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MultipleAxisMode API in React Pivotfieldlist API component

Allows the chart series to be displayed, depending on the value fields specified, in either a stacked or single chart area. The options available are:

  • Stacked - Allows the chart series to be displayed in a separate chart area depending on the value fields specified.
  • Single - Allows the chart series to be displayed in a single chart area for different value fields.
  • Combined - Allows to draw chart series with a single Y-axis for all value fields in the pivot chart area. These chart series will be drawn based on the Y-axis range values calculated from all of the bound value fields.

    The first value field in the value axis will be used to format the Y-axis range values. For example, if the first value field is in currency format and the remaining value fields are in different number formats or no format, the currency format will be used for the Y-axis range values.