Style appearance in EJ2 JavaScript Maskedtextbox control

8 May 20231 minute to read

The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on the user preference.

Customizing the appearance of MaskedTextBox wrapper element

Use the following CSS to customize the appearance of wrapper element.

/* To specify height, font size, and border */
.e-input-group input.e-input, .e-input-group.e-control-wrapper input.e-input, .e-input-group textarea.e-input, .e-input-group.e-control-wrapper textarea.e-input {
        font-size: 20px;
        border-color: red;
        height: 40px;
        border: 2px solid;

Customizing the MaskedTextBox element on hovering

Use the following CSS to customize the Input Mask element on hovering

/* To specify border */
.e-input-group input.e-input, .e-input-group input.e-input:hover:not(.e-success):not(.e-warning):not(.e-error):not([disabled]):not(:focus), .e-input-group.e-control-wrapper input.e-input,.e-input-group.e-control-wrapper input.e-input:hover:not(.e-success):not(.e-warning):not(.e-error):not([disabled]):no(:focus){
      border: 3px solid red;