": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cabo Verde"
              "Faeroe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Färöer"
              "Madeira": {
                "exemplarCity": "Madeira"
              "Reykjavik": {
                "exemplarCity": "Reyk­ja­vík"
              "South_Georgia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Südgeorgien"
              "St_Helena": {
                "exemplarCity": "St. Helena"
              "Stanley": {
                "exemplarCity": "Stanley"
            "Europe": {
              "Amsterdam": {
                "exemplarCity": "Amsterdam"
              "Andorra": {
                "exemplarCity": "Andorra"
              "Astrakhan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Astrachan"
              "Athens": {
                "exemplarCity": "Athen"
              "Belgrade": {
                "exemplarCity": "Belgrad"
              "Berlin": {
                "exemplarCity": "Berlin"
              "Bratislava": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bratislava"
              "Brussels": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brüssel"
              "Bucharest": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bukarest"
              "Budapest": {
                "exemplarCity": "Budapest"
              "Busingen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Büsingen"
              "Chisinau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kischinau"
              "Copenhagen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kopenhagen"
              "Dublin": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "Irische Sommerzeit"
                "exemplarCity": "Dublin"
              "Gibraltar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gibraltar"
              "Guernsey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guernsey"
              "Helsinki": {
                "exemplarCity": "Helsinki"
              "Isle_of_Man": {
                "exemplarCity": "Isle of Man"
              "Istanbul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Istanbul"
              "Jersey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jersey"
              "Kaliningrad": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kaliningrad"
              "Kiev": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kiew"
              "Kirov": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kirow"
              "Lisbon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lissabon"
              "Ljubljana": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ljubljana"
              "London": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "Britische Sommerzeit"
                "exemplarCity": "London"
              "Luxembourg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Luxemburg"
              "Madrid": {
                "exemplarCity": "Madrid"
              "Malta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Malta"
              "Mariehamn": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mariehamn"
              "Minsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Minsk"
              "Monaco": {
                "exemplarCity": "Monaco"
              "Moscow": {
                "exemplarCity": "Moskau"
              "Oslo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Oslo"
              "Paris": {
                "exemplarCity": "Paris"
              "Podgorica": {
                "exemplarCity": "Podgorica"
              "Prague": {
                "exemplarCity": "Prag"
              "Riga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Riga"
              "Rome": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rom"
              "Samara": {
                "exemplarCity": "Samara"
              "San_Marino": {
                "exemplarCity": "San Marino"
              "Sarajevo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sarajevo"
              "Simferopol": {
                "exemplarCity": "Simferopol"
              "Skopje": {
                "exemplarCity": "Skopje"
              "Sofia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sofia"
              "Stockholm": {
                "exemplarCity": "Stockholm"
              "Tallinn": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tallinn"
              "Tirane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tirana"
              "Ulyanovsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Uljanowsk"
              "Uzhgorod": {
                "exemplarCity": "Uschgorod"
              "Vaduz": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vaduz"
              "Vatican": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vatikan"
              "Vienna": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wien"
              "Vilnius": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vilnius"
              "Volgograd": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wolgograd"
              "Warsaw": {
                "exemplarCity": "Warschau"
              "Zagreb": {
                "exemplarCity": "Zagreb"
              "Zaporozhye": {
                "exemplarCity": "Saporischja"
              "Zurich": {
                "exemplarCity": "Zürich"
            "Africa": {
              "Abidjan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Abidjan"
              "Accra": {
                "exemplarCity": "Accra"
              "Addis_Ababa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Addis Abeba"
              "Algiers": {
                "exemplarCity": "Algier"
              "Asmera": {
                "exemplarCity": "Asmara"
              "Bamako": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bamako"
              "Bangui": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bangui"
              "Banjul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Banjul"
              "Bissau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bissau"
              "Blantyre": {
                "exemplarCity": "Blantyre"
              "Brazzaville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brazzaville"
              "Bujumbura": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bujumbura"
              "Cairo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kairo"
              "Casablanca": {
                "exemplarCity": "Casablanca"
              "Ceuta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ceuta"
              "Conakry": {
                "exemplarCity": "Conakry"
              "Dakar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dakar"
              "Dar_es_Salaam": {
                "exemplarCity": "Daressalam"
              "Djibouti": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dschibuti"
              "Douala": {
                "exemplarCity": "Douala"
              "El_Aaiun": {
                "exemplarCity": "El Aaiún"
              "Freetown": {
                "exemplarCity": "Freetown"
              "Gaborone": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gaborone"
              "Harare": {
                "exemplarCity": "Harare"
              "Johannesburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Johannesburg"
              "Juba": {
                "exemplarCity": "Juba"
              "Kampala": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kampala"
              "Khartoum": {
                "exemplarCity": "Khartum"
              "Kigali": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kigali"
              "Kinshasa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kinshasa"
              "Lagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lagos"
              "Libreville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Libreville"
              "Lome": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lomé"
              "Luanda": {
                "exemplarCity": "Luanda"
              "Lubumbashi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lubumbashi"
              "Lusaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lusaka"
              "Malabo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Malabo"
              "Maputo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maputo"
              "Maseru": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maseru"
              "Mbabane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mbabane"
              "Mogadishu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mogadischu"
              "Monrovia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Monrovia"
              "Nairobi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nairobi"
              "Ndjamena": {
                "exemplarCity": "N’Djamena"
              "Niamey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Niamey"
              "Nouakchott": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nouakchott"
              "Ouagadougou": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ouagadougou"
              "Porto-Novo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Porto Novo"
              "Sao_Tome": {
                "exemplarCity": "São Tomé"
              "Tripoli": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tripolis"
              "Tunis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tunis"
              "Windhoek": {
                "exemplarCity": "Windhoek"
            "Asia": {
              "Aden": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aden"
              "Almaty": {
                "exemplarCity": "Almaty"
              "Amman": {
                "exemplarCity": "Amman"
              "Anadyr": {
                "exemplarCity": "Anadyr"
              "Aqtau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aqtau"
              "Aqtobe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aktobe"
              "Ashgabat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Aşgabat"
              "Baghdad": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bagdad"
              "Bahrain": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bahrain"
              "Baku": {
                "exemplarCity": "Baku"
              "Bangkok": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bangkok"
              "Barnaul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Barnaul"
              "Beirut": {
                "exemplarCity": "Beirut"
              "Bishkek": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bischkek"
              "Brunei": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brunei"
              "Calcutta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kalkutta"
              "Chita": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tschita"
              "Choibalsan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tschoibalsan"
              "Colombo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Colombo"
              "Damascus": {
                "exemplarCity": "Damaskus"
              "Dhaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dhaka"
              "Dili": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dili"
              "Dubai": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dubai"
              "Dushanbe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Duschanbe"
              "Gaza": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gaza"
              "Hebron": {
                "exemplarCity": "Hebron"
              "Hong_Kong": {
                "exemplarCity": "Hongkong"
              "Hovd": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chowd"
              "Irkutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Irkutsk"
              "Jakarta": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jakarta"
              "Jayapura": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jayapura"
              "Jerusalem": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jerusalem"
              "Kabul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kabul"
              "Kamchatka": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kamtschatka"
              "Karachi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Karatschi"
              "Katmandu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kathmandu"
              "Khandyga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chandyga"
              "Krasnoyarsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Krasnojarsk"
              "Kuala_Lumpur": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kuala Lumpur"
              "Kuching": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kuching"
              "Kuwait": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kuwait"
              "Macau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Macao"
              "Magadan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Magadan"
              "Makassar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Makassar"
              "Manila": {
                "exemplarCity": "Manila"
              "Muscat": {
                "exemplarCity": "Maskat"
              "Nicosia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nikosia"
              "Novokuznetsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nowokuznetsk"
              "Novosibirsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nowosibirsk"
              "Omsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Omsk"
              "Oral": {
                "exemplarCity": "Oral"
              "Phnom_Penh": {
                "exemplarCity": "Phnom Penh"
              "Pontianak": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pontianak"
              "Pyongyang": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pjöngjang"
              "Qatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Katar"
              "Qyzylorda": {
                "exemplarCity": "Qysylorda"
              "Rangoon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rangun"
              "Riyadh": {
                "exemplarCity": "Riad"
              "Saigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt"
              "Sakhalin": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sachalin"
              "Samarkand": {
                "exemplarCity": "Samarkand"
              "Seoul": {
                "exemplarCity": "Seoul"
              "Shanghai": {
                "exemplarCity": "Shanghai"
              "Singapore": {
                "exemplarCity": "Singapur"
              "Srednekolymsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Srednekolymsk"
              "Taipei": {
                "exemplarCity": "Taipeh"
              "Tashkent": {
                "exemplarCity": "Taschkent"
              "Tbilisi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tiflis"
              "Tehran": {
                "exemplarCity": "Teheran"
              "Thimphu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Thimphu"
              "Tokyo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tokio"
              "Tomsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tomsk"
              "Ulaanbaatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ulaanbaatar"
              "Urumqi": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ürümqi"
              "Ust-Nera": {
                "exemplarCity": "Ust-Nera"
              "Vientiane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Vientiane"
              "Vladivostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wladiwostok"
              "Yakutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jakutsk"
              "Yekaterinburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "Jekaterinburg"
              "Yerevan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Eriwan"
            "Indian": {
              "Antananarivo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Antananarivo"
              "Chagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chagos"
              "Christmas": {
                "exemplarCity": "Weihnachtsinsel"
              "Cocos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Cocos"
              "Comoro": {
                "exemplarCity": "Komoren"
              "Kerguelen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kerguelen"
              "Mahe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mahe"
              "Maldives": {
                "exemplarCity": "Malediven"
              "Mauritius": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mauritius"
              "Mayotte": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mayotte"
              "Reunion": {
                "exemplarCity": "Réunion"
            "Australia": {
              "Adelaide": {
                "exemplarCity": "Adelaide"
              "Brisbane": {
                "exemplarCity": "Brisbane"
              "Broken_Hill": {
                "exemplarCity": "Broken Hill"
              "Currie": {
                "exemplarCity": "Currie"
              "Darwin": {
                "exemplarCity": "Darwin"
              "Eucla": {
                "exemplarCity": "Eucla"
              "Hobart": {
                "exemplarCity": "Hobart"
              "Lindeman": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lindeman"
              "Lord_Howe": {
                "exemplarCity": "Lord Howe"
              "Melbourne": {
                "exemplarCity": "Melbourne"
              "Perth": {
                "exemplarCity": "Perth"
              "Sydney": {
                "exemplarCity": "Sydney"
            "Pacific": {
              "Apia": {
                "exemplarCity": "Apia"
              "Auckland": {
                "exemplarCity": "Auckland"
              "Bougainville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Bougainville"
              "Chatham": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chatham"
              "Easter": {
                "exemplarCity": "Osterinsel"
              "Efate": {
                "exemplarCity": "Efate"
              "Enderbury": {
                "exemplarCity": "Enderbury"
              "Fakaofo": {
                "exemplarCity": "Fakaofo"
              "Fiji": {
                "exemplarCity": "Fidschi"
              "Funafuti": {
                "exemplarCity": "Funafuti"
              "Galapagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "Galapagos"
              "Gambier": {
                "exemplarCity": "Gambier"
              "Guadalcanal": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guadalcanal"
              "Guam": {
                "exemplarCity": "Guam"
              "Honolulu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Honolulu"
              "Johnston": {
                "exemplarCity": "Johnston"
              "Kiritimati": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kiritimati"
              "Kosrae": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kosrae"
              "Kwajalein": {
                "exemplarCity": "Kwajalein"
              "Majuro": {
                "exemplarCity": "Majuro"
              "Marquesas": {
                "exemplarCity": "Marquesas"
              "Midway": {
                "exemplarCity": "Midway"
              "Nauru": {
                "exemplarCity": "Nauru"
              "Niue": {
                "exemplarCity": "Niue"
              "Norfolk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Norfolk"
              "Noumea": {
                "exemplarCity": "Noumea"
              "Pago_Pago": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pago Pago"
              "Palau": {
                "exemplarCity": "Palau"
              "Pitcairn": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pitcairn"
              "Ponape": {
                "exemplarCity": "Pohnpei"
              "Port_Moresby": {
                "exemplarCity": "Port Moresby"
              "Rarotonga": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rarotonga"
              "Saipan": {
                "exemplarCity": "Saipan"
              "Tahiti": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tahiti"
              "Tarawa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tarawa"
              "Tongatapu": {
                "exemplarCity": "Tongatapu"
              "Truk": {
                "exemplarCity": "Chuuk"
              "Wake": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wake"
              "Wallis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wallis"
            "Arctic": {
              "Longyearbyen": {
                "exemplarCity": "Longyearbyen"
            "Antarctica": {
              "Casey": {
                "exemplarCity": "Casey"
              "Davis": {
                "exemplarCity": "Davis"
              "DumontDUrville": {
                "exemplarCity": "Dumont d’Urville"
              "Macquarie": {
                "exemplarCity": "Macquarie"
              "Mawson": {
                "exemplarCity": "Mawson"
              "McMurdo": {
                "exemplarCity": "McMurdo"
              "Palmer": {
                "exemplarCity": "Palmer"
              "Rothera": {
                "exemplarCity": "Rothera"
              "Syowa": {
                "exemplarCity": "Syowa"
              "Troll": {
                "exemplarCity": "Troll"
              "Vostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "Wostok"
            "Etc": {
              "GMT": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT"
              "GMT1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+1"
              "GMT10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+10"
              "GMT11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+11"
              "GMT12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+12"
              "GMT2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+2"
              "GMT3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+3"
              "GMT4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+4"
              "GMT5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+5"
              "GMT6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+6"
              "GMT7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+7"
              "GMT8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+8"
              "GMT9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+9"
              "GMT-1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-1"
              "GMT-10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-10"
              "GMT-11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-11"
              "GMT-12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-12"
              "GMT-13": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-13"
              "GMT-14": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-14"
              "GMT-2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-2"
              "GMT-3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-3"
              "GMT-4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-4"
              "GMT-5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-5"
              "GMT-6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-6"
              "GMT-7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-7"
              "GMT-8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-8"
              "GMT-9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-9"
              "Unknown": {
                "exemplarCity": "Unbekannt"
          "metazone": {
            "Acre": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Acre-Zeit",
                "standard": "Acre-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Acre-Sommerzeit"
            "Afghanistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Afghanistan-Zeit"
            "Africa_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Zentralafrikanische Zeit"
            "Africa_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ostafrikanische Zeit"
            "Africa_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Südafrikanische Zeit"
            "Africa_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westafrikanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westafrikanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westafrikanische Sommerzeit"
            "Alaska": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Alaska-Zeit",
                "standard": "Alaska-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Alaska-Sommerzeit"
            "Almaty": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Almaty-Zeit",
                "standard": "Almaty-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Almaty-Sommerzeit"
            "Amazon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Amazonas-Zeit",
                "standard": "Amazonas-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Amazonas-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nordamerikanische Inlandzeit",
                "standard": "Nordamerikanische Inland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nordamerikanische Inland-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nordamerikanische Ostküstenzeit",
                "standard": "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Mountain": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Rocky-Mountain-Zeit",
                "standard": "Rocky Mountain-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Rocky-Mountain-Sommerzeit"
            "America_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nordamerikanische Westküstenzeit",
                "standard": "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Sommerzeit"
            "Anadyr": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Anadyr Zeit",
                "standard": "Anadyr Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Anadyr Sommerzeit"
            "Apia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Apia-Zeit",
                "standard": "Apia-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Apia-Sommerzeit"
            "Aqtau": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Aqtau-Zeit",
                "standard": "Aqtau-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Aqtau-Sommerzeit"
            "Aqtobe": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Aqtöbe-Zeit",
                "standard": "Aqtöbe-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Aqtöbe-Sommerzeit"
            "Arabian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Arabische Zeit",
                "standard": "Arabische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Arabische Sommerzeit"
            "Argentina": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Argentinische Zeit",
                "standard": "Argentinische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Argentinische Sommerzeit"
            "Argentina_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westargentinische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westargentinische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westargentinische Sommerzeit"
            "Armenia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Armenische Zeit",
                "standard": "Armenische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Armenische Sommerzeit"
            "Atlantic": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Atlantik-Zeit",
                "standard": "Atlantik-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Atlantik-Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Zentralaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Zentralaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Zentralaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_CentralWestern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Zentral-/Westaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Zentral-/Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Zentral-/Westaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Ostaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Ostaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Ostaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Australia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westaustralische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westaustralische Sommerzeit"
            "Azerbaijan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Aserbaidschanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Aserbeidschanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Aserbaidschanische Sommerzeit"
            "Azores": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Azoren-Zeit",
                "standard": "Azoren-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Azoren-Sommerzeit"
            "Bangladesh": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Bangladesch-Zeit",
                "standard": "Bangladesch-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Bangladesch-Sommerzeit"
            "Bhutan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Bhutan-Zeit"
            "Bolivia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Bolivianische Zeit"
            "Brasilia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Brasília-Zeit",
                "standard": "Brasília-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Brasília-Sommerzeit"
            "Brunei": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Brunei-Zeit"
            "Cape_Verde": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Cabo-Verde-Zeit",
                "standard": "Cabo-Verde-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Cabo-Verde-Sommerzeit"
            "Casey": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Casey-Zeit"
            "Chamorro": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Chamorro-Zeit"
            "Chatham": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chatham-Zeit",
                "standard": "Chatham-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chatham-Sommerzeit"
            "Chile": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chilenische Zeit",
                "standard": "Chilenische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chilenische Sommerzeit"
            "China": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chinesische Zeit",
                "standard": "Chinesische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chinesische Sommerzeit"
            "Choibalsan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Tschoibalsan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Tschoibalsan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Tschoibalsan-Sommerzeit"
            "Christmas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Weihnachtsinsel-Zeit"
            "Cocos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kokosinseln-Zeit"
            "Colombia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Kolumbianische Zeit",
                "standard": "Kolumbianische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Kolumbianische Sommerzeit"
            "Cook": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Cookinseln-Zeit",
                "standard": "Cookinseln-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Cookinseln-Sommerzeit"
            "Cuba": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Kubanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Kubanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Kubanische Sommerzeit"
            "Davis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Davis-Zeit"
            "DumontDUrville": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Dumont-d’Urville-Zeit"
            "East_Timor": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Osttimor-Zeit"
            "Easter": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Osterinsel-Zeit",
                "standard": "Osterinsel-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Osterinsel-Sommerzeit"
            "Ecuador": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ecuadorianische Zeit"
            "Europe_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mitteleuropäische Zeit",
                "standard": "Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit"
              "short": {
                "generic": "MEZ",
                "standard": "MEZ",
                "daylight": "MESZ"
            "Europe_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Osteuropäische Zeit",
                "standard": "Osteuropäische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Osteuropäische Sommerzeit"
              "short": {
                "generic": "OEZ",
                "standard": "OEZ",
                "daylight": "OESZ"
            "Europe_Further_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kaliningrader Zeit"
            "Europe_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westeuropäische Zeit",
                "standard": "Westeuropäische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westeuropäische Sommerzeit"
              "short": {
                "generic": "WEZ",
                "standard": "WEZ",
                "daylight": "WESZ"
            "Falkland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Falklandinseln-Zeit",
                "standard": "Falklandinseln-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Falklandinseln-Sommerzeit"
            "Fiji": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Fidschi-Zeit",
                "standard": "Fidschi-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Fidschi-Sommerzeit"
            "French_Guiana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Französisch-Guayana-Zeit"
            "French_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete-Zeit"
            "Galapagos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Galapagos-Zeit"
            "Gambier": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Gambier-Zeit"
            "Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Georgische Zeit",
                "standard": "Georgische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Georgische Sommerzeit"
            "Gilbert_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Gilbert-Inseln-Zeit"
            "GMT": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit"
            "Greenland_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Ostgrönland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Ostgrönland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Ostgrönland-Sommerzeit"
            "Greenland_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Westgrönland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Westgrönland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Westgrönland-Sommerzeit"
            "Guam": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Guam-Zeit"
            "Gulf": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Golf-Zeit"
            "Guyana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Guyana-Zeit"
            "Hawaii_Aleutian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Hawaii-Aleuten-Zeit",
                "standard": "Hawaii-Aleuten-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Hawaii-Aleuten-Sommerzeit"
            "Hong_Kong": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Hongkong-Zeit",
                "standard": "Hongkong-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Hongkong-Sommerzeit"
            "Hovd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Chowd-Zeit",
                "standard": "Chowd-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Chowd-Sommerzeit"
            "India": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Indische Zeit"
            "Indian_Ocean": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Indischer Ozean-Zeit"
            "Indochina": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Indochina-Zeit"
            "Indonesia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Zentralindonesische Zeit"
            "Indonesia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ostindonesische Zeit"
            "Indonesia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Westindonesische Zeit"
            "Iran": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Iranische Zeit",
                "standard": "Iranische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Iranische Sommerzeit"
            "Irkutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Irkutsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Irkutsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Irkutsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Israel": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Israelische Zeit",
                "standard": "Israelische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Israelische Sommerzeit"
            "Japan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Japanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Japanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Japanische Sommerzeit"
            "Kamchatka": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Kamtschatka-Zeit",
                "standard": "Kamtschatka-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Kamtschatka-Sommerzeit"
            "Kazakhstan_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ostkasachische Zeit"
            "Kazakhstan_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Westkasachische Zeit"
            "Korea": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Koreanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Koreanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Koreanische Sommerzeit"
            "Kosrae": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kosrae-Zeit"
            "Krasnoyarsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Krasnojarsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Krasnojarsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Krasnojarsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Kyrgystan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Kirgisistan-Zeit"
            "Lanka": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Sri-Lanka-Zeit"
            "Line_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Linieninseln-Zeit"
            "Lord_Howe": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Lord-Howe-Zeit",
                "standard": "Lord-Howe-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Lord-Howe-Sommerzeit"
            "Macau": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Macau-Zeit",
                "standard": "Macau-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Macau-Sommerzeit"
            "Macquarie": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Macquarieinsel-Zeit"
            "Magadan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Magadan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Magadan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Magadan-Sommerzeit"
            "Malaysia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Malaysische Zeit"
            "Maldives": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Malediven-Zeit"
            "Marquesas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Marquesas-Zeit"
            "Marshall_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Marshallinseln-Zeit"
            "Mauritius": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mauritius-Zeit",
                "standard": "Mauritius-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mauritius-Sommerzeit"
            "Mawson": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Mawson-Zeit"
            "Mexico_Northwest": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Zeit",
                "standard": "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Sommerzeit"
            "Mexico_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Zeit",
                "standard": "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Sommerzeit"
            "Mongolia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Ulaanbaatar-Zeit",
                "standard": "Ulaanbaatar-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Ulaanbaatar-Sommerzeit"
            "Moscow": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Moskauer Zeit",
                "standard": "Moskauer Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Moskauer Sommerzeit"
            "Myanmar": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Myanmar-Zeit"
            "Nauru": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Nauru-Zeit"
            "Nepal": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Nepalesische Zeit"
            "New_Caledonia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Neukaledonische Zeit",
                "standard": "Neukaledonische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Neukaledonische Sommerzeit"
            "New_Zealand": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Neuseeland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Neuseeland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Neuseeland-Sommerzeit"
            "Newfoundland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Neufundland-Zeit",
                "standard": "Neufundland-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Neufundland-Sommerzeit"
            "Niue": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Niue-Zeit"
            "Norfolk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Norfolkinsel-Zeit"
            "Noronha": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Fernando de Noronha-Zeit",
                "standard": "Fernando de Noronha-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Fernando de Noronha-Sommerzeit"
            "North_Mariana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Nördliche-Marianen-Zeit"
            "Novosibirsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Nowosibirsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Nowosibirsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Nowosibirsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Omsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Omsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Omsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Omsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Pakistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Pakistanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Pakistanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Pakistanische Sommerzeit"
            "Palau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Palau-Zeit"
            "Papua_New_Guinea": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Papua-Neuguinea-Zeit"
            "Paraguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Paraguayanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Paraguayanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Paraguayanische Sommerzeit"
            "Peru": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Peruanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Peruanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Peruanische Sommerzeit"
            "Philippines": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Philippinische Zeit",
                "standard": "Philippinische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Philippinische Sommerzeit"
            "Phoenix_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Phoenixinseln-Zeit"
            "Pierre_Miquelon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Saint-Pierre-und-Miquelon-Zeit",
                "standard": "Saint-Pierre-und-Miquelon-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Saint-Pierre-und-Miquelon-Sommerzeit"
            "Pitcairn": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Pitcairninseln-Zeit"
            "Ponape": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Ponape-Zeit"
            "Pyongyang": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Pjöngjang-Zeit"
            "Qyzylorda": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Quysylorda-Zeit",
                "standard": "Quysylorda-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Qysylorda-Sommerzeit"
            "Reunion": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Réunion-Zeit"
            "Rothera": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Rothera-Zeit"
            "Sakhalin": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Sachalin-Zeit",
                "standard": "Sachalin-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Sachalin-Sommerzeit"
            "Samara": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Samara-Zeit",
                "standard": "Samara-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Samara-Sommerzeit"
            "Samoa": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Samoa-Zeit",
                "standard": "Samoa-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Samoa-Sommerzeit"
            "Seychelles": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Seychellen-Zeit"
            "Singapore": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Singapur-Zeit"
            "Solomon": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Salomoninseln-Zeit"
            "South_Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Südgeorgische Zeit"
            "Suriname": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Suriname-Zeit"
            "Syowa": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Syowa-Zeit"
            "Tahiti": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tahiti-Zeit"
            "Taipei": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Taipeh-Zeit",
                "standard": "Taipeh-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Taipeh-Sommerzeit"
            "Tajikistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tadschikistan-Zeit"
            "Tokelau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tokelau-Zeit"
            "Tonga": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Tonganische Zeit",
                "standard": "Tonganische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Tonganische Sommerzeit"
            "Truk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Chuuk-Zeit"
            "Turkmenistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Turkmenistan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Turkmenistan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Turkmenistan-Sommerzeit"
            "Tuvalu": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Tuvalu-Zeit"
            "Uruguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Uruguayanische Zeit",
                "standard": "Uruguyanische Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Uruguayanische Sommerzeit"
            "Uzbekistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Usbekistan-Zeit",
                "standard": "Usbekistan-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Usbekistan-Sommerzeit"
            "Vanuatu": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Vanuatu-Zeit",
                "standard": "Vanuatu-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Vanuatu-Sommerzeit"
            "Venezuela": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Venezuela-Zeit"
            "Vladivostok": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Wladiwostok-Zeit",
                "standard": "Wladiwostok-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Wladiwostok-Sommerzeit"
            "Volgograd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Wolgograd-Zeit",
                "standard": "Wolgograd-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Wolgograd-Sommerzeit"
            "Vostok": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Wostok-Zeit"
            "Wake": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Wake-Insel-Zeit"
            "Wallis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "Wallis-und-Futuna-Zeit"
            "Yakutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Jakutsk-Zeit",
                "standard": "Jakutsk-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Jakutsk-Sommerzeit"
            "Yekaterinburg": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "Jekaterinburg-Zeit",
                "standard": "Jekaterinburg-Normalzeit",
                "daylight": "Jekaterinburg-Sommerzeit"
                    "$Revision: 12879 $",
                    "{0} Zeit",
                    "{0} Sommerzeit",
                    "{0} Normalzeit",
                    "{1} ({0})",
                                    "Rio Gallegos";
                                    "San Juan";
                                    "La Rioja";
                                    "San Luis";
                                "Bahia Banderas";
                                "Boa Vista";
                                "Buenos Aires";
                                "Cambridge Bay";
                                "Campo Grande";
                                "Costa Rica";
                                "Dawson Creek";
                                "El Salvador";
                                "Fort Nelson";
                                "Glace Bay";
                                "Goose Bay";
                                "Grand Turk";
                                    "Vincennes, Indiana";
                                    "Petersburg, Indiana";
                                    "Tell City, Indiana";
                                    "Knox, Indiana";
                                    "Winamac, Indiana";
                                    "Marengo, Indiana";
                                    "Vevay, Indiana";
                                    "Monticello, Kentucky";
                                "La Paz";
                                "Los Angeles";
                                "Lower Prince’s Quarter";
                                "New York";
                                    "Beulah, North Dakota";
                                    "New Salem, North Dakota";
                                    "Center, North Dakota";
                                "Port of Spain";
                                "Porto Velho";
                                "Puerto Rico";
                                "Rainy River";
                                "Rankin Inlet";
                                "Rio Branco";
                                "Santa Isabel";
                                "Santo Domingo";
                                "São Paulo";
                                "St. John’s";
                                "St. Kitts";
                                "St. Lucia";
                                "St. Thomas";
                                "St. Vincent";
                                "Swift Current";
                                "Thunder Bay";
                                "Cabo Verde";
                                "St. Helena";
                                    "Irische Sommerzeit";
                                "Isle of Man";
                                    "Britische Sommerzeit";
                                "San Marino";
                                "Addis Abeba";
                                "El Aaiún";
                                "Porto Novo";
                                "São Tomé";
                                "Kuala Lumpur";
                                "Phnom Penh";
                                "Broken Hill";
                                "Lord Howe";
                                "Pago Pago";
                                "Port Moresby";
                                "Dumont d’Urville";
                                "Zentralafrikanische Zeit";
                                "Ostafrikanische Zeit";
                                "Südafrikanische Zeit";
                                "Westafrikanische Zeit",
                                "Westafrikanische Normalzeit",
                                "Westafrikanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Nordamerikanische Inlandzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Inland-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Inland-Sommerzeit";
                                "Nordamerikanische Ostküstenzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Ostküsten-Sommerzeit";
                                "Rocky Mountain-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Westküstenzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Normalzeit",
                                "Nordamerikanische Westküsten-Sommerzeit";
                                "Anadyr Zeit",
                                "Anadyr Normalzeit",
                                "Anadyr Sommerzeit";
                                "Arabische Zeit",
                                "Arabische Normalzeit",
                                "Arabische Sommerzeit";
                                "Argentinische Zeit",
                                "Argentinische Normalzeit",
                                "Argentinische Sommerzeit";
                                "Westargentinische Zeit",
                                "Westargentinische Normalzeit",
                                "Westargentinische Sommerzeit";
                                "Armenische Zeit",
                                "Armenische Normalzeit",
                                "Armenische Sommerzeit";
                                "Zentralaustralische Zeit",
                                "Zentralaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Zentralaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Zentral-/Westaustralische Zeit",
                                "Zentral-/Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Zentral-/Westaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Ostaustralische Zeit",
                                "Ostaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Ostaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Westaustralische Zeit",
                                "Westaustralische Normalzeit",
                                "Westaustralische Sommerzeit";
                                "Aserbaidschanische Zeit",
                                "Aserbeidschanische Normalzeit",
                                "Aserbaidschanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Bolivianische Zeit";
                                "Chilenische Zeit",
                                "Chilenische Normalzeit",
                                "Chilenische Sommerzeit";
                                "Chinesische Zeit",
                                "Chinesische Normalzeit",
                                "Chinesische Sommerzeit";
                                "Kolumbianische Zeit",
                                "Kolumbianische Normalzeit",
                                "Kolumbianische Sommerzeit";
                                "Kubanische Zeit",
                                "Kubanische Normalzeit",
                                "Kubanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Ecuadorianische Zeit";
                                "Mitteleuropäische Zeit",
                                "Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit",
                                "Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit";
                                "Osteuropäische Zeit",
                                "Osteuropäische Normalzeit",
                                "Osteuropäische Sommerzeit";
                                "Kaliningrader Zeit";
                                "Westeuropäische Zeit",
                                "Westeuropäische Normalzeit",
                                "Westeuropäische Sommerzeit";
                                "Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete-Zeit";
                                "Georgische Zeit",
                                "Georgische Normalzeit",
                                "Georgische Sommerzeit";
                                "Mittlere Greenwich-Zeit";
                                "Indische Zeit";
                                "Indischer Ozean-Zeit";
                                "Zentralindonesische Zeit";
                                "Ostindonesische Zeit";
                                "Westindonesische Zeit";
                                "Iranische Zeit",
                                "Iranische Normalzeit",
                                "Iranische Sommerzeit";
                                "Israelische Zeit",
                                "Israelische Normalzeit",
                                "Israelische Sommerzeit";
                                "Japanische Zeit",
                                "Japanische Normalzeit",
                                "Japanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Ostkasachische Zeit";
                                "Westkasachische Zeit";
                                "Koreanische Zeit",
                                "Koreanische Normalzeit",
                                "Koreanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Malaysische Zeit";
                                "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Zeit",
                                "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Normalzeit",
                                "Mexiko Nordwestliche Zone-Sommerzeit";
                                "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Zeit",
                                "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Normalzeit",
                                "Mexiko Pazifikzone-Sommerzeit";
                                "Moskauer Zeit",
                                "Moskauer Normalzeit",
                                "Moskauer Sommerzeit";
                                "Nepalesische Zeit";
                                "Neukaledonische Zeit",
                                "Neukaledonische Normalzeit",
                                "Neukaledonische Sommerzeit";
                                "Fernando de Noronha-Zeit",
                                "Fernando de Noronha-Normalzeit",
                                "Fernando de Noronha-Sommerzeit";
                                "Pakistanische Zeit",
                                "Pakistanische Normalzeit",
                                "Pakistanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Paraguayanische Zeit",
                                "Paraguayanische Normalzeit",
                                "Paraguayanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Peruanische Zeit",
                                "Peruanische Normalzeit",
                                "Peruanische Sommerzeit";
                                "Philippinische Zeit",
                                "Philippinische Normalzeit",
                                "Philippinische Sommerzeit";
                                "Südgeorgische Zeit";
                                "Tonganische Zeit",
                                "Tonganische Normalzeit",
                                "Tonganische Sommerzeit";
                                "Uruguayanische Zeit",
                                "Uruguyanische Normalzeit",
                                "Uruguayanische Sommerzeit";


