Internationalization in EJ2 JavaScript Chart control

3 Feb 20244 minutes to read

Chart provide supports for internationalization for below chart elements.

  • Datalabel.
  • Axis label.
  • Tooltip.

For more information about number and date formatter you can refer internationalization.


Globalization is the process of designing and developing an component that works in different cultures/locales. Internationalization library is used to globalize number, date, time values in Chart component using labelFormat property in axis.

Numeric Format

In the below example axis, point and tooltip labels are globalized to EUR.

var chartData = [
    { x: 1900, y: 4, y1: 2.6 }, { x: 1920, y: 3.0, y1: 2.8 },
    { x: 1940, y: 3.8, y1: 2.6}, { x: 1960, y: 3.4, y1: 3 },
    { x: 1980, y: 3.2, y1: 3.6 }, { x: 2000, y: 3.9, y1: 3 }
var chart = new ej.charts.Chart({
    primaryXAxis: {
        title: 'Year',
        edgeLabelPlacement: 'Shift'
    primaryYAxis: {
        title: 'Sales Amount in Millions',
        //Label format as currency
        labelFormat: 'c'
        dataSource: chartData,
        xName: 'x', yName: 'y',
        name: 'Product X', type: 'Column',
        marker: { dataLabel: { visible: true }}
        dataSource: chartData,
        xName: 'x', yName: 'y1',
        name: 'Product Y', type: 'Column',
         marker: { dataLabel: { visible: true }}
    title: 'Average Sales Comparison',
    tooltip: { enable: true, format: '${} <br>${point.x} : ${point.y}'}
}, '#element');
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