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Overview API in JavaScript (ES5) Schedule API control

Name Description
Schedule Represents the Schedule component that displays a list of events scheduled against specific date and timings,
thus helping us to plan and manage it properly.
EventSettings Holds the configuration of event related options and dataSource binding to Schedule.
FieldOptions Configuration that applies on each appointment field options of scheduler.
Field A class that holds the collection of event fields that requires to be mapped with the dataSource
fields along with its available configuration settings. Each field in it accepts both string and object
data type. When each of the field is assigned with simple string value, it is assumed that the dataSource field
name is mapped with it. If the object type is defined on each fields, then the validation related settings and mapping of
those fields with dataSource can be given altogether within it.
Group A class that holds the resource grouping related configurations on Schedule.
HeaderRows A class that represents the header rows related configurations on timeline views.
QuickInfoTemplates A class that defines the template options available to customize the quick popup of scheduler.
Resources A class that represents the resource related configurations and its data binding options.
TimeScale A class that represents the configuration of options related to timescale on scheduler.
Views A class that represents the configuration of view-specific settings on scheduler.
WorkHours A class that represents the configuration of working hours related options of scheduler.
ActionEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the actions of scheduler such as editing, navigation, and more.
BeforePasteEventArgs An interface that holds the options of pasted events data
CellClickEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the cell click action.
DataBindingEventArgs An interface that holds options of events before it binds to scheduler.
DataBoundEventArgs An interface that holds options of events once it bound to scheduler.
DragEventArgs An interface that holds options to control drag action on appointments.
EventClickArgs An interface that holds options to control the event click action.
EventRenderedArgs An interface that holds options to control the events (appointments) rendering in Scheduler.
ExportFieldInfo An interface that holds the field name and its header text to export to excel.
ExportOptions An interface that holds export options.
HoverEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the hover action.
MoreEventsClickArgs An interface that holds options to control the actions on clicking the more event indicator.
NavigateOptions An interface that holds options to control the navigation, while performing drag action on appointments.
NavigatingEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the date and view navigations.
PopupCloseEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the popup close action.
PopupOpenEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the popup open action.
RenderCellEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the rendering of all cells (work, time, resource, header, and more).
ResizeEventArgs An interface that holds options to control resize action on appointments.
ResourceDetails An interface that holds the details of a resource.
ScrollEventArgs An interface that holds options of virtual scroll action.
ScrollOptions An interface that holds options to control the scrolling action while performing drag and resizing action on appointments.
SelectEventArgs An interface that holds options to control the select action.
SortComparerFunction An interface that holds the custom sort comparer function.
TimezoneFields An interface that represents time zone and display text for scheduler.
Static Functions Root static functions of Schedule Component
CurrentAction An enum that holds the actions available in scheduler.
ExcelFormat An enum that holds the supported excel file formats.
HeaderRowType An enum that holds the header row type in the timeline scheduler.
NavigationDirection An enum that defines the possible directions for a date collection.
- Previous: Denotes the previous date collection.
- Next: Denotes the next date collection.
- Current: Denotes the current date collection.
Orientation An enum that holds the orientation modes of the scheduler.
PopupType An enum that holds the available popup types in the scheduler. They are
SpannedEventPlacement An enum that holds the options to render the spanned events in all day row or time slot.
TemplateType An enum that holds the type where the quick info template applies.
ToolbarName An enum that holds the options to define name of the toolbar items to access default toolbar items in the Scheduler.
View An enum that denotes the view mode of the Scheduler.
WeekRule An enum that holds the different type of week number options in the scheduler.