Restrict the drag and drop for particular tree nodes in EJ2 JavaScript Treeview control

2 May 202312 minutes to read

You can able to restrict to drag and drop files under folder only. These can be achieved by using ‘nodeDragStop’ and ‘nodeDragging’ event of TreeView.


    // Hierarchical data source for TreeView component
    var hierarchicalData = [
            nodeId: '01', nodeText: 'Music', icon: 'folder', 
            nodeChild: [
                { nodeId: '01-01', nodeText: 'Gouttes.mp3', icon: 'audio' }
            nodeId: '02', nodeText: 'Videos', icon: 'folder',
            nodeChild: [
                { nodeId: '02-01', nodeText: 'Naturals.mp4', icon: 'video' },
                { nodeId: '02-02', nodeText: 'Wild.mpeg', icon: 'video' },
            nodeId: '03', nodeText: 'Documents', icon: 'folder',
            nodeChild: [
                { nodeId: '03-01', nodeText: 'Environment Pollution.docx', icon: 'docx' },
                { nodeId: '03-02', nodeText: 'Global Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene.docx', icon: 'docx' },
                { nodeId: '03-03', nodeText: 'Global Warming.ppt', icon: 'ppt' },
                { nodeId: '03-04', nodeText: 'Social Network.pdf', icon: 'pdf' },
                { nodeId: '03-05', nodeText: 'Youth Empowerment.pdf', icon: 'pdf' },
            nodeId: '04', nodeText: 'Pictures', icon: 'folder', expanded: true,
            nodeChild: [
                    nodeId: '04-01', nodeText: 'Camera Roll', icon: 'folder', expanded: true,
                    nodeChild: [
                        { nodeId: '04-01-01', nodeText: 'WIN_20160726_094117.JPG', image: '' },
                        { nodeId: '04-01-02', nodeText: 'WIN_20160726_094118.JPG', image: '' },
                { nodeId: '04-02', nodeText: 'Wind.jpg', icon: 'images' },
                { nodeId: '04-03', nodeText: 'Stone.jpg', icon: 'images' },
            nodeId: '05', nodeText: 'Downloads', icon: 'folder',
            nodeChild: [
                { nodeId: '05-01', nodeText: 'UI-Guide.pdf', icon: 'pdf' },
                { nodeId: '05-02', nodeText: '', icon: 'zip' },
                { nodeId: '05-03', nodeText: 'Game.exe', icon: 'exe' },
                { nodeId: '05-04', nodeText: 'TypeScript.7z', icon: 'zip' },

    // Render the TreeView with image icons
    var treeObj = new ej.navigations.TreeView({
        fields: { dataSource: hierarchicalData, id: 'nodeId', text: 'nodeText', child: 'nodeChild', iconCss: 'icon', imageUrl: 'image' },
        sortOrder: 'Ascending',
        allowDragAndDrop: true,
        nodeDragStop: dragStop,
        nodeDragging: nodeDrag 

function nodeDrag(args) {
   if (args.droppedNode != null && args.droppedNode.getElementsByClassName('folder') && args.droppedNode.getElementsByClassName('folder').length === 0) {
      args.dropIndicator = 'e-no-drop';

function dragStop(args) {
  if (args.droppedNode != null && args.droppedNode.getElementsByClassName('folder') && args.droppedNode.getElementsByClassName('folder').length === 0) {
    args.cancel = true;
<html lang="en"><head><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type ="text/javascript"></script>

    <title>Essential JS 2 for TreeView </title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta name="description" content="Essential JS 2 for TreeView UI Control">
    <meta name="author" content="Syncfusion">
    <link href="index.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    <div id="container">
        <div id="treeparent">
            <div id="tree"></div>
        .e-treeview .e-list-img {
            width: 25px;
            height: 25px;

        /* Loading sprite image for TreeView */
        .e-treeview .e-list-icon {
            background-repeat: no-repeat;
            background-image: url(;
            height: 20px;

            /* Specify the icon positions based upon class name */
            .e-treeview .e-list-icon.folder {
                background-position: -10px -552px;

            .e-treeview .e-list-icon.docx {
                background-position: -10px -20px;

            .e-treeview .e-list-icon.ppt {
                background-position: -10px -48px;

            .e-treeview .e-list-icon.pdf {
                background-position: -10px -104px;

            .e-treeview .e-list-icon.images {
                background-position: -10px -132px;

            .e-treeview {
                background-position: -10px -188px;

            .e-treeview {
                background-position: -10px -244px;

            .e-treeview {
                background-position: -10px -272px;

            .e-treeview .e-list-icon.exe {
                background-position: -10px -412px;

var ele = document.getElementById('container');
if(ele) { = "visible";
<script src="index.js" type="text/javascript"></script>