Cross hair in EJ2 JavaScript Stock chart control

8 May 20238 minutes to read

Crosshair has a vertical and horizontal line to view the value of the axis at mouse or touch position.

Crosshair lines can be enabled by using enable property in the crosshair.

var stockChart = new ej.charts.StockChart({
     primaryXAxis: {
            valueType: 'DateTime',
        series: [
                dataSource: chartData, type: 'Candle'
        crosshair: { enable: true },
        legendSettings: { visible: true },
        title: 'Weather Condition'
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Tooltip for axis

Tooltip label for an axis can be enabled by using enable property of crosshairTooltip in the corresponding axis.

var stockChart = new ej.charts.StockChart({
     primaryXAxis: {
            valueType: 'DateTime',
        series: [
                dataSource: chartData, type: 'Candle'
        crosshair: { enable: true },
        legendSettings: { visible: true },
        title: 'Weather Condition'
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The fill and textStyle property of the crosshairTooltip is used to customize the background color and font style of the crosshair label respectively. Color and width of the crosshair line can be customized by using the line property in the crosshair.

var stockChart = new ej.charts.StockChart({
       primaryYAxis: {
            lineStyle: { color: 'transparent' },
            majorTickLines: { color: 'transparent', width: 0 },
            crosshairTooltip: {enable:true,fill: 'green'}
        primaryXAxis: { majorGridLines: { color: 'transparent' },
        crosshairTooltip: {enable:true,fill: 'green'}},
        series: [
                dataSource: chartData,
                type: 'Candle'
       crosshair: {
            enable: true,
            line: {width: 2, color: 'green'}
        title: 'AAPL Stock Price'
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Note: To use crosshair feature, we need to inject Crosshair module StockChart.Inject(Crosshair) method.