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MultiColoredAreaSeries API in React Chart API component

MultiColoredAreaSeries module used to render the area series with multi color.



Adds a area path to equate the start and end paths.

Parameter Type Description
options PathOption The options for the path.
series Series The series to which the path belongs.
clipRect string The clip rectangle for the path.

Returns void


Adds a line path to equate the start and end paths.

Parameter Type Description
options PathOption The options for the path.
series Series The series to which the path belongs.
clipRect string The clip rectangle for the path.

Returns void


Appends a line path to the chart.

Parameter Type Description
options PathOption The options for the path.
series Series The series to which the path belongs.
clipRect string The clipping rectangle for the path.

Returns void


Segment calculation performed here.

Parameter Type Description
series Series series
options PathOption[] options
segments ChartSegmentModel[] chartSegments
pointAnimate (optional) boolean pointAnimate

Returns void


To create clip rect for segment axis.

Parameter Type Description
startValue number startValue
endValue number endValue
series Series series
index number index
isX boolean isX

Returns string


Animates the series.

Parameter Type Description
series Series Defines the series to animate.

Returns void


Performs linear animation for the series based on the provided animation model.

Parameter Type Description
series Series The series to animate.
animation AnimationModel The animation model containing animation details.

Returns void


Executes progressive animation for the series.

Parameter Type Description
series Series The series for which progressive animation is executed.
option AnimationModel The animation option.

Returns void


To generate the empty point direction.

Parameter Type Description
firstPoint ChartLocation firstPoint
secondPoint ChartLocation secondPoint
series Series series
isInverted boolean isInverted
getPointLocation Function getPointLocation

Returns string


To generate the area path direction.

Parameter Type Description
xValue number xValue
yValue number yValue
series Series series
isInverted boolean isInverted
getPointLocation Function getPointLocation
startPoint ChartLocation startPoint
startPath string startPath

Returns string


To get exact value from segment value.

Parameter Type Description
segmentValue Object segmentValue
axis Axis axis
chart Chart chart

Returns number


Gets the border direction based on the provided direction.

Parameter Type Description
direction string The direction string.

Returns string


Gets the first and last visible points from a collection of points.

Parameter Type Description
points Points[] Collection of points.

Returns Object


To generate the line path direction.

Parameter Type Description
firstPoint Points firstPoint
secondPoint Points secondPoint
series Series series
isInverted boolean isInverted
getPointLocation Function getPointLocation
startPoint string startPoint

Returns string


Removes the border from the empty points based on the provided border direction.

Parameter Type Description
borderDirection string The border direction.

Returns string


Set the color for a point based on its current state and previous state.

Parameter Type Description
currentPoint Points The current point whose color needs to be set.
previous Points The previous state of the point.
series Series The series associated with the point.
isXSegment boolean Indicates whether the point is in the x-segment.
segments ChartSegmentModel[] The segments associated with the point.

Returns boolean


To store the symbol location and region.

Parameter Type Description
point Points point
series Series series
isInverted boolean isInverted
getLocation Function getLocation

Returns void


Checks if the y-value of a point falls within the y-axis range.

Parameter Type Description
point Points The point to be checked.
yAxis Axis The y-axis.

Returns boolean