Event in EJ2 JavaScript Maps control

27 Apr 20233 minutes to read


When the animation in the component is completed, the animationComplete event will be triggered. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here


Before the annotation is rendered in the Maps, the annotationRendering event will be triggered. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The beforePrint event will be triggered before the print operation is started. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The bubbleClick event will be triggered when clicking on the bubbles. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The bubbleMouseMove event will be triggered when the cursor moves over the bubbles. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The bubbleRendering event is triggered before rendering each bubble. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The click event will be triggered after the Maps is clicked. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The dataLabelRendering event is triggered before rendering each label. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


When performing the double click operation on an element in Maps, the doubleClick will be triggered. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The itemHighlight event occurs when the cursor moves over the shapes. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The itemSelection event occurs when selecting the shapes in the Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The layerRendering event is triggered before rendering each layer. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The legendRendering event is triggered before rendering the legend in the component. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The load event will be triggered before rendering the Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The loaded event is triggered after the Maps component has been loaded. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


markerClick event will be triggered by clicking the markers in the Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The markerClusterClick event is triggered after clicking the marker cluster. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The markerClusterMouseMove event will be triggered when the cursor moves over the marker cluster. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The markerClusterRendering event is triggered before rendering each marker cluster. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The markerRendering event is triggered before rendering each marker. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


When panning the Maps, the pan event will be triggered. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The resize event will be triggered when resizing the Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The rightClick event will be triggered when performing the right click operation on an element in Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The shapeHighlighted event is triggered when mouse move on the shape in Maps and before the shape gets highlighted. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The shapeRendering event will be triggered before rendering a shape of the Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The shapeSelected event is triggered when select a shape in Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The tooltipRender event is triggered before the tooltip gets rendered. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The tooltipRenderComplete event is triggered after the tooltip gets rendered. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.


The zoom event will be triggered after zooming-in or zooming-out the Maps. To know more about the arguments of this event, refer here.