Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes
January 28, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the data label issue for label instersect action. -
- Data label Template hides on hovering over the marker issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- This issue “Port’s InEdges and outEdges are not updated properly while copy and paste “ has been fixed. -
- This issue “Node does not drop properly on swimlane “ has been fixed. -
- This issue “Nodes are not getting cleared when add new page in the diagram” has been fixed. -
- This issue “Console error occur while save and load the diagram with swimlane nodes” has been fixed. -
- This issue “Can’t change flowshape to other basic shape” has been fixed. -
- This issue “Child nodes are not rendered properly in Organizational chart” has been fixed. -
- This issue “Symbol description gets rendered from middle of symbol” has been fixed. -
- This issue “Restrict click event for nodes when zoompan tool is enabled” has been fixed. -
- This issue “Bottom level nodes are not visible in overview” has been fixed. -
- This issue “When drag and drop the node swimlane lane header position gets changed” has been fixed. -
- This issue “Exception occurs when use getDiagramContent method” has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Console error on converting milestone to task has been fixed.
- Provided Immutable Support to refresh specific rows while performing Gantt actions.
Bug Fixes
- Persist Checkbox selection with frozen columns issue has been fixed. -
- Script error While sorting in excel filter when more than one grid is rendered issue has been resolved.
#247931, #251431
- Provided the server side Excel and PDF export support.
Bug Fixes
- The issue “API level styles was not taken as important for HeatMap” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The property in the JSON for the maps shape data can now be displayed in the tooltip template.
properties are exposed to set border width and color to individual shapes using data source values.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue with the Placeholder blinks when pressing the enter key in the editor. -
- The issue with the resize grip alignment when the toolbar is disabled state has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Lock cell delete issue prevented.
- Sorting for number is not working after editing issue has been fixed.
- Pasting within the copied range is not working properly issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with toolbar content is not aligned properly in IOS devices has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “The TreeView template node content disappears while calling therefreshNode
method” has been resolved. -
- Now, the TreeView template node custom events will be triggered after using therefreshNode