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FieldOptionsModel API in React Pivotfieldlist API component

Interface for a class FieldOptions




Allows you to restrict the specific field’s pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI. This will prevent you from modifying the current report.



Allows you to set the axis name to the specific field. This will help to display the field in specified axis such as row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.



Allows you to set the selective field, which used to display the values with either DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom or PercentageOfParentTotal aggregate types.

It is applicable only for relational data source.



Allows you to set the selective item of a specific field, which used to display the values with either DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom aggregate types. The selective item should be set the from field specified in the baseField property.

It is applicable only for relational data source.



Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component’s UI.



Allows to specify the data type of specific field.



Allows you to either expand or collapse all the headers that are displayed in the pivot table. By default, all the headers are collapsed in the pivot table.

It is applicable only for Relational data.



Allows you to create group folder for fields in pivot field list. Allows user to set the group (i.e., folder) name for selected fields that used to be displayed in the field list tree.

It is applicable only for relational data source.



Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not. In general, a calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table.

This option is applicable only for OLAP data source.



Allows you to set whether the specified field is a named set or not. In general, the named set is a set of dimension members or a set expression (MDX query) to be created as a dimension in the SSAS OLAP cube itself.

It is applicable only for OLAP data source.



Allows you to set the field name that needs to be displayed in row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.



Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI. This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.



Allows you to show or hide the filter icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI. This filter icon is used to filter the members of a specified field at runtime in the pivot table.



Allows you to display all members items of a specific field to the pivot table, even doesn’t have any data in its row/column intersection in data source.

It is applicable only for relational data source.



Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI. This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.



Allows you to show or hide the sort icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI. This sort icon is used to order members of a specified field either in ascending or descending at runtime.



Allows to show or hide sub-totals to a specific field in row/column axis of the pivot table.



Allows you to show or hide the value type icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI. This value type icon helps to select the appropriate aggregation type to specified value field at runtime.



Allows to display the values in the pivot table with appropriate aggregations such as sum, product, count, average, etc… The available types are,

  • Sum: Allows to display the pivot table values with sum.
  • Product: Allows to display the pivot table values with product.
  • Count: Allows to display the pivot table values with count.
  • DistinctCount: Allows to display the pivot table values with distinct count.
  • Min: Allows to display the pivot table with minimum value.
  • Max: Allows to display the pivot table with maximum value.
  • Avg: Allows to display the pivot table values with average.
  • Median: Allows to display the pivot table values with median.
  • Index: Allows to display the pivot table values with index.
  • PopulationStDev: Allows to display the pivot table values with population standard deviation.
  • SampleStDev: Allows to display the pivot table values with sample standard deviation.
  • PopulationVar: Allows to display the pivot table values with population variance.
  • SampleVar: Allows to display the pivot table values with sample variance.
  • RunningTotals: Allows to display the pivot table values with running totals.
  • DifferenceFrom: Allows to display the pivot table values with difference from the value of the base item in the base field.
  • PercentageOfDifferenceFrom: Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage difference from the value of the base item in the base field.
  • PercentageOfGrandTotal: Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of grand total of all values.
  • PercentageOfColumnTotal: Allows to display the pivot table values in each column with percentage of total values for the column.
  • PercentageOfRowTotal: Allows to display the pivot table values in each row with percentage of total values for the row.
  • PercentageOfParentTotal: Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of total of all values based on selected field.
  • PercentageOfParentColumnTotal: Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of its parent total in each column.
  • PercentageOfParentRowTotal: Allows to display the pivot table values with percentage of its parent total in each row.
  • CalculatedField: Allows to display the pivot table with calculated field values. It allows user to create a new calculated field alone.

    It is applicable only for relational data source.