Example of undefined in React Kanban Component


This example demonstrates the swimlane functionalities of Kanban component. Provided options in the property panel to sort the cards, enable drag-and-drop across swimlanes, show or hide the empty row, items count and swimlane frozen rows. Also, you can expand/collapse the swimlane row in the Kanban board.

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This sample renders the assignee field as a swimlane header using the{" "} swimlaneSettings property. The property provides the following options to change its related settings:

  • Sorting the swimlane cards using the{" "} swimlaneSettings.sortDirection property
  • Control the drag-and-drop of the cards across swimlane using the swimlaneSettings.allowDragAndDrop property.
  • Show or hide the empty swimlane row using the{" "} swimlaneSettings.showEmptyRow property.
  • Show or hide the items count in the swimlane header using the{" "} swimlaneSettings.showItemCount property.
  • Enable or disable the frozen swimlane rows using the{" "} swimlaneSettings.enableFrozenRows property.