Example of undefined in React Grid Component


This sample demonstrates the usage of grid with AJAX. Paging, sorting and grouping can be performed in this sample.

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Grid can be bound with data from external API. In this demo, the external data communication is done using AJAX and the grid is resolved with the response data. When performing grid actions such as paging, sorting and grouping etc. the dataStateChange event will be triggered and we need perform the request and assign the new grid data.

In this demo, simply select the paging and click the column header to sort a column, multiple sorting is also enabled. To group a specify column, drag and drop the column in the group drop area. To enable paging, sorting and grouping, set the allowPaging , allowSorting and allowGrouping as true.

Injecting Module:

Grid component features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To use the paging ,sorting and grouping features, inject the Page, Sort and Group respectively into the services.