Name | Description |
AxisSettings | To configure the sparkline axis. |
ContainerArea | To configure the sparkline container area customization |
LabelOffset | To configure the datalabel offset |
LineSettings | To configure axis line settings |
Padding | To configure the sparkline padding. |
RangeBandSettings | To configure the sparkline rangeband. |
SparklineBorder | Configures the borders in the Sparkline. |
SparklineDataLabelSettings | To configure the sparkline dataLabel options. |
SparklineFont | Configures the fonts in sparklines. |
SparklineMarkerSettings | To configure the sparkline marker options. |
SparklineTooltipSettings | To configure the tooltip settings for sparkline. |
TrackLineSettings | To configure the tracker line settings. |
SparklineRenderer | Sparkline rendering calculation file |
SparklineTooltip | Sparkline Tooltip Module |
Sparkline | Represents the Sparkline control. |
Size | sparkline internal use of Size type |
IAxisRenderingEventArgs | Specifies the axis rendering Event arguments. |
IDataLabelRenderingEventArgs | Specifies the sparkline datalabel rendering Event arguments. |
IMarkerRenderingEventArgs | Specifies the sparkline marker rendering Event arguments. |
IPointRegionEventArgs | Specifies the sparkline mouse point region Event arguments. |
ISeriesRenderingEventArgs | Specifies the sparkline series rendering Event arguments. |
ISparklineLoadEventArgs | Specifies the Load Event arguments. |
ISparklineLoadedEventArgs | Specifies the Loaded Event arguments. |
ISparklineMouseEventArgs | Specifies the sparkline mouse related Event arguments. |
ISparklinePointEventArgs | Specifies the sparkline point related Event arguments. |
ISparklineResizeEventArgs | Sparkline Resize event arguments. |
IThemes | Specifies the interface for themes. |
ITooltipRenderingEventArgs | Sparkline tooltip event args. |
Static Functions | Root static functions of Sparkline Component |
EdgeLabelMode | Defines edge data label placement for datalabel, if exceeds the sparkline area horizontally. * None - Edge data label shown as clipped text. * Shift - Edge data label moved inside the sparkline area. * Hide - Edge data label will hide, if exceeds the sparkline area. |
SparklineRangePadding | Defines the range padding of series.None , Normal , Additional , Additional . |
SparklineTheme | Defines Theme of the sparkline. They are: * Material - Render a sparkline with Material theme. * Fabric - Render a sparkline with Fabric theme. * Bootstrap - Render a sparkline with Bootstrap theme. * HighContrast - Render a sparkline with HighContrast theme. * Dark - Render a sparkline with Dark theme. |
SparklineType | Specifies the sparkline types.Line , Column , WinLoss , Pie and Area . |
SparklineValueType | Specifies the sparkline data value types.Numeric , Category and DateTime . |
VisibleType | Specifies the sparkline marker |