Styles and appearance in React Carousel component

27 Dec 20244 minutes to read

To modify the Carousel appearance, you need to override the default CSS of Carousel component. Please find the list of CSS classes and its corresponding section in Carousel component. Also, you have an option to create your own custom theme for the controls using our Theme Studio.

The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on user preference.

CSS Class Purpose of Class  
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-item To customize the carousel item
  .e-carousel-item.e-active To customize the active carousel item
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-indicators To customize the indicators
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-indicators .e-indicator-bars .e-indicator-bar To customize the indicator bars
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-indicators .e-indicator-bars .e-indicator-bar .e-indicator To customize the individual indicator appearance
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators To customize the navigators
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators .e-previous To customize the previous button
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators .e-next To customize the next button
  .e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators .e-play-pause To customize the play and pause button
  .e-carousel.e-partial .e-carousel-slide-container To customize the partial visible slides


Customizing the indicators

Use the following CSS to customize the space between indicators by overriding the .e-indicator-bar CSS class.

.e-carousel .e-carousel-indicators .e-indicator-bars .e-indicator-bar {
    padding: 8px;


Use the following CSS to customize the indicators appearance by overriding the .e-indicator CSS class.

.e-carousel .e-carousel-indicators .e-indicator-bars .e-indicator-bar .e-indicator {
    width: 20px;
    border-radius: 100%;


Use the following CSS to render the indicators outside the carousel items by overriding the .e-carousel-indicators CSS class.

.e-carousel .e-carousel-indicators {
    bottom: auto;


Customizing the navigators

Use the following CSS to customize the previous and next icon size and colors.

.e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators .e-next .e-btn:not(:disabled) .e-btn-icon,
.e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators .e-previous .e-btn:not(:disabled) .e-btn-icon
    color: greenyellow;
    font-size: 25px;


Use the following CSS to customize the navigators position to bottom by overriding the .e-carousel-navigators CSS class.

.e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators {
   top: 120px;


Use the following CSS to render the previous and next icon to outside the carousel items by overriding the .e-previous and .e-next CSS class.

.e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators .e-previous,
.e-carousel .e-carousel-navigators .e-next
    margin: -60px;
    background: black;


Customizing partial slides size

You can customize the partial slide size by overriding the .e-carousel-slide-container CSS class.

.e-carousel.e-partial .e-carousel-slide-container{
    padding: 0 150px;
