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LimitData API in JavaScript (ES5) Slider API control

It illustrates the limit data in slider.

    <div id="default"></div>
    import { Slider } from "@syncfusion/ej2-inputs";
    let defaultObj: Slider = new Slider({
        min: 0, max: 100,
        // Set the intial range values for slider
        value: [25, 75],
        // Set the step value
        step: 1,
        // Set the type to render range slider
        type: "Range",
        // Initialize ticks with placement, largestep, smallstep
        ticks: { placement: "Before", largeStep: 20, smallStep: 5, showSmallTicks: true },
        // Set the limit values for the slider
        limits: { enabled: true, minStart: 10, minEnd: 40, maxStart: 60, maxEnd: 90 },
        // Initialize tooltip with placement and showOn
        tooltip: { isVisible: true, placement: "Before", showOn: "Focus" }




It is used to enable the limit in the slider.

Defaults to false



It is used to lock the second handle.

    <div id="default"></div>
    import { Slider } from "@syncfusion/ej2-inputs";
    let defaultObj: Slider = new Slider({
        min: 0, max: 100,
        // Set the intial range values for slider
        value: [25, 75],
        // Set the step value
        step: 1,
        // Set the type to render range slider
        type: "Range",
        // Initialize ticks with placement, largestep, smallstep
        ticks: { placement: "Before", largeStep: 20, smallStep: 5, showSmallTicks: true },
        // Set the limit values for the slider
        limits: { enabled: true, minStart: 10, minEnd: 40, maxStart: 60, maxEnd: 90, endHandleFixed: true },
        // Initialize tooltip with placement and showOn
        tooltip: { isVisible: true, placement: "Before", showOn: "Focus" }

Defaults to false



It is used to set the maximum end limit value.

Defaults to null



It is used to set the maximum start limit value.

Defaults to null



It is used to set the minimum end limit value.

Defaults to null



It is used to set the minimum start limit value.

Defaults to null



It is used to lock the first handle.

    <div id="default"></div>
    import { Slider } from "@syncfusion/ej2-inputs";
    let defaultObj: Slider = new Slider({
        min: 0, max: 100,
        // Set the intial range values for slider
        value: [25, 75],
        // Set the step value
        step: 1,
        // Set the type to render range slider
        type: "Range",
        // Initialize ticks with placement, largestep, smallstep
        ticks: { placement: "Before", largeStep: 20, smallStep: 5, showSmallTicks: true },
        // Set the limit values for the slider
        limits: { enabled: true, minStart: 10, minEnd: 40, maxStart: 60, maxEnd: 90, startHandleFixed: true},
        // Initialize tooltip with placement and showOn
        tooltip: { isVisible: true, placement: "Before", showOn: "Focus" }

Defaults to false