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Overview API in JavaScript (ES5) Range Navigator API control

Name Description
AnnotationBase Annotation module handles the annotation for chart and accumulation series.
LegendSettings Configures the legends in charts.
Animation Configures the animation behavior for chart series.
Border Configures the borders in the chart.
CenterLabel Options to customize the center label of the pie and doughnut chart.
ChartArea Configures the chart area.
Connector Defines the appearance of the connectors.
ContainerPadding Configures the chart legend container padding.
CornerRadius Column series rounded corner options.
DragSettings Configures the drag settings of series.
EmptyPointSettings Configures the empty Points of series
Font Configures the fonts in charts.
Indexes Specifies the indexes of the series and the point.
Location Configures the location for the legend.
Margin Configures the chart margins.
Offset Configures the marker position in the chart.
PeriodSelectorSettings Configures the period selector settings.
Periods Configures the button settings in period selector.
TooltipSettings Configures the tooltips in the chart.
titleBorder Configures the borders in the chart title.
titleSettings Configures the title settings in chart.
PeriodSelector Configures the period selector class.
ScrollBar Configures the scrollbar base.
ScrollElements Scrollbar elements renderer.
BaseTooltip Tooltip module is used to render the tooltip for series.
RangeNavigatorSeries Series class for the range navigator
StyleSettings Style settings
ThumbSettings Thumb settings
RangeNavigator Range Navigator
RangeSeries To render Chart series
RangeNavigatorAxis class for axis
RangeSlider Class for slider
RangeTooltip Tooltip module is used to render the tooltip for chart series.
DataPoint Data point
IAfterExportEventArgs Interface representing the arguments passed to an event that occurs after exporting data.
IChangedEventArgs Interface for changed events
ILabelRenderEventsArgs Interface for label render event
ILoadEventArgs interface for load event
IRangeBeforeResizeEventArgs Range Navigator Before Resize event arguments.
IRangeEventArgs Interface for range events
IRangeLoadedEventArgs interface for loaded event
Static Functions Root static functions of RangeNavigator Component
Alignment Defines the alignment. They are:
* Near - Align the element to the left.
* Center - Align the element to the center.
* Far - Align the element to the right.
ChartRangePadding Defines the range padding of axis. They are:
* Auto - Padding Normal is applied for orientation vertical axis and None is applied for orientation horizontal axis.
* None - Padding cannot be applied to the axis.
* Normal - Padding is applied to the axis based on the range calculation.
* Additional - Interval of the axis is added as padding to the minimum and maximum values of the range.
* Round - Axis range is rounded to the nearest possible value divided by the interval.
ChartTheme Defines theme of the chart. They are:
* Material - Render a chart with Material theme.
* Fabric - Render a chart with Fabric theme.
* Bootstrap - Render a chart with Bootstrap theme.
* HighContrastLight - Render a chart with HighcontrastLight theme.
* MaterialDark - Render a chart with MaterialDark theme.
* FabricDark - Render a chart with FabricDark theme.
* HighContrast - Render a chart with HighContrast theme.
* BootstrapDark - Render a chart with BootstrapDark theme.
* Bootstrap4 - Render a chart with Bootstrap4 theme.
* Tailwind - Render a chart with Tailwind theme.
* TailwindDark - Render a chart with TailwindDark theme.
* Bootstrap5 - Render a chart with Bootstrap5 theme.
* Bootstrap5Dark - Render a chart with Bootstrap5Dark theme.
* Fluent - Render a chart with Fluent theme.
* FluentDark - Render a chart with FluentDark theme.
* Fluent2 - Render a chart with Fluent2 theme.
* Fluent2Dark - Render a chart with Fluent2Dark theme.
* Material3 - Render a chart with Material3 theme.
* Material3Dark - Render a chart with Material3Dark theme.
EdgeLabelPlacement Defines the edge label placement for an axis. They are:
* None - No action will be perform.
* Hide - Edge label will be hidden.
* Shift - Shift the edge labels.
EmptyPointMode Defines the empty point mode of the chart. They are:
* Gap - Used to display empty points as space.
* Zero - Used to display empty points as zero.
* Drop - Used to ignore the empty point while rendering.
* Average - Used to display empty points as previous and next point average.
ExportType Defines the export file format. They are:
* PNG - Export the chart in PNG format.
* JPEG - Export the chart in JPEG format.
* SVG - Export the chart in SVG format.
* PDF - Export the chart in PDF format.
* XLSX - Export the chart data to XLSX.
* CSV - Export the chart to CSV.
* Print – Prints the chart.
FlagType Flag type for stock events.
HighlightMode Defines the selection mode. They are:
* None - Disable the selection.
* Series - To select a series.
* Point - To select a point.
* Cluster - To select a cluster of point.
IntervalType Defines the interval type of datetime axis. They are:
* Auto - Define the interval of the axis based on data.
* Years - Define the interval of the axis in years.
* Months - Define the interval of the axis in months.
* Days - Define the interval of the axis in days.
* Hours - Define the interval of the axis in hours.
* Minutes - Define the interval of the axis in minutes.
* Seconds - Define the interval of the axis in seconds.
LabelIntersectAction Defines the alignment. They are:
* None - Shows all the labels.
* Hide - Hide the label when it intersect.
* Trim - Trim the label when it intersect.
* Wrap - Wrap the label when it intersect.
* MultipleRows - Arrange the label in multiple row when it intersect.
* Rotate45 - Rotate the label to 45 degree when it intersect.
* Rotate90 - Rotate the label to 90 degree when it intersect.
LabelOverflow Specifies text overflow options when the text overflowing the container. They are:
* Ellipsis - Specifies an ellipsis (“…”) to the clipped text.
* clip - Specifies to break a word once it is too long to fit on a line by itself.
