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ToolbarItems API in React RichTextEditor API component

Defines types to be used to configure the toolbar items.

  • alignments
  • justifyLeft
  • justifyCenter
  • justifyRight
  • justifyFull
  • fontName
  • fontSize
  • fontColor
  • backgroundColor
  • bold
  • italic
  • underline
  • strikeThrough
  • clearFormat
  • clearAll
  • cut
  • copy
  • paste
  • unorderedList
  • orderedList
  • indent
  • outdent
  • undo
  • redo
  • superScript
  • subScript
  • createLink
  • openLink
  • editLink
  • image
  • createTable
  • removeTable
  • replace
  • align
  • caption
  • remove
  • openImageLink
  • editImageLink
  • removeImageLink
  • insertLink
  • display
  • altText
  • dimension
  • fullScreen
  • maximize
  • minimize
  • lowerCase
  • upperCase
  • print
  • formats
  • sourceCode
  • preview
  • viewSide
  • insertCode
  • blockquote
  • tableHeader
  • tableRemove
  • tableRows
  • tableColumns
  • tableCellBackground
  • tableCellHorizontalAlign
  • tableCellVerticalAlign
  • tableEditProperties
  • styles
  • removeLink
  • merge
  • InlineCode