Style and appearance in EJ2 JavaScript Pager control
13 Apr 20231 minute to read
To modify the Pager appearance, you need to override the default CSS of Pager. Please find the CSS structure that can be used to modify the Pager appearance. Also, you have an option to create your own custom theme for all the JavaScript controls using our Theme Studio
Customizing the Pager
Use the below CSS to customize the Pager root element.
.e-pager {
background-color: #deecf9;
Customizing the Pager container element
Use the below CSS to customize the pager container element.
.e-pager .e-pagercontainer {
background-color: #deecf9;
Customizing the Pager navigation elements
Customize the pager navigation elements, using the below selector.
.e-pager .e-prevpagedisabled,
.e-pager .e-prevpage,
.e-pager .e-nextpage,
.e-pager .e-nextpagedisabled,
.e-pager .e-lastpagedisabled,
.e-pager .e-lastpage,
.e-pager .e-firstpage,
.e-pager .e-firstpagedisabled {
background-color: #deecf9;
Customizing the Pager page numeric link elements
Use the below CSS to customize the pager current page numeric link elements.
.e-pager .e-numericitem {
border-radius: initial;
Customizing the Pager current page numeric element
Using this CSS, you can customize the pager current page numeric item.
.e-pager .e-currentitem {
background-color: #0078d7;