Essential Studio for EJ2 JavaScript Release Notes

April 17, 2018


Bug Fixes

  • Adding annotation dynamically to the chart is now working.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue, Value is not updated correctly when the words in the suggestion list contains white spaces has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • focusIn and focusOut methods has been included.
  • focus and blur events has been included.


Bug Fixes

  • Maximum call stack issue while filtering date column with disablePageWiseAggregates is resolved.
  • Provided locale support for custom filter labels and column chooser.
  • Between operator provides incorrect result in Excel filter issue fixed.
  • Content rendering delayed while using virtual scrolling with grouping when scrolling horizontally is resolved.

Breaking Changes

  • The Locale properties such as OK, Filter, Clear are removed instead use OKButton, FilterButton, ClearButton.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue, ‘The list items sorted in ascending order by default when the grouping is enabled’, has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • While dynamically changing the MaskedTextBox value as null, value not updated properly issue is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • custom value support has been given in MultiSelect when the filtering is enabled instead of ‘no records found’ template.
  • The issue, ‘Input is rendered again on typing while resetting value from null with remote data and custom value as true.’ has been fixed.
  • The issue, ‘Enable persistence is not working properly when all the items in the list are selected.’ has been fixed.


  • Float Label support has been given for MultiSelect


Bug Fixes

  • Provided option to prevent expand/collapse node while double clicking the tree node.