Example of Inversed Area in React Stock Chart Component


This sample uses area series and inversed axis to visualize stock data. The crosshair display information about the data and period.

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In this example, you can see how to render and configure stock chart to visualize the stock data with inversed axis and it can be inversed by setting isInversed property as true.

Crosshair is enabled in this example. To see the crosshair in action, hover the chart or tap on touch enabled devices.

Injecting Module

The Stock chart component features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use date-time axis, inject the DateTime module using the StockChart.Inject(DateTime) method. To use the AreaSeries, inject the AreaSeries module using the StockChart.Inject(AreaSeries) method.

More information about the axis can be found in this documentation section.