Cascading in EJ2 JavaScript Drop down list control

2 May 20237 minutes to read

The cascading DropDownList is a series of DropDownList, where the value of one DropDownList depends upon another’s value. This can be configured by using the change event of the parent DropDownList. Within that change event handler, data has to be loaded to the child DropDownList based on the selected value of the parent DropDownList.

The following example, shows the cascade behavior of country, state, and city DropDownList. Here, the dataBind method is used to reflect the property changes immediately to the DropDownList.

//define the country DropDownList data
var countryData = [
    { CountryName: 'Australia', CountryId: '2' },
    { CountryName: 'United States', CountryId: '1' }
//define the state DropDownList data
var stateData = [
    { StateName: 'New York', CountryId: '1', StateId: '101' },
    { StateName: 'Virginia ', CountryId: '1', StateId: '102' },
    { StateName: 'Tasmania ', CountryId: '2', StateId: '105' }
//define the city DropDownList data
var cityData = [
    { CityName: 'Albany', StateId: '101', CityId: 201 },
    { CityName: 'Beacon ', StateId: '101', CityId: 202 },
    { CityName: 'Emporia', StateId: '102', CityId: 206 },
    { CityName: 'Hampton ', StateId: '102', CityId: 205 },
    { CityName: 'Hobart', StateId: '105', CityId: 213 },
    { CityName: 'Launceston ', StateId: '105', CityId: 214 }
//initiates the country DropDownList
var countryObj = new ej.dropdowns.DropDownList({
    //set the data to dataSource property
    dataSource: countryData,
    fields: { value: 'CountryId', text: 'CountryName' },
    //bind the change event handler
    change: () => {
        //Query the data source based on country DropDownList selected value
        stateObj.query = new'CountryId', 'equal', countryObj.value);
        // enable the state DropDownList
        stateObj.enabled = true;
        //clear the existing selection.
        stateObj.text = null;
        // bind the property changes to state DropDownList
        //clear the existing selection in city DropDownList
        cityObj.text = null;
        //disabe the city DropDownList
        cityObj.enabled = false;
        //bind the property cahnges to City DropDownList
    placeholder: 'Select a country',
//render the country DropDownList
//initiates the state DropDownList
var stateObj = new ej.dropdowns.DropDownList({
    dataSource: stateData,
    fields: { value: 'StateId', text: 'StateName' },
    // set disable state by default to prevent user interact.
    enabled: false,
    change: () => {
        // Query the data source based on state DropDownList selected value
        cityObj.query = new'StateId', 'equal', stateObj.value);
        // enable the city DropDownList
        cityObj.enabled = true;
        //clear the existing selection
        cityObj.text = null;
        // bind the property change to city DropDownList
    placeholder: 'Select a state',
//render the state DropDownList
//initiates the city DropDownList
var cityObj = new ej.dropdowns.DropDownList({
    dataSource: cityData,
    fields: { text: 'CityName', value: 'CityId' },
    // disable the DropDownList by default to prevent the user interact.
    enabled: false,
    placeholder: 'Select a city',
//render the city DropDownList
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    <title>Essential JS 2 DropDownList</title>
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    <div id="container" style="margin:50px auto 0; width:250px;">
          <input type="text" id="countries">
        <div class="padding-top">
          <input type="text" id="states">
        <div class="padding-top">
          <input type="text" id="cities">

var ele = document.getElementById('container');
if(ele) { = "visible";
<script src="index.js" type="text/javascript"></script>