Example of undefined in React Diagram Component


This sample visualizes the data flow in a marketing process using predefined shapes and connectors. Different types of connectors and decorators are used to customize the appearance, path, and direction of the data flow.

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In this example, you can see how to add connectors to connect the shapes and how to customize the appearance of the connectors. You can use the style property of the connector to customize its stroke style. You can use the cornerRadius property to add connectors with rounded corners.

To change the appearance, click on different styles in the property panel to modify the connector type, decorator shapes, and decorator sizes. The type property of the connector defines its segment type. The shape property specifies the shapes for the source, target, and segment decorators. You can adjust the size of the source and target decorators by setting their widthand height. Additionally, thesegmentThumbSizeproperty allows you to modify the size of the segment decorator when the connector is selected.

In this example, the shapes are automatically arranged using hierarchical tree layout.

Injecting Module

Diagram component's features are segregated into individual feature-wise modules. To automatically arrange the shapes, we need to Inject HierarchicalTree module into{" "} services.