- Prerequisites
- Setup ASP.NET MVC application with Web API for PDF Viewer service
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Create pdfviewer service in EJ2 JavaScript Pdfviewer control
13 Sep 202320 minutes to read
The Essential JavaScript PDF Viewer have server side dependency to get the details from PDF Documents for rendering. This section explains how to create the service for PDF Viewer to perform server-side preprocessing of the PDF document to be rendered in client side.
To get started with ASP.NET MVC Web API service, ensure that the following software is installed on the machine.
- .Net Framework 4.5 and above.
- Web API
- Visual Studio
Setup ASP.NET MVC application with Web API for PDF Viewer service
The following steps are used to create PDF Viewer service
Step 1: Create an ASP.NET web application with the default template project in Visual Studio 2017.
Step 2: After creating the project, add the Syncfusion.EJ2.PdfViewer.AspNet.MVC5
dependency to your project by using ‘NuGet Package Manager’.
Open the NuGet
package manager.
Install the Syncfusion.EJ2.PdfViewer.AspNet.Mvc5 package to the application.
Step 3: Add the Web API 2 Controller to the project and named it as PdfViewerController
Step 4: Add the following code to the PdfViewerController.cs
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Syncfusion.EJ2.PdfViewer;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Http;
namespace MvcWebService.webapi
public class PdfViewerController : ApiController
public object Load(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
object jsonResult = new object();
if (jsonObject != null && jsonObject.ContainsKey("document"))
if (bool.Parse(jsonObject["isFileName"]))
string documentPath = GetDocumentPath(jsonObject["document"]);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentPath))
byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(documentPath);
stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
string fileName = jsonObject["document"].Split(new string[] { "://" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
if (fileName == "http" || fileName == "https")
WebClient WebClient = new WebClient();
byte[] pdfDoc = WebClient.DownloadData(jsonObject["document"]);
stream = new MemoryStream(pdfDoc);
return (jsonObject["document"] + " is not found");
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(jsonObject["document"]);
stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
jsonResult = pdfviewer.Load(stream, jsonObject);
return (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult));
public object Bookmarks(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
var jsonResult = pdfviewer.GetBookmarks(jsonObject);
return (jsonResult);
public object RenderPdfPages(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
object jsonResult = pdfviewer.GetPage(jsonObject);
return (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult));
public object RenderThumbnailImages(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
object result = pdfviewer.GetThumbnailImages(jsonObject);
return (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));
public object RenderPdfTexts(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
object result = pdfviewer.GetDocumentText(jsonObject);
return (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));
public object RenderAnnotationComments(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
object jsonResult = pdfviewer.GetAnnotationComments(jsonObject);
return (JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonResult));
public object Unload(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
return ("Document cache is cleared");
public HttpResponseMessage Download(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
string documentBase = pdfviewer.GetDocumentAsBase64(jsonObject);
return (GetPlainText(documentBase));
public object PrintImages(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
object pageImage = pdfviewer.GetPrintImage(jsonObject);
return (pageImage);
private HttpResponseMessage GetPlainText(string pageImage)
var responseText = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
responseText.Content = new StringContent(pageImage, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain");
return responseText;
private string GetDocumentPath(string document)
string documentPath = string.Empty;
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(document))
var path = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "/Data/" + document))
documentPath = path + "/Data/" + document;
documentPath = document;
return documentPath;
// GET api/values
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
//Post action to export annotations
public HttpResponseMessage ExportAnnotations(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
string jsonResult = pdfviewer.ExportAnnotation(jsonObject);
return (GetPlainText(jsonResult));
//Post action to import annotations
public object ImportAnnotations(Dictionary<string, string> jsonObject)
PdfRenderer pdfviewer = new PdfRenderer();
string jsonResult = string.Empty;
object JsonResult;
if (jsonObject != null && jsonObject.ContainsKey("fileName"))
string documentPath = GetDocumentPath(jsonObject["fileName"]);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentPath))
jsonResult = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(documentPath);
return (jsonObject["document"] + " is not found");
string extension = Path.GetExtension(jsonObject["importedData"]);
if (extension != ".xfdf")
JsonResult = pdfviewer.ImportAnnotation(jsonObject);
return (GetPlainText((JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JsonResult))));
string documentPath = GetDocumentPath(jsonObject["importedData"]);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentPath))
byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(documentPath);
jsonObject["importedData"] = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
JsonResult = pdfviewer.ImportAnnotation(jsonObject);
return (GetPlainText((JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JsonResult))));
return (jsonObject["document"] + " is not found");
return (GetPlainText((jsonResult)));
Step 5: Configure the CORS policy in the web.config
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="accept, maxdataserviceversion, origin, x-requested-with, dataserviceversion,content-type" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Max-Age" value="1728000" />
Step 6: Set the Global configuration in the Global.asax
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("SQLServerCompactEditionUnderWebHosting", true);
Download the sample to create PDF Viewer web service here