Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

July 27, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • #I480096 - An issue with the indicators are not updated while dynamically changing the data source of the Carousel has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477552 - Fixed an issue where the column was overlapping with the axis line.
  • #I477506 - Fixed an issue where the trendline was not changing when updating its properties.
  • #I475454 - Now UseGroupingSeparator is working in accumulation tooltip.
  • #F183277 - Fixed an issue where range color mapping was not working when using two series.
  • #I479131 - Fixed the issue of data label cropping when setting the value as the minimum.
  • #I479171 - Fixed an issue where the range values of the scroll bar were not proper.
  • #I471081 - Now, stripline is proper when the width is changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483250 - The issue with “CheckBox not working in IE 11” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I483247 - The issue with “Context Menu not working in IE 11” has been resolved.
  • #I484122 - The issue with “Context menu closed while scroll within the sub menu of context menu.


Bug Fixes

  • #F-182592,#FB-45000 - scrollbar flickering issue in mac on zooming the diagram has been fixed now.
  • #I44765 - Now, Event “Start” state triggers for single time in rotate and resize action.
  • #I44765 - Now, Duplicate nodes and connectors are created after reset for layout type ‘None’ has been fixed now.


Bug Fixes

  • #I475597 - Now, show alert Message while entering invalid hyperlink address.
  • #I473464 - Resolved the Toolbar disappear issue while destroy and re-append container instance.
  • #I478156 - Resolved the text cut issue while highlighting selected text

Breaking Changes

  • By default, the enableOptimizedSpellCheck property is set to false. However, when you enable the enableSpellCheck property, the enableOptimizedSpellCheck is automatically enabled as well.


Bug Fixes

  • #I464511 – Now, the content of the free text annotation does not changes when we click outside of it.

Bug Fixes

  • #I481958 - The issue with “Child nodes are not rendering while mapping id with object value” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

-#I472635-Using insert key highlights top row has been fixed.

  • #I480002 - Can’t open task information in the context menu issue has been fixed.
  • #I479988 - Ghosting bars left on screen after cancelling task bar drag.
  • #I479961 - Milestone baseline moves along with the milestone issue has been fixed.
  • #I481999 - Page refresh when using validation rules for column issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477874 - The issue with the foreignkey column dropdown edit cell displaying incorrect values while editing different rows after scrolling has been successfully fixed when the virtualization feature is enabled in the grid.
  • #I482022 - Pager information is wrong while dynamically changing the Grid width issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with “Path size not proper after saving” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F44817 - Issue with “Dragged item may be one that is adjacent to the item over which mouse down occurred in listbox.” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I481465 - Resolved the enableHtmlSanitizer property issue in the ListView component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I448711 - Resolved the accessibility issue for PDF viewer preference support.


Bug Fixes

  • #I481075 - Now, the link navigation is working properly in the provided document.
  • #I481233 - Now, the selected value of the dropdown field is properly preserved in the downloaded document when we programmatically set the form fields to be read-only.
  • #I479497 - Now, the annotations are locked properly when setting the isLock true in annotationSetting.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • I471218 - The value sort icon in the pivot table is now properly positioned with larger column text.
  • F183271 - When defer layout update is enabled, the pivot table now renders properly with the pivot chart.
  • I463929 - When enabling virtualization dynamically at runtime, the pivot table will now render properly.


  • I398184 - Provided support to customize the column width when exporting the pivot table to a PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I465794 - Now, pasting the content from MS Word works properly without any console errors in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I477643 - Now, resizing the last column in the table works properly after copying and pasting the content from MS Word in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #F183438 - Now, the value of the Rich Text Editor is updated properly when the readOnly property is initially set to true and then changed dynamically.


Bug Fixes

  • #I480473 - An issue with “Role not inside the required context” accessibility issue in the Schedule component’s recurrence editor has been fixed.
  • #I474091 - The issue of duplicate events being created after changing the recurrence of certain events has been fixed.



  • #F183395 - Provide the support to draw text in specific places in draw public method of the signature component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I477427 - Fixed an issue where tooltips were not displaying properly within the chart.


Bug Fixes

  • #I45423 - The issue with where the Tab control was throwing a script error when opened in Internet Explorer 11 has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I473286 - Resolved the incorrect positioning of Tooltip when page is scaled.