Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

August 14, 2018


Bug Fixes

  • create input method addition argument added.



  • Added font argument in textRender event to change the font style for datalabel text.


Bug Fixes

  • create input method addition argument added.


Bug Fixes

  • ODataV4 - Script error when using local time zone offset fixed.
  • ODataV4 - Multiple select query in expanded entity is not proper fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • Selection position is now updated properly on “Enter” key inside vertical merged cell.
  • The content of a page no longer overlaps on next page while editing document contents.
  • Undo & redo now works properly for list text editing.
  • Line height is now updated properly for the paragraph contains bookmark element alone.

Bug Fixes

  • Popup z-index calculation inside bootstrap model dialog issue fixed.

Bug Fixes

  • DropDownList cssClass updated dynamically changes issue has been resolved.
  • create input method addition argument added.


Bug Fixes

  • ODataV4 - $search is not used when using foreign key column resolved.
  • Primary key column is now included in select query when using columnQueryMode as ExcludeHidden.
  • Edit form is now rendered with tab key while grid is rendered inside dialog.
  • Selection is now maintained while expand or collapse child grid.
  • Footer aggregate is not aligned properly when apply column fit resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the issue with masked text box change event is triggered multiple times while changing the value dynamically.
  • Issue occurs while using chrome autofill functionality with masked text box component has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • create input method addition argument added.


Bug Fixes

  • Issue with entering the text in numeric text box from Firefox browser has been fixed.
  • Resolved the issue in numeric text box that did not allow editing the value while using decimal value as 0.


Bug Fixes

  • Removed external font family in RichTextEditor source.


Breaking Changes

  • Issue with triggering select events at initial load has been resolved


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved the tooltip issue on display special character in toolbar items.