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Overview API in JavaScript (ES5) QueryBuilder API control

Name Description
Columns Defines the Columns of Query Builder
Rule Defines the rule of Query Builder
ShowButtons Defines the ruleDelete, groupInsert, and groupDelete options of Query Builder.
Value Defines the property for value.
ActionEventArgs Interface for action begin and action complete event args
ChangeEventArgs Interface for change event.
DragEventArgs Interface to define the DragEventArgs for dragging action of group and rules.
DropEventArgs Interface to define the DropEventArgs for dropping action of group and rules.
ParameterizedNamedSql Interface to define the parameterized named SQL query.
ParameterizedSql Interface to define the parameter SQL query.
RuleChangeEventArgs Interface for rule change event arguments.
TemplateColumn Creates the custom component of Query Builder
Validation Defines the validation of Query Builder.
DisplayMode Defines the display mode of the control.
FieldMode Defines the fieldMode of Dropdown control.
SortDirection Defines the sorting direction of the field names in a control.