LabelPlacement Defines the label placement for category axis. They are:
* BetweenTicks - Render the label between the ticks.
* OnTicks - Render the label on the ticks.
LabelPosition Defines the label position. They are:
* Outer - Position the label outside the point.
* Top - Position the label on top of the point.
* Bottom - Position the label on bottom of the point.
* Middle - Position the label to middle of the point.
* Auto - Position the label based on series.
LegendPosition Defines the position of the legend. They are:
* Auto - Places the legend based on the area type.
* Top - Displays the legend on the top of the chart.
* Left - Displays the legend on the left of the chart.
* Bottom - Displays the legend on the bottom of the chart.
* Right - Displays the legend on the right of the chart.
* Custom - Displays the legend based on the given x and y value.
LegendShape Defines the shape of legend. They are:
* Circle - Renders a circle.
* Rectangle - Renders a rectangle.
* Triangle - Renders a triangle.
* Diamond - Renders a diamond.
* Cross - Renders a cross.
* HorizontalLine - Renders a horizontalLine.
* VerticalLine - Renders a verticalLine.
* Pentagon - Renders a pentagon.
* InvertedTriangle - Renders a invertedTriangle.
* SeriesType -Render a legend shape based on series type.
* Image - Renders a image.
LegendTitlePosition Defines the position of the legend title. They are:
* Top - Align the title to the top.
* Left - Align the title to the left.
* Right - Align the title to the right.
PeriodSelectorPosition Defines the position of the period selector. They are:
* Top: Places the period selector at the top.
* Bottom: Places the period selector at the bottom.
Position Defines the Position. They are:
* Top - Align the element to the top.
* Middle - Align the element to the center.
* Bottom - Align the element to the bottom.
RangeIntervalType Defines the interval type of datetime axis. They are:
* Auto - Define the interval of the axis based on data.
* Quarter - Define the interval of the axis based on data.
* Years - Define the interval of the axis in years.
* Months - Define the interval of the axis in months.
* Weeks - Define the interval of the axis in weeks
* Days - Define the interval of the axis in days.
* Hours - Define the interval of the axis in hours.
* Minutes - Define the interval of the axis in minutes.
Regions Defines regions of an annotation. They are:
* Chart - Specifies the chart coordinates.
* Series - Specifies the series coordinates.
SelectionMode Defines the selection mode. They are:
* None - Disable the selection.
* Series - To select a series.
* Point - To select a point.
* Cluster - To select a cluster of point
* DragXY - To select points, by dragging with respect to both horizontal and vertical axis
* DragX - To select points, by dragging with respect to horizontal axis.
* DragY - To select points, by dragging with respect to vertical axis.
* Lasso - To select points, by dragging with respect to free form.
SelectionPattern Highlighting or selecting patterns in chart. They are:
* None - Sets none as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Chessboard - Sets chess board as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Dots - Set dots as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* DiagonalForward - Sets diagonal forward as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Crosshatch -Sets crosshatch as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Pacman - Sets pacman highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Diagonalbackward - Set diagonal backward as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Grid - Set grid as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Turquoise - Sets turquoise as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Star - Sets star as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Triangle - Sets triangle as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Circle - Sets circle as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Tile - Sets tile as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Horizontaldash - Sets horizontal dash as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Verticaldash - Sets vertical dash as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Rectangle - Sets rectangle as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Box - Sets box as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Verticalstripe - Sets vertical stripe as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Horizontalstripe - Sets horizontal stripe as highlighting or selecting pattern.
* Bubble - Sets bubble as highlighting or selecting pattern.
ShapeType Defines the shape of the data in columns and bars. They are:
* Rectangle - Displays the data in a column and bar chart in a rectangle shape.
* Cylinder - Displays the data in a column and bar chart in a cylinder shape.
SkeletonType Defines the skeleton type for the axis. They are:
* Date - It formats date only.
* DateTime - It formats date and time.
* Time - It formats time only.
TextAlignment Defines the alignment of the line break axis labels. They are:
* Center - Align the label with center.
* Left - Align the label with left.
* Right - Align the label with right.
TextOverflow Defines the Text overflow. They are:
* None - Shown the chart title with overlap if exceed.
* Wrap - Shown the chart title with wrap if exceed.
* Trim - Shown the chart title with trim if exceed.
TextWrap Specifies text wrap options when the text overflowing the container. They are:
* Normal - Specifies to break words only at allowed break points.
* Wrap - Specifies to break a word once it is too long to fit on a line by itself.
* AnyWhere - Specifies to break a word at any point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line.
TitlePosition Defines the position of the title. They are:
* Top - Displays the title on the top of chart.
* Left - Displays the title on the left of chart.
* Bottom - Displays the title on the bottom of chart.
* Right - Displays the title on the right of chart.
* Custom - Displays the title based on given x and y value.
Units Defines coordinate units of an annotation. They are:
* Pixel - Specifies the pixel value.
* Point - Specifies the axis value.
ValueType Specifies the data types that the axis can handle. They are:
* Double: This type is used for rendering a numeric axis to accommodate numeric data.
* DateTime: This type is utilized for rendering a date-time axis to manage date-time data.
* Category: This type is employed for rendering a category axis to manage categorical data.
* Logarithmic: This type is applied for rendering a logarithmic axis to handle a wide range of values.
* DateTimeCategory: This type is used to render a date time category axis for managing business days.
NavigatorPlacement Defines the Label Placement for axis. They are
* betweenTicks - Render the label between the ticks.
* onTicks - Render the label on the ticks.
* auto - Render the label between or on the ticks based on data.
RangeLabelIntersectAction Defines the intersect action. They are
* none - Shows all the labels.
* hide - Hide the label when it intersect.