The Filter
module is used to handle filtering action.
Clears all the filtered rows of the Grid.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fields (optional) | string[] |
returns the fields |
Returns void
Filters the Grid row by fieldName, filterOperator, and filterValue.
Parameter | Type | Description |
fieldName | string |
Defines the field name of the filter column. |
filterOperator | string |
Defines the operator to filter records. |
filterValue | string | number | Date | boolean | number[] | string[] | Date[] | boolean[] |
Defines the value which is used to filter records. |
predicate (optional) | string |
Defines the relationship of one filter query with another by using AND or OR predicate. |
matchCase (optional) | boolean |
If match case is set to true, then the filter records the exact match or filters records that are case insensitive (uppercase and lowercase letters treated the same). |
ignoreAccent (optional) | boolean |
If ignoreAccent set to true, then filter ignores the diacritic characters or accents while filtering. |
actualFilterValue (optional) | Object |
Defines the actual filter value for the filter column. |
actualOperator (optional) | Object |
Defines the actual filter operator for the filter column. |
isForeignColumn (optional) | boolean |
Defines whether it is a foreign key column. |
Returns void
Renders checkbox items in Menu filter dialog.
Returns HTMLElement