Decorators are used to decorate the end points of the connector with some predefined path geometry
Sets the height of the decorator
Defaults to 10
Defines the geometry of the decorator shape
Defaults to ”
Defines the position of the decorator with respect to the source/target point of the connector
<div id='diagram'></div>
let connectors: ConnectorModel[] = [{
id: 'connector', type: 'Straight', sourcePoint: { x: 500, y: 100 }, targetPoint: { x: 600, y: 200 },
sourceDecorator: {
style: { fill: 'black' },
shape: 'Arrow',
pivot: { x: 0, y: 0.5 }},
targetDecorator: {
shape: 'Diamond',
style: { fill: 'blue' },
pivot: { x: 0, y: 0.5 }}
let diagram: Diagram = new Diagram({
connectors: connectors
Defines the appearance of the decorator
Defaults to new ShapeStyle()
Sets the width of the decorator
Defaults to 10