Example of undefined in React Linear Gauge Component


This sample demonstrates volume adjustments made for music/video and alarm clock applications.

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Music 0 %Music 20 %Music 40 %Music 60 %Music 80 %Music 100 %
Bell 0 %Bell 20 %Bell 40 %Bell 60 %Bell 80 %Bell 100 %
Clock 0 %Clock 20 %Clock 40 %Clock 60 %Clock 80 %Clock 100 %

This sample demonstrates volume adjustments made for music/video and alarm clock applications.

In this example, you can see how to render and configure a linear gauge to look like a sound tracker. This can be accomplished by combining axis, pointer and annotation.

More information on the linear gauge can be found in this documentation section.


In this example, you can see how to render and configure a linear gauge to look like a sound tracker. This can be accomplished by combining axis, pointer and annotation.

More information on the linear gauge can be found in this documentation section.