Example of undefined in React Grid Component


This sample demonstrates the lazy loading grouping feature with infinite scrolling.

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The lazy load grouping allows the grid to render only the initial level caption rows in the collapsed state while grouping. Now, the Data Grid supports lazy load grouping for infinite scrolling enabled grid too, which means the records of each group caption will render only when you expand the group captions row. Buffer data is loaded only when the scrollbar reaches the end of the scroller. This is done by setting the groupSettings->enableLazyLoading property as true and the enableInfiniteScrolling property as true.

Note: The height property must be defined when enabling the enableInfiniteScrolling .

Injecting Module:

Grid features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use lazy load grouping and infinite scrolling features, we need to inject LazyLoadGroup and InfiniteScroll modules into the services.