Example of Dual ListBox in React List Box Component


This sample demonstrates the functionalities of the dual list box. Select an item from Group A and click the moveTo button to move item from Group A to Group B.

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The dual list box allows the user to move items between two list boxes. Dual list box can be created by listing items in the toolbarSettings property along with scope property. The supported operations are,

  • moveUp - Moves the selected item in the upward direction.
  • moveDown - Moves the selected item in the downward direction.
  • moveTo - Moves the selected item to the Group B list box.
  • moveFrom - Moves the selected item from Group B list box to Group A.
  • moveAllTo - Moves all the items to the Group B list box.
  • moveAllFrom - Moves all the items from Group B list box to Group A.

More information about the dual list box can be found in the documentation section.