The DateRangePicker supports right-to-left functionality for languages like Arabic, Hebrew, etc. To display the text in the right-to-left direction, use enableRtl property.

The following code example demonstrates the DateRangePicker component in Hebrew culture and also explains how to set the localized text to the placeholder using load method of L10n class.


  "main": {
    "he": {
      "identity": {
        "version": {
          "_number": "$Revision: 13259 $",
          "_cldrVersion": "31.0.1"
        "language": "he"
      "dates": {
        "calendars": {
          "gregorian": {
            "months": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "ינו׳",
                  "2": "פבר׳",
                  "3": "מרץ",
                  "4": "אפר׳",
                  "5": "מאי",
                  "6": "יוני",
                  "7": "יולי",
                  "8": "אוג׳",
                  "9": "ספט׳",
                  "10": "אוק׳",
                  "11": "נוב׳",
                  "12": "דצמ׳"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
                  "2": "2",
                  "3": "3",
                  "4": "4",
                  "5": "5",
                  "6": "6",
                  "7": "7",
                  "8": "8",
                  "9": "9",
                  "10": "10",
                  "11": "11",
                  "12": "12"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "ינואר",
                  "2": "פברואר",
                  "3": "מרץ",
                  "4": "אפריל",
                  "5": "מאי",
                  "6": "יוני",
                  "7": "יולי",
                  "8": "אוגוסט",
                  "9": "ספטמבר",
                  "10": "אוקטובר",
                  "11": "נובמבר",
                  "12": "דצמבר"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "ינו׳",
                  "2": "פבר׳",
                  "3": "מרץ",
                  "4": "אפר׳",
                  "5": "מאי",
                  "6": "יוני",
                  "7": "יולי",
                  "8": "אוג׳",
                  "9": "ספט׳",
                  "10": "אוק׳",
                  "11": "נוב׳",
                  "12": "דצמ׳"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
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                  "8": "8",
                  "9": "9",
                  "10": "10",
                  "11": "11",
                  "12": "12"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "ינואר",
                  "2": "פברואר",
                  "3": "מרץ",
                  "4": "אפריל",
                  "5": "מאי",
                  "6": "יוני",
                  "7": "יולי",
                  "8": "אוגוסט",
                  "9": "ספטמבר",
                  "10": "אוקטובר",
                  "11": "נובמבר",
                  "12": "דצמבר"
            "days": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "sun": "יום א׳",
                  "mon": "יום ב׳",
                  "tue": "יום ג׳",
                  "wed": "יום ד׳",
                  "thu": "יום ה׳",
                  "fri": "יום ו׳",
                  "sat": "שבת"
                "narrow": {
                  "sun": "א׳",
                  "mon": "ב׳",
                  "tue": "ג׳",
                  "wed": "ד׳",
                  "thu": "ה׳",
                  "fri": "ו׳",
                  "sat": "ש׳"
                "short": {
                  "sun": "א׳",
                  "mon": "ב׳",
                  "tue": "ג׳",
                  "wed": "ד׳",
                  "thu": "ה׳",
                  "fri": "ו׳",
                  "sat": "ש׳"
                "wide": {
                  "sun": "יום ראשון",
                  "mon": "יום שני",
                  "tue": "יום שלישי",
                  "wed": "יום רביעי",
                  "thu": "יום חמישי",
                  "fri": "יום שישי",
                  "sat": "יום שבת"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "sun": "יום א׳",
                  "mon": "יום ב׳",
                  "tue": "יום ג׳",
                  "wed": "יום ד׳",
                  "thu": "יום ה׳",
                  "fri": "יום ו׳",
                  "sat": "שבת"
                "narrow": {
                  "sun": "א׳",
                  "mon": "ב׳",
                  "tue": "ג׳",
                  "wed": "ד׳",
                  "thu": "ה׳",
                  "fri": "ו׳",
                  "sat": "ש׳"
                "short": {
                  "sun": "א׳",
                  "mon": "ב׳",
                  "tue": "ג׳",
                  "wed": "ד׳",
                  "thu": "ה׳",
                  "fri": "ו׳",
                  "sat": "ש׳"
                "wide": {
                  "sun": "יום ראשון",
                  "mon": "יום שני",
                  "tue": "יום שלישי",
                  "wed": "יום רביעי",
                  "thu": "יום חמישי",
                  "fri": "יום שישי",
                  "sat": "יום שבת"
            "quarters": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Q1",
                  "2": "Q2",
                  "3": "Q3",
                  "4": "Q4"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
                  "2": "2",
                  "3": "3",
                  "4": "4"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "רבעון 1",
                  "2": "רבעון 2",
                  "3": "רבעון 3",
                  "4": "רבעון 4"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "1": "Q1",
                  "2": "Q2",
                  "3": "Q3",
                  "4": "Q4"
                "narrow": {
                  "1": "1",
                  "2": "2",
                  "3": "3",
                  "4": "4"
                "wide": {
                  "1": "רבעון 1",
                  "2": "רבעון 2",
                  "3": "רבעון 3",
                  "4": "רבעון 4"
            "dayPeriods": {
              "format": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "midnight": "חצות",
                  "am": "לפנה״צ",
                  "pm": "אחה״צ",
                  "morning1": "בוקר",
                  "afternoon1": "צהריים",
                  "afternoon2": "אחר הצהריים",
                  "evening1": "ערב",
                  "night1": "לילה",
                  "night2": "לפנות בוקר"
                "narrow": {
                  "midnight": "חצות",
                  "am": "לפנה״צ",
                  "pm": "אחה״צ",
                  "morning1": "בוקר",
                  "afternoon1": "צהריים",
                  "afternoon2": "אחר הצהריים",
                  "evening1": "ערב",
                  "night1": "לילה",
                  "night2": "לפנות בוקר"
                "wide": {
                  "midnight": "חצות",
                  "am": "לפנה״צ",
                  "pm": "אחה״צ",
                  "morning1": "בוקר",
                  "afternoon1": "צהריים",
                  "afternoon2": "אחר הצהריים",
                  "evening1": "ערב",
                  "night1": "לילה",
                  "night2": "לפנות בוקר"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "midnight": "חצות",
                  "am": "לפנה״צ",
                  "pm": "אחה״צ",
                  "morning1": "בוקר",
                  "afternoon1": "צהריים",
                  "afternoon2": "אחר הצהריים",
                  "evening1": "ערב",
                  "night1": "לילה",
                  "night2": "לפנות בוקר"
                "narrow": {
                  "midnight": "חצות",
                  "am": "לפנה״צ",
                  "pm": "אחה״צ",
                  "morning1": "בוקר",
                  "afternoon1": "צהריים",
                  "afternoon2": "אחר הצהריים",
                  "evening1": "ערב",
                  "night1": "לילה",
                  "night2": "לפנות בוקר"
                "wide": {
                  "midnight": "חצות",
                  "am": "לפנה״צ",
                  "pm": "אחה״צ",
                  "morning1": "בוקר",
                  "afternoon1": "צהריים",
                  "afternoon2": "אחר הצהריים",
                  "evening1": "ערב",
                  "night1": "לילה",
                  "night2": "לפנות בוקר"
            "eras": {
              "eraNames": {
                "0": "לפני הספירה",
                "0-alt-variant": "לפנה״ס",
                "1": "לספירה",
                "1-alt-variant": "CE"
              "eraAbbr": {
                "0": "לפנה״ס",
                "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                "1": "לספירה",
                "1-alt-variant": "CE"
              "eraNarrow": {
                "0": "לפנה״ס",
                "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                "1": "לספירה",
                "1-alt-variant": "CE"
            "dateFormats": {
              "full": "EEEE, d בMMMM y",
              "long": "d בMMMM y",
              "medium": "d בMMM y",
              "short": "d.M.y"
            "timeFormats": {
              "full": "H:mm:ss zzzz",
              "long": "H:mm:ss z",
              "medium": "H:mm:ss",
              "short": "H:mm"
            "dateTimeFormats": {
              "full": "{1} בשעה {0}",
              "long": "{1} בשעה {0}",
              "medium": "{1}, {0}",
              "short": "{1}, {0}",
              "availableFormats": {
                "d": "d",
                "E": "ccc",
                "Ed": "E ה-d",
                "Ehm": "E h:mm a",
                "EHm": "E H:mm",
                "Ehms": "E h:mm:ss a",
                "EHms": "E H:mm:ss",
                "Gy": "y G",
                "GyMMM": "MMM y G",
                "GyMMMd": "d בMMM y G",
                "GyMMMEd": "E, d בMMM y G",
                "h": "‏h a",
                "H": "H",
                "hm": "h:mm a",
                "Hm": "H:mm",
                "hms": "h:mm:ss a",
                "Hms": "H:mm:ss",
                "hmsv": "h:mm:ss a v",
                "Hmsv": "HH:mm:ss v",
                "hmv": "h:mm a v",
                "Hmv": "HH:mm v",
                "M": "L",
                "Md": "d.M",
                "MEd": "E, d.M",
                "MMM": "LLL",
                "MMMd": "d בMMM",
                "MMMEd": "E, d בMMM",
                "MMMMd": "d בMMMM",
                "MMMMW-count-one": "שבוע W בMMM",
                "MMMMW-count-two": "שבוע W בMMM",
                "MMMMW-count-many": "שבוע W בMMM",
                "MMMMW-count-other": "שבוע W בMMM",
                "ms": "mm:ss",
                "y": "y",
                "yM": "M.y",
                "yMd": "d.M.y",
                "yMEd": "E, d.M.y",
                "yMM": "M.y",
                "yMMM": "MMM y",
                "yMMMd": "d בMMM y",
                "yMMMEd": "E, d בMMM y",
                "yMMMM": "MMMM y",
                "yQQQ": "QQQ y",
                "yQQQQ": "QQQQ y",
                "yw-count-one": "שבוע w בשנת y",
                "yw-count-two": "שבוע w בשנת y",
                "yw-count-many": "שבוע w בשנת y",
                "yw-count-other": "שבוע w בשנת y"
              "appendItems": {
                "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                "Era": "{1} {0}",
                "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Year": "{1} {0}"
              "intervalFormats": {
                "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                "d": {
                  "d": "d–d"
                "h": {
                  "a": "h a – h a",
                  "h": "h–h a"
                "H": {
                  "H": "H–H"
                "hm": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                "Hm": {
                  "H": "H:mm–H:mm",
                  "m": "H:mm–H:mm"
                "hmv": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                "Hmv": {
                  "H": "H:mm–H:mm v",
                  "m": "H:mm–H:mm v"
                "hv": {
                  "a": "h a – h a v",
                  "h": "h–h a v"
                "Hv": {
                  "H": "H–H v"
                "M": {
                  "M": "M–M"
                "Md": {
                  "d": "d.M–d.M",
                  "M": "d.M–d.M"
                "MEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE d.M–EEEE d.M",
                  "M": "EEEE d.M – EEEE d.M"
                "MMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM"
                "MMMd": {
                  "d": "d–d בMMM",
                  "M": "d בMMM–d בMMM"
                "MMMEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM",
                  "M": "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM"
                "MMMM": {
                  "M": "LLLL–LLLL"
                "y": {
                  "y": "y–y"
                "yM": {
                  "M": "M.y–M.y",
                  "y": "M.y‏–M.y"
                "yMd": {
                  "d": "dd.M.y – dd.M.y",
                  "M": "d.M.y – d.M.y",
                  "y": "d.M.y – d.M.y"
                "yMEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                  "M": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                  "y": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y"
                "yMMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                  "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                "yMMMd": {
                  "d": "d–d בMMM y",
                  "M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
                  "y": "d MMM y – d MMM y"
                "yMMMEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                  "M": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                  "y": "EEEE d MMM y – EEEE d MMM y"
                "yMMMM": {
                  "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                  "y": "MMMM y–MMMM y"
                    "$Revision: 13259 $",
                                    "יום א׳",
                                    "יום ב׳",
                                    "יום ג׳",
                                    "יום ד׳",
                                    "יום ה׳",
                                    "יום ו׳",
                                    "יום ראשון",
                                    "יום שני",
                                    "יום שלישי",
                                    "יום רביעי",
                                    "יום חמישי",
                                    "יום שישי",
                                    "יום שבת";
                                    "יום א׳",
                                    "יום ב׳",
                                    "יום ג׳",
                                    "יום ד׳",
                                    "יום ה׳",
                                    "יום ו׳",
                                    "יום ראשון",
                                    "יום שני",
                                    "יום שלישי",
                                    "יום רביעי",
                                    "יום חמישי",
                                    "יום שישי",
                                    "יום שבת";
                                    "רבעון 1",
                                    "רבעון 2",
                                    "רבעון 3",
                                    "רבעון 4";
                                    "רבעון 1",
                                    "רבעון 2",
                                    "רבעון 3",
                                    "רבעון 4";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                "לפני הספירה",
                            "EEEE, d בMMMM y",
                            "d בMMMM y",
                            "d בMMM y",
                            "H:mm:ss zzzz",
                            "H:mm:ss z",
                            "{1} בשעה {0}",
                            "{1} בשעה {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                                "E ה-d",
                                "E h:mm a",
                                "E H:mm",
                                "E h:mm:ss a",
                                "E H:mm:ss",
                                "y G",
                                "MMM y G",
                                "d בMMM y G",
                                "E, d בMMM y G",
                                "‏h a",
                                "h:mm a",
                                "h:mm:ss a",
                                "h:mm:ss a v",
                                "HH:mm:ss v",
                                "h:mm a v",
                                "HH:mm v",
                                "E, d.M",
                                "d בMMM",
                                "E, d בMMM",
                                "d בMMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "E, d.M.y",
                                "MMM y",
                                "d בMMM y",
                                "E, d בMMM y",
                                "MMMM y",
                                "QQQ y",
                                "QQQQ y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y";
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{1} {0}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{1} {0}";
                                "{0} – {1}",
                                    "h a – h a",
                                    "h–h a";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v";
                                    "H:mm–H:mm v",
                                    "H:mm–H:mm v";
                                    "h a – h a v",
                                    "h–h a v";
                                    "H–H v";
                                    "EEEE d.M–EEEE d.M",
                                    "EEEE d.M – EEEE d.M";
                                    "d–d בMMM",
                                    "d בMMM–d בMMM";
                                    "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM",
                                    "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM";
                                    "dd.M.y – dd.M.y",
                                    "d.M.y – d.M.y",
                                    "d.M.y – d.M.y";
                                    "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                                    "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                                    "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y";
                                    "MMM–MMM y",
                                    "MMM y – MMM y";
                                    "d–d בMMM y",
                                    "d MMM – d MMM y",
                                    "d MMM y – d MMM y";
                                    "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                                    "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                                    "EEEE d MMM y – EEEE d MMM y";
                                    "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                    "MMMM y–MMMM y";
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as heTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';
loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, heTimeZoneNames);
    'he': {
        'daterangepicker': {
            applyText: 'להחיל טקסט',
            cancelText: 'בטל טקסט',
            customRange: 'טווח מותאם אישית',
            days: 'أימים',
            endLabel: 'ח',
            placeholder: 'בחר טווח',
            selectedDays: 'ימים נבחרים',
            startLabel: 'תווית התחלה'
//import the datrangeepicker component
class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='he' enableRtl={true}/>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';

