CommandName API in JavaScript (ES5) RichTextEditor API control
Defines types to be used as CommandName.
- bold
- italic
- underline
- strikeThrough
- superscript
- subscript
- uppercase
- lowercase
- fontColor
- fontName
- fontSize
- backColor
- justifyCenter
- justifyFull
- justifyLeft
- justifyRight
- undo
- createLink
- formatBlock
- heading
- indent
- insertHTML
- insertOrderedList
- insertUnorderedList
- insertParagraph
- outdent
- redo
- removeFormat
- insertText
- insertImage
- insertAudio
- insertVideo
- insertHorizontalRule
- insertBrOnReturn
- insertCode
- insertTable
- editImage
- editLink
- applyFormatPainter
- copyFormatPainter
- escapeFormatPainter
- emojiPicker
- InlineCode
- importWord
Thank you for your feedback and comments.We will rectify this as soon as possible!