Name | Description |
RichTextEditor | Represents the Rich Text Editor component. |
IFrameSettings | Configures the iframe settings for the Rich Text Editor. |
Resources | Objects used to configure the properties of iframe resources. |
InlineMode | Configures the inlineMode settings for the Rich Text Editor (RTE). |
SlashMenuSettings | Configures the slash menu settings of the RichTextEditor. |
AudioSettings | Configures the audio settings of the RichTextEditor. |
BackgroundColor | Configures the background color settings of the RichTextEditor. |
BulletFormatList | Configures the settings for the bullet format list in the RichTextEditor. |
EmojiSettings | Specifies the emoji picker options in the RichTextEditor. |
ExportPdf | Configures the export settings for PDF format in the RichTextEditor. |
ExportWord | Configures the export settings for Word format in the RichTextEditor. |
FileManagerSettings | Configures the file manager settings of the RichTextEditor. |
FontColor | Configures the font color settings of the RichTextEditor. |
FontFamily | Configures the font family settings of the RichTextEditor. |
FontSize | Configures the font size settings of the RichTextEditor. |
Format | Configures the format settings of the RichTextEditor. |
FormatPainterSettings | Configures the format painter settings of the RichTextEditor. |
ImageSettings | Configures the image settings of the RichTextEditor. |
ImportWord | Configures the importWord settings of the RichTextEditor. |
NumberFormatList | Configures the settings for the number format list in the RichTextEditor. |
PasteCleanupSettings | Configures the paste cleanup settings of the RichTextEditor. |
QuickToolbarSettings | Configures the quick toolbar settings of the RichTextEditor. |
ToolbarSettings | Configures the toolbar settings of the RichTextEditor. |
VideoSettings | Configures the video settings of the RichTextEditor. |
DialogType | Enumerates the types of dialogs that can be opened or closed in the Rich Text Editor. |
ImageInputSource | Enumerates the sources for images to be inserted. |
ToolbarType | Enumerates the types of toolbars available. |
KeyboardEventArgs | KeyboardEvents |
ActionBeginEventArgs | Provides detailed information about an actionBegin event. |
ActionCompleteEventArgs | Provides detailed information about an ActionComplete event. |
AfterImageDeleteEventArgs | Provides detailed information about the AfterImageDeleteEvent event in the editor. |
AfterMediaDeleteEventArgs | Provides detailed information about the AfterMediaDeleteEvent event in the editor. |
BeforeQuickToolbarOpenArgs | Provides detailed information about the beforeQuickToolbarOpen event in the editor. |
BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs | Provides information about a BeforeSanitizeHtml event. |
BlurEventArgs | Provides specific information about a Blur event in the RichTextEditor. |
ChangeEventArgs | Provides detailed information about a change event in the RichTextEditor. |
DestroyedEventArgs | Provides specific details about a Destroyed event in the RichTextEditor. |
DialogCloseEventArgs | Provides information related to a DialogClose event in the RichTextEditor. |
DialogOpenEventArgs | Provides information regarding a DialogOpen event in the RichTextEditor. |
FocusEventArgs | Provides details about a Focus event in the RichTextEditor. |
IAudioCommandsArgs | Provides details about an audio element added to the Rich Text Editor. |
IFormatter | Provides information about a Formatter. |
IImageCommandsArgs | Represents the details of an image integrated into the Rich Text Editor. |
ILinkCommandsArgs | Provides details about a link added to the Rich Text Editor. |
ISlashMenuItem | Specifies the custom slash menu item configuration. |
ITableCommandsArgs | Provides details about a table added to the Rich Text Editor. |
IVideoCommandsArgs | Provides details about a video element added to the Rich Text Editor. |
ImageDropEventArgs | Provides information about the image drop event in a rich text editor. |
ImageFailedEventArgs | Provides detailed information about a failed Image upload event in the RichTextEditor. |
ImageSuccessEventArgs | Provides specific details about a successful Image upload event in the RichTextEditor. |
ImageUploadingEventArgs | Provides detailed information about an image uploading event. |
NotifyArgs | Provides information about a notification event in the rich text editor. |
PasteCleanupArgs | Provides information regarding content pasted in the RichTextEditor for cleanup operations. |
PrintEventArgs | Provides detailed information about a Print event in the Rich Text Editor (RTE). |
QuickToolbarEventArgs | Provides detailed information about the QuickToolbar event in the editor. |
ResizeArgs | Provides information about a Resize event. |
ResponseEventArgs | Provides information about a response received after an Image upload event in the RichTextEditor. |
SanitizeRemoveAttrs | Provides information about a SanitizeRemoveAttributes. |
SanitizeSelectors | Provides information about SanitizeSelectors. |
SlashMenuItemSelectArgs | Provides detailed information about a SlashMenuItemSelect event. |
ToolbarClickEventArgs | Provides information about a ToolbarClick event in the RichTextEditor. |
ToolbarStatusEventArgs | Provides detailed information about the updatedToolbarStatus event in the Rich Text Editor. |
Static Functions | Root static functions of RichTextEditor Component |
DisplayLayoutOptions | Specifies the layout options for displaying audio or video content. Options are Inline or Break. |
EditorMode | Specifies the modes available for rendering the Rich Text Editor. Options are either in HTML or Markdown format. |
EnterKey | Specifies the HTML tag used when the enter key is pressed. Options include P, DIV, or BR. |
SaveFormat | Specifies the formats available for saving images. Options include saving as Base64 or Blob. |
ShiftEnterKey | Specifies the HTML tag used when shift + enter keys are pressed. Options include P, DIV, or BR. |
ActionOnScroll | Defines the types of actions to perform on a quick toolbar scroll. |
SlashMenuItems | Lists the items available in the slash menu. |
ToolbarConfigItems | Specifies the configuration items available for the toolbar settings. |
ToolbarItems | Specifies the types of items that can be used in the toolbar. |
ColorModeType | Defines types to be used as colorMode for color selection in the RichTextEditor. |
CommandName | Defines types to be used as CommandName. The CommandName type encompasses various commands that can be applied within the rich text editor.Each command represents a specific formatting or editing action, such as applying text styles, inserting multimedia content, and handling text alignment or structure. |