Internationalization in EJ2 JavaScript Treemap control

19 Apr 202324 minutes to read

The TreeMap control supports internationalization for the following elements:

  • Data label
  • Tooltip

For more information about number and date formatter, refer to internationalization.


Globalization is the process of designing and developing a component that works in different cultures/locales. Internationalization library is used to globalize number, date, and time values in the TreeMap control using the format property in the TreeMap.

Numeric format

In the following code example, tooltip is globalized to Deutsch culture.

import { TreeMap, TreeMapTooltip } from '@syncfusion/ej2-treemap';
import { NumericTextBox} from '@syncfusion/ej2-inputs';
import { loadCldr, Ajax, setCulture, setCurrencyCode } from '@syncfusion/ej2-base';
let treemap: TreeMap = new TreeMap({
    locale: "de",
    format: "c" ,
 dataSource: [
    {State:"United States", GDP:17946, percentage:11.08, Rank:1},
    {State:"China", GDP:10866, percentage: 28.42, Rank:2},
    {State:"Japan", GDP:4123, percentage:-30.78, Rank:3},
    {State:"Germany", GDP:3355, percentage:-5.19, Rank:4},
    {State:"United Kingdom", GDP:2848, percentage:8.28, Rank:5},
    {State:"France", GDP:2421, percentage:-9.69, Rank:6},
    {State:"India", GDP:2073, percentage:13.65, Rank:7},
    {State:"Italy", GDP:1814, percentage:-12.45, Rank:8},
    {State:"Brazil", GDP:1774, percentage:-27.88, Rank:9},
    {State:"Canada", GDP:1550, percentage:-15.02, Rank:10}
tooltipSettings: {
            visible: true,
   weightValuePath: 'GDP'
}, '#container');
function loadCultureFiles(name: string) {
    var files = ['currencies.json', 'numbers.json'];
    var loadCulture = function (prop: number) {
        let val:  any, ajax: Ajax;
        // ajax = new Ajax('' + 'src/common/cldr-data/main/' + name + '/' + files[prop], 'GET', false);
        ajax = new Ajax('/node_modules/cldr-data/main/' + name + '/' + files[prop], 'GET', false);
        ajax.onSuccess = function (value: any) {
            val = value;
    for (var prop = 0; prop < files.length; prop++) {

Right-to-left rendering

The TreeMap control supports right-to-left rendering for all its elements such as nodes, tooltip, data labels, and legends.

Legend with Rtl support

If set the enableRtl property to true, then the legend icon will be rendered on the right and the legend text will be rendered on the left of the legend icon.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { Car:'Mustang', Brand:'Ford', count:232, color: '#71B081' },
                       { Car:'EcoSport', Brand:'Ford', count:121,  color: '#5A9A77' },
                       { Car:'Swift', Brand:'Maruti', count:143, color: '#498770' },
                       { Car:'Baleno', Brand:'Maruti', count:454, color: '#39776C' },
                       { Car:'Vitara Brezza', Brand:'Maruti', count:545 , color: '#266665' },
                       { Car:'A3 Cabriolet', Brand:'Audi',count:123, color: '#124F5E' } 
    weightValuePath: 'count',    
    colorValuePath: 'color',
    legendSettings: {
        visible: true,
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'Car'        
}, '#container');
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Tooltip with Rtl support

If the enableRtl property is set to true, the tooltip data will be rendered in reverse direction.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { Car:'Mustang', Brand:'Ford', count:232 },
                       { Car:'EcoSport', Brand:'Ford', count:121 },
                       { Car:'Swift', Brand:'Maruti', count:143 },
                       { Car:'Baleno', Brand:'Maruti', count:454 },
                       { Car:'Vitara Brezza', Brand:'Maruti', count:545 },
                       { Car:'A3 Cabriolet', Brand:'Audi',count:123 },
                       { car:'RS7 Sportback', Brand:'Audi', count:523 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',    
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    legendSettings: {
        visible: true,
    tooltipSettings: {
            visible: true,
            format:'${count} : ${fruit}'
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'Car'        
}, '#container');
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Treemap Item Rendering Direction

The direction of TreeMap item is TopLeftBottomRight by default and customize the rendering direction of the TreeMap item by setting the renderDirection property.

The TreeMap can be rendered in the following directions:

  • TopLeftBottomRight
  • TopRightBottomLeft
  • BottomRightTopLeft
  • BottomLeftTopRight

The following example demonstrate, how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with TopLeftBottomRight.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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The following example demonstrate, how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with TopRightBottomLeft.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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The following example demonstrate, how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with BottomRightTopLeft.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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The following example demonstrate, how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with BottomLeftTopRight.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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Right-to-left rendering

The TreeMap control supports right-to-left rendering for all its elements such as nodes, tooltip, data labels, and legends.

Legend with Rtl support

If you set the enableRtl property to true, then the legend icon will be rendered on the right and the legend text will be rendered on the left of the legend icon.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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Tooltip with Rtl support

If the enableRtl property is set to true, the tooltip data will be rendered in reverse direction.

The following example shows the format of the tooltip.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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Treemap Item Rendering Direction

By default, the direction of tree map item is TopLeftBottomRight. You can customize the rendering direction of the tree map item by setting the renderDirection property.
The TreeMap can be rendered in the following four different directions.

The following example demonstrate how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with TopLeftBottomRight.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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The following example demonstrate how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with TopRightBottomLeft.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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The following example demonstrate how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with BottomRightTopLeft.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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The following example demonstrate how to render the treemap in the RTL direction with BottomLeftTopRight.

var treemap = new ej.treemap.TreeMap({
    dataSource: [
    { fruit:'Apple', count:5000 },
                       { fruit:'Mango', count:3000 },
                       { fruit:'Orange', count:2300 },
                       { fruit:'Banana', count:500 },
                       { fruit:'Grape', count:4300 },
                       { fruit:'Papaya', count:1200 },
                       { fruit:'Melon', count:4500 }
    weightValuePath: 'count',
    palette:['#71B081','#5A9A77', '#498770', '#39776C', '#266665','#124F5E'],
    leafItemSettings: {
        labelPath: 'fruit'
}, '#container');
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