Change schedule date in EJ2 JavaScript Gantt control

4 May 20236 minutes to read

In the Gantt control, you can change the schedule start and end dates by clicking the custom button programmatically using the updateProjectDates method. You can pass the start and end dates as method arguments to the updateProjectDates method. You can also pass the Boolean value as an additional parameter, which is used to round-off the schedule start and end dates displayed in Gantt timeline.

var ganttData = [
            TaskID: 1,
            TaskName: 'Project Initiation',
            StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
            EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
            subtasks: [
                { TaskID: 2, TaskName: 'Identify Site location', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50,isParent:false },
                { TaskID: 3, TaskName: 'Perform Soil test', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 70, resources: [2, 3, 5],isParent:false   },
                { TaskID: 4, TaskName: 'Soil test approval', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 3, Predecessor:"2FS", Progress: 80,isParent:false  },
            TaskID: 5,
            TaskName: 'Project Estimation',
            StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'),
            EndDate: new Date('04/21/2019'),
            subtasks: [
                { TaskID: 6, TaskName: 'Develop floor plan for estimation', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50, resources: [4],isParent:false  },
                { TaskID: 7, TaskName: 'List materials', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 4, Progress: 50, DurationUnit:'day', resources: [4, 8],isParent:false  },
                { TaskID: 8, TaskName: 'Estimation approval', StartDate: new Date('04/04/2019'), Duration: 4,Predecessor:"6SS", DurationUnit:'minute', Progress: 70, resources: [12, 5],isParent:false  }
var ganttChart = new ej.gantt.Gantt({
        dataSource: ganttData,
		taskFields: {
            id: 'TaskID',
            name: 'TaskName',
            startDate: 'StartDate',
			duration: 'Duration',
            progress: 'Progress',
			child: 'subtasks'

var dateBtn= new ej.buttons.Button();

document.getElementById('updateSchedule').addEventListener('click', function() {
    ganttChart.updateProjectDates(new Date('01/10/2019'),new Date('06/20/2019'),true);
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	  <button id="updateSchedule">Change Schedule Dates</button>  
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