
This sample demonstrates formatting the appearance of the pivot grid cells with values based on the applied conditions.

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Conditional formatting works only for cells with values, allowing the users to change its appearance such as background color, font color, font family, and font size based on specific conditions. Conditional formatting can be applied either through UI or code behind. To enable this option in UI, set allowConditionalFormatting to true and invoke showConditionalFormattingDialog method to view the UI. To achieve this in code-behind, set allowConditionalFormatting to true and use the conditionalFormatSettings object in the pivot grid widget along with the following properties. Both options are enabled in this sample.

measure : Specifies the value field name for which style will be applied.
condition : Specifies the operator type like equals, greater than, less than, etc.
value1 : Specifies the start value.
value2 : Specifies the end value.
style : Specifies the style for the cell.

Also, user can clear the entire style applied for the value cell using reset all option.

Injecting Module:

The pivot grid widget features are segregated into individual modules. To enable conditional formatting, inject ConditionalFormatting module using the services tag.