Interface for a class Series
Options to improve accessibility for series elements.
Options for customizing the animation of the series.
By default, animation is enabled with a duration of 1000 milliseconds (about 1 second). It can be disabled by setting enable to false
The following properties are supported in animation:
This property is used in financial charts to visualize price movements in stocks. It defines the color of the candle/point when the opening price is less than the closing price.
The binInterval
property controls the width of each bin and the interval between bins for histogram points.
Options for customizing the border of the series.
Note that this property is applicable only for
type series.
Specifies the box plot mode for the box and whisker chart series. The available modes are: Exclusive - Renders the series based on the exclusive mode. Inclusive - Renders the series based on the inclusive mode. Normal - Renders the series based on the normal mode.
This property is used in financial charts to visualize price movements in stocks. It defines the color of the candle/point when the opening price is higher than the closing price.
Specifies the tension parameter for cardinal splines. This affects the curvature of the spline.
The data source field that contains the close value. It is applicable for both financial series and technical indicators.
The data source field that contains the color mapping value. It is applicable for range color mapping.
Defines the shape of the data in a column and bar chart. Available shapes are:
This property determines the space between columns in a column or bar chart.
Note that it takes a value from 0 to 1.
The columnWidth
property can be used to customize the width of the columns in a column series.
Note that if the series type is histogram, the default value is 1; otherwise, it is 0.7.
To render the column series points with a specific column width in pixels.
Specifies the appearance of the line connecting adjacent points in waterfall charts.
The cornerRadius
property specifies the radius for the corners of the column series points to create a rounded appearance in the chart.
Defines the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke the lines in Line
type series.
| DataManager
Specifies the data source for the series. It can be an array of JSON objects, or an instance of DataManager.
<div id='Chart'></div>
let dataManager: DataManager = new DataManager({
url: ''
let query: Query = new Query().take(5);
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
series: [{
type: 'Column',
dataSource: dataManager,
xName: 'CustomerID',
yName: 'Freight',
query: query
Customize the drag settings for the series with this property to configure drag behavior in the chart.
Specifies the type of series to be drawn in radar or polar charts. The available options are:
Customization options for the appearance of empty points in the series.
or undefined
values are considered empty points.
This property is used to improve chart performance through data mapping for the series data source.
This property is applicable for the candle series. It enables or disables the visual comparison of the current values with previous values in stock charts.
Controls whether the tooltip for the chart series is enabled or disabled. Set to true to display tooltips on hover, or false to hide them.
Options for displaying and customizing error bars for individual points in a series.
The fill color for the series, which accepts values in hex or rgba as a valid CSS color string. It also represents the color of the signal lines in technical indicators. For technical indicators, the default value is ‘blue’, and for series, it is null.
Defines the name that specifies the chart series are mutually exclusive and can be overlaid. Series in the same group share the same baseline and location on the corresponding axis.
The data source field that contains the high value. It is applicable for both financial series and technical indicators.
Defines the collection of indexes for the intermediate summary columns in waterfall charts.
Specifies whether to join the start and end points of a line/area series used in a polar/radar chart to form a closed path.
The URL for the image to be displayed as a legend icon.
Note that
must be set toImage
Specifies the shape of the legend icon for each series. Available shapes for legend:
The data source field that contains the low value. It is applicable for both financial series and technical indicators.
Options for displaying and customizing markers for individual points in a series.
Specifies the maximum radius for the data points in the series.
Specifies the minimum radius for the data points in the series.
The name
property allows setting a name for the series, which will be displayed in the legend, identifying different series in the chart, especially when multiple series are present.
Defines the visual representation of negative changes in waterfall charts.
When set to true, the step series will be rendered without the vertical lines (risers) connecting the horizontal steps.
Note this property is only applicable to step series.
The nonHighlightStyle
property is used to specify custom CSS styles for the non-highlighted series or points.
Sets the opacity of the series, with a value between 0 and 1 where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque.
The data source field that contains the open value. It is applicable for both financial series and technical indicators.
Options for customizing the Pareto line series, including its appearance and behavior in the chart.
The data source field that contains the color value of a point. It is applicable for series.
Specifies a query to select data from the data source. This property is applicable only when the data source is an ej.DataManager
Defines the axis along which the line series will be split.
Specifies a collection of regions used to differentiate a line series.
The selectionStyle
property is used to specify custom CSS styles for the selected series or points.
If set to true, the mean value for the box and whisker plot will be visible.
Enables or disables the display of tooltips for the nearest data point to the cursor for series.
Specifies whether to display the normal distribution curve for the histogram series.
Specifies whether to display outliers in the Box and Whisker chart.
If set to true
, outliers will be displayed as individual points beyond the whiskers, representing data points that significantly differ from the rest of the dataset.
If set to false
, outliers will be hidden, and only the box, median, and whiskers will be rendered.
Outliers are typically used to identify extreme values in statistical data representation.
The data source field that contains the size value for the y-axis.
Specifies the type of spline used for rendering. Available options include:
This property allows the grouping of series in stacked column and stacked bar charts.
Any string value can be assigned to the stackingGroup
Series with the same stackingGroup
value will be grouped together in the chart.
The step
property can be used to change the position of the steps in step line, step area, and step range area chart types.
Defines the collection of indexes for the overall summary columns in waterfall charts.
Defines the visual representation of summaries in waterfall charts.
Use this property to define a custom format for how tooltips are displayed.
<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
series: [{
dataSource: data,
xName: 'x',
yName: 'y',
tooltipFormat: '${point.x} : ${point.y}'
tooltip: {
enable: true
The data source field that contains the value to be displayed in the tooltip.
Defines the collection of trendlines used to predict the trend.
The type of the series determines the visual representation of the data. Available series types include:
The unSelectedStyle
property is used to specify custom CSS styles for the deselected series or points.
If set to true
, the series will be visible. If set to false
, the series will be hidden.
Defines the data source field that contains the volume value in candle charts. It is applicable for both financial series and technical indicators.
The stroke width for the series, applicable only for Line
type series.
It also represents the stroke width of the signal lines in technical indicators.
The name of the horizontal axis associated with the series. It requires axes
of the chart.
It is applicable for series and technical indicators.
<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
columns: [{ width: '50%' },
{ width: '50%' }],
axes: [{
name: 'xAxis 1',
columnIndex: 1
series: [{
dataSource: data,
xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
xAxisName: 'xAxis 1'
The data source field that contains the x value. It is applicable to both series and technical indicators.
The name of the vertical axis associated with the series. It requires axes
of the chart.
It is applicable for series and technical indicators.
<div id='Chart'></div>
let chart: Chart = new Chart({
rows: [{ height: '50%' },
{ height: '50%' }],
axes: [{
name: 'yAxis 1',
rowIndex: 1
series: [{
dataSource: data,
xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
yAxisName: 'yAxis 1'
The data source field that contains the y value.
The z-order of the series, which controls the stack order of the series. Higher values are drawn on top of lower values.
Adds a data point to the data source.
Parameter | Type | Description |
dataPoint | Object |
The data point to be added. |
duration (optional) | number |
The duration for the animation. |
Returns void
Removes a data point from the series data source at the specified index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
index | number |
The index of the data point to be removed. |
duration (optional) | number |
The duration for the animation. |
Returns void
Sets the data source with the provided data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | Object[] |
An array of objects representing the data points. |
duration (optional) | number |
The duration for the animation. |
Returns void