//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as heTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';

loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, heTimeZoneNames);

  'he': {
    'daterangepicker': {
      applyText: 'להחיל טקסט',
      cancelText: 'בטל טקסט',
      customRange: 'טווח מותאם אישית',
      days: 'أימים',
      endLabel: 'ח',
      placeholder: 'בחר טווח',
      selectedDays: 'ימים נבחרים',
      startLabel: 'תווית התחלה'
//import the datrangeepicker component
class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {

    render() {
        return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='he' enableRtl={true} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
  "supplemental": {
    "version": {
      "_number": "$Revision: 12732 $",
      "_unicodeVersion": "9.0.0",
      "_cldrVersion": "31"
    "numberingSystems": {
      "adlm": {
        "_digits": "𞥐𞥑𞥒𞥓𞥔𞥕𞥖𞥗𞥘𞥙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "ahom": {
        "_digits": "𑜰𑜱𑜲𑜳𑜴𑜵𑜶𑜷𑜸𑜹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "arab": {
        "_digits": "٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "arabext": {
        "_digits": "۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "armn": {
        "_rules": "armenian-upper",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "armnlow": {
        "_rules": "armenian-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "bali": {
        "_digits": "᭐᭑᭒᭓᭔᭕᭖᭗᭘᭙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "beng": {
        "_digits": "০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "bhks": {
        "_digits": "𑱐𑱑𑱒𑱓𑱔𑱕𑱖𑱗𑱘𑱙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "brah": {
        "_digits": "𑁦𑁧𑁨𑁩𑁪𑁫𑁬𑁭𑁮𑁯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "cakm": {
        "_digits": "𑄶𑄷𑄸𑄹𑄺𑄻𑄼𑄽𑄾𑄿",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "cham": {
        "_digits": "꩐꩑꩒꩓꩔꩕꩖꩗꩘꩙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "cyrl": {
        "_rules": "cyrillic-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "deva": {
        "_digits": "०१२३४५६७८९",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "ethi": {
        "_rules": "ethiopic",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "fullwide": {
        "_digits": "0123456789",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "geor": {
        "_rules": "georgian",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "grek": {
        "_rules": "greek-upper",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "greklow": {
        "_rules": "greek-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "gujr": {
        "_digits": "૦૧૨૩૪૫૬૭૮૯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "guru": {
        "_digits": "੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "hanidays": {
        "_rules": "zh/SpelloutRules/spellout-numbering-days",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hanidec": {
        "_digits": "〇一二三四五六七八九",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "hans": {
        "_rules": "zh/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hansfin": {
        "_rules": "zh/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal-financial",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hant": {
        "_rules": "zh_Hant/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hantfin": {
        "_rules": "zh_Hant/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal-financial",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hebr": {
        "_rules": "hebrew",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hmng": {
        "_digits": "𖭐𖭑𖭒𖭓𖭔𖭕𖭖𖭗𖭘𖭙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "java": {
        "_digits": "꧐꧑꧒꧓꧔꧕꧖꧗꧘꧙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "jpan": {
        "_rules": "ja/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "jpanfin": {
        "_rules": "ja/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal-financial",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "kali": {
        "_digits": "꤀꤁꤂꤃꤄꤅꤆꤇꤈꤉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "khmr": {
        "_digits": "០១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "knda": {
        "_digits": "೦೧೨೩೪೫೬೭೮೯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "lana": {
        "_digits": "᪀᪁᪂᪃᪄᪅᪆᪇᪈᪉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "lanatham": {
        "_digits": "᪐᪑᪒᪓᪔᪕᪖᪗᪘᪙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "laoo": {
        "_digits": "໐໑໒໓໔໕໖໗໘໙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "latn": {
        "_digits": "0123456789",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "lepc": {
        "_digits": "᱀᱁᱂᱃᱄᱅᱆᱇᱈᱉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "limb": {
        "_digits": "᥆᥇᥈᥉᥊᥋᥌᥍᥎᥏",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathbold": {
        "_digits": "𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathdbl": {
        "_digits": "𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathmono": {
        "_digits": "𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathsanb": {
        "_digits": "𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathsans": {
        "_digits": "𝟢𝟣𝟤𝟥𝟦𝟧𝟨𝟩𝟪𝟫",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mlym": {
        "_digits": "൦൧൨൩൪൫൬൭൮൯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "modi": {
        "_digits": "𑙐𑙑𑙒𑙓𑙔𑙕𑙖𑙗𑙘𑙙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mong": {
        "_digits": "᠐᠑᠒᠓᠔᠕᠖᠗᠘᠙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mroo": {
        "_digits": "𖩠𖩡𖩢𖩣𖩤𖩥𖩦𖩧𖩨𖩩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mtei": {
        "_digits": "꯰꯱꯲꯳꯴꯵꯶꯷꯸꯹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mymr": {
        "_digits": "၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mymrshan": {
        "_digits": "႐႑႒႓႔႕႖႗႘႙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mymrtlng": {
        "_digits": "꧰꧱꧲꧳꧴꧵꧶꧷꧸꧹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "newa": {
        "_digits": "𑑐𑑑𑑒𑑓𑑔𑑕𑑖𑑗𑑘𑑙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "nkoo": {
        "_digits": "߀߁߂߃߄߅߆߇߈߉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "olck": {
        "_digits": "᱐᱑᱒᱓᱔᱕᱖᱗᱘᱙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "orya": {
        "_digits": "୦୧୨୩୪୫୬୭୮୯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "osma": {
        "_digits": "𐒠𐒡𐒢𐒣𐒤𐒥𐒦𐒧𐒨𐒩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "roman": {
        "_rules": "roman-upper",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "romanlow": {
        "_rules": "roman-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "saur": {
        "_digits": "꣐꣑꣒꣓꣔꣕꣖꣗꣘꣙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "shrd": {
        "_digits": "𑇐𑇑𑇒𑇓𑇔𑇕𑇖𑇗𑇘𑇙",
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      "sind": {
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                            "‏00 אלף",
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                            "‏00 מיליון",
                            "‏00 מיליון",
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                            "‏000 מיליון",
                            "‏000 מיליון",
                            "‏000 מיליון",
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                            "‏0 מיליארד",
                            "‏0 מיליארד",
                            "‏0 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
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                            "‏0 טריליון",
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                            "‏00 טריליון",
                            "‏00 טריליון",
                            "‏00 טריליון",
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                            "‏000 טריליון",
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                "exemplarCity": "אדאק"
              "Anchorage": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנקורג׳"
              "Anguilla": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנגווילה"
              "Antigua": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנטיגואה"
              "Araguaina": {
                "exemplarCity": "אראגואינה"
              "Argentina": {
                "Rio_Gallegos": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ריו גאייגוס"
                "San_Juan": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סן חואן"
                "Ushuaia": {
                  "exemplarCity": "אושוואיה"
                "La_Rioja": {
                  "exemplarCity": "לה ריוחה"
                "San_Luis": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סן לואיס"
                "Salta": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סלטה"
                "Tucuman": {
                  "exemplarCity": "טוקומן"
              "Aruba": {
                "exemplarCity": "ארובה"
              "Asuncion": {
                "exemplarCity": "אסונסיון"
              "Bahia": {
                "exemplarCity": "באהיה"
              "Bahia_Banderas": {
                "exemplarCity": "באהיה בנדרס"
              "Barbados": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברבדוס"
              "Belem": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלם"
              "Belize": {
                "exemplarCity": "בליז"
              "Blanc-Sablon": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלאן-סבלון"
              "Boa_Vista": {
                "exemplarCity": "בואה ויסטה"
              "Bogota": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוגוטה"
              "Boise": {
                "exemplarCity": "בויסי"
              "Buenos_Aires": {
                "exemplarCity": "בואנוס איירס"
              "Cambridge_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיימברידג׳ ביי"
              "Campo_Grande": {
                "exemplarCity": "קמפו גרנדה"
              "Cancun": {
                "exemplarCity": "קנקון"
              "Caracas": {
                "exemplarCity": "קראקס"
              "Catamarca": {
                "exemplarCity": "קטמרקה"
              "Cayenne": {
                "exemplarCity": "קאיין"
              "Cayman": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיימן"
              "Chicago": {
                "exemplarCity": "שיקגו"
              "Chihuahua": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳יוואווה"
              "Coral_Harbour": {
                "exemplarCity": "אטיקוקן"
              "Cordoba": {
                "exemplarCity": "קורדובה"
              "Costa_Rica": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוסטה ריקה"
              "Creston": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרסטון"
              "Cuiaba": {
                "exemplarCity": "קויאבה"
              "Curacao": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוראסאו"
              "Danmarkshavn": {
                "exemplarCity": "דנמרקסהוון"
              "Dawson": {
                "exemplarCity": "דוסון"
              "Dawson_Creek": {
                "exemplarCity": "דוסון קריק"
              "Denver": {
                "exemplarCity": "דנוור"
              "Detroit": {
                "exemplarCity": "דטרויט"
              "Dominica": {
                "exemplarCity": "דומיניקה"
              "Edmonton": {
                "exemplarCity": "אדמונטון"
              "Eirunepe": {
                "exemplarCity": "אירונפי"
              "El_Salvador": {
                "exemplarCity": "אל סלבדור"
              "Fort_Nelson": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט נלסון"
              "Fortaleza": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורטאלזה"
              "Glace_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "גלייס ביי"
              "Godthab": {
                "exemplarCity": "נואוק"
              "Goose_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "גוס ביי"
              "Grand_Turk": {
                "exemplarCity": "גרנד טורק"
              "Grenada": {
                "exemplarCity": "גרנדה"
              "Guadeloupe": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואדלופ"
              "Guatemala": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואטמלה"
              "Guayaquil": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואיאקיל"
              "Guyana": {
                "exemplarCity": "גיאנה"
              "Halifax": {
                "exemplarCity": "הליפקס"
              "Havana": {
                "exemplarCity": "הוואנה"
              "Hermosillo": {
                "exemplarCity": "הרמוסיו"
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                  "exemplarCity": "וינסנס, אינדיאנה"
                "Petersburg": {
                  "exemplarCity": "פיטרסבורג, אינדיאנה"
                "Tell_City": {
                  "exemplarCity": "טל סיטי, אינדיאנה"
                "Knox": {
                  "exemplarCity": "נוקס, אינדיאנה"
                "Winamac": {
                  "exemplarCity": "וינמאק, אינדיאנה"
                "Marengo": {
                  "exemplarCity": "מרנגו, אינדיאנה"
                "Vevay": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ויוואיי, אינדיאנה"
              "Indianapolis": {
                "exemplarCity": "אינדיאנפוליס"
              "Inuvik": {
                "exemplarCity": "אינוויק"
              "Iqaluit": {
                "exemplarCity": "איקלואיט"
              "Jamaica": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳מייקה"
              "Jujuy": {
                "exemplarCity": "חוחוי"
              "Juneau": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳ונו"
              "Kentucky": {
                "Monticello": {
                  "exemplarCity": "מונטיצ׳לו, קנטאקי"
              "Kralendijk": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרלנדייק"
              "La_Paz": {
                "exemplarCity": "לה פאס"
              "Lima": {
                "exemplarCity": "לימה"
              "Los_Angeles": {
                "exemplarCity": "לוס אנג׳לס"
              "Louisville": {
                "exemplarCity": "לואיוויל"
              "Lower_Princes": {
                "exemplarCity": "לואוור פרינסס קוורטר"
              "Maceio": {
                "exemplarCity": "מסייאו"
              "Managua": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנגואה"
              "Manaus": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנאוס"
              "Marigot": {
                "exemplarCity": "מריגו"
              "Martinique": {
                "exemplarCity": "מרטיניק"
              "Matamoros": {
                "exemplarCity": "מטמורוס"
              "Mazatlan": {
                "exemplarCity": "מזטלן"
              "Mendoza": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנדוזה"
              "Menominee": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנומיני"
              "Merida": {
                "exemplarCity": "מרידה"
              "Metlakatla": {
                "exemplarCity": "מטלקטלה"
              "Mexico_City": {
                "exemplarCity": "מקסיקו סיטי"
              "Miquelon": {
                "exemplarCity": "מיקלון"
              "Moncton": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונקטון"
              "Monterrey": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונטריי"
              "Montevideo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונטווידאו"
              "Montserrat": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונסראט"
              "Nassau": {
                "exemplarCity": "נסאו"
              "New_York": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניו יורק"
              "Nipigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניפיגון"
              "Nome": {
                "exemplarCity": "נום"
              "Noronha": {
                "exemplarCity": "נורוניה"
              "North_Dakota": {
                "Beulah": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ביולה, צפון דקוטה"
                "New_Salem": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ניו סיילם, צפון דקוטה"
                "Center": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סנטר, צפון דקוטה"
              "Ojinaga": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוג׳ינאגה"
              "Panama": {
                "exemplarCity": "פנמה"
              "Pangnirtung": {
                "exemplarCity": "פנגנירטונג"
              "Paramaribo": {
                "exemplarCity": "פרמריבו"
              "Phoenix": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיניקס"
              "Port-au-Prince": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט או פראנס"
              "Port_of_Spain": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט אוף ספיין"
              "Porto_Velho": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורטו וליו"
              "Puerto_Rico": {
                "exemplarCity": "פוארטו ריקו"
              "Rainy_River": {
                "exemplarCity": "רייני ריבר"
              "Rankin_Inlet": {
                "exemplarCity": "רנקין אינלט"
              "Recife": {
                "exemplarCity": "רסיפה"
              "Regina": {
                "exemplarCity": "רג׳ינה"
              "Resolute": {
                "exemplarCity": "רזולוט"
              "Rio_Branco": {
                "exemplarCity": "ריו ברנקו"
              "Santa_Isabel": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטה איסבל"
              "Santarem": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטרם"
              "Santiago": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטיאגו"
              "Santo_Domingo": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטו דומינגו"
              "Sao_Paulo": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאו פאולו"
              "Scoresbysund": {
                "exemplarCity": "סקורסביסונד"
              "Sitka": {
                "exemplarCity": "סיטקה"
              "St_Barthelemy": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט ברתלמי"
              "St_Johns": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט ג׳ונס"
              "St_Kitts": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט קיטס"
              "St_Lucia": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט לוסיה"
              "St_Thomas": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט תומאס"
              "St_Vincent": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט וינסנט"
              "Swift_Current": {
                "exemplarCity": "סוויפט קרנט"
              "Tegucigalpa": {
                "exemplarCity": "טגוסיגלפה"
              "Thule": {
                "exemplarCity": "תולה"
              "Thunder_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "ת׳אנדר ביי"
              "Tijuana": {
                "exemplarCity": "טיחואנה"
              "Toronto": {
                "exemplarCity": "טורונטו"
              "Tortola": {
                "exemplarCity": "טורטולה"
              "Vancouver": {
                "exemplarCity": "ונקובר"
              "Whitehorse": {
                "exemplarCity": "ווייטהורס"
              "Winnipeg": {
                "exemplarCity": "וויניפג"
              "Yakutat": {
                "exemplarCity": "יקוטאט"
              "Yellowknife": {
                "exemplarCity": "ילונייף"
            "Atlantic": {
              "Azores": {
                "exemplarCity": "האיים האזוריים"
              "Bermuda": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברמודה"
              "Canary": {
                "exemplarCity": "האיים הקנריים"
              "Cape_Verde": {
                "exemplarCity": "כף ורדה"
              "Faeroe": {
                "exemplarCity": "פארו"
              "Madeira": {
                "exemplarCity": "מדיירה"
              "Reykjavik": {
                "exemplarCity": "רייקיאוויק"
              "South_Georgia": {
                "exemplarCity": "דרום ג׳ורג׳יה"
              "St_Helena": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט הלנה"
              "Stanley": {
                "exemplarCity": "סטנלי"
            "Europe": {
              "Amsterdam": {
                "exemplarCity": "אמסטרדם"
              "Andorra": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנדורה"
              "Astrakhan": {
                "exemplarCity": "אסטרחן"
              "Athens": {
                "exemplarCity": "אתונה"
              "Belgrade": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלגרד"
              "Berlin": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברלין"
              "Bratislava": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברטיסלבה"
              "Brussels": {
                "exemplarCity": "בריסל"
              "Bucharest": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוקרשט"
              "Budapest": {
                "exemplarCity": "בודפשט"
              "Busingen": {
                "exemplarCity": "ביזינגן"
              "Chisinau": {
                "exemplarCity": "קישינב"
              "Copenhagen": {
                "exemplarCity": "קופנהגן"
              "Dublin": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "שעון קיץ אירלנד"
                "exemplarCity": "דבלין"
              "Gibraltar": {
                "exemplarCity": "גיברלטר"
              "Guernsey": {
                "exemplarCity": "גרנזי"
              "Helsinki": {
                "exemplarCity": "הלסינקי"
              "Isle_of_Man": {
                "exemplarCity": "האי מאן"
              "Istanbul": {
                "exemplarCity": "איסטנבול"
              "Jersey": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳רזי"
              "Kaliningrad": {
                "exemplarCity": "קלינינגרד"
              "Kiev": {
                "exemplarCity": "קייב"
              "Kirov": {
                "exemplarCity": "קירוב"
              "Lisbon": {
                "exemplarCity": "ליסבון"
              "Ljubljana": {
                "exemplarCity": "לובליאנה"
              "London": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "שעון קיץ בריטניה"
                "exemplarCity": "לונדון"
              "Luxembourg": {
                "exemplarCity": "לוקסמבורג"
              "Madrid": {
                "exemplarCity": "מדריד"
              "Malta": {
                "exemplarCity": "מלטה"
              "Mariehamn": {
                "exemplarCity": "מרייהאמן"
              "Minsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "מינסק"
              "Monaco": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונקו"
              "Moscow": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוסקבה"
              "Oslo": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוסלו"
              "Paris": {
                "exemplarCity": "פריז"
              "Podgorica": {
                "exemplarCity": "פודגוריצה"
              "Prague": {
                "exemplarCity": "פראג"
              "Riga": {
                "exemplarCity": "ריגה"
              "Rome": {
                "exemplarCity": "רומא"
              "Samara": {
                "exemplarCity": "סמרה"
              "San_Marino": {
                "exemplarCity": "סן מרינו"
              "Sarajevo": {
                "exemplarCity": "סרייבו"
              "Simferopol": {
                "exemplarCity": "סימפרופול"
              "Skopje": {
                "exemplarCity": "סקופיה"
              "Sofia": {
                "exemplarCity": "סופיה"
              "Stockholm": {
                "exemplarCity": "שטוקהולם"
              "Tallinn": {
                "exemplarCity": "טאלין"
              "Tirane": {
                "exemplarCity": "טירנה"
              "Ulyanovsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוליאנובסק"
              "Uzhgorod": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוז׳הורוד"
              "Vaduz": {
                "exemplarCity": "ואדוץ"
              "Vatican": {
                "exemplarCity": "הוותיקן"
              "Vienna": {
                "exemplarCity": "וינה"
              "Vilnius": {
                "exemplarCity": "וילנה"
              "Volgograd": {
                "exemplarCity": "וולגוגרד"
              "Warsaw": {
                "exemplarCity": "ורשה"
              "Zagreb": {
                "exemplarCity": "זאגרב"
              "Zaporozhye": {
                "exemplarCity": "זפורוז׳יה"
              "Zurich": {
                "exemplarCity": "ציריך"
            "Africa": {
              "Abidjan": {
                "exemplarCity": "אביג׳אן"
              "Accra": {
                "exemplarCity": "אקרה"
              "Addis_Ababa": {
                "exemplarCity": "אדיס אבבה"
              "Algiers": {
                "exemplarCity": "אלג׳יר"
              "Asmera": {
                "exemplarCity": "אסמרה"
              "Bamako": {
                "exemplarCity": "במאקו"
              "Bangui": {
                "exemplarCity": "בנגואי"
              "Banjul": {
                "exemplarCity": "בנג׳ול"
              "Bissau": {
                "exemplarCity": "ביסאו"
              "Blantyre": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלנטיר"
              "Brazzaville": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברזוויל"
              "Bujumbura": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוג׳ומבורה"
              "Cairo": {
                "exemplarCity": "קהיר"
              "Casablanca": {
                "exemplarCity": "קזבלנקה"
              "Ceuta": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאוטה"
              "Conakry": {
                "exemplarCity": "קונאקרי"
              "Dakar": {
                "exemplarCity": "דקאר"
              "Dar_es_Salaam": {
                "exemplarCity": "דאר א-סלאם"
              "Djibouti": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳יבוטי"
              "Douala": {
                "exemplarCity": "דואלה"
              "El_Aaiun": {
                "exemplarCity": "אל עיון"
              "Freetown": {
                "exemplarCity": "פריטאון"
              "Gaborone": {
                "exemplarCity": "גבורונה"
              "Harare": {
                "exemplarCity": "הרארה"
              "Johannesburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "יוהנסבורג"
              "Juba": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳ובה"
              "Kampala": {
                "exemplarCity": "קמפאלה"
              "Khartoum": {
                "exemplarCity": "חרטום"
              "Kigali": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיגלי"
              "Kinshasa": {
                "exemplarCity": "קינשסה"
              "Lagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "לגוס"
              "Libreville": {
                "exemplarCity": "ליברוויל"
              "Lome": {
                "exemplarCity": "לומה"
              "Luanda": {
                "exemplarCity": "לואנדה"
              "Lubumbashi": {
                "exemplarCity": "לובומבאשי"
              "Lusaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "לוסקה"
              "Malabo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מלבו"
              "Maputo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאפוטו"
              "Maseru": {
                "exemplarCity": "מסרו"
              "Mbabane": {
                "exemplarCity": "אמבאבאנה"
              "Mogadishu": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוגדישו"
              "Monrovia": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונרוביה"
              "Nairobi": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניירובי"
              "Ndjamena": {
                "exemplarCity": "נג׳מנה"
              "Niamey": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניאמיי"
              "Nouakchott": {
                "exemplarCity": "נואקצ׳וט"
              "Ouagadougou": {
                "exemplarCity": "וואגאדוגו"
              "Porto-Novo": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורטו נובו"
              "Sao_Tome": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאו טומה"
              "Tripoli": {
                "exemplarCity": "טריפולי"
              "Tunis": {
                "exemplarCity": "תוניס"
              "Windhoek": {
                "exemplarCity": "וינדהוק"
            "Asia": {
              "Aden": {
                "exemplarCity": "עדן"
              "Almaty": {
                "exemplarCity": "אלמאטי"
              "Amman": {
                "exemplarCity": "עמאן"
              "Anadyr": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנדיר"
              "Aqtau": {
                "exemplarCity": "אקטאו"
              "Aqtobe": {
                "exemplarCity": "אקטובה"
              "Ashgabat": {
                "exemplarCity": "אשגבט"
              "Baghdad": {
                "exemplarCity": "בגדד"
              "Bahrain": {
                "exemplarCity": "בחריין"
              "Baku": {
                "exemplarCity": "באקו"
              "Bangkok": {
                "exemplarCity": "בנגקוק"
              "Barnaul": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברנאול"
              "Beirut": {
                "exemplarCity": "ביירות"
              "Bishkek": {
                "exemplarCity": "בישקק"
              "Brunei": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברוניי"
              "Calcutta": {
                "exemplarCity": "קולקטה"
              "Chita": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳יטה"
              "Choibalsan": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳ויבלסן"
              "Colombo": {
                "exemplarCity": "קולומבו"
              "Damascus": {
                "exemplarCity": "דמשק"
              "Dhaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "דאקה"
              "Dili": {
                "exemplarCity": "דילי"
              "Dubai": {
                "exemplarCity": "דובאי"
              "Dushanbe": {
                "exemplarCity": "דושנבה"
              "Gaza": {
                "exemplarCity": "עזה"
              "Hebron": {
                "exemplarCity": "חברון"
              "Hong_Kong": {
                "exemplarCity": "הונג קונג"
              "Hovd": {
                "exemplarCity": "חובד"
              "Irkutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "אירקוטסק"
              "Jakarta": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳קרטה"
              "Jayapura": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳איאפורה"
              "Jerusalem": {
                "exemplarCity": "ירושלים"
              "Kabul": {
                "exemplarCity": "קאבול"
              "Kamchatka": {
                "exemplarCity": "קמצ׳טקה"
              "Karachi": {
                "exemplarCity": "קראצ׳י"
              "Katmandu": {
                "exemplarCity": "קטמנדו"
              "Khandyga": {
                "exemplarCity": "חנדיגה"
              "Krasnoyarsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרסנויארסק"
              "Kuala_Lumpur": {
                "exemplarCity": "קואלה לומפור"
              "Kuching": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוצ׳ינג"
              "Kuwait": {
                "exemplarCity": "כווית"
              "Macau": {
                "exemplarCity": "מקאו"
              "Magadan": {
                "exemplarCity": "מגדן"
              "Makassar": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאקאסאר"
              "Manila": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנילה"
              "Muscat": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוסקט"
              "Nicosia": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניקוסיה"
              "Novokuznetsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "נובוקוזנטסק"
              "Novosibirsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "נובוסיבירסק"
              "Omsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "אומסק"
              "Oral": {
                "exemplarCity": "אורל"
              "Phnom_Penh": {
                "exemplarCity": "פנום פן"
              "Pontianak": {
                "exemplarCity": "פונטיאנק"
              "Pyongyang": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיונגיאנג"
              "Qatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "קטאר"
              "Qyzylorda": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיזילורדה"
              "Rangoon": {
                "exemplarCity": "רנגון"
              "Riyadh": {
                "exemplarCity": "ריאד"
              "Saigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "הו צ׳י מין סיטי"
              "Sakhalin": {
                "exemplarCity": "סחלין"
              "Samarkand": {
                "exemplarCity": "סמרקנד"
              "Seoul": {
                "exemplarCity": "סיאול"
              "Shanghai": {
                "exemplarCity": "שנחאי"
              "Singapore": {
                "exemplarCity": "סינגפור"
              "Srednekolymsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "סרדנייקולימסק"
              "Taipei": {
                "exemplarCity": "טאיפיי"
              "Tashkent": {
                "exemplarCity": "טשקנט"
              "Tbilisi": {
                "exemplarCity": "טביליסי"
              "Tehran": {
                "exemplarCity": "טהרן"
              "Thimphu": {
                "exemplarCity": "טהימפהו"
              "Tokyo": {
                "exemplarCity": "טוקיו"
              "Tomsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "טומסק"
              "Ulaanbaatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "אולאאנבטאר"
              "Urumqi": {
                "exemplarCity": "אורומקי"
              "Ust-Nera": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוסט-נרה"
              "Vientiane": {
                "exemplarCity": "האנוי"
              "Vladivostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "ולדיווסטוק"
              "Yakutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "יקוטסק"
              "Yekaterinburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "יקטרינבורג"
              "Yerevan": {
                "exemplarCity": "ירוואן"
            "Indian": {
              "Antananarivo": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנטננריבו"
              "Chagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳אגוס"
              "Christmas": {
                "exemplarCity": "האי כריסטמס"
              "Cocos": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוקוס"
              "Comoro": {
                "exemplarCity": "קומורו"
              "Kerguelen": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרגוולן"
              "Mahe": {
                "exemplarCity": "מהא"
              "Maldives": {
                "exemplarCity": "האיים המלדיביים"
              "Mauritius": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאוריציוס"
              "Mayotte": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאיוט"
              "Reunion": {
                "exemplarCity": "ראוניון"
            "Australia": {
              "Adelaide": {
                "exemplarCity": "אדלייד"
              "Brisbane": {
                "exemplarCity": "בריסביין"
              "Broken_Hill": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברוקן היל"
              "Currie": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרי"
              "Darwin": {
                "exemplarCity": "דרווין"
              "Eucla": {
                "exemplarCity": "יוקלה"
              "Hobart": {
                "exemplarCity": "הוברט"
              "Lindeman": {
                "exemplarCity": "לינדמן"
              "Lord_Howe": {
                "exemplarCity": "אי הלורד האו"
              "Melbourne": {
                "exemplarCity": "מלבורן"
              "Perth": {
                "exemplarCity": "פרת׳"
              "Sydney": {
                "exemplarCity": "סידני"
            "Pacific": {
              "Apia": {
                "exemplarCity": "אפיה"
              "Auckland": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוקלנד"
              "Bougainville": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוגנוויל"
              "Chatham": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳אטהאם"
              "Easter": {
                "exemplarCity": "אי הפסחא"
              "Efate": {
                "exemplarCity": "אפטה"
              "Enderbury": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנדרבורי"
              "Fakaofo": {
                "exemplarCity": "פקאופו"
              "Fiji": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיג׳י"
              "Funafuti": {
                "exemplarCity": "פונפוטי"
              "Galapagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "גלפאגוס"
              "Gambier": {
                "exemplarCity": "איי גמבייה"
              "Guadalcanal": {
                "exemplarCity": "גוודלקנאל"
              "Guam": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואם"
              "Honolulu": {
                "exemplarCity": "הונולולו"
              "Johnston": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳ונסטון"
              "Kiritimati": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיריטימאטי"
              "Kosrae": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוסרה"
              "Kwajalein": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוואג׳ליין"
              "Majuro": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאג׳ורו"
              "Marquesas": {
                "exemplarCity": "איי מרקיז"
              "Midway": {
                "exemplarCity": "מידוויי"
              "Nauru": {
                "exemplarCity": "נאורו"
              "Niue": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניואה"
              "Norfolk": {
                "exemplarCity": "נורפוק"
              "Noumea": {
                "exemplarCity": "נומאה"
              "Pago_Pago": {
                "exemplarCity": "פאגו פאגו"
              "Palau": {
                "exemplarCity": "פלאו"
              "Pitcairn": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיטקרן"
              "Ponape": {
                "exemplarCity": "פונפיי"
              "Port_Moresby": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט מורסבי"
              "Rarotonga": {
                "exemplarCity": "רארוטונגה"
              "Saipan": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאיפאן"
              "Tahiti": {
                "exemplarCity": "טהיטי"
              "Tarawa": {
                "exemplarCity": "טאראווה"
              "Tongatapu": {
                "exemplarCity": "טונגטאפו"
              "Truk": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳וק"
              "Wake": {
                "exemplarCity": "וייק"
              "Wallis": {
                "exemplarCity": "ווליס"
            "Arctic": {
              "Longyearbyen": {
                "exemplarCity": "לונגיירבין"
            "Antarctica": {
              "Casey": {
                "exemplarCity": "קאסיי"
              "Davis": {
                "exemplarCity": "דיוויס"
              "DumontDUrville": {
                "exemplarCity": "דומון ד׳אורוויל"
              "Macquarie": {
                "exemplarCity": "מקרי"
              "Mawson": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוסון"
              "McMurdo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מק-מרדו"
              "Palmer": {
                "exemplarCity": "פאלמר"
              "Rothera": {
                "exemplarCity": "רות׳רה"
              "Syowa": {
                "exemplarCity": "סיוואה"
              "Troll": {
                "exemplarCity": "טרול"
              "Vostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "ווסטוק"
            "Etc": {
              "GMT": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT"
              "GMT1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+1"
              "GMT10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+10"
              "GMT11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+11"
              "GMT12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+12"
              "GMT2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+2"
              "GMT3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+3"
              "GMT4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+4"
              "GMT5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+5"
              "GMT6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+6"
              "GMT7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+7"
              "GMT8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+8"
              "GMT9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+9"
              "GMT-1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-1"
              "GMT-10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-10"
              "GMT-11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-11"
              "GMT-12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-12"
              "GMT-13": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-13"
              "GMT-14": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-14"
              "GMT-2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-2"
              "GMT-3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-3"
              "GMT-4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-4"
              "GMT-5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-5"
              "GMT-6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-6"
              "GMT-7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-7"
              "GMT-8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-8"
              "GMT-9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-9"
              "UTC": {
                "long": {
                  "standard": "זמן אוניברסלי מתואם"
                "short": {
                  "standard": "UTC"
                "exemplarCity": "UTC"
              "Unknown": {
                "exemplarCity": "עיר לא ידועה"
          "metazone": {
            "Afghanistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון אפגניסטן"
            "Africa_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אפריקה"
            "Africa_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אפריקה"
            "Africa_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דרום אפריקה"
            "Africa_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב אפריקה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב אפריקה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב אפריקה (קיץ)"
            "Alaska": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אלסקה",
                "standard": "שעון אלסקה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אלסקה (קיץ)"
            "Amazon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אמזונס",
                "standard": "שעון אמזונס (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אמזונס (קיץ)"
            "America_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז ארה״ב",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (קיץ)"
            "America_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון החוף המזרחי",
                "standard": "שעון החוף המזרחי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון החוף המזרחי (קיץ)"
            "America_Mountain": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב",
                "standard": "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (קיץ)"
            "America_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב ארה״ב",
                "standard": "שעון מערב ארה״ב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב ארה״ב (קיץ)"
            "Anadyr": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אנדיר",
                "standard": "שעון רגיל אנדיר",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ אנדיר"
            "Apia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אפיה",
                "standard": "שעון אפיה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אפיה (קיץ)"
            "Arabian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון חצי האי ערב",
                "standard": "שעון חצי האי ערב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון חצי האי ערב (קיץ)"
            "Argentina": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ארגנטינה",
                "standard": "שעון ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ארגנטינה (קיץ)"
            "Argentina_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב ארגנטינה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (קיץ)"
            "Armenia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ארמניה",
                "standard": "שעון ארמניה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ארמניה (קיץ)"
            "Atlantic": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי",
                "standard": "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (קיץ)"
            "Australia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Australia_CentralWestern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Australia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Australia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Azerbaijan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אזרבייג׳אן",
                "standard": "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (קיץ)"
            "Azores": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון האיים האזוריים",
                "standard": "שעון האיים האזוריים (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון האיים האזוריים (קיץ)"
            "Bangladesh": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון בנגלדש",
                "standard": "שעון בנגלדש (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון בנגלדש (קיץ)"
            "Bhutan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון בהוטן"
            "Bolivia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון בוליביה"
            "Brasilia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ברזיליה",
                "standard": "שעון ברזיליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ברזיליה (קיץ)"
            "Brunei": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ברוניי דארוסלאם"
            "Cape_Verde": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון כף ורדה",
                "standard": "שעון כף ורדה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון כף ורדה (קיץ)"
            "Chamorro": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון צ׳אמורו"
            "Chatham": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צ׳טהאם",
                "standard": "שעון צ׳טהאם (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צ׳טהאם (קיץ)"
            "Chile": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צ׳ילה",
                "standard": "שעון צ׳ילה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צ׳ילה (קיץ)"
            "China": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סין",
                "standard": "שעון סין (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סין (קיץ)"
            "Choibalsan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צ׳ויבלסן",
                "standard": "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (קיץ)"
            "Christmas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האי כריסטמס"
            "Cocos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי קוקוס"
            "Colombia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קולומביה",
                "standard": "שעון קולומביה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קולומביה (קיץ)"
            "Cook": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון איי קוק",
                "standard": "שעון איי קוק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון איי קוק (מחצית הקיץ)"
            "Cuba": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קובה",
                "standard": "שעון קובה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קובה (קיץ)"
            "Davis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דיוויס"
            "DumontDUrville": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דומון ד׳אורוויל"
            "East_Timor": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח טימור"
            "Easter": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אי הפסחא",
                "standard": "שעון אי הפסחא (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אי הפסחא (קיץ)"
            "Ecuador": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון אקוודור"
            "Europe_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז אירופה",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אירופה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז אירופה (קיץ)"
            "Europe_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מזרח אירופה",
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אירופה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מזרח אירופה (קיץ)"
            "Europe_Further_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מינסק"
            "Europe_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב אירופה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב אירופה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב אירופה (קיץ)"
            "Falkland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון איי פוקלנד",
                "standard": "שעון איי פוקלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון איי פוקלנד (קיץ)"
            "Fiji": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פיג׳י",
                "standard": "שעון פיג׳י (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פיג׳י (קיץ)"
            "French_Guiana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון גיאנה הצרפתית"
            "French_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון הארצות הדרומיות והאנטארקטיות של צרפת"
            "Galapagos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי גלאפגוס"
            "Gambier": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי גמבייה"
            "Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון גאורגיה",
                "standard": "שעון גאורגיה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון גאורגיה (קיץ)"
            "Gilbert_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי גילברט"
            "GMT": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון גריניץ׳‏"
            "Greenland_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מזרח גרינלנד",
                "standard": "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (קיץ)"
            "Greenland_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב גרינלנד",
                "standard": "שעון מערב גרינלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב גרינלנד (קיץ)"
            "Gulf": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מדינות המפרץ"
            "Guyana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון גיאנה"
            "Hawaii_Aleutian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי",
                "standard": "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (קיץ)"
            "Hong_Kong": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון הונג קונג",
                "standard": "שעון הונג קונג (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון הונג קונג (קיץ)"
            "Hovd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון חובד",
                "standard": "שעון חובד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון חובד (קיץ)"
            "India": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון הודו"
            "Indian_Ocean": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האוקיינוס ההודי"
            "Indochina": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון הודו-סין"
            "Indonesia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אינדונזיה"
            "Indonesia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אינדונזיה"
            "Indonesia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מערב אינדונזיה"
            "Iran": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון איראן",
                "standard": "שעון איראן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון איראן (קיץ)"
            "Irkutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אירקוטסק",
                "standard": "שעון אירקוטסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אירקוסטק (קיץ)"
            "Israel": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ישראל",
                "standard": "שעון ישראל (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ישראל (קיץ)"
            "Japan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון יפן",
                "standard": "שעון יפן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון יפן (קיץ)"
            "Kamchatka": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                "standard": "שעון רגיל פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי"
            "Kazakhstan_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח קזחסטן"
            "Kazakhstan_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מערב קזחסטן"
            "Korea": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קוריאה",
                "standard": "שעון קוריאה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קוריאה (קיץ)"
            "Kosrae": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון קוסראה"
            "Krasnoyarsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קרסנויארסק",
                "standard": "שעון קרסנויארסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קרסנויארסק (קיץ)"
            "Kyrgystan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון קירגיזסטן"
            "Line_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי ליין"
            "Lord_Howe": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אי הלורד האו",
                "standard": "שעון אי הלורד האו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אי הלורד האו (קיץ)"
            "Macau": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מקאו",
                "standard": "שעון חורף מקאו",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ מקאו"
            "Macquarie": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מקווארי"
            "Magadan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מגדן",
                "standard": "שעון מגדן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מגדן (קיץ)"
            "Malaysia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מלזיה"
            "Maldives": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האיים המלדיביים"
            "Marquesas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי מרקיז"
            "Marshall_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי מרשל"
            "Mauritius": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מאוריציוס",
                "standard": "שעון מאוריציוס (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מאוריציוס (קיץ)"
            "Mawson": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מאוסון"
            "Mexico_Northwest": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו",
                "standard": "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)"
            "Mexico_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב מקסיקו",
                "standard": "שעון מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)"
            "Mongolia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אולן בטור",
                "standard": "שעון אולן בטור (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אולן בטור (קיץ)"
            "Moscow": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מוסקבה",
                "standard": "שעון מוסקבה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מוסקבה (קיץ)"
            "Myanmar": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מיאנמר"
            "Nauru": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון נאורו"
            "Nepal": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון נפאל"
            "New_Caledonia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קלדוניה החדשה",
                "standard": "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (קיץ)"
            "New_Zealand": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ניו זילנד",
                "standard": "שעון ניו זילנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ניו זילנד (קיץ)"
            "Newfoundland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ניופאונדלנד",
                "standard": "שעון ניופאונדלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ניופאונדלנד (קיץ)"
            "Niue": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ניואה"
            "Norfolk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האי נורפוק"
            "Noronha": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה",
                "standard": "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (קיץ)"
            "Novosibirsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון נובוסיבירסק",
                "standard": "שעון נובוסיבירסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון נובוסיבירסק (קיץ)"
            "Omsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אומסק",
                "standard": "שעון אומסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אומסק (קיץ)"
            "Pakistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פקיסטן",
                "standard": "שעון פקיסטן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פקיסטן (קיץ)"
            "Palau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פלאו"
            "Papua_New_Guinea": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פפואה גיניאה החדשה"
            "Paraguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פרגוואי",
                "standard": "שעון פרגוואי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פרגוואי (קיץ)"
            "Peru": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פרו",
                "standard": "שעון פרו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פרו (קיץ)"
            "Philippines": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון הפיליפינים",
                "standard": "שעון הפיליפינים (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון הפיליפינים (קיץ)"
            "Phoenix_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי פיניקס"
            "Pierre_Miquelon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון",
                "standard": "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (קיץ)"
            "Pitcairn": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פיטקרן"
            "Ponape": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פונאפי"
            "Pyongyang": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פיונגיאנג"
            "Reunion": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ראוניון"
            "Rothera": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון רות׳רה"
            "Sakhalin": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סחלין",
                "standard": "שעון סחלין (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סחלין (קיץ)"
            "Samara": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סמרה",
                "standard": "שעון רגיל סמרה",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ סמרה"
            "Samoa": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סמואה",
                "standard": "שעון סמואה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סמואה (קיץ)"
            "Seychelles": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי סיישל"
            "Singapore": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון סינגפור"
            "Solomon": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי שלמה"
            "South_Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דרום ג׳ורג׳יה"
            "Suriname": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון סורינאם"
            "Syowa": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון סייווה"
            "Tahiti": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טהיטי"
            "Taipei": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון טאיפיי",
                "standard": "שעון טאיפיי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון טאיפיי (קיץ)"
            "Tajikistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טג׳יקיסטן"
            "Tokelau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טוקלאו"
            "Tonga": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון טונגה",
                "standard": "שעון טונגה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון טונגה (קיץ)"
            "Truk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון צ׳וק"
            "Turkmenistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון טורקמניסטן",
                "standard": "שעון טורקמניסטן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון טורקמניסטן (קיץ)"
            "Tuvalu": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טובאלו"
            "Uruguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אורוגוואי",
                "standard": "שעון אורוגוואי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אורוגוואי (קיץ)"
            "Uzbekistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אוזבקיסטן",
                "standard": "שעון אוזבקיסטן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אוזבקיסטן (קיץ)"
            "Vanuatu": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ונואטו",
                "standard": "שעון ונואטו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ונואטו (קיץ)"
            "Venezuela": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ונצואלה"
            "Vladivostok": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ולדיווסטוק",
                "standard": "שעון ולדיווסטוק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ולדיווסטוק (קיץ)"
            "Volgograd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון וולגוגרד",
                "standard": "שעון וולגוגרד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון וולגוגרד (קיץ)"
            "Vostok": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ווסטוק"
            "Wake": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האי וייק"
            "Wallis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון וואליס ופוטונה"
            "Yakutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון יקוטסק",
                "standard": "שעון יקוטסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון יקוטסק (קיץ)"
            "Yekaterinburg": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון יקטרינבורג",
                "standard": "שעון יקטרינבורג (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון יקטרינבורג (קיץ)"
                    "$Revision: 13259 $",
                    "שעון {0}",
                    "שעון {0} (קיץ)",
                    "שעון {0} (חורף)",
                    "{1} ({0})",
                                    "ריו גאייגוס";
                                    "סן חואן";
                                    "לה ריוחה";
                                    "סן לואיס";
                                "באהיה בנדרס";
                                "בואה ויסטה";
                                "בואנוס איירס";
                                "קיימברידג׳ ביי";
                                "קמפו גרנדה";
                                "קוסטה ריקה";
                                "דוסון קריק";
                                "אל סלבדור";
                                "פורט נלסון";
                                "גלייס ביי";
                                "גוס ביי";
                                "גרנד טורק";
                                    "וינסנס, אינדיאנה";
                                    "פיטרסבורג, אינדיאנה";
                                    "טל סיטי, אינדיאנה";
                                    "נוקס, אינדיאנה";
                                    "וינמאק, אינדיאנה";
                                    "מרנגו, אינדיאנה";
                                    "ויוואיי, אינדיאנה";
                                    "מונטיצ׳לו, קנטאקי";
                                "לה פאס";
                                "לוס אנג׳לס";
                                "לואוור פרינסס קוורטר";
                                "מקסיקו סיטי";
                                "ניו יורק";
                                    "ביולה, צפון דקוטה";
                                    "ניו סיילם, צפון דקוטה";
                                    "סנטר, צפון דקוטה";
                                "פורט או פראנס";
                                "פורט אוף ספיין";
                                "פורטו וליו";
                                "פוארטו ריקו";
                                "רייני ריבר";
                                "רנקין אינלט";
                                "ריו ברנקו";
                                "סנטה איסבל";
                                "סנטו דומינגו";
                                "סאו פאולו";
                                "סנט ברתלמי";
                                "סנט ג׳ונס";
                                "סנט קיטס";
                                "סנט לוסיה";
                                "סנט תומאס";
                                "סנט וינסנט";
                                "סוויפט קרנט";
                                "ת׳אנדר ביי";
                                "האיים האזוריים";
                                "האיים הקנריים";
                                "כף ורדה";
                                "דרום ג׳ורג׳יה";
                                "סנט הלנה";
                                    "שעון קיץ אירלנד";
                                "האי מאן";
                                    "שעון קיץ בריטניה";
                                "סן מרינו";
                                "אדיס אבבה";
                                "דאר א-סלאם";
                                "אל עיון";
                                "פורטו נובו";
                                "סאו טומה";
                                "הונג קונג";
                                "קואלה לומפור";
                                "פנום פן";
                                "הו צ׳י מין סיטי";
                                "האי כריסטמס";
                                "האיים המלדיביים";
                                "ברוקן היל";
                                "אי הלורד האו";
                                "אי הפסחא";
                                "איי גמבייה";
                                "איי מרקיז";
                                "פאגו פאגו";
                                "פורט מורסבי";
                                "דומון ד׳אורוויל";
                                    "זמן אוניברסלי מתואם";
                                "עיר לא ידועה";
                                "שעון אפגניסטן";
                                "שעון מרכז אפריקה";
                                "שעון מזרח אפריקה";
                                "שעון דרום אפריקה";
                                "שעון מערב אפריקה",
                                "שעון מערב אפריקה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב אפריקה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אלסקה",
                                "שעון אלסקה (חורף)",
                                "שעון אלסקה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אמזונס",
                                "שעון אמזונס (חורף)",
                                "שעון אמזונס (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מרכז ארה״ב",
                                "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון החוף המזרחי",
                                "שעון החוף המזרחי (חורף)",
                                "שעון החוף המזרחי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב",
                                "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (חורף)",
                                "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב ארה״ב",
                                "שעון מערב ארה״ב (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב ארה״ב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אנדיר",
                                "שעון רגיל אנדיר",
                                "שעון קיץ אנדיר";
                                "שעון אפיה",
                                "שעון אפיה (חורף)",
                                "שעון אפיה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון חצי האי ערב",
                                "שעון חצי האי ערב (חורף)",
                                "שעון חצי האי ערב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ארגנטינה",
                                "שעון ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                                "שעון ארגנטינה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב ארגנטינה",
                                "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ארמניה",
                                "שעון ארמניה (חורף)",
                                "שעון ארמניה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי",
                                "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (חורף)",
                                "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אזרבייג׳אן",
                                "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (חורף)",
                                "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון האיים האזוריים",
                                "שעון האיים האזוריים (חורף)",
                                "שעון האיים האזוריים (קיץ)";
                                "שעון בנגלדש",
                                "שעון בנגלדש (חורף)",
                                "שעון בנגלדש (קיץ)";
                                "שעון בהוטן";
                                "שעון בוליביה";
                                "שעון ברזיליה",
                                "שעון ברזיליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון ברזיליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ברוניי דארוסלאם";
                                "שעון כף ורדה",
                                "שעון כף ורדה (חורף)",
                                "שעון כף ורדה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳אמורו";
                                "שעון צ׳טהאם",
                                "שעון צ׳טהאם (חורף)",
                                "שעון צ׳טהאם (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳ילה",
                                "שעון צ׳ילה (חורף)",
                                "שעון צ׳ילה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון סין",
                                "שעון סין (חורף)",
                                "שעון סין (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳ויבלסן",
                                "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (חורף)",
                                "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון האי כריסטמס";
                                "שעון איי קוקוס";
                                "שעון קולומביה",
                                "שעון קולומביה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קולומביה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי קוק",
                                "שעון איי קוק (חורף)",
                                "שעון איי קוק (מחצית הקיץ)";
                                "שעון קובה",
                                "שעון קובה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קובה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון דיוויס";
                                "שעון דומון ד׳אורוויל";
                                "שעון מזרח טימור";
                                "שעון אי הפסחא",
                                "שעון אי הפסחא (חורף)",
                                "שעון אי הפסחא (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אקוודור";
                                "שעון מרכז אירופה",
                                "שעון מרכז אירופה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז אירופה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מזרח אירופה",
                                "שעון מזרח אירופה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מזרח אירופה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מינסק";
                                "שעון מערב אירופה",
                                "שעון מערב אירופה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב אירופה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי פוקלנד",
                                "שעון איי פוקלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון איי פוקלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פיג׳י",
                                "שעון פיג׳י (חורף)",
                                "שעון פיג׳י (קיץ)";
                                "שעון גיאנה הצרפתית";
                                "שעון הארצות הדרומיות והאנטארקטיות של צרפת";
                                "שעון איי גלאפגוס";
                                "שעון איי גמבייה";
                                "שעון גאורגיה",
                                "שעון גאורגיה (חורף)",
                                "שעון גאורגיה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי גילברט";
                                "שעון גריניץ׳‏";
                                "שעון מזרח גרינלנד",
                                "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב גרינלנד",
                                "שעון מערב גרינלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב גרינלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מדינות המפרץ";
                                "שעון גיאנה";
                                "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי",
                                "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (חורף)",
                                "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון הונג קונג",
                                "שעון הונג קונג (חורף)",
                                "שעון הונג קונג (קיץ)";
                                "שעון חובד",
                                "שעון חובד (חורף)",
                                "שעון חובד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון הודו";
                                "שעון האוקיינוס ההודי";
                                "שעון הודו-סין";
                                "שעון מרכז אינדונזיה";
                                "שעון מזרח אינדונזיה";
                                "שעון מערב אינדונזיה";
                                "שעון איראן",
                                "שעון איראן (חורף)",
                                "שעון איראן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אירקוטסק",
                                "שעון אירקוטסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון אירקוסטק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ישראל",
                                "שעון ישראל (חורף)",
                                "שעון ישראל (קיץ)";
                                "שעון יפן",
                                "שעון יפן (חורף)",
                                "שעון יפן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                                "שעון רגיל פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                                "שעון קיץ פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי";
                                "שעון מזרח קזחסטן";
                                "שעון מערב קזחסטן";
                                "שעון קוריאה",
                                "שעון קוריאה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קוריאה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון קוסראה";
                                "שעון קרסנויארסק",
                                "שעון קרסנויארסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון קרסנויארסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון קירגיזסטן";
                                "שעון איי ליין";
                                "שעון אי הלורד האו",
                                "שעון אי הלורד האו (חורף)",
                                "שעון אי הלורד האו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מקאו",
                                "שעון חורף מקאו",
                                "שעון קיץ מקאו";
                                "שעון מקווארי";
                                "שעון מגדן",
                                "שעון מגדן (חורף)",
                                "שעון מגדן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מלזיה";
                                "שעון האיים המלדיביים";
                                "שעון איי מרקיז";
                                "שעון איי מרשל";
                                "שעון מאוריציוס",
                                "שעון מאוריציוס (חורף)",
                                "שעון מאוריציוס (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מאוסון";
                                "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו",
                                "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                                "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב מקסיקו",
                                "שעון מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אולן בטור",
                                "שעון אולן בטור (חורף)",
                                "שעון אולן בטור (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מוסקבה",
                                "שעון מוסקבה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מוסקבה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מיאנמר";
                                "שעון נאורו";
                                "שעון נפאל";
                                "שעון קלדוניה החדשה",
                                "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ניו זילנד",
                                "שעון ניו זילנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון ניו זילנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ניופאונדלנד",
                                "שעון ניופאונדלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון ניופאונדלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ניואה";
                                "שעון האי נורפוק";
                                "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה",
                                "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (חורף)",
                                "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון נובוסיבירסק",
                                "שעון נובוסיבירסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון נובוסיבירסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אומסק",
                                "שעון אומסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון אומסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פקיסטן",
                                "שעון פקיסטן (חורף)",
                                "שעון פקיסטן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פלאו";
                                "שעון פפואה גיניאה החדשה";
                                "שעון פרגוואי",
                                "שעון פרגוואי (חורף)",
                                "שעון פרגוואי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פרו",
                                "שעון פרו (חורף)",
                                "שעון פרו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון הפיליפינים",
                                "שעון הפיליפינים (חורף)",
                                "שעון הפיליפינים (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי פיניקס";
                                "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון",
                                "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (חורף)",
                                "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פיטקרן";
                                "שעון פונאפי";
                                "שעון פיונגיאנג";
                                "שעון ראוניון";
                                "שעון רות׳רה";
                                "שעון סחלין",
                                "שעון סחלין (חורף)",
                                "שעון סחלין (קיץ)";
                                "שעון סמרה",
                                "שעון רגיל סמרה",
                                "שעון קיץ סמרה";
                                "שעון סמואה",
                                "שעון סמואה (חורף)",
                                "שעון סמואה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי סיישל";
                                "שעון סינגפור";
                                "שעון איי שלמה";
                                "שעון דרום ג׳ורג׳יה";
                                "שעון סורינאם";
                                "שעון סייווה";
                                "שעון טהיטי";
                                "שעון טאיפיי",
                                "שעון טאיפיי (חורף)",
                                "שעון טאיפיי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון טג׳יקיסטן";
                                "שעון טוקלאו";
                                "שעון טונגה",
                                "שעון טונגה (חורף)",
                                "שעון טונגה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳וק";
                                "שעון טורקמניסטן",
                                "שעון טורקמניסטן (חורף)",
                                "שעון טורקמניסטן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון טובאלו";
                                "שעון אורוגוואי",
                                "שעון אורוגוואי (חורף)",
                                "שעון אורוגוואי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אוזבקיסטן",
                                "שעון אוזבקיסטן (חורף)",
                                "שעון אוזבקיסטן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ונואטו",
                                "שעון ונואטו (חורף)",
                                "שעון ונואטו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ונצואלה";
                                "שעון ולדיווסטוק",
                                "שעון ולדיווסטוק (חורף)",
                                "שעון ולדיווסטוק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון וולגוגרד",
                                "שעון וולגוגרד (חורף)",
                                "שעון וולגוגרד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ווסטוק";
                                "שעון האי וייק";
                                "שעון וואליס ופוטונה";
                                "שעון יקוטסק",
                                "שעון יקוטסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון יקוטסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון יקטרינבורג",
                                "שעון יקטרינבורג (חורף)",
                                "שעון יקטרינבורג (קיץ)";


