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Position API in JavaScript (ES5) Tooltip API control

Applicable positions where the Tooltip can be displayed over specific target elements.

  • TopLeft - The tooltip is positioned at the top-left corner of the trigger element.
  • TopCenter - The tooltip is positioned at the top-center of the trigger element.
  • TopRight - The tooltip is positioned at the top-right corner of the trigger element.
  • BottomLeft - The tooltip is positioned at the bottom-left corner of the trigger element.
  • BottomCenter - The tooltip is positioned at the bottom-center of the trigger element.
  • BottomRight - The tooltip is positioned at the bottom-right corner of the trigger element.
  • LeftTop - The tooltip is positioned at the left-top corner of the trigger element.
  • LeftCenter - The tooltip is positioned at the left-center of the trigger element.
  • LeftBottom - The tooltip is positioned at the left-bottom corner of the trigger element.
  • RightTop - The tooltip is positioned at the right-top corner of the trigger element.
  • RightCenter - The tooltip is positioned at the right-center of the trigger element.
  • RightBottom - The tooltip is positioned at the right-bottom corner of the trigger element.