/ Speed Dial / SpeedDialAnimationEffect
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SpeedDialAnimationEffect API in React Speed Dial API component

Defines the animation effect applied when open and close the speed dial items.

  • Fade - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the Fade animation effect.
  • FadeZoom - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FadeZoom animation effect.
  • FlipLeftDown - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipLeftDown animation effect.
  • FlipLeftUp - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipLeftUp animation effect.
  • FlipRightDown - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipRightDown animation effect.
  • FlipRightUp - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipRightUp animation effect.
  • FlipXDown - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipXDown animation effect.
  • FlipXUp - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipXUp animation effect.
  • FlipYLeft - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipYLeft animation effect.
  • FlipYRight - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the FlipYRight animation effect.
  • None - SpeedDial open/close actions occur without any animation effect.
  • SlideBottom - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the SlideBottom animation effect.
  • SlideLeft - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the SlideLeft animation effect.
  • SlideRight - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the SlideRight animation effect.
  • SlideTop - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the SlideTop animation effect.
  • Zoom - SpeedDial open/close actions occur with the Zoom animation effect.