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                  "thu": "יום חמישי",
                  "fri": "יום שישי",
                  "sat": "יום שבת"
              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
                  "sun": "יום א׳",
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                  "thu": "יום ה׳",
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                  "thu": "ה׳",
                  "fri": "ו׳",
                  "sat": "ש׳"
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                  "thu": "יום חמישי",
                  "fri": "יום שישי",
                  "sat": "יום שבת"
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              "stand-alone": {
                "abbreviated": {
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                  "afternoon1": "צהריים",
                  "afternoon2": "אחר הצהריים",
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            "dateFormats": {
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            "dateTimeFormats": {
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                "yw-count-two": "שבוע w בשנת y",
                "yw-count-many": "שבוע w בשנת y",
                "yw-count-other": "שבוע w בשנת y"
              "appendItems": {
                "Day": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                "Era": "{1} {0}",
                "Hour": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Minute": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Month": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Quarter": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Second": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Timezone": "{0} {1}",
                "Week": "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                "Year": "{1} {0}"
              "intervalFormats": {
                "intervalFormatFallback": "{0} – {1}",
                "d": {
                  "d": "d–d"
                "h": {
                  "a": "h a – h a",
                  "h": "h–h a"
                "H": {
                  "H": "H–H"
                "hm": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a"
                "Hm": {
                  "H": "H:mm–H:mm",
                  "m": "H:mm–H:mm"
                "hmv": {
                  "a": "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                  "h": "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                  "m": "h:mm–h:mm a v"
                "Hmv": {
                  "H": "H:mm–H:mm v",
                  "m": "H:mm–H:mm v"
                "hv": {
                  "a": "h a – h a v",
                  "h": "h–h a v"
                "Hv": {
                  "H": "H–H v"
                "M": {
                  "M": "M–M"
                "Md": {
                  "d": "d.M–d.M",
                  "M": "d.M–d.M"
                "MEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE d.M–EEEE d.M",
                  "M": "EEEE d.M – EEEE d.M"
                "MMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM"
                "MMMd": {
                  "d": "d–d בMMM",
                  "M": "d בMMM–d בMMM"
                "MMMEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM",
                  "M": "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM"
                "MMMM": {
                  "M": "LLLL–LLLL"
                "y": {
                  "y": "y–y"
                "yM": {
                  "M": "M.y–M.y",
                  "y": "M.y‏–M.y"
                "yMd": {
                  "d": "dd.M.y – dd.M.y",
                  "M": "d.M.y – d.M.y",
                  "y": "d.M.y – d.M.y"
                "yMEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                  "M": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                  "y": "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y"
                "yMMM": {
                  "M": "MMM–MMM y",
                  "y": "MMM y – MMM y"
                "yMMMd": {
                  "d": "d–d בMMM y",
                  "M": "d MMM – d MMM y",
                  "y": "d MMM y – d MMM y"
                "yMMMEd": {
                  "d": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                  "M": "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                  "y": "EEEE d MMM y – EEEE d MMM y"
                "yMMMM": {
                  "M": "MMMM–MMMM y",
                  "y": "MMMM y–MMMM y"
                    "$Revision: 13259 $",
                                    "יום א׳",
                                    "יום ב׳",
                                    "יום ג׳",
                                    "יום ד׳",
                                    "יום ה׳",
                                    "יום ו׳",
                                    "יום ראשון",
                                    "יום שני",
                                    "יום שלישי",
                                    "יום רביעי",
                                    "יום חמישי",
                                    "יום שישי",
                                    "יום שבת";
                                    "יום א׳",
                                    "יום ב׳",
                                    "יום ג׳",
                                    "יום ד׳",
                                    "יום ה׳",
                                    "יום ו׳",
                                    "יום ראשון",
                                    "יום שני",
                                    "יום שלישי",
                                    "יום רביעי",
                                    "יום חמישי",
                                    "יום שישי",
                                    "יום שבת";
                                    "רבעון 1",
                                    "רבעון 2",
                                    "רבעון 3",
                                    "רבעון 4";
                                    "רבעון 1",
                                    "רבעון 2",
                                    "רבעון 3",
                                    "רבעון 4";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                    "אחר הצהריים",
                                    "לפנות בוקר";
                                "לפני הספירה",
                            "EEEE, d בMMMM y",
                            "d בMMMM y",
                            "d בMMM y",
                            "H:mm:ss zzzz",
                            "H:mm:ss z",
                            "{1} בשעה {0}",
                            "{1} בשעה {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                            "{1}, {0}",
                                "E ה-d",
                                "E h:mm a",
                                "E H:mm",
                                "E h:mm:ss a",
                                "E H:mm:ss",
                                "y G",
                                "MMM y G",
                                "d בMMM y G",
                                "E, d בMMM y G",
                                "‏h a",
                                "h:mm a",
                                "h:mm:ss a",
                                "h:mm:ss a v",
                                "HH:mm:ss v",
                                "h:mm a v",
                                "HH:mm v",
                                "E, d.M",
                                "d בMMM",
                                "E, d בMMM",
                                "d בMMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "שבוע W בMMM",
                                "E, d.M.y",
                                "MMM y",
                                "d בMMM y",
                                "E, d בMMM y",
                                "MMMM y",
                                "QQQ y",
                                "QQQQ y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y",
                                "שבוע w בשנת y";
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{1} {0}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{0} {1}",
                                "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                "{1} {0}";
                                "{0} – {1}",
                                    "h a – h a",
                                    "h–h a";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a";
                                    "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v",
                                    "h:mm–h:mm a v";
                                    "H:mm–H:mm v",
                                    "H:mm–H:mm v";
                                    "h a – h a v",
                                    "h–h a v";
                                    "H–H v";
                                    "EEEE d.M–EEEE d.M",
                                    "EEEE d.M – EEEE d.M";
                                    "d–d בMMM",
                                    "d בMMM–d בMMM";
                                    "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM",
                                    "EEEE, d בMMM – EEEE, d בMMM";
                                    "dd.M.y – dd.M.y",
                                    "d.M.y – d.M.y",
                                    "d.M.y – d.M.y";
                                    "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                                    "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y",
                                    "EEEE d.M.y – EEEE d.M.y";
                                    "MMM–MMM y",
                                    "MMM y – MMM y";
                                    "d–d בMMM y",
                                    "d MMM – d MMM y",
                                    "d MMM y – d MMM y";
                                    "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                                    "EEEE d MMM – EEEE d MMM y",
                                    "EEEE d MMM y – EEEE d MMM y";
                                    "MMMM–MMMM y",
                                    "MMMM y–MMMM y";
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as heTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';
loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, heTimeZoneNames);
    'he': {
        'daterangepicker': {
            applyText: 'להחיל טקסט',
            cancelText: 'בטל טקסט',
            customRange: 'טווח מותאם אישית',
            days: 'أימים',
            endLabel: 'ח',
            placeholder: 'בחר טווח',
            selectedDays: 'ימים נבחרים',
            startLabel: 'תווית התחלה'
//import the datrangeepicker component
function App() {
    return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='he' enableRtl={true}/>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//Load the L10n, loadCldr from ej2-base
import { loadCldr, L10n } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';

//load the CLDR data files.
// Here we have referred local json files for preview purpose
import * as numberingSystems from './numberingSystems.json';
import * as gregorian from './ca-gregorian.json';
import * as numbers from './numbers.json';
import * as heTimeZoneNames from './timeZoneNames.json';

loadCldr(numberingSystems, gregorian, numbers, heTimeZoneNames);

  'he': {
    'daterangepicker': {
      applyText: 'להחיל טקסט',
      cancelText: 'בטל טקסט',
      customRange: 'טווח מותאם אישית',
      days: 'أימים',
      endLabel: 'ח',
      placeholder: 'בחר טווח',
      selectedDays: 'ימים נבחרים',
      startLabel: 'תווית התחלה'
//import the datrangeepicker component
function App() {
    return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" locale='he' enableRtl={true} />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
  "supplemental": {
    "version": {
      "_number": "$Revision: 12732 $",
      "_unicodeVersion": "9.0.0",
      "_cldrVersion": "31"
    "numberingSystems": {
      "adlm": {
        "_digits": "𞥐𞥑𞥒𞥓𞥔𞥕𞥖𞥗𞥘𞥙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "ahom": {
        "_digits": "𑜰𑜱𑜲𑜳𑜴𑜵𑜶𑜷𑜸𑜹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "arab": {
        "_digits": "٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "arabext": {
        "_digits": "۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "armn": {
        "_rules": "armenian-upper",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "armnlow": {
        "_rules": "armenian-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "bali": {
        "_digits": "᭐᭑᭒᭓᭔᭕᭖᭗᭘᭙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "beng": {
        "_digits": "০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "bhks": {
        "_digits": "𑱐𑱑𑱒𑱓𑱔𑱕𑱖𑱗𑱘𑱙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "brah": {
        "_digits": "𑁦𑁧𑁨𑁩𑁪𑁫𑁬𑁭𑁮𑁯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "cakm": {
        "_digits": "𑄶𑄷𑄸𑄹𑄺𑄻𑄼𑄽𑄾𑄿",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "cham": {
        "_digits": "꩐꩑꩒꩓꩔꩕꩖꩗꩘꩙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "cyrl": {
        "_rules": "cyrillic-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "deva": {
        "_digits": "०१२३४५६७८९",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "ethi": {
        "_rules": "ethiopic",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "fullwide": {
        "_digits": "0123456789",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "geor": {
        "_rules": "georgian",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "grek": {
        "_rules": "greek-upper",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "greklow": {
        "_rules": "greek-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "gujr": {
        "_digits": "૦૧૨૩૪૫૬૭૮૯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "guru": {
        "_digits": "੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "hanidays": {
        "_rules": "zh/SpelloutRules/spellout-numbering-days",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hanidec": {
        "_digits": "〇一二三四五六七八九",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "hans": {
        "_rules": "zh/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hansfin": {
        "_rules": "zh/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal-financial",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hant": {
        "_rules": "zh_Hant/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hantfin": {
        "_rules": "zh_Hant/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal-financial",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hebr": {
        "_rules": "hebrew",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "hmng": {
        "_digits": "𖭐𖭑𖭒𖭓𖭔𖭕𖭖𖭗𖭘𖭙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "java": {
        "_digits": "꧐꧑꧒꧓꧔꧕꧖꧗꧘꧙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "jpan": {
        "_rules": "ja/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "jpanfin": {
        "_rules": "ja/SpelloutRules/spellout-cardinal-financial",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "kali": {
        "_digits": "꤀꤁꤂꤃꤄꤅꤆꤇꤈꤉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "khmr": {
        "_digits": "០១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "knda": {
        "_digits": "೦೧೨೩೪೫೬೭೮೯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "lana": {
        "_digits": "᪀᪁᪂᪃᪄᪅᪆᪇᪈᪉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "lanatham": {
        "_digits": "᪐᪑᪒᪓᪔᪕᪖᪗᪘᪙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "laoo": {
        "_digits": "໐໑໒໓໔໕໖໗໘໙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "latn": {
        "_digits": "0123456789",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "lepc": {
        "_digits": "᱀᱁᱂᱃᱄᱅᱆᱇᱈᱉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "limb": {
        "_digits": "᥆᥇᥈᥉᥊᥋᥌᥍᥎᥏",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathbold": {
        "_digits": "𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathdbl": {
        "_digits": "𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathmono": {
        "_digits": "𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathsanb": {
        "_digits": "𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mathsans": {
        "_digits": "𝟢𝟣𝟤𝟥𝟦𝟧𝟨𝟩𝟪𝟫",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mlym": {
        "_digits": "൦൧൨൩൪൫൬൭൮൯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "modi": {
        "_digits": "𑙐𑙑𑙒𑙓𑙔𑙕𑙖𑙗𑙘𑙙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mong": {
        "_digits": "᠐᠑᠒᠓᠔᠕᠖᠗᠘᠙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mroo": {
        "_digits": "𖩠𖩡𖩢𖩣𖩤𖩥𖩦𖩧𖩨𖩩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mtei": {
        "_digits": "꯰꯱꯲꯳꯴꯵꯶꯷꯸꯹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mymr": {
        "_digits": "၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mymrshan": {
        "_digits": "႐႑႒႓႔႕႖႗႘႙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "mymrtlng": {
        "_digits": "꧰꧱꧲꧳꧴꧵꧶꧷꧸꧹",
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        "_digits": "𑑐𑑑𑑒𑑓𑑔𑑕𑑖𑑗𑑘𑑙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "nkoo": {
        "_digits": "߀߁߂߃߄߅߆߇߈߉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "olck": {
        "_digits": "᱐᱑᱒᱓᱔᱕᱖᱗᱘᱙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "orya": {
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        "_type": "numeric"
      "osma": {
        "_digits": "𐒠𐒡𐒢𐒣𐒤𐒥𐒦𐒧𐒨𐒩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "roman": {
        "_rules": "roman-upper",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "romanlow": {
        "_rules": "roman-lower",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "saur": {
        "_digits": "꣐꣑꣒꣓꣔꣕꣖꣗꣘꣙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "shrd": {
        "_digits": "𑇐𑇑𑇒𑇓𑇔𑇕𑇖𑇗𑇘𑇙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "sind": {
        "_digits": "𑋰𑋱𑋲𑋳𑋴𑋵𑋶𑋷𑋸𑋹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "sinh": {
        "_digits": "෦෧෨෩෪෫෬෭෮෯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "sora": {
        "_digits": "𑃰𑃱𑃲𑃳𑃴𑃵𑃶𑃷𑃸𑃹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "sund": {
        "_digits": "᮰᮱᮲᮳᮴᮵᮶᮷᮸᮹",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "takr": {
        "_digits": "𑛀𑛁𑛂𑛃𑛄𑛅𑛆𑛇𑛈𑛉",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "talu": {
        "_digits": "᧐᧑᧒᧓᧔᧕᧖᧗᧘᧙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "taml": {
        "_rules": "tamil",
        "_type": "algorithmic"
      "tamldec": {
        "_digits": "௦௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "telu": {
        "_digits": "౦౧౨౩౪౫౬౭౮౯",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "thai": {
        "_digits": "๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "tibt": {
        "_digits": "༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "tirh": {
        "_digits": "𑓐𑓑𑓒𑓓𑓔𑓕𑓖𑓗𑓘𑓙",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "vaii": {
        "_digits": "꘠꘡꘢꘣꘤꘥꘦꘧꘨꘩",
        "_type": "numeric"
      "wara": {
        "_digits": "𑣠𑣡𑣢𑣣𑣤𑣥𑣦𑣧𑣨𑣩",
        "_type": "numeric"
            "$Revision: 12732 $",
  "main": {
    "he": {
      "identity": {
        "version": {
          "_number": "$Revision: 13259 $",
          "_cldrVersion": "31.0.1"
        "language": "he"
      "numbers": {
        "defaultNumberingSystem": "latn",
        "otherNumberingSystems": {
          "native": "latn",
          "traditional": "hebr"
        "minimumGroupingDigits": "1",
        "symbols-numberSystem-latn": {
          "decimal": ".",
          "group": ",",
          "list": ";",
          "percentSign": "%",
          "plusSign": "‎+",
          "minusSign": "‎-",
          "exponential": "E",
          "superscriptingExponent": "×",
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          "pluralMinimalPairs": "{0} שנה",
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                    "$Revision: 13259 $",
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                            "‏0 אלף",
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                            "‏00 אלף",
                            "‏00 אלף",
                            "‏00 אלף",
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                            "‏00 מיליון",
                            "‏00 מיליון",
                            "‏00 מיליון",
                            "‏000 מיליון",
                            "‏000 מיליון",
                            "‏000 מיליון",
                            "‏000 מיליון",
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                            "‏0 מיליארד",
                            "‏0 מיליארד",
                            "‏0 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏00 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
                            "‏000 מיליארד",
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                            "‏0 טריליון",
                            "‏0 טריליון",
                            "‏0 טריליון",
                            "‏00 טריליון",
                            "‏00 טריליון",
                            "‏00 טריליון",
                            "‏00 טריליון",
                            "‏000 טריליון",
                            "‏000 טריליון",
                            "‏000 טריליון",
                            "‏000 טריליון";
                            " ";
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      "identity": {
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      "dates": {
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          "gmtZeroFormat": "GMT",
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          "fallbackFormat": "{1} ({0})",
          "zone": {
            "America": {
              "Adak": {
                "exemplarCity": "אדאק"
              "Anchorage": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנקורג׳"
              "Anguilla": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנגווילה"
              "Antigua": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנטיגואה"
              "Araguaina": {
                "exemplarCity": "אראגואינה"
              "Argentina": {
                "Rio_Gallegos": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ריו גאייגוס"
                "San_Juan": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סן חואן"
                "Ushuaia": {
                  "exemplarCity": "אושוואיה"
                "La_Rioja": {
                  "exemplarCity": "לה ריוחה"
                "San_Luis": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סן לואיס"
                "Salta": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סלטה"
                "Tucuman": {
                  "exemplarCity": "טוקומן"
              "Aruba": {
                "exemplarCity": "ארובה"
              "Asuncion": {
                "exemplarCity": "אסונסיון"
              "Bahia": {
                "exemplarCity": "באהיה"
              "Bahia_Banderas": {
                "exemplarCity": "באהיה בנדרס"
              "Barbados": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברבדוס"
              "Belem": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלם"
              "Belize": {
                "exemplarCity": "בליז"
              "Blanc-Sablon": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלאן-סבלון"
              "Boa_Vista": {
                "exemplarCity": "בואה ויסטה"
              "Bogota": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוגוטה"
              "Boise": {
                "exemplarCity": "בויסי"
              "Buenos_Aires": {
                "exemplarCity": "בואנוס איירס"
              "Cambridge_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיימברידג׳ ביי"
              "Campo_Grande": {
                "exemplarCity": "קמפו גרנדה"
              "Cancun": {
                "exemplarCity": "קנקון"
              "Caracas": {
                "exemplarCity": "קראקס"
              "Catamarca": {
                "exemplarCity": "קטמרקה"
              "Cayenne": {
                "exemplarCity": "קאיין"
              "Cayman": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיימן"
              "Chicago": {
                "exemplarCity": "שיקגו"
              "Chihuahua": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳יוואווה"
              "Coral_Harbour": {
                "exemplarCity": "אטיקוקן"
              "Cordoba": {
                "exemplarCity": "קורדובה"
              "Costa_Rica": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוסטה ריקה"
              "Creston": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרסטון"
              "Cuiaba": {
                "exemplarCity": "קויאבה"
              "Curacao": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוראסאו"
              "Danmarkshavn": {
                "exemplarCity": "דנמרקסהוון"
              "Dawson": {
                "exemplarCity": "דוסון"
              "Dawson_Creek": {
                "exemplarCity": "דוסון קריק"
              "Denver": {
                "exemplarCity": "דנוור"
              "Detroit": {
                "exemplarCity": "דטרויט"
              "Dominica": {
                "exemplarCity": "דומיניקה"
              "Edmonton": {
                "exemplarCity": "אדמונטון"
              "Eirunepe": {
                "exemplarCity": "אירונפי"
              "El_Salvador": {
                "exemplarCity": "אל סלבדור"
              "Fort_Nelson": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט נלסון"
              "Fortaleza": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורטאלזה"
              "Glace_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "גלייס ביי"
              "Godthab": {
                "exemplarCity": "נואוק"
              "Goose_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "גוס ביי"
              "Grand_Turk": {
                "exemplarCity": "גרנד טורק"
              "Grenada": {
                "exemplarCity": "גרנדה"
              "Guadeloupe": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואדלופ"
              "Guatemala": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואטמלה"
              "Guayaquil": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואיאקיל"
              "Guyana": {
                "exemplarCity": "גיאנה"
              "Halifax": {
                "exemplarCity": "הליפקס"
              "Havana": {
                "exemplarCity": "הוואנה"
              "Hermosillo": {
                "exemplarCity": "הרמוסיו"
              "Indiana": {
                "Vincennes": {
                  "exemplarCity": "וינסנס, אינדיאנה"
                "Petersburg": {
                  "exemplarCity": "פיטרסבורג, אינדיאנה"
                "Tell_City": {
                  "exemplarCity": "טל סיטי, אינדיאנה"
                "Knox": {
                  "exemplarCity": "נוקס, אינדיאנה"
                "Winamac": {
                  "exemplarCity": "וינמאק, אינדיאנה"
                "Marengo": {
                  "exemplarCity": "מרנגו, אינדיאנה"
                "Vevay": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ויוואיי, אינדיאנה"
              "Indianapolis": {
                "exemplarCity": "אינדיאנפוליס"
              "Inuvik": {
                "exemplarCity": "אינוויק"
              "Iqaluit": {
                "exemplarCity": "איקלואיט"
              "Jamaica": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳מייקה"
              "Jujuy": {
                "exemplarCity": "חוחוי"
              "Juneau": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳ונו"
              "Kentucky": {
                "Monticello": {
                  "exemplarCity": "מונטיצ׳לו, קנטאקי"
              "Kralendijk": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרלנדייק"
              "La_Paz": {
                "exemplarCity": "לה פאס"
              "Lima": {
                "exemplarCity": "לימה"
              "Los_Angeles": {
                "exemplarCity": "לוס אנג׳לס"
              "Louisville": {
                "exemplarCity": "לואיוויל"
              "Lower_Princes": {
                "exemplarCity": "לואוור פרינסס קוורטר"
              "Maceio": {
                "exemplarCity": "מסייאו"
              "Managua": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנגואה"
              "Manaus": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנאוס"
              "Marigot": {
                "exemplarCity": "מריגו"
              "Martinique": {
                "exemplarCity": "מרטיניק"
              "Matamoros": {
                "exemplarCity": "מטמורוס"
              "Mazatlan": {
                "exemplarCity": "מזטלן"
              "Mendoza": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנדוזה"
              "Menominee": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנומיני"
              "Merida": {
                "exemplarCity": "מרידה"
              "Metlakatla": {
                "exemplarCity": "מטלקטלה"
              "Mexico_City": {
                "exemplarCity": "מקסיקו סיטי"
              "Miquelon": {
                "exemplarCity": "מיקלון"
              "Moncton": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונקטון"
              "Monterrey": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונטריי"
              "Montevideo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונטווידאו"
              "Montserrat": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונסראט"
              "Nassau": {
                "exemplarCity": "נסאו"
              "New_York": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניו יורק"
              "Nipigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניפיגון"
              "Nome": {
                "exemplarCity": "נום"
              "Noronha": {
                "exemplarCity": "נורוניה"
              "North_Dakota": {
                "Beulah": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ביולה, צפון דקוטה"
                "New_Salem": {
                  "exemplarCity": "ניו סיילם, צפון דקוטה"
                "Center": {
                  "exemplarCity": "סנטר, צפון דקוטה"
              "Ojinaga": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוג׳ינאגה"
              "Panama": {
                "exemplarCity": "פנמה"
              "Pangnirtung": {
                "exemplarCity": "פנגנירטונג"
              "Paramaribo": {
                "exemplarCity": "פרמריבו"
              "Phoenix": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיניקס"
              "Port-au-Prince": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט או פראנס"
              "Port_of_Spain": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט אוף ספיין"
              "Porto_Velho": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורטו וליו"
              "Puerto_Rico": {
                "exemplarCity": "פוארטו ריקו"
              "Rainy_River": {
                "exemplarCity": "רייני ריבר"
              "Rankin_Inlet": {
                "exemplarCity": "רנקין אינלט"
              "Recife": {
                "exemplarCity": "רסיפה"
              "Regina": {
                "exemplarCity": "רג׳ינה"
              "Resolute": {
                "exemplarCity": "רזולוט"
              "Rio_Branco": {
                "exemplarCity": "ריו ברנקו"
              "Santa_Isabel": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטה איסבל"
              "Santarem": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטרם"
              "Santiago": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטיאגו"
              "Santo_Domingo": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנטו דומינגו"
              "Sao_Paulo": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאו פאולו"
              "Scoresbysund": {
                "exemplarCity": "סקורסביסונד"
              "Sitka": {
                "exemplarCity": "סיטקה"
              "St_Barthelemy": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט ברתלמי"
              "St_Johns": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט ג׳ונס"
              "St_Kitts": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט קיטס"
              "St_Lucia": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט לוסיה"
              "St_Thomas": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט תומאס"
              "St_Vincent": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט וינסנט"
              "Swift_Current": {
                "exemplarCity": "סוויפט קרנט"
              "Tegucigalpa": {
                "exemplarCity": "טגוסיגלפה"
              "Thule": {
                "exemplarCity": "תולה"
              "Thunder_Bay": {
                "exemplarCity": "ת׳אנדר ביי"
              "Tijuana": {
                "exemplarCity": "טיחואנה"
              "Toronto": {
                "exemplarCity": "טורונטו"
              "Tortola": {
                "exemplarCity": "טורטולה"
              "Vancouver": {
                "exemplarCity": "ונקובר"
              "Whitehorse": {
                "exemplarCity": "ווייטהורס"
              "Winnipeg": {
                "exemplarCity": "וויניפג"
              "Yakutat": {
                "exemplarCity": "יקוטאט"
              "Yellowknife": {
                "exemplarCity": "ילונייף"
            "Atlantic": {
              "Azores": {
                "exemplarCity": "האיים האזוריים"
              "Bermuda": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברמודה"
              "Canary": {
                "exemplarCity": "האיים הקנריים"
              "Cape_Verde": {
                "exemplarCity": "כף ורדה"
              "Faeroe": {
                "exemplarCity": "פארו"
              "Madeira": {
                "exemplarCity": "מדיירה"
              "Reykjavik": {
                "exemplarCity": "רייקיאוויק"
              "South_Georgia": {
                "exemplarCity": "דרום ג׳ורג׳יה"
              "St_Helena": {
                "exemplarCity": "סנט הלנה"
              "Stanley": {
                "exemplarCity": "סטנלי"
            "Europe": {
              "Amsterdam": {
                "exemplarCity": "אמסטרדם"
              "Andorra": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנדורה"
              "Astrakhan": {
                "exemplarCity": "אסטרחן"
              "Athens": {
                "exemplarCity": "אתונה"
              "Belgrade": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלגרד"
              "Berlin": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברלין"
              "Bratislava": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברטיסלבה"
              "Brussels": {
                "exemplarCity": "בריסל"
              "Bucharest": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוקרשט"
              "Budapest": {
                "exemplarCity": "בודפשט"
              "Busingen": {
                "exemplarCity": "ביזינגן"
              "Chisinau": {
                "exemplarCity": "קישינב"
              "Copenhagen": {
                "exemplarCity": "קופנהגן"
              "Dublin": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "שעון קיץ אירלנד"
                "exemplarCity": "דבלין"
              "Gibraltar": {
                "exemplarCity": "גיברלטר"
              "Guernsey": {
                "exemplarCity": "גרנזי"
              "Helsinki": {
                "exemplarCity": "הלסינקי"
              "Isle_of_Man": {
                "exemplarCity": "האי מאן"
              "Istanbul": {
                "exemplarCity": "איסטנבול"
              "Jersey": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳רזי"
              "Kaliningrad": {
                "exemplarCity": "קלינינגרד"
              "Kiev": {
                "exemplarCity": "קייב"
              "Kirov": {
                "exemplarCity": "קירוב"
              "Lisbon": {
                "exemplarCity": "ליסבון"
              "Ljubljana": {
                "exemplarCity": "לובליאנה"
              "London": {
                "long": {
                  "daylight": "שעון קיץ בריטניה"
                "exemplarCity": "לונדון"
              "Luxembourg": {
                "exemplarCity": "לוקסמבורג"
              "Madrid": {
                "exemplarCity": "מדריד"
              "Malta": {
                "exemplarCity": "מלטה"
              "Mariehamn": {
                "exemplarCity": "מרייהאמן"
              "Minsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "מינסק"
              "Monaco": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונקו"
              "Moscow": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוסקבה"
              "Oslo": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוסלו"
              "Paris": {
                "exemplarCity": "פריז"
              "Podgorica": {
                "exemplarCity": "פודגוריצה"
              "Prague": {
                "exemplarCity": "פראג"
              "Riga": {
                "exemplarCity": "ריגה"
              "Rome": {
                "exemplarCity": "רומא"
              "Samara": {
                "exemplarCity": "סמרה"
              "San_Marino": {
                "exemplarCity": "סן מרינו"
              "Sarajevo": {
                "exemplarCity": "סרייבו"
              "Simferopol": {
                "exemplarCity": "סימפרופול"
              "Skopje": {
                "exemplarCity": "סקופיה"
              "Sofia": {
                "exemplarCity": "סופיה"
              "Stockholm": {
                "exemplarCity": "שטוקהולם"
              "Tallinn": {
                "exemplarCity": "טאלין"
              "Tirane": {
                "exemplarCity": "טירנה"
              "Ulyanovsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוליאנובסק"
              "Uzhgorod": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוז׳הורוד"
              "Vaduz": {
                "exemplarCity": "ואדוץ"
              "Vatican": {
                "exemplarCity": "הוותיקן"
              "Vienna": {
                "exemplarCity": "וינה"
              "Vilnius": {
                "exemplarCity": "וילנה"
              "Volgograd": {
                "exemplarCity": "וולגוגרד"
              "Warsaw": {
                "exemplarCity": "ורשה"
              "Zagreb": {
                "exemplarCity": "זאגרב"
              "Zaporozhye": {
                "exemplarCity": "זפורוז׳יה"
              "Zurich": {
                "exemplarCity": "ציריך"
            "Africa": {
              "Abidjan": {
                "exemplarCity": "אביג׳אן"
              "Accra": {
                "exemplarCity": "אקרה"
              "Addis_Ababa": {
                "exemplarCity": "אדיס אבבה"
              "Algiers": {
                "exemplarCity": "אלג׳יר"
              "Asmera": {
                "exemplarCity": "אסמרה"
              "Bamako": {
                "exemplarCity": "במאקו"
              "Bangui": {
                "exemplarCity": "בנגואי"
              "Banjul": {
                "exemplarCity": "בנג׳ול"
              "Bissau": {
                "exemplarCity": "ביסאו"
              "Blantyre": {
                "exemplarCity": "בלנטיר"
              "Brazzaville": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברזוויל"
              "Bujumbura": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוג׳ומבורה"
              "Cairo": {
                "exemplarCity": "קהיר"
              "Casablanca": {
                "exemplarCity": "קזבלנקה"
              "Ceuta": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאוטה"
              "Conakry": {
                "exemplarCity": "קונאקרי"
              "Dakar": {
                "exemplarCity": "דקאר"
              "Dar_es_Salaam": {
                "exemplarCity": "דאר א-סלאם"
              "Djibouti": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳יבוטי"
              "Douala": {
                "exemplarCity": "דואלה"
              "El_Aaiun": {
                "exemplarCity": "אל עיון"
              "Freetown": {
                "exemplarCity": "פריטאון"
              "Gaborone": {
                "exemplarCity": "גבורונה"
              "Harare": {
                "exemplarCity": "הרארה"
              "Johannesburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "יוהנסבורג"
              "Juba": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳ובה"
              "Kampala": {
                "exemplarCity": "קמפאלה"
              "Khartoum": {
                "exemplarCity": "חרטום"
              "Kigali": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיגלי"
              "Kinshasa": {
                "exemplarCity": "קינשסה"
              "Lagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "לגוס"
              "Libreville": {
                "exemplarCity": "ליברוויל"
              "Lome": {
                "exemplarCity": "לומה"
              "Luanda": {
                "exemplarCity": "לואנדה"
              "Lubumbashi": {
                "exemplarCity": "לובומבאשי"
              "Lusaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "לוסקה"
              "Malabo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מלבו"
              "Maputo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאפוטו"
              "Maseru": {
                "exemplarCity": "מסרו"
              "Mbabane": {
                "exemplarCity": "אמבאבאנה"
              "Mogadishu": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוגדישו"
              "Monrovia": {
                "exemplarCity": "מונרוביה"
              "Nairobi": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניירובי"
              "Ndjamena": {
                "exemplarCity": "נג׳מנה"
              "Niamey": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניאמיי"
              "Nouakchott": {
                "exemplarCity": "נואקצ׳וט"
              "Ouagadougou": {
                "exemplarCity": "וואגאדוגו"
              "Porto-Novo": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורטו נובו"
              "Sao_Tome": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאו טומה"
              "Tripoli": {
                "exemplarCity": "טריפולי"
              "Tunis": {
                "exemplarCity": "תוניס"
              "Windhoek": {
                "exemplarCity": "וינדהוק"
            "Asia": {
              "Aden": {
                "exemplarCity": "עדן"
              "Almaty": {
                "exemplarCity": "אלמאטי"
              "Amman": {
                "exemplarCity": "עמאן"
              "Anadyr": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנדיר"
              "Aqtau": {
                "exemplarCity": "אקטאו"
              "Aqtobe": {
                "exemplarCity": "אקטובה"
              "Ashgabat": {
                "exemplarCity": "אשגבט"
              "Baghdad": {
                "exemplarCity": "בגדד"
              "Bahrain": {
                "exemplarCity": "בחריין"
              "Baku": {
                "exemplarCity": "באקו"
              "Bangkok": {
                "exemplarCity": "בנגקוק"
              "Barnaul": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברנאול"
              "Beirut": {
                "exemplarCity": "ביירות"
              "Bishkek": {
                "exemplarCity": "בישקק"
              "Brunei": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברוניי"
              "Calcutta": {
                "exemplarCity": "קולקטה"
              "Chita": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳יטה"
              "Choibalsan": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳ויבלסן"
              "Colombo": {
                "exemplarCity": "קולומבו"
              "Damascus": {
                "exemplarCity": "דמשק"
              "Dhaka": {
                "exemplarCity": "דאקה"
              "Dili": {
                "exemplarCity": "דילי"
              "Dubai": {
                "exemplarCity": "דובאי"
              "Dushanbe": {
                "exemplarCity": "דושנבה"
              "Gaza": {
                "exemplarCity": "עזה"
              "Hebron": {
                "exemplarCity": "חברון"
              "Hong_Kong": {
                "exemplarCity": "הונג קונג"
              "Hovd": {
                "exemplarCity": "חובד"
              "Irkutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "אירקוטסק"
              "Jakarta": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳קרטה"
              "Jayapura": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳איאפורה"
              "Jerusalem": {
                "exemplarCity": "ירושלים"
              "Kabul": {
                "exemplarCity": "קאבול"
              "Kamchatka": {
                "exemplarCity": "קמצ׳טקה"
              "Karachi": {
                "exemplarCity": "קראצ׳י"
              "Katmandu": {
                "exemplarCity": "קטמנדו"
              "Khandyga": {
                "exemplarCity": "חנדיגה"
              "Krasnoyarsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרסנויארסק"
              "Kuala_Lumpur": {
                "exemplarCity": "קואלה לומפור"
              "Kuching": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוצ׳ינג"
              "Kuwait": {
                "exemplarCity": "כווית"
              "Macau": {
                "exemplarCity": "מקאו"
              "Magadan": {
                "exemplarCity": "מגדן"
              "Makassar": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאקאסאר"
              "Manila": {
                "exemplarCity": "מנילה"
              "Muscat": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוסקט"
              "Nicosia": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניקוסיה"
              "Novokuznetsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "נובוקוזנטסק"
              "Novosibirsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "נובוסיבירסק"
              "Omsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "אומסק"
              "Oral": {
                "exemplarCity": "אורל"
              "Phnom_Penh": {
                "exemplarCity": "פנום פן"
              "Pontianak": {
                "exemplarCity": "פונטיאנק"
              "Pyongyang": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיונגיאנג"
              "Qatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "קטאר"
              "Qyzylorda": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיזילורדה"
              "Rangoon": {
                "exemplarCity": "רנגון"
              "Riyadh": {
                "exemplarCity": "ריאד"
              "Saigon": {
                "exemplarCity": "הו צ׳י מין סיטי"
              "Sakhalin": {
                "exemplarCity": "סחלין"
              "Samarkand": {
                "exemplarCity": "סמרקנד"
              "Seoul": {
                "exemplarCity": "סיאול"
              "Shanghai": {
                "exemplarCity": "שנחאי"
              "Singapore": {
                "exemplarCity": "סינגפור"
              "Srednekolymsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "סרדנייקולימסק"
              "Taipei": {
                "exemplarCity": "טאיפיי"
              "Tashkent": {
                "exemplarCity": "טשקנט"
              "Tbilisi": {
                "exemplarCity": "טביליסי"
              "Tehran": {
                "exemplarCity": "טהרן"
              "Thimphu": {
                "exemplarCity": "טהימפהו"
              "Tokyo": {
                "exemplarCity": "טוקיו"
              "Tomsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "טומסק"
              "Ulaanbaatar": {
                "exemplarCity": "אולאאנבטאר"
              "Urumqi": {
                "exemplarCity": "אורומקי"
              "Ust-Nera": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוסט-נרה"
              "Vientiane": {
                "exemplarCity": "האנוי"
              "Vladivostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "ולדיווסטוק"
              "Yakutsk": {
                "exemplarCity": "יקוטסק"
              "Yekaterinburg": {
                "exemplarCity": "יקטרינבורג"
              "Yerevan": {
                "exemplarCity": "ירוואן"
            "Indian": {
              "Antananarivo": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנטננריבו"
              "Chagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳אגוס"
              "Christmas": {
                "exemplarCity": "האי כריסטמס"
              "Cocos": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוקוס"
              "Comoro": {
                "exemplarCity": "קומורו"
              "Kerguelen": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרגוולן"
              "Mahe": {
                "exemplarCity": "מהא"
              "Maldives": {
                "exemplarCity": "האיים המלדיביים"
              "Mauritius": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאוריציוס"
              "Mayotte": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאיוט"
              "Reunion": {
                "exemplarCity": "ראוניון"
            "Australia": {
              "Adelaide": {
                "exemplarCity": "אדלייד"
              "Brisbane": {
                "exemplarCity": "בריסביין"
              "Broken_Hill": {
                "exemplarCity": "ברוקן היל"
              "Currie": {
                "exemplarCity": "קרי"
              "Darwin": {
                "exemplarCity": "דרווין"
              "Eucla": {
                "exemplarCity": "יוקלה"
              "Hobart": {
                "exemplarCity": "הוברט"
              "Lindeman": {
                "exemplarCity": "לינדמן"
              "Lord_Howe": {
                "exemplarCity": "אי הלורד האו"
              "Melbourne": {
                "exemplarCity": "מלבורן"
              "Perth": {
                "exemplarCity": "פרת׳"
              "Sydney": {
                "exemplarCity": "סידני"
            "Pacific": {
              "Apia": {
                "exemplarCity": "אפיה"
              "Auckland": {
                "exemplarCity": "אוקלנד"
              "Bougainville": {
                "exemplarCity": "בוגנוויל"
              "Chatham": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳אטהאם"
              "Easter": {
                "exemplarCity": "אי הפסחא"
              "Efate": {
                "exemplarCity": "אפטה"
              "Enderbury": {
                "exemplarCity": "אנדרבורי"
              "Fakaofo": {
                "exemplarCity": "פקאופו"
              "Fiji": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיג׳י"
              "Funafuti": {
                "exemplarCity": "פונפוטי"
              "Galapagos": {
                "exemplarCity": "גלפאגוס"
              "Gambier": {
                "exemplarCity": "איי גמבייה"
              "Guadalcanal": {
                "exemplarCity": "גוודלקנאל"
              "Guam": {
                "exemplarCity": "גואם"
              "Honolulu": {
                "exemplarCity": "הונולולו"
              "Johnston": {
                "exemplarCity": "ג׳ונסטון"
              "Kiritimati": {
                "exemplarCity": "קיריטימאטי"
              "Kosrae": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוסרה"
              "Kwajalein": {
                "exemplarCity": "קוואג׳ליין"
              "Majuro": {
                "exemplarCity": "מאג׳ורו"
              "Marquesas": {
                "exemplarCity": "איי מרקיז"
              "Midway": {
                "exemplarCity": "מידוויי"
              "Nauru": {
                "exemplarCity": "נאורו"
              "Niue": {
                "exemplarCity": "ניואה"
              "Norfolk": {
                "exemplarCity": "נורפוק"
              "Noumea": {
                "exemplarCity": "נומאה"
              "Pago_Pago": {
                "exemplarCity": "פאגו פאגו"
              "Palau": {
                "exemplarCity": "פלאו"
              "Pitcairn": {
                "exemplarCity": "פיטקרן"
              "Ponape": {
                "exemplarCity": "פונפיי"
              "Port_Moresby": {
                "exemplarCity": "פורט מורסבי"
              "Rarotonga": {
                "exemplarCity": "רארוטונגה"
              "Saipan": {
                "exemplarCity": "סאיפאן"
              "Tahiti": {
                "exemplarCity": "טהיטי"
              "Tarawa": {
                "exemplarCity": "טאראווה"
              "Tongatapu": {
                "exemplarCity": "טונגטאפו"
              "Truk": {
                "exemplarCity": "צ׳וק"
              "Wake": {
                "exemplarCity": "וייק"
              "Wallis": {
                "exemplarCity": "ווליס"
            "Arctic": {
              "Longyearbyen": {
                "exemplarCity": "לונגיירבין"
            "Antarctica": {
              "Casey": {
                "exemplarCity": "קאסיי"
              "Davis": {
                "exemplarCity": "דיוויס"
              "DumontDUrville": {
                "exemplarCity": "דומון ד׳אורוויל"
              "Macquarie": {
                "exemplarCity": "מקרי"
              "Mawson": {
                "exemplarCity": "מוסון"
              "McMurdo": {
                "exemplarCity": "מק-מרדו"
              "Palmer": {
                "exemplarCity": "פאלמר"
              "Rothera": {
                "exemplarCity": "רות׳רה"
              "Syowa": {
                "exemplarCity": "סיוואה"
              "Troll": {
                "exemplarCity": "טרול"
              "Vostok": {
                "exemplarCity": "ווסטוק"
            "Etc": {
              "GMT": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT"
              "GMT1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+1"
              "GMT10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+10"
              "GMT11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+11"
              "GMT12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+12"
              "GMT2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+2"
              "GMT3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+3"
              "GMT4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+4"
              "GMT5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+5"
              "GMT6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+6"
              "GMT7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+7"
              "GMT8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+8"
              "GMT9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT+9"
              "GMT-1": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-1"
              "GMT-10": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-10"
              "GMT-11": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-11"
              "GMT-12": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-12"
              "GMT-13": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-13"
              "GMT-14": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-14"
              "GMT-2": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-2"
              "GMT-3": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-3"
              "GMT-4": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-4"
              "GMT-5": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-5"
              "GMT-6": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-6"
              "GMT-7": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-7"
              "GMT-8": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-8"
              "GMT-9": {
                "exemplarCity": "GMT-9"
              "UTC": {
                "long": {
                  "standard": "זמן אוניברסלי מתואם"
                "short": {
                  "standard": "UTC"
                "exemplarCity": "UTC"
              "Unknown": {
                "exemplarCity": "עיר לא ידועה"
          "metazone": {
            "Afghanistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון אפגניסטן"
            "Africa_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אפריקה"
            "Africa_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אפריקה"
            "Africa_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דרום אפריקה"
            "Africa_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב אפריקה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב אפריקה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב אפריקה (קיץ)"
            "Alaska": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אלסקה",
                "standard": "שעון אלסקה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אלסקה (קיץ)"
            "Amazon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אמזונס",
                "standard": "שעון אמזונס (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אמזונס (קיץ)"
            "America_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז ארה״ב",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (קיץ)"
            "America_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון החוף המזרחי",
                "standard": "שעון החוף המזרחי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון החוף המזרחי (קיץ)"
            "America_Mountain": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב",
                "standard": "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (קיץ)"
            "America_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב ארה״ב",
                "standard": "שעון מערב ארה״ב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב ארה״ב (קיץ)"
            "Anadyr": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אנדיר",
                "standard": "שעון רגיל אנדיר",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ אנדיר"
            "Apia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אפיה",
                "standard": "שעון אפיה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אפיה (קיץ)"
            "Arabian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון חצי האי ערב",
                "standard": "שעון חצי האי ערב (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון חצי האי ערב (קיץ)"
            "Argentina": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ארגנטינה",
                "standard": "שעון ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ארגנטינה (קיץ)"
            "Argentina_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב ארגנטינה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (קיץ)"
            "Armenia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ארמניה",
                "standard": "שעון ארמניה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ארמניה (קיץ)"
            "Atlantic": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי",
                "standard": "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (קיץ)"
            "Australia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Australia_CentralWestern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Australia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Australia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב אוסטרליה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)"
            "Azerbaijan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אזרבייג׳אן",
                "standard": "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (קיץ)"
            "Azores": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון האיים האזוריים",
                "standard": "שעון האיים האזוריים (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון האיים האזוריים (קיץ)"
            "Bangladesh": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון בנגלדש",
                "standard": "שעון בנגלדש (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון בנגלדש (קיץ)"
            "Bhutan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון בהוטן"
            "Bolivia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון בוליביה"
            "Brasilia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ברזיליה",
                "standard": "שעון ברזיליה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ברזיליה (קיץ)"
            "Brunei": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ברוניי דארוסלאם"
            "Cape_Verde": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון כף ורדה",
                "standard": "שעון כף ורדה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון כף ורדה (קיץ)"
            "Chamorro": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון צ׳אמורו"
            "Chatham": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צ׳טהאם",
                "standard": "שעון צ׳טהאם (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צ׳טהאם (קיץ)"
            "Chile": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צ׳ילה",
                "standard": "שעון צ׳ילה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צ׳ילה (קיץ)"
            "China": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סין",
                "standard": "שעון סין (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סין (קיץ)"
            "Choibalsan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צ׳ויבלסן",
                "standard": "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (קיץ)"
            "Christmas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האי כריסטמס"
            "Cocos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי קוקוס"
            "Colombia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קולומביה",
                "standard": "שעון קולומביה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קולומביה (קיץ)"
            "Cook": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון איי קוק",
                "standard": "שעון איי קוק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון איי קוק (מחצית הקיץ)"
            "Cuba": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קובה",
                "standard": "שעון קובה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קובה (קיץ)"
            "Davis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דיוויס"
            "DumontDUrville": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דומון ד׳אורוויל"
            "East_Timor": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח טימור"
            "Easter": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אי הפסחא",
                "standard": "שעון אי הפסחא (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אי הפסחא (קיץ)"
            "Ecuador": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון אקוודור"
            "Europe_Central": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מרכז אירופה",
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אירופה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מרכז אירופה (קיץ)"
            "Europe_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מזרח אירופה",
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אירופה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מזרח אירופה (קיץ)"
            "Europe_Further_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מינסק"
            "Europe_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב אירופה",
                "standard": "שעון מערב אירופה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב אירופה (קיץ)"
            "Falkland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון איי פוקלנד",
                "standard": "שעון איי פוקלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון איי פוקלנד (קיץ)"
            "Fiji": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פיג׳י",
                "standard": "שעון פיג׳י (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פיג׳י (קיץ)"
            "French_Guiana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון גיאנה הצרפתית"
            "French_Southern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון הארצות הדרומיות והאנטארקטיות של צרפת"
            "Galapagos": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי גלאפגוס"
            "Gambier": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי גמבייה"
            "Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון גאורגיה",
                "standard": "שעון גאורגיה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון גאורגיה (קיץ)"
            "Gilbert_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי גילברט"
            "GMT": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון גריניץ׳‏"
            "Greenland_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מזרח גרינלנד",
                "standard": "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (קיץ)"
            "Greenland_Western": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב גרינלנד",
                "standard": "שעון מערב גרינלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב גרינלנד (קיץ)"
            "Gulf": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מדינות המפרץ"
            "Guyana": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון גיאנה"
            "Hawaii_Aleutian": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי",
                "standard": "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (קיץ)"
            "Hong_Kong": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון הונג קונג",
                "standard": "שעון הונג קונג (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון הונג קונג (קיץ)"
            "Hovd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון חובד",
                "standard": "שעון חובד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון חובד (קיץ)"
            "India": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון הודו"
            "Indian_Ocean": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האוקיינוס ההודי"
            "Indochina": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון הודו-סין"
            "Indonesia_Central": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מרכז אינדונזיה"
            "Indonesia_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח אינדונזיה"
            "Indonesia_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מערב אינדונזיה"
            "Iran": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון איראן",
                "standard": "שעון איראן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון איראן (קיץ)"
            "Irkutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אירקוטסק",
                "standard": "שעון אירקוטסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אירקוסטק (קיץ)"
            "Israel": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ישראל",
                "standard": "שעון ישראל (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ישראל (קיץ)"
            "Japan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון יפן",
                "standard": "שעון יפן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון יפן (קיץ)"
            "Kamchatka": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                "standard": "שעון רגיל פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי"
            "Kazakhstan_Eastern": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מזרח קזחסטן"
            "Kazakhstan_Western": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מערב קזחסטן"
            "Korea": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קוריאה",
                "standard": "שעון קוריאה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קוריאה (קיץ)"
            "Kosrae": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון קוסראה"
            "Krasnoyarsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קרסנויארסק",
                "standard": "שעון קרסנויארסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קרסנויארסק (קיץ)"
            "Kyrgystan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון קירגיזסטן"
            "Line_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי ליין"
            "Lord_Howe": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אי הלורד האו",
                "standard": "שעון אי הלורד האו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אי הלורד האו (קיץ)"
            "Macau": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מקאו",
                "standard": "שעון חורף מקאו",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ מקאו"
            "Macquarie": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מקווארי"
            "Magadan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מגדן",
                "standard": "שעון מגדן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מגדן (קיץ)"
            "Malaysia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מלזיה"
            "Maldives": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האיים המלדיביים"
            "Marquesas": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי מרקיז"
            "Marshall_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי מרשל"
            "Mauritius": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מאוריציוס",
                "standard": "שעון מאוריציוס (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מאוריציוס (קיץ)"
            "Mawson": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מאוסון"
            "Mexico_Northwest": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו",
                "standard": "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)"
            "Mexico_Pacific": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מערב מקסיקו",
                "standard": "שעון מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)"
            "Mongolia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אולן בטור",
                "standard": "שעון אולן בטור (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אולן בטור (קיץ)"
            "Moscow": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון מוסקבה",
                "standard": "שעון מוסקבה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון מוסקבה (קיץ)"
            "Myanmar": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון מיאנמר"
            "Nauru": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון נאורו"
            "Nepal": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון נפאל"
            "New_Caledonia": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון קלדוניה החדשה",
                "standard": "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (קיץ)"
            "New_Zealand": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ניו זילנד",
                "standard": "שעון ניו זילנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ניו זילנד (קיץ)"
            "Newfoundland": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ניופאונדלנד",
                "standard": "שעון ניופאונדלנד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ניופאונדלנד (קיץ)"
            "Niue": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ניואה"
            "Norfolk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האי נורפוק"
            "Noronha": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה",
                "standard": "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (קיץ)"
            "Novosibirsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון נובוסיבירסק",
                "standard": "שעון נובוסיבירסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון נובוסיבירסק (קיץ)"
            "Omsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אומסק",
                "standard": "שעון אומסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אומסק (קיץ)"
            "Pakistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פקיסטן",
                "standard": "שעון פקיסטן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פקיסטן (קיץ)"
            "Palau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פלאו"
            "Papua_New_Guinea": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פפואה גיניאה החדשה"
            "Paraguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פרגוואי",
                "standard": "שעון פרגוואי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פרגוואי (קיץ)"
            "Peru": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון פרו",
                "standard": "שעון פרו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון פרו (קיץ)"
            "Philippines": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון הפיליפינים",
                "standard": "שעון הפיליפינים (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון הפיליפינים (קיץ)"
            "Phoenix_Islands": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי פיניקס"
            "Pierre_Miquelon": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון",
                "standard": "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (קיץ)"
            "Pitcairn": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פיטקרן"
            "Ponape": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פונאפי"
            "Pyongyang": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון פיונגיאנג"
            "Reunion": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ראוניון"
            "Rothera": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון רות׳רה"
            "Sakhalin": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סחלין",
                "standard": "שעון סחלין (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סחלין (קיץ)"
            "Samara": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סמרה",
                "standard": "שעון רגיל סמרה",
                "daylight": "שעון קיץ סמרה"
            "Samoa": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון סמואה",
                "standard": "שעון סמואה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון סמואה (קיץ)"
            "Seychelles": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי סיישל"
            "Singapore": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון סינגפור"
            "Solomon": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון איי שלמה"
            "South_Georgia": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון דרום ג׳ורג׳יה"
            "Suriname": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון סורינאם"
            "Syowa": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון סייווה"
            "Tahiti": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טהיטי"
            "Taipei": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון טאיפיי",
                "standard": "שעון טאיפיי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון טאיפיי (קיץ)"
            "Tajikistan": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טג׳יקיסטן"
            "Tokelau": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טוקלאו"
            "Tonga": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון טונגה",
                "standard": "שעון טונגה (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון טונגה (קיץ)"
            "Truk": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון צ׳וק"
            "Turkmenistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון טורקמניסטן",
                "standard": "שעון טורקמניסטן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון טורקמניסטן (קיץ)"
            "Tuvalu": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון טובאלו"
            "Uruguay": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אורוגוואי",
                "standard": "שעון אורוגוואי (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אורוגוואי (קיץ)"
            "Uzbekistan": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון אוזבקיסטן",
                "standard": "שעון אוזבקיסטן (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון אוזבקיסטן (קיץ)"
            "Vanuatu": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ונואטו",
                "standard": "שעון ונואטו (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ונואטו (קיץ)"
            "Venezuela": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ונצואלה"
            "Vladivostok": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון ולדיווסטוק",
                "standard": "שעון ולדיווסטוק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון ולדיווסטוק (קיץ)"
            "Volgograd": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון וולגוגרד",
                "standard": "שעון וולגוגרד (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון וולגוגרד (קיץ)"
            "Vostok": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון ווסטוק"
            "Wake": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון האי וייק"
            "Wallis": {
              "long": {
                "standard": "שעון וואליס ופוטונה"
            "Yakutsk": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון יקוטסק",
                "standard": "שעון יקוטסק (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון יקוטסק (קיץ)"
            "Yekaterinburg": {
              "long": {
                "generic": "שעון יקטרינבורג",
                "standard": "שעון יקטרינבורג (חורף)",
                "daylight": "שעון יקטרינבורג (קיץ)"
                    "$Revision: 13259 $",
                    "שעון {0}",
                    "שעון {0} (קיץ)",
                    "שעון {0} (חורף)",
                    "{1} ({0})",
                                    "ריו גאייגוס";
                                    "סן חואן";
                                    "לה ריוחה";
                                    "סן לואיס";
                                "באהיה בנדרס";
                                "בואה ויסטה";
                                "בואנוס איירס";
                                "קיימברידג׳ ביי";
                                "קמפו גרנדה";
                                "קוסטה ריקה";
                                "דוסון קריק";
                                "אל סלבדור";
                                "פורט נלסון";
                                "גלייס ביי";
                                "גוס ביי";
                                "גרנד טורק";
                                    "וינסנס, אינדיאנה";
                                    "פיטרסבורג, אינדיאנה";
                                    "טל סיטי, אינדיאנה";
                                    "נוקס, אינדיאנה";
                                    "וינמאק, אינדיאנה";
                                    "מרנגו, אינדיאנה";
                                    "ויוואיי, אינדיאנה";
                                    "מונטיצ׳לו, קנטאקי";
                                "לה פאס";
                                "לוס אנג׳לס";
                                "לואוור פרינסס קוורטר";
                                "מקסיקו סיטי";
                                "ניו יורק";
                                    "ביולה, צפון דקוטה";
                                    "ניו סיילם, צפון דקוטה";
                                    "סנטר, צפון דקוטה";
                                "פורט או פראנס";
                                "פורט אוף ספיין";
                                "פורטו וליו";
                                "פוארטו ריקו";
                                "רייני ריבר";
                                "רנקין אינלט";
                                "ריו ברנקו";
                                "סנטה איסבל";
                                "סנטו דומינגו";
                                "סאו פאולו";
                                "סנט ברתלמי";
                                "סנט ג׳ונס";
                                "סנט קיטס";
                                "סנט לוסיה";
                                "סנט תומאס";
                                "סנט וינסנט";
                                "סוויפט קרנט";
                                "ת׳אנדר ביי";
                                "האיים האזוריים";
                                "האיים הקנריים";
                                "כף ורדה";
                                "דרום ג׳ורג׳יה";
                                "סנט הלנה";
                                    "שעון קיץ אירלנד";
                                "האי מאן";
                                    "שעון קיץ בריטניה";
                                "סן מרינו";
                                "אדיס אבבה";
                                "דאר א-סלאם";
                                "אל עיון";
                                "פורטו נובו";
                                "סאו טומה";
                                "הונג קונג";
                                "קואלה לומפור";
                                "פנום פן";
                                "הו צ׳י מין סיטי";
                                "האי כריסטמס";
                                "האיים המלדיביים";
                                "ברוקן היל";
                                "אי הלורד האו";
                                "אי הפסחא";
                                "איי גמבייה";
                                "איי מרקיז";
                                "פאגו פאגו";
                                "פורט מורסבי";
                                "דומון ד׳אורוויל";
                                    "זמן אוניברסלי מתואם";
                                "עיר לא ידועה";
                                "שעון אפגניסטן";
                                "שעון מרכז אפריקה";
                                "שעון מזרח אפריקה";
                                "שעון דרום אפריקה";
                                "שעון מערב אפריקה",
                                "שעון מערב אפריקה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב אפריקה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אלסקה",
                                "שעון אלסקה (חורף)",
                                "שעון אלסקה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אמזונס",
                                "שעון אמזונס (חורף)",
                                "שעון אמזונס (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מרכז ארה״ב",
                                "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז ארה״ב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון החוף המזרחי",
                                "שעון החוף המזרחי (חורף)",
                                "שעון החוף המזרחי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב",
                                "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (חורף)",
                                "שעון אזור ההרים בארה״ב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב ארה״ב",
                                "שעון מערב ארה״ב (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב ארה״ב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אנדיר",
                                "שעון רגיל אנדיר",
                                "שעון קיץ אנדיר";
                                "שעון אפיה",
                                "שעון אפיה (חורף)",
                                "שעון אפיה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון חצי האי ערב",
                                "שעון חצי האי ערב (חורף)",
                                "שעון חצי האי ערב (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ארגנטינה",
                                "שעון ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                                "שעון ארגנטינה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב ארגנטינה",
                                "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב ארגנטינה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ארמניה",
                                "שעון ארמניה (חורף)",
                                "שעון ארמניה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי",
                                "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (חורף)",
                                "שעון האוקיינוס האטלנטי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז-מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מזרח אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב אוסטרליה",
                                "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב אוסטרליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אזרבייג׳אן",
                                "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (חורף)",
                                "שעון אזרבייג׳אן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון האיים האזוריים",
                                "שעון האיים האזוריים (חורף)",
                                "שעון האיים האזוריים (קיץ)";
                                "שעון בנגלדש",
                                "שעון בנגלדש (חורף)",
                                "שעון בנגלדש (קיץ)";
                                "שעון בהוטן";
                                "שעון בוליביה";
                                "שעון ברזיליה",
                                "שעון ברזיליה (חורף)",
                                "שעון ברזיליה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ברוניי דארוסלאם";
                                "שעון כף ורדה",
                                "שעון כף ורדה (חורף)",
                                "שעון כף ורדה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳אמורו";
                                "שעון צ׳טהאם",
                                "שעון צ׳טהאם (חורף)",
                                "שעון צ׳טהאם (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳ילה",
                                "שעון צ׳ילה (חורף)",
                                "שעון צ׳ילה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון סין",
                                "שעון סין (חורף)",
                                "שעון סין (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳ויבלסן",
                                "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (חורף)",
                                "שעון צ׳ויבלסן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון האי כריסטמס";
                                "שעון איי קוקוס";
                                "שעון קולומביה",
                                "שעון קולומביה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קולומביה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי קוק",
                                "שעון איי קוק (חורף)",
                                "שעון איי קוק (מחצית הקיץ)";
                                "שעון קובה",
                                "שעון קובה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קובה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון דיוויס";
                                "שעון דומון ד׳אורוויל";
                                "שעון מזרח טימור";
                                "שעון אי הפסחא",
                                "שעון אי הפסחא (חורף)",
                                "שעון אי הפסחא (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אקוודור";
                                "שעון מרכז אירופה",
                                "שעון מרכז אירופה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מרכז אירופה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מזרח אירופה",
                                "שעון מזרח אירופה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מזרח אירופה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מינסק";
                                "שעון מערב אירופה",
                                "שעון מערב אירופה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב אירופה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי פוקלנד",
                                "שעון איי פוקלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון איי פוקלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פיג׳י",
                                "שעון פיג׳י (חורף)",
                                "שעון פיג׳י (קיץ)";
                                "שעון גיאנה הצרפתית";
                                "שעון הארצות הדרומיות והאנטארקטיות של צרפת";
                                "שעון איי גלאפגוס";
                                "שעון איי גמבייה";
                                "שעון גאורגיה",
                                "שעון גאורגיה (חורף)",
                                "שעון גאורגיה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי גילברט";
                                "שעון גריניץ׳‏";
                                "שעון מזרח גרינלנד",
                                "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון מזרח גרינלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב גרינלנד",
                                "שעון מערב גרינלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב גרינלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מדינות המפרץ";
                                "שעון גיאנה";
                                "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי",
                                "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (חורף)",
                                "שעון האיים האלאוטיים הוואי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון הונג קונג",
                                "שעון הונג קונג (חורף)",
                                "שעון הונג קונג (קיץ)";
                                "שעון חובד",
                                "שעון חובד (חורף)",
                                "שעון חובד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון הודו";
                                "שעון האוקיינוס ההודי";
                                "שעון הודו-סין";
                                "שעון מרכז אינדונזיה";
                                "שעון מזרח אינדונזיה";
                                "שעון מערב אינדונזיה";
                                "שעון איראן",
                                "שעון איראן (חורף)",
                                "שעון איראן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אירקוטסק",
                                "שעון אירקוטסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון אירקוסטק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ישראל",
                                "שעון ישראל (חורף)",
                                "שעון ישראל (קיץ)";
                                "שעון יפן",
                                "שעון יפן (חורף)",
                                "שעון יפן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                                "שעון רגיל פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי",
                                "שעון קיץ פטרופבלובסק-קמצ׳טסקי";
                                "שעון מזרח קזחסטן";
                                "שעון מערב קזחסטן";
                                "שעון קוריאה",
                                "שעון קוריאה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קוריאה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון קוסראה";
                                "שעון קרסנויארסק",
                                "שעון קרסנויארסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון קרסנויארסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון קירגיזסטן";
                                "שעון איי ליין";
                                "שעון אי הלורד האו",
                                "שעון אי הלורד האו (חורף)",
                                "שעון אי הלורד האו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מקאו",
                                "שעון חורף מקאו",
                                "שעון קיץ מקאו";
                                "שעון מקווארי";
                                "שעון מגדן",
                                "שעון מגדן (חורף)",
                                "שעון מגדן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מלזיה";
                                "שעון האיים המלדיביים";
                                "שעון איי מרקיז";
                                "שעון איי מרשל";
                                "שעון מאוריציוס",
                                "שעון מאוריציוס (חורף)",
                                "שעון מאוריציוס (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מאוסון";
                                "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו",
                                "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                                "שעון צפון-מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מערב מקסיקו",
                                "שעון מערב מקסיקו (חורף)",
                                "שעון מערב מקסיקו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אולן בטור",
                                "שעון אולן בטור (חורף)",
                                "שעון אולן בטור (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מוסקבה",
                                "שעון מוסקבה (חורף)",
                                "שעון מוסקבה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון מיאנמר";
                                "שעון נאורו";
                                "שעון נפאל";
                                "שעון קלדוניה החדשה",
                                "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (חורף)",
                                "שעון קלדוניה החדשה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ניו זילנד",
                                "שעון ניו זילנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון ניו זילנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ניופאונדלנד",
                                "שעון ניופאונדלנד (חורף)",
                                "שעון ניופאונדלנד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ניואה";
                                "שעון האי נורפוק";
                                "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה",
                                "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (חורף)",
                                "שעון פרננדו די נורוניה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון נובוסיבירסק",
                                "שעון נובוסיבירסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון נובוסיבירסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אומסק",
                                "שעון אומסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון אומסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פקיסטן",
                                "שעון פקיסטן (חורף)",
                                "שעון פקיסטן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פלאו";
                                "שעון פפואה גיניאה החדשה";
                                "שעון פרגוואי",
                                "שעון פרגוואי (חורף)",
                                "שעון פרגוואי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פרו",
                                "שעון פרו (חורף)",
                                "שעון פרו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון הפיליפינים",
                                "שעון הפיליפינים (חורף)",
                                "שעון הפיליפינים (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי פיניקס";
                                "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון",
                                "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (חורף)",
                                "שעון סנט פייר ומיקלון (קיץ)";
                                "שעון פיטקרן";
                                "שעון פונאפי";
                                "שעון פיונגיאנג";
                                "שעון ראוניון";
                                "שעון רות׳רה";
                                "שעון סחלין",
                                "שעון סחלין (חורף)",
                                "שעון סחלין (קיץ)";
                                "שעון סמרה",
                                "שעון רגיל סמרה",
                                "שעון קיץ סמרה";
                                "שעון סמואה",
                                "שעון סמואה (חורף)",
                                "שעון סמואה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון איי סיישל";
                                "שעון סינגפור";
                                "שעון איי שלמה";
                                "שעון דרום ג׳ורג׳יה";
                                "שעון סורינאם";
                                "שעון סייווה";
                                "שעון טהיטי";
                                "שעון טאיפיי",
                                "שעון טאיפיי (חורף)",
                                "שעון טאיפיי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון טג׳יקיסטן";
                                "שעון טוקלאו";
                                "שעון טונגה",
                                "שעון טונגה (חורף)",
                                "שעון טונגה (קיץ)";
                                "שעון צ׳וק";
                                "שעון טורקמניסטן",
                                "שעון טורקמניסטן (חורף)",
                                "שעון טורקמניסטן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון טובאלו";
                                "שעון אורוגוואי",
                                "שעון אורוגוואי (חורף)",
                                "שעון אורוגוואי (קיץ)";
                                "שעון אוזבקיסטן",
                                "שעון אוזבקיסטן (חורף)",
                                "שעון אוזבקיסטן (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ונואטו",
                                "שעון ונואטו (חורף)",
                                "שעון ונואטו (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ונצואלה";
                                "שעון ולדיווסטוק",
                                "שעון ולדיווסטוק (חורף)",
                                "שעון ולדיווסטוק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון וולגוגרד",
                                "שעון וולגוגרד (חורף)",
                                "שעון וולגוגרד (קיץ)";
                                "שעון ווסטוק";
                                "שעון האי וייק";
                                "שעון וואליס ופוטונה";
                                "שעון יקוטסק",
                                "שעון יקוטסק (חורף)",
                                "שעון יקוטסק (קיץ)";
                                "שעון יקטרינבורג",
                                "שעון יקטרינבורג (חורף)",
                                "שעון יקטרינבורג (קיץ)";

Date Format

Date format is a way of representing the start date, end date strings in different string format in the textbox.

By default, the DateRangePicker’s start and end date string format is based on the culture. You can also set the own
custom format by using the format property.

Once the date format property has been defined it will be common to all the cultures.

To know more about the date format standards, refer to the Internationalization Date Format section.

The following example demonstrates the DateRangePicker with the custom format (yyyy-MM-dd). Also, here the separator of the date values is changed to string “to”.


import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//import the daterangepicker component
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" format='yyyy-MM-dd' separator='to' placeholder='Select a range'/>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//import the daterangepicker component
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
class App extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
    render() {
        return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker"  format='yyyy-MM-dd' separator='to' placeholder='Select a range' />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));


import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//import the daterangepicker component
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
function App() {
    return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker" format='yyyy-MM-dd' separator='to' placeholder='Select a range'/>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
//import the daterangepicker component
import { DateRangePickerComponent } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-calendars';
function App() {
    return <DateRangePickerComponent id="daterangepicker"  format='yyyy-MM-dd' separator='to' placeholder='Select a range' />
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('element'));