Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

February 28, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #F180554 - Fixed console error thrown when using the destroy method.
  • #I437308 - Resolved accessibility issues in chart.
  • #I436273 - Fixed issue with chart going out when zooming without clip rect in path.


Bug Fixes

  • #F180478 - Now, the performance of diagram while enabling virtualization is improved.
  • #F180478 - Now, Overview is updated properly while enabling virtualization.
  • #I422299 - Now, swimlane child nodes is selectable after save and load.
  • #I437322 - Now, drag the connector end thumb is working, while we increase handleSize value.


Bug Fixes

  • #I430348 - Fixed an issue where pressing the enter key triggered the button click event multiple times.


Bug Fixes

  • #I436133 - When inserting, the endnote order was resolved.
  • #I434491 - Resolved the Text off the page and outside the margin issue when paste the text.


Bug Fixes

-I435386- Column template not working in Vue platform issue has been fixed.
-I426170- Incorrect Start Date Update for Unscheduled Task When Editing Parent Start Date.
-I432910- zoom in not disabled issue has been fixed.
-I431348- Updating Day Working Time Property Dynamically in UTC Timezone Results in Invalid Dates.
-I394676- Incorrect Date in milestone while on load and editing issue has been fixed.
-#I436476- Gantt Task doesn’t get updated after Batch Update issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I429268 - Script error thrown on state change, with row template button click has been fixed.
  • #I436447 - Improvement in Excel Filter search action and Custom Filter Dialog has been done.
  • #I439694 - Resolved the issue where selecting columns in column chooser or navigating through columns was not being highlighted.


Bug Fixes

  • #I437917 - Legend labels in the bottom and top positions will now be properly rendered.


Bug Fixes

  • #I432638 - Now, when using the kanban sortSettings the cards are dropped and sorted properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I435597 - Resolved issue with pasting using keyboard shortcuts not working properly in Safari browser.


Bug Fixes

  • #I436286 - Now, the script error is not occurred the enable shape annotation is set to false.
  • #I429775 - Now that the problem with some specific document’s slow rendering has been resolved.
  • #I437396 - Now, when the page’s zoom level is higher, the resizer will not enable inside annotation.


Bug Fixes

  • #I434928 - Now, the last column is not resized to the end of the table when the middle column is resized.
  • #I436678 - Now, the image is not duplicated when you press the shift+enter key in the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I438653 - Now, the font size will be updated properly in the toolbar status when it is set dynamically.
  • #I437138 - Now, the pasted content from word which contains images is inserted into Rich Text Editor.
  • #I439308 - Now, dynamically rendering the Rich Text Editor inside the Sidebar works properly when scrolling.
  • #I440456 - Now, the list is deleted properly when pressing the backspace key, and pressing the enter key works properly after deleting the list.


Bug Fixes

  • #I440832 - An issue with drag clone event were hidden, when dragging multiple appointments with startHour and endHour has been fixed.
  • #I441311 - An issue with getSelectedElements public method return the selected cells in wrong order has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I433821 - Correcting the signature scaling issue while resizing the web browser has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I435982, #I434351 - Issue with “rendered cell template destroyed while updating the cell value using updateCell method” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I436646, #I435360 - Resolved issue, while drag and drop other elements over TreeView component, then “not-allowed” cursor appears.