Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

July 12, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #I381436 - Data label is hidden in stacked bar series has been fixed.
  • #F175532 - Waterfall sum indexes are now rendering properly.
  • #I387394 - Marker position changes while displaying tooltip for rangearea issue has been fixed.
  • #I387391 - Horizontal and vertical line marker shapes are now rendering properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I380929 - Baseline end date issue for milestone with same baseline start and end date has been fixed.
  • #I385298 - Bottom Tier not partitioned properly when zoom to fit issue has been fixed.
  • #I388575 - Virtual scroll issue when collapsed and searched has been fixed


Bug Fixes

  • #I376131 - when cell containing the checkbox is double clicked the next cell content gets highlighted issue has been fixed.
  • #I385933 - Custom format on number column is not working properly in Grid pdf export issue has been fixed.
  • #FB35672 - Empty grid in batch edit mode throws script error has been fixed.
  • #I382789 - Tab key Navigation not working When allowEditing set to false with RowDragandDrop is fixed.
  • #FB34522 - Column reorder not working properly in column freeze enabled is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I385821 - Now, the server-side modified data is returned to the client side while performing the CRUD operation.
  • #I390524, #F175935 - Now, when dropping the card into an empty column will render it.


Bug Fixes

  • #I388045 - In mobile devices, the marker tooltip will now render properly when touched.


Bug Fixes

  • #I383108 - Now,the custom stamp annotations are added properly in touch mode
  • #I377362 - Annotations are now placed in the correct position in the download PDF document with crop value.
  • #I383385 - The delete key can be used to remove annotations added in touch mode.
  • #I381030 - Unloading a PDF document from the first PDF Viewer component no longer affects the rendering of the PDF document in the second PDF Viewer component.
  • #I385936 - The value of the Add Signature button will not extend outside the button and missing Portuguese tooltips have been translated.
  • #I372855, #F173951 - An annotation can now be added and resized up to the edge of the PDF document.
  • #I380996 - The TextSearchComplete event will be triggered when the text is searched in the PDF viewer.
  • #I377035,#I379948 - A tooltip will be displayed in a form field even if the FormDesignerService is not injected.
  • #I380472 - Added form fields after pressing escape no longer shades form fields.
  • #I384112 - The formFieldSelect event will be triggered while selecting the first form field in the document.
  • #I386568 - In the Bootstrap5 theme, the search icon will change to a clear icon after a search has been initiated.
  • #I382999 - The type signature in the signature fields will be modified based on the height of the Signature field while resizing.
  • #I379221 - Now, cache values (PDF_CONTENT) are updated in the getCache() method.
  • #I385864 - Now, the dropdown values will be changed programmatically in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I386545 - Now, the signature field color will appear while scrolling down long document.
  • #I272377 - Now, the position and size of the arrow shapes in the shape annotation are same as in the downloaded document.
  • #F173953 - Now, Script error have been resolved.
  • #I378591 - The issue with the comment panel not opening after disabling and enabling again has been fixed.
  • #I386545 - Now, the signature field color will appear with opacity while scrolling down long document.


Bug Fixes

  • The selection is now properly working when using the selection mode of the pivot table.
  • The engine population events are now properly triggered during virtual scrolling.


Bug Fixes

  • #I385741 - Now, pressing the ctrl+c or shift key on the link inside the list doesn’t remove the link.
  • #I386619 - Now, the content area is visible properly when maximizing and minimizing the Rich Text Editor.
  • #I385281 - Now, the height of the link, image, and table dialog when the RichTextEditor is in full-screen mode works properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #F172936 - An issue with Form validator instance not available in popupOpen event of Scheduler has been fixed.
  • #F175741 - An issue with UID of the appointments varies every time while exporting appointments in ICS file has been fixed.
  • #I379499 - An issue with Recurrence appointments start and end times are not changed based on DST time zone has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F385792 - The issues with the Splitter’s first pane resizing to the right and the pane resizing not working properly has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I384048 - The issue of copied values being removed after saving when unique is applied is resolved.
  • #I379174 - After importing the protected excel file, the problem of not considering the password when selecting the unprotect sheet option in the sheet tab context menu has been resolved.
  • #I386574 - The exception thrown with font size pixel values while exporting is resolved.
  • #I384953 - Unique formula cell value gets #spill error on refresh issue resolved.
  • #F175967 - The addToolbarItems method is not working for locale other than ‘en-US’ issue has been resolved.