This sample explains the way of rendering built-in and custom toolbar items at the same time.
Custom toolbar items can be added by defining the toolbar as a collection of ItemModels.
Actions for this customized toolbar items are defined in the toolbarClick
In this sample, the custom toolbar element Quick Filter
and Clear Filter
is rendered along with predefined toolbar items ExpandAll and CollapseAll.
While clicking the Quick Filter
toolbar item, the filtering occurs for Task Name
column.Filtered column can be cleared using Clear Filter
toolbar item.
Gantt component features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules.To use a selection, inject the
module using the Gantt.Inject(Selection)
method.To use a filter, inject the
module using the Gantt.Inject(Filter)
method.To use a toolbar, inject the
module using the Gantt.Inject(Toolbar)
method.To use markers, inject the
module using the Gantt.Inject(DayMarkers)