Print and Export in React 3D Chart control

10 Jan 202414 minutes to read


The rendered 3D chart can be printed directly from the browser by calling the public method print. The ID of the 3D chart’s div element must be passed as the input parameter to that method.

import { Chart3DComponent, Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective, Chart3DSeriesDirective, Category3D, Inject, Legend3D, DataLabel3D, Tooltip3D, ColumnSeries3D, Highlight3D } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";

function App() {
    const data = [
        { country: "USA", gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
        { country: "China", gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
        { country: "Japan", gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
        { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
        { country: "France", gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
        { country: "Germany", gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
        { country: "Italy", gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
        { country: "Sweden", gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
    let chartInstance;
    function clickHandler() {
    return <div>
        <button value='print' onClick={clickHandler.bind(this)}>Print</button>
         <Chart3DComponent id='charts' ref={chart => chartInstance = chart} primaryXAxis=
            enableRotation={true} rotation={7} tilt={10} depth={100}>
            <Inject services={[ColumnSeries3D, Category3D, Legend3D, Tooltip3D, DataLabel3D, Highlight3D]} />
            <Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective >
                <Chart3DSeriesDirective dataSource={data} xName='country' yName='gold' name="Country" type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import { Chart3DComponent, Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective, Chart3DSeriesDirective, Category3D, Inject, Legend3D, DataLabel3D, Tooltip3D, ColumnSeries3D, Highlight3D } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";

function App() {
    const data = [
        { country: "USA", gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
        { country: "China", gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
        { country: "Japan", gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
        { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
        { country: "France", gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
        { country: "Germany", gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
        { country: "Italy", gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
        { country: "Sweden", gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
    let chartInstance;
    function clickHandler() {
    return <div>
        <button value='print' onClick={clickHandler.bind(this)}>Print</button>
         <Chart3DComponent id='charts' ref={chart => chartInstance = chart} primaryXAxis=
            enableRotation={true} rotation={7} tilt={10} depth={100}>
            <Inject services={[ColumnSeries3D, Category3D, Legend3D, Tooltip3D, DataLabel3D, Highlight3D]} />
            <Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective >
                <Chart3DSeriesDirective dataSource={data} xName='country' yName='gold' name="Country" type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));


The rendered 3D chart can be exported to JPEG, PNG, SVG, or PDF format using the export method. The input parameters for this method are: type for format and fileName for result.

import { Chart3DComponent, Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective, Export3D, Chart3DSeriesDirective, Category3D, Inject, Legend3D, DataLabel3D, Tooltip3D, ColumnSeries3D, Highlight3D } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";

function App() {
    const data = [
        { country: "USA", gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
        { country: "China", gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
        { country: "Japan", gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
        { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
        { country: "France", gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
        { country: "Germany", gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
        { country: "Italy", gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
        { country: "Sweden", gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
    let chartInstance;
    function clickHandler() {
        chartInstance.export3DModule.export('PNG', 'sample');
    return <div>
        <button value='print' onClick={clickHandler.bind(this)}>Export</button>
         <Chart3DComponent id='charts' ref={chart => chartInstance = chart} primaryXAxis=
            enableRotation={true} rotation={7} tilt={10} depth={100}>
            <Inject services={[ColumnSeries3D, Export3D, Category3D, Legend3D, Tooltip3D, DataLabel3D, Highlight3D]} />
            <Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective >
                <Chart3DSeriesDirective dataSource={data} xName='country' yName='gold' name="Country" type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));
import { Chart3DComponent, Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective, Export3D, Chart3DSeriesDirective, Category3D, Inject, Legend3D, DataLabel3D, Tooltip3D, ColumnSeries3D, Highlight3D } from '@syncfusion/ej2-react-charts';
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";

function App() {
    const data = [
        { country: "USA", gold: 50, silver: 70, bronze: 45 },
        { country: "China", gold: 40, silver: 60, bronze: 55 },
        { country: "Japan", gold: 70, silver: 60, bronze: 50 },
        { country: "Australia", gold: 60, silver: 56, bronze: 40 },
        { country: "France", gold: 50, silver: 45, bronze: 35 },
        { country: "Germany", gold: 40, silver: 30, bronze: 22 },
        { country: "Italy", gold: 40, silver: 35, bronze: 37 },
        { country: "Sweden", gold: 30, silver: 25, bronze: 27 }
    let chartInstance;
    function clickHandler() {
        chartInstance.export3DModule.export('PNG', 'sample');
    return <div>
        <button value='print' onClick={clickHandler.bind(this)}>Export</button>
         <Chart3DComponent id='charts' ref={chart => chartInstance = chart} primaryXAxis=
            enableRotation={true} rotation={7} tilt={10} depth={100}>
            <Inject services={[ColumnSeries3D, Export3D, Category3D, Legend3D, Tooltip3D, DataLabel3D, Highlight3D]} />
            <Chart3DSeriesCollectionDirective >
                <Chart3DSeriesDirective dataSource={data} xName='country' yName='gold' name="Country" type='Column'>
export default App;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("